Fated To Her

By Brianna170402

7.2K 412 50

Archer is the fraternal twin of Allison Argent. She's the younger twin by a minute. They lived a normal life... More

Shape Shifted part 1/3
Shape Shifted part 2/3


2K 108 15
By Brianna170402

Archie's POV:

    I lean down to the ground then push myself up with a small grunt. Right now I'm in my room doing push-ups while listening to music with my ear buds in. My mind starts to drift to the last two weeks.

  Jackson parks in front of the Hale house and I sigh heavily before we get out. "Thank you for giving me a ride here, Jackson," I tell him walking to the front of his car meeting him.

  He gives me a small smile, "to be honest I wasn't expecting you to come here after everything that happened with your aunt. Plus I was already on my way here." I nod slowly at him and we walk up the steps then slowly walked in the house.

  My Aunt is really not someone I should've looked up too. At first I thought she was the really cool aunt that did what she wanted but in reality she was kinda a sociopath.

   I can smell her blood in here and it's grossing me out. "Why are you here?" A deep voice asks making Jackson and I look around for him. Derek Hale. The new Alpha.

   "I-I helped you. I helped save you," Jackson announced in a shaky voice as he looks up when Derek walks into view at the top of the stairs. I look at Jackson in concern.

What the hell is he doing? "Okay, you got what you wanted. You got what you wanted. Now it's my turn to get what I want," Jackson strongly tells him and I want to facepalm so bad.

  God he's making a bad decision. Derek jumps off the top of the stairs and lands in front of us with his his eyes glowing red.

  "I'll get to you later," he roughly tells me before opening his mouth wide showing off his big set of fangs and tackled Jackson on the ground making me scream out.

Everything happened so fast that the next thing I know is Derek bit Jackson on his side before knocking him out.

He stands up to his full height and faces me with his eyes still glowing. "Now why would an Argent come here after everything? Do you have a death wish, hmm?" Derek taunts me making me clench my jaw.

"I don't have any other choice. I can't go to my parents because they will hate me and maybe even try to kill me. I uh, got bit," I tell him and lift my shirt showing him the bloody bandage that's on my side.

  His eyes squint at it and I let out a breath before taking off the bandage showing that the bit isn't there anymore. "Peter bit me before he died. And I feel drawn to you so I want to ask for you help in this. Please, help me. I need to learn how to control myself especially around my family. I-I don't want to die," I inform him emotionally with my eyes getting watery.

   Derek stares into my eyes and blinks away his red eyes before sighing roughly. "You're drawn to me because I'm an Alpha and your a beta. Beta's are always looking for an Alpha. They can't survive out there by themselves. If I agree to help you then you will have to accept that I'm your Alpha and you will become my beta. You will become stronger than you have ever been and I can teach you control," he tells me crossing his arms over his chest.

What other choice do I have? Scott isn't an Alpha and we can't even be near him so I don't have any other choice.

"I accept being your beta and you're my Alpha," I swallow nervously and I feel my eyes glow while his glow red as he smirks at me.

Suddenly I feel stronger and more energized. Derek  set his hand on my shoulder and leans down a little to be eye level with me. "I accept being your Alpha and your my beta now. Training starts tomorrow," is all he says before walking away towards Jackson.

   The scent of my mom floods my nose and I stop doing push-ups then look up seeing my mom standing at my doorway with her arms crossed.

I sit up on my knees panting slightly and pull my ear buds out. "Sorry mom. I didn't hear you come in," I tell her and stand up pausing my music on my phone.

  She gives me a smile and walks into my room. "It's okay. Um I picked up your outfit for the funeral tomorrow. Your father and I noticed you've been working out more. Is there a certain reason for that?" She softly questions as she takes a seat on my bed and set the clothes bag next to her.

  I shake my head with a small shrug. "Okay, thanks. And about the working out, uh I don't want to feel helpless anymore. That night at the school when the Alpha hunted us, I felt so helpless and scared like a little girl clinging to her older sister. I always worked out just now I'm working out more to get strong," I tell her the truth slightly because I did feel scared and stupid that night.

