Original Blood (HP/TVD)

By AlwayForever2021

4.7K 166 49

Voldemort wanted an Original's help in the War, but a young Lily Evans got him instead. Through the strings o... More

Chapter 1: Meeting Harry
Quick A/N

Chapter 2 - Explaining Everything

1.1K 49 18
By AlwayForever2021

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters.

Elijah Mikaelson had left the Dursley residence with his new nephew, barely holding onto his temper; and it was only for Harry's sake. When he and his nephew had gone to collect his personal belongings, Elijah was enraged to find out that his nephew has spent the past FIVE years living in the cupboard underneath the stairs. The humans were already dead, they just didn't know it yet. He would most definitely be seeing them again. Elijah and Harry chatted amicably throughout the relatively short ride to London. They would be spending a couple of days in Belgravia before moving to show Harry the world he has missed. However, despite all the excitement, Elijah was finding himself very nervous about telling exactly who and what he really was.

'How exactly does one tell a six-year-old boy that after a small reversal ritual he will become...or rather return to being and Original-Wizard hybrid?' Elijah thought to himself. Well, he would soon be finding out he supposed. Really, he thought it would work out all right. Besides, it's not as if anything can be done about it, and knowing his nephew, he thought Harry would take it rather well. He was certainly not the norm for what one would consider and abused child. Not that Elijah would forget that was what he was, as he was only six and had been treated horribly, but the boy had a fire about him. He suspected that in time, his nephew would be able to overcome anything and anyone. He would need that fire. Already, as Harry Potter, he had countless enemies. Elijah was certain that Henrik James Mikaelson would have quite a few as well. Their family always had many enemies. He could easily see their enemies attempting to harm the youngest Mikaelson. That is something Elijah would make sure that anyone foolish enough to dare attempt did not live to regret. No one and nothing would be allowed to harm Harry, Elijah would make sure of that.

There was one person however, who Elijah was very much in fear of his nephew meeting. Some would think that Elijah was referring to his father, Mikael. They would be incorrect about that assumption, as Elijah knew with some certainty that Mikael would not harm his grandson. If anything, he would be intrigued as to how he came to be, but he wouldn't seek to harm his own blood. Niklaus however, was another matter entirely. Elijah could in no way predict how he would react to his young nephew, and no matter how is ended it most likely wouldn't be favorable. Especially after the realization that he was no longer the only hybrid alive. If the witches were right, then Harry would be considerably more invulnerable that Klaus. For one, he was in no way bound from his original lineage. Not only that, but the witches also thought it to be very likely that Harry would have absolutely no invulnerability to White Oak. Of course, that alone would already be bound to unnerve Klaus, never mind the fact that Harry was already a powerful magical on top of the rest. All of his siblings lived in fear of angering Klaus too much, and either way would often be finding themselves with a dagger in their heart and back in their coffins. Harry, however, could not be daggered, likely due to the fact that he was immune to White Oak. Essentially, Niklaus would have nothing to threaten him with and on top of that there would finally be a member of their family who would always be able to remove the daggers from their siblings regardless of what Niklaus wanted. Their family had the potential to be more united and whole than it had been since they were human, and Elijah was determined to see it happen.

Harry looked around wide-eyed as they walked into Elijah's townhouse in London's Belgravia district. The house was tasteful and imposing in an understated manner typical to the late Georgian and Regency period (which is actually when Elijah bought the house). Of course, he kept it in tip top shape, adapting it to modern style of building but with the same feel of the Georgian and Regency period (he didn't need the house breaking down nor falling apart now, did he?). The house itself was filled with all manner of art and pieces collected over the centuries by the thousand-year-old Original Vampire. Elijah led Harry to a comfortably appointed sitting room and after getting situated, a maid brought in tea and biscuits for the two. He gave the boy some time to settle in and munch on the biscuits for a moment.

"Harry, there are some things I need to discuss with you about both you and our family as a whole. Now, some of these things might prove rather shocking, or even scary; but they are things you must know of. I'm not sure exactly how to even begin to discuss this..." Elijah wandered off track for a moment as he racked his brain for the best way to begin.

"Have you ever had any odd cravings before, or wanted something cooked a certain way?" Elijah asked Harry.

Harry's eyes had widened exponentially at that. It was actually quite comical looking; reminding Elijah of exactly how young his nephew truly was.