  But in reality Derek says working out helps him sometimes so he suggested for me do it as well so that's what I'm doing. So I guess it wasn't a complete lie to my mom.

    Mom frowns and pushes my sweaty hair out of my face before cupping it. "You are not helpless, honey. It's natural for anybody to be scared. Also you won't be helpless soon because your father is gonna start your training soon but we don't know when that is. I gotta go check on your sister. Don't forget to shower," she says and kisses her fingers before tapping them on my forehead making me chuckle and she smiles at me before leaving.

I reach over to my table and grab my small towel then wipe myself down while walking towards my bathroom where I had already set some clothes on the sink.

  Suddenly I hear a loud distinctly scream and I wince while looking out the window. That sounds like Lydia. I take a quick shower before putting on some shoes and grabbing my phone.

I open my window quietly before jumping out and land on my feet. Once I stuff my phone in my pocket, I take off running towards Derek where he moved to an underground train station.

He really needs to upgrade to an apartment or a house. Just something. But the dude likes to be mysterious.

I open the door and head downstairs where I find Derek putting on his coat. "I'm guessing you heard the scream as well," he comments and I nod watching as he grabs his keys.

  "It's Lydia. Are we going after her?" I question and Derek sighs while walking over towards me.

   "First we got to do something. Lydia will come looking for me since I'm an Alpha but for now let's go," he says walking pass me and up the stairs which I do without hesitation.

We head towards his car and got in then Derek drives off. "Recently I've been catching an unknown scent in town. It's an Omega. It's my job to see what it's doing here. And we're gonna go check on this Isaac boy," he informs me and I nod.

   "An Omega is a lone wolf right? One that doesn't have a pack," I question and he nods with a hum.

  "Yes. I see someone has been listening to my lessons. I'm glad you at least want to learn from me. Scott was stubborn and didn't want anything to do with me," Derek tells me as he turns a corner and parks on the side of the road.

We get out and he locks his car. "All Scott cared about was my sister and he learned by himself but I want to be able to defend myself and learn how to control my urges better," I spoke and pulled out my phone seeing I got a message from Allison.

  She wants to know where I am and that she, Scott, and Stiles are searching for Lydia since she's missing from the hospital. I texted her saying I went to the movie store to get a couple of movies to watch.

   "Allison, Scott and Stiles are out looking for Lydia since she left the hospital," I inform Derek who nods with a slight smile.

  "Of course they are. Come on," he remarks and gestures for me to follow him as he walks through the cemetery.

   We stick to the shadows as we smell Isaac and the Omega. A loud crash made us walk out seeing the Omega digging through a grave. Gross.

   It's a man fully shifted and he seems to sense us as he jumps out of the grave snarling at us making me half shift and roar stepping in front of Derek.

Derek chuckles and roars loudly making the man run away while whimpering loudly. I shift back when I know the man is fully gone and won't try to attack Derek.

  Derek pats my shoulder gently before moving to pick up the tractor before we walk towards the edge of the freshly digged grave seeing Isaac looking at us scared.

"Need a hand?" Derek asks making Isaac fall back with a shaky breath as he stares at us.


My leg bounces up and down as Allison drives us to school. "So you guys followed her scent all the way to the Hale house and you still couldn't find her?" I softly question looking at my sister.

She frowns sadly and nods. "Yeah, and not to mention dad was there with his friends. I thought for sure that he was gonna kill Scott but luckily he didn't. You missed all the action last night because you went to the movie store," she jokes with a laugh and I laugh nervously with her.

Yeah I missed it. She parks in the school parking lot and we get out holding our backpacks or well in Allison's case a purse. I also grab my canvas for my art assignment.

   We head towards the entrance of the school and on the way we pass a homeless guy. The same scent from last night fills my nose. The Omega. I glance back seeing him staring at me and my eyes flash golden before disappearing.

  So if I can smell him and he can smell me then that means Scott could probably figure out that I'm a werewolf too. Oh god.

"Hey I'm gonna go take this to Miss French so I don't have carry this all day before her class," I set my hand on Allison's arm stopping her briefly and gesture to the canvas.

"Okay I'll see you later," she smiles at me and walks away. I head to my art class and pull out my phone on the way.

I go through my contacts and click on Derek's then hold my phone to my ear. "Yes," he answers and I can hear him moving stuff around.

  "The Omega is at school digging through trash. What do you want me to do?" I inform him then ask just as I reach my classroom.

He clicks his tongue, "leave him be for now but I do need you to check on Jackson for me. I'm a little busy at the moment."

My jaw clenches in annoyance but I sigh and nod even though I know he can't see me. "Okay, I'll let you know later. I gotta go," I respond and hang up before knocking on the door then walked in.

  My teacher is bending over her desk writing something and she looks up when I walk fully in. "Hey, Archer. What can I do for you?" She softly questions standing up from her position.

I smile politely at her and hold up my canvas. "Uh this is for my assignment but it's too huge to fit in my locker. Is it okay if I leave it in here?" I ask and she nods with a smile.

  "Oh yeah! Go on ahead and put it here," she exclaims and points to a stand that's empty so I walk over and set it carefully on it.

"Thanks, Miss French. You're a life saver," I tell her in a grateful tone to which she waves me off with a friendly smile.

  "Oh don't mention it, Archer. If your assignment is as big as this then feel free to leave it in here," she says pushing up her glasses on her face and I give her a thankful smile before excusing myself.

   After a few classes, I walk out to use the restroom when I notice Jackson walking towards the boys locker room in a hurry while holding his nose. Why is it black?

   Derek said to check on him. I groan and follow him quickly after making sure no one saw me. I can smell his anxiety and fear as he breaths heavily in a stall.

  I knock it. "I'm fine, Danny. Just go back to class," he announces and I hear him throw more toilet paper in the toilet. Something is wrong with him so I knock again.

  "Just give me a second, okay," he snaps in a panicky tone and I've had enough so I break the lock and pull him out.

  Jackson stares at me in surprise. "Archie?" He breaths out and I look him over noticing how pale he is.

  "Are you okay? You're looking a little pale, Jackson," I softly question and he lets out a breathless chuckle.

  "Never better, Archie," he responds quickly, a little too quickly. So something is wrong.

  "If something's wrong, we need to go to Derek for help," I tell him making him gulp slightly and step back from me.

   "Nothings wrong. And frankly Derek doesn't exactly show outstanding leadership qualities so why would I go to him for help?" Jackson sarcastically says making me hold in a laugh because he's not wrong.

  Derek at first glance doesn't look like a leader but once you get to know him and listen to him, he has great leadership qualities.

   "Jackson, he gave you the bite so now he's your Alpha just like he is mine. You're with us because of it," I firmly tell him and he looks at me confused.

  "Wait...with Derek? Us with... Derek? What are we, his little pets? Just because he gave me the bite doesn't mean I'm part of his little wolf pack besides I've got my own agenda," he laughs sarcastically making my jaw clenched.

  "Is that so?" I chuckle stepping closer to him with my eyes narrowing making him nod.

"It doesn't involve running around the woods at night, howling at the moon with you, Derek, and McCall, okay? So why don't you tell Derek to back the—," I notice black blood running down his ear and I turn his head towards the mirror interrupting him.

Jackson gasps slightly as he looks at his ear. "What is it? What's happening?" He worriedly questions and I take a closer look then pull my phone out to take a picture before sending it to Derek with a its Jackson message.

"From what I learned from Derek, I believe your body is fighting the bite," I softly tell him getting a paper towel and wiped some off to show Derek later.

"Why?" He asks staring at himself in worry as his ears start bleeding more black now out of both ears.

"I don't know," I shake my head backing away from him and fold the napkin then put it in my pocket.

"What does it mean?" Jackson turns his head to look at me and I shake my head lost for words.

"What does it mean, Archie?!" He exclaims angrily before turning back to look at himself in the mirror and now his nose starts to bleed as well.

How do tell him that it means he is dying? I'll let Derek do that. But then again Derek says it takes affect fast.