Instead of answering the question, his sly nephew returned with a question of his own.

"Do you every have any...different cravings?" Harry asked.

Elijah just smirked at his. "Yes," he replied.

"Okay... I always would like my meat as rare as I can have it. Sometimes, I don't know how to explain this, but blood...well, it always smells good to me," Harry said as he whispered the last part.

This was just the opening Elijah had been hoping for.

"I understand. I always have the same type of cravings. Your father did too." Elijah told his nephew.

Harry was silent for a bit as he began putting the pieces together in his mind.

"Are we... werewolves or vampires or something?" Harry asked quietly.

'He is very sharp indeed,' thought Elijah.

"It would explain the strength and speed," Harry said.

"Yes Harry. Both your father and I are a part of a supernatural species known as the Original Vampires. The two of us, along with our siblings, are the first vampires ever created and for that, we are known as the 'Original Family' by many. As the son of my brother, you are a part of that family as well," Elijah explained

Elijah watched as his nephew absorbed his words. It astonished Elijah to note that Harry was not overly shocked by his revelation. The boy certainly handled the bizarre rather well.

"Does this mean I'm a vampire as well?" Harry asked.

"Yes, you are. At least you will be once the binding that was placed on you as a baby is removed. You see Harry, you are so much more than just a vampire. When the binding on you is released, you will come in to your power as an Original Vampire. We are stronger, and faster than normal vampires. The sun cannot kill us, and we have the power to even compel other vampires. You are even more special though. You see, your mother was an extraordinary woman. Do you believe in magic Harry?" Elijah asked.

"Yes, I'd be stupid not too. Besides, some of the things I have done before can't be explained away as anything other than magic," Harry told him without any hesitation.

"The Dursley's favorite saying was 'There is no such thing as magic.' That alone was enough of a reason for me to believe it was real if they were so adamant that it wasn't," he said in a way of explanation.

"Well, you are right. Magic is very much real. There are two main types of magic users. One kind, known as the Wiccan's, or servants of nature. They draw their magic from the very nature of earth itself. Most of these types answer to their ancestors, who have already passed on. They also have a large amount of ritual type magic. My mother, known as the 'Original Witch' by history. She was the one who turned us into vampires in the first place as a way to protect us. Your father also possessed this type of magic when he was human, but he lost it when our mother turned us. You, as his son, have some of that branch of magic," explained Elijah in what Harry would later come to call his uncle's 'professor voice.'

"There is another branch of magic that is completely unrelated to the first. This is the magic of the Wizarding World. Their powers allow them to do just about anything you can imagine using a wand, their main tool to harness their magic. They have an entire hidden society which includes towns, schools and even governments; all hidden away from the normal world. This is the magic of the wizards and witches. Living alongside them are goblins, house-elves, centaurs, fairies, dragons and just about any sort of mythical creature you can imagine. This is the world your mother is from. You see, Harry, she was adopted. The muggles, or the people with no magic she was raised by were not her biological parents. From what I have determined, she was kidnapped and your biological grandparents were told that their daughter was stillborn. Stillborn means that she was born dead. She was from a very ancient family. Her father was a man named Marius Black and her mother Drusilla Potter. The Potter family was originally known as the Peverell family. They had received their magic from the union with a High Elf, and for centuries afterwards, until they disappeared, they continued to intermarry with High Elves. Centuries later, that old blood would reappear and give a modern family member, all of the powers and appearance of a high elf. This happening became extremely rare the further time went on. No matter how rare it had become it somehow managed to appear at the birth of your mother and was most likely the reason for her kidnapping. Your mother Lily had all of the abilities of the High Elves, including their ability to have a magical mate. Your father, Kol, was her mate and everything combined to allow for your birth. You are the first ever Original Vampire-Wizard Hybrid," Elijah finished his rather complicated explanation.

Harry was quiet for several minutes absorbing everything his uncle had told him. As strange as it seemed, it all made bizarre sense to Harry. It certainly explained all of the many strange things about himself he had always wondered about.

"I understand Uncle. When can we get rid of the binding? I want to feel like my true self. Also, if my father was an original, how did he die?" asked Harry. 

"We can get the binding off here in a few minutes if that is your wish. I have a wiccan witch who can take care of it, along with the goblin who will be in charge of your accounts. As to your father, well, it is rather complicated. I'll do my best to explain. You see, there is only one way to kill an Original. We must be staked in the heart with wood of an ancient White Oak tree. As our family made sure to burn that tree, there is no longer a way to do that. However, if a silver dagger is dipped in the ashes of said tree, then we can be temporarily killed. We are completely immobilized, and for all intents and purposes, dead. My brother Niklaus is the third oldest of us brothers. Our little sister is named Rebekah. I am the second oldest. First is Finn, then me, followed by Niklaus, Kol (your father), Rebekah, and our youngest brother was your namesake: Henrik. Henrik died when we were still human by werewolves and that led us to being turned into vampires by our parents. Niklaus however was soon discovered to not come from our father's bloodline. It was revealed that our mother had an affair with a werewolf many years ago. When Niklaus killed someone for the first time, it activated the werewolf curse. He became a hybrid, half-Original vampire, half-werewolf...and more dangerous than both. You see, when a werewolf is wounded by silver, it heals. Therefore, the daggers were useless against him, just as they would be useless against you. However, before she was killed, our mother performed a ritual the bound his werewolf side. This was a very different binding than the infant one placed on you as a baby. Niklaus has spent the last thousand years completely obsessed with breaking his curse. His obsession has turned him into perhaps the most feared man on the face of the earth. There is virtually nothing left of the brother I once knew and loved. He is power-hungry to an extreme degree, and tries to control everyone and everything, including his family. He appointed himself as head of our family, even though I am the second oldest. He expects absolute obedience from me. Anytime we disagreed, we would find ourselves with a dagger in our hearts and inside a coffin until he decides to grant us our freedom. Your father did not get along that well with Klaus because he was so controlling, and no one controls Kol Mikaelson. Before you were born, Niklaus found your father and managed to dagger him, and put him back in a box. He's had your Uncle Finn daggered for near on nine hundred years, and your Aunt Rebekah since 1922. He can't find me, and we'll always have to be on the look-out and be careful. He can't dagger you, and I have no idea what he might try when he learns he will have no control over you whatsoever. He can dagger me though, which is why until you are older and can protect yourself better, we will just have to be wary," Elijah finished explaining to his nephew.

Harry absorbed everything he had been told. His father was alive, and essentially being held hostage by his bastard uncle. He might not have known much, but he did know one thing. He would make Niklaus pay for being the reason he grew up without any parents. Yes, he might not know it; but dear Uncle Niklaus had made a very dangerous enemy on this day.

"I understand Uncle. I think we need to get this binding gone. Let's go ahead and do it now," Harry stated emphatically.

Elijah thought his nephew was right. It was time to undo the binding. As he left the room to inform Estelle they were ready, Elijah wondered about his nephew. He may only be six years of age, but his level of understanding and his vocabulary were unheard of. It had to be a result of his vampiric mind. There was simply no other explanation possible. He did not fail to note the look his nephew bore during his tale of Klaus and how their siblings were daggered. There was a look of absolute fury on his young face the promised retaliation and retribution to Niklaus for the damage he had caused to his family. Klaus may have finally gained an enemy he had no hope of besting. That was all the more reason for Elijah to make sure his nephew was safe and happy, and more importantly, hidden from Niklaus. Around an hour later, Estelle Beaumont and Narfang of the Goblin Nation were both being introduced to Harry. Narfang was here to remove a specifically placed goblin-bind that had been placed on Harry with his mother's help. That particular bind was what masked Harry and exactly what he was even from the 'great' Albus Dumbledore and the like. No test or scan they ever ran on Harry would ever show anything other than a normal human wizard.

"Harry, I'd like to introduce you to Madame Estelle de Beaumont, and Narfang of the Goblin Nation. Estelle, Narfang, this is my nephew Henrik James Mikaelson," Elijah said by way of introduction.

"Nice to meet you both," Harry replied.

Narfang merely nodded in greeting, and Estelle smiled at the young boy.

"Now, Young Master Mikaelson; if you would come and lie down in this circle, we will begin the unbinding," Estelle instructed.

Harry looked somewhat nervous, but complied, nonetheless.