I head back to class just as the bell rings and grab my bag then meet up with Allison at our lockers. I open my locker and pull out my funeral clothes that's in a bag.

I notice Allison smiling at a paper and I snort slightly. "Ah, young love," I tease getting a giggle from her and she pushes me slightly.

I chuckle and close my locker. "Nice dress," a guy tells her and I purse my lips as Allison smiles at him.

"Nice camera," she responds and I facepalm. Allison gives me an embarrassed smile and I snicker quietly.

"Not their sister, their aunt. The one who murdered all those people," we hear a girl try to speak quietly but if that's the definition of quiet then I don't want to hear the loud definition.

"You mean the crazy bitch who killed all those people?" Another girl questions with humor in her tone.

Allison looks down uncomfortable and I sigh heavily. "Yeah, the fire, all those animal attacks. It was their aunt," the first girl answers.

"Are you kidding? I sit to the brown eyed one in English," the second girl responds chuckling.

  "Find a new seat," the first one remarks and they both start laughing making me snap as Allison takes off down the hall with tears in her eyes.

  "Is that your way of whispering? Because everyone can here two bitches talking loudly with their obnoxious laughs. I'm pretty sure everyone knows what our aunt did but coincidentally when my twin and I are at our lockers, you girls start talking about it. Our aunt murdered a bunch of people, ha ha ha! Oh it's so funny isn't it?" I exclaim sarcastically laughing as I move closer to them and they blush embarrassed as everyone in the hall stops to stare at them.

"What, nothing to say now? If you can't speak about it to my face then don't even talk at all," I sneer angrily and clench my fist tightly as I feel my claws grow.

I leave to the restroom and make sure nobody is in there before hanging my clothes bag on a hook before looking down at my hands seeing my claws are out and they pierced my palms.

  Pain makes you human. Pain makes you human. Pain makes you human. I squeeze my hands closed feeling the pain of them digging into my palm.

   Pain makes you human. Pain makes you human. I open my eyes and look down seeing my claws went away then looked at myself in the mirror seeing I returned back to normal. Thank god.


Mom holds onto my arm as our whole family walks through a small mob of press who are shouting questions at us. "Hey, don't push her!" I yell at a guy who shoved my mom into me.

"Archie, it's fine. Come on," she says pulling me along with her as the Sheriff pushes the guy back while yelling at him.

"I knew this was a bad idea," dad spoke up with his arm wrapped around Allison as we walk towards the chairs.

"Well, it wasn't my idea," mom responds angrily and tightens her hold on my arm slightly.

"I tried telling him. But he insisted on making a point of it," dad tells her looking around and I glance at Allison who looks equally as confused.

"Well, if he insisted, then he can deal with this when he gets here," mom remarks looking back at the crowd.

"Who gets here?" Allison and I ask in sync looking at mom with confused looks.

"Just sit down, sweethearts," mom deflects our question and guides us over to the chairs so we can sit down.

Obviously me and Allison sit next to each other while holding hands. An older man hugs dad then moves on to mom and he kisses her cheeks softly before he turns to us. Who is he?

"Do you girls remember me?" He asks with a small smile and we shake our heads confused.

He chuckles softly, "considering I haven't seen you girls since you were three, I don't suppose I can assume you'd both cal me grandpa. So it's comfortable, call me Gerard for the time being. But I'd prefer grandpa." He winks at us before moving to sit on the last chair of the front row.

Allison and I look at each other before turning our heads slightly catching Scott staring at us with a smile behind a big tombstone and Allison smiles briefly at him.

Allison rubs her thumb over the back of my hand as she leans her head on my shoulder as we listen to the pastor speak.

We stay here listening to him for at least an hour or two before going home. Gerard followed us. So he's staying with us now?

I head to my room and change out of my funeral clothes to normal ones before receiving a text from Derek asking to meet him in the woods.

I jump out of my window again and start running towards the woods. Once there I catch Derek's scent and run after it.

He always has to make things hard but he says it's to teach me a lesson about catching scents. I go on all fours to get there quicker and stop in front of Derek with my eyes glowing as I look up at him.