Elijah had come to realize that his brother's late wife had been truly brilliant. Lily had ensured that neither Harry, nor the ritual binding him could be altered by any wizarding means. Only a servant of nature could release it. Also, once the binding was gone, it could never be replaced. It would be impossible to ever make the boy vulnerable again.

When Harry was on his back in the middle of the circle that had been drawn onto the wooden floor, Estelle lit the candles and the herbs that were required.

"Just relax Harry. It will be over shortly, and you shall truly be ready to start our new life," Elijah told his nephew with a smile on his face.

The chanting began. Quietly at first, then gaining in strength.

"Phastmatos Salves Nas Ex Malon, Terra Mora Vantis Quo Incandis..."

The chanting grew louder as it built into a crescendo, that was when the goblin began chanting in his own harsh, guttural tones. Lights began flickering throughout the house as objects began to rattle in place. Golden light began to be emitted from young Harry's body that grew brighter by the moment.

"Terra Mora Vantis Quo Incandis..."

As the light began to reach a blinding point that even Elijah could no longer see through; he heard his nephew, who had been quiet throughout the entire ritual, emit a terrifying scream. Elijah immediately began to force his way towards the little boy, but there was an invisible force preventing him from getting any closer.

Suddenly, a fierce gust of wind blew through the whole room, blowing out every candle from within. Just as suddenly as it started, everything stopped. No lights were flickering, the wind stopped, and every object in the room was as still as a statue.

Down on the floor, Harry sat up with an abrupt gasp, taking in a deep gulp of air.

Elijah looked at his nephew in shock. Apparently there had been a minor glamour on the child. His hair had not only lengthened, but it lightened as well. He now had shoulder length, golden brown hair, with many gold and auburn highlights within when the light hit it. His ears were slightly more pointed, Elijah saw. Elijah froze as he watched his nephew's ears sharpened at the point like an elf, and then reverted back to those of a normal human. He observed them change several times before they finally settled on the look of the average ear. If Elijah had to guess, he would say that his mother had passed on at least some of his elven characteristics, and Harry had the ability to mask his appearance at will.

Elijah noticed his little nephew's lips had changed. Before, they had been almost identical to what Elijah knew Kol's looked like. What he saw now though was very similar to the pictures he had found of the boy's mother Lily. They were considerably fuller. His skin also lightened with the release of his vampiric genes, though his skin still possessed a rosy glow. The changes were subtle but noticeable. Still, no one would ever mistake his as anything other than the son of Kol Mikaelson. He had just a bit of the allure of the High Elves.

He watched in amusement as his nephew removed his old glasses, and as his new eyes adjusted to the perfect vision of an Original, they widened exponentially, taking in all the sights around him. His head turned at the slightest noise as only a vampire would. In a quiet voice, Elijah decided to speak first.

"Harry, how do you feel?"

"I feel great Uncle. Everything is so different! I can see Uncle! I can see everything!" Harry exclaimed.

Elijah chuckled at his nephew's enthusiasm.

"Yes, it can be quite overwhelming. Tell me, do you feel thirsty at all?" Elijah asked.

This was the one part he was unsure of. He did not know if his nephew would have the normal vampiric thirst, or if because of his age and magic it would be different.

"Yes, I am a little thirsty...I think," Harry replied tentatively.

Estelle re-entered the room then with a cup of what Elijah knew to be human blood. They would just have to see how he handled it.

Harry took the cup from Estelle and stared at it curiously for a long moment. The mere fact that he didn't automatically drain the cup and then move to drain Estelle was an encouraging sign.

Slowly, Harry began to take a few measured sips. He then paused as if to process what it tasted like. He must've liked the taste as Elijah soon saw his nephew's 'vampire face' for the first time. Oddly enough, Harry appeared to experience no pain as his vampiric fangs elongated for the first time. He slowly drank the cup until it was empty, and then calmly ser it on the table in front of him. After a brief moment, his fangs and the veins around his green eyes receded completely, and he was his new self again.

"What was it like for you?" Elijah asked him.

"Strange... I mean it tasted amazing and all, but I think I was expecting something more. I don't know how to explain it. I guess I was just expecting there to be some sort of mad craving of the stuff. Don't get me wrong it was great. I suppose I was just expecting this all-consuming hunger," Harry explained.