"You're getting better," he comments and helps me up before raising a finger to his lips indicating to be quiet and I nod.

   I follow him towards a stream of water where I hear Scott yelling at the Omega. Suddenly I see the Omega get caught in a trap by his hands that pulls him up high hanging by a tree.

  Derek quietly tells me to stay out behind a tree and jumps forward grabbing Scott then drags him away from the lone wolf.

    "What are you doing? I can help him," Scott struggles against Derek who growls.

  "They're already here," he responds quickly tightening his hold on Scott who seems to finally notice me.

  "Archie?! What are you doing here?" He exclaims quietly still struggling against Derek who finally had enough and snaps at him.

  "Quiet!" He snaps harshly turning Scott's face back towards the lone wolf who's still hanging.

  "Archie, this is lesson about hunters so watch carefully," Derek tells me and pulls me closer so I can my dad, Gerard, and a few hunters walking closer to the wolf.

  I gulp nervously as my dad pulls out a long taser stick and uses it on the wolf who screams. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" He questions and the man whimpers.

  "Nothing. Nothing, I swear," the man answers still whimpering slightly.

  "You're not from here, are you? Are you?!" Dad yells at the man and I wince at that. I never heard dad speak like that before.

"No. No, I came- - I came looking for the Alpha. I heard he was here. That's all. Look, I didn't do anything. I didn't hurt anyone. No one living. He wasn't alive in the ambulance. He wasn't, I swear," the man hastily explains in a scared tone.

Gerard chuckles coldly and it sent shivers down my spine. "Gentlemen! Take a look at a rare sight. You wanna tell them what we've caught?" He exclaims with a cold smile.

"An Omega," dad announces making Gerard nod with a chuckle.

"The lone wolf! Possibly kicked out of his own pack. Or the survivor of a pack that was hunted down. Maybe even murdered. And possibly alone by his own choice. Certainly not a wise choice," he announced proudly and walks over to a rock.

I watch with scared eyes as Gerard pulls out a large sword. "What is he gonna do?" I quietly ask with a tremor in my tone.

  "Just watch," Derek softly tells me and I gulp as Gerard walks closer to the man with the sword raised.

"Because, as I am about to demonstrate...... An omega rarely survives.... On his own," he declares before swinging the sword making me gasp loudly that quickly is cut off by Derek covering my mouth with his hand.

My stomach turns as the man's half upper body hangs by the wire with his guts hanging out. "Look. Look. Look at them! You see what they do? This is why you need me, Scott. Why we need to stick together. The only way to fight them is together. All is us. I'm sorry, Archie but you needed to see what your family do to our kind," Derek hastily tells us removing his hand from my mouth.

Tears fall from my eyes as I stare at Gerard then to the body in a daze. "What are they doing?" Scott worriedly questions.

"Declaring war," Derek roughly answers and bile rises up in my throat that I quickly swallow with a disgusted face.

  "We have a code," I hear dad faintly tell Gerard as I'm trying my hardest to keep everything in my stomach from coming out.

  "Not when they murder my daughter. No code. Not anymore. From now on, these things are just bodies waiting to be cut in half. Are you listening? Because I don't care if they're wounded and weak. Or seemingly harmless... Begging for their life with the promise that they will never ever hurt anyone. Or some desperate, lost soul with no idea what they're getting into. We find them. We kill them. We kill them all," Gerard declares loudly getting cheers from his men while dad looks at him in concern.

  I lean heavily against Derek who looks down at me. "C-can we leave now? I'm gonna throw up," I moan quietly with tears falling down my face. How could dad just stand there and watch him?

  Is this what they expect Allison and me to do? Cut people in half? "Not yet but we will soon. We have to wait til they clear out of here. I'm sorry you had to see that, Archie," Derek whispers the last part in my ear and I nod while wiping my face.

  So am I. That's something I won't be able to get out of my head. The man being cut in half is gonna be forever in my mind now. It's sickening to think our 'grandpa' does these things.

Hope you enjoy
Sorry for any mistakes
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Peace out ✌🏼

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