"That would most likely be due to your magic, young sir. As far as blood is concerned, I do not think you will ever experience any of the traditional blood lust unless you are very ill or injured. You will of course still require blood, I just don't think it will ever be to the same extent of a normal vampire, even one with centuries of control," Estelle told them.

Elijah was immensely relieved about that. He had no idea what he would do with a blood-crazed newborn vampire that looked like a six-year-old, that would have been bound to cause attention.

"Excellent. Over the next few days, and when we get settled into the house, I thought we could stay at, I will help you out with learning to master all of your abilities Harry. Tomorrow, we will go shopping for a new wardrobe, and then we'll move to the house I picked out and get you settled in. How does that sound?" he asked Harry.

"Sounds great to me Uncle. Where are we moving to anyway?" questioned Harry.

"How does Paris sound?" Elijah inquired.

"Cool!" Harry said enthusiastically.

"Good. Now why don't you go with Estelle while I discuss some things with Narfang?" Elijah directed.

"Okay Uncle. It was nice to meet you Mr. Narfang." Harry said smiling at the goblin as Estelle took his hand and began to lead him out of the drawing room.

"You as well young Mr. Mikaelson," the goblin told his nephew.

Once they were all alone, he began finalizing things with Harry's account manager.

"Thank you Narfang, for helping me arrange all of this for my nephew," Elijah told the goblin banker.

"It was no problem at all Mr. Mikaelson. It has brought me great pleasure to remove your nephew from being a pawn to the arrogance of the British Wizarding world," Narfang replied.

"After the audits, what is the balance in my nephew's accounts with your bank?" Elijah inquired.

"At present, young Harry has assets in gold in excess of five billion US dollars. All of that has been moved into our subsidiaries. Mainly with Rothschild's. Most of it is registered under accounts in Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Luxemburg, and Grand Cayman. He is also the heir of the Black estate. Most think the Head of House is Artucus Black, who is still alive, but he ceded control to his Orion Black in 1972. Upon Orion's death, it fell to his son Sirius III. He is your nephew's godfather and is currently incarcerated in Azkaban. As he never received a trial, he remains Head of the family. Upon the five-year mark of his unlawful stay in Azkaban, the headship of his family passed to his godson as the family status prevents it from being vacant for longer than five years. Almost everyone believes that Draco Malfoy, the son of Lady Narcissa Malfoy nee Black and Death Eater Lucius Malfoy, would inherit the family. However, Sirius had designated the young Mikaelson as his heir. Normally this wouldn't matter, however since your nephew is a blood relative, the family allows it as he is biologically the son of a Black, Marius Black to be exact." Narfang explained.

Elijah had read all about the Black's as well as Sirius Black, so he had a few questions.

"You don't believe Black to be guilty of betrayal, do you?" Elijah asked the goblin.

"No. We of the goblin nation KNOW he is not guilty, well at least of the betrayal of Lily and James Potter. We have the will, and it specifically states who the secret keeper of the Fidelius charm is, and it wasn't Black. Whether he did the rest is unknown, but doubtful." Narfang stated.

"Could you release that part of the will on my authority as Harry's magical guardian, and demand an investigation? Or at least make the information public so the British Ministry is questioned?" Elijah inquired.

"You would like the goblin nation to show that the British Ministry of Magic has held someone in prison without a trial for nearly six years and thoroughly humiliate them by demanding investigations?" Narfang asked Elijah with a disturbing grin showing his sharp teeth.

Elijah paused, as if thinking about his next words wisely, though he already knew his answer.

"Yes, yes I do believe I would," Elijah replied.

"With absolute pleasure, Mr. Mikaelson," said the goblin.

"Now, the other members of the Black family, especially the former head, have personal accounts that no longer rely on the family vault, correct?" Elijah asked.

"Yes, each member was given a lump sum and the draw an income from the interest. They were also given property. The former head was very clear on all that and about his own settlement before he retired." Narfang explained.

"Alright, set up something similar to what the former head received for Sirius Black III, but make sure it is untouchable by both the magical and muggle governments. After that has been done, what is my nephew's portion left of the main Black estate?" Elijah inquired.

"That would be close to about two billion US dollars. Do you wish to make the same arrangements you made for his other accounts?" Narfang asked.

"Yes, I do. So that totals around seven billion for my nephew to work with. He should be well set. Now, were you able to find if he had any other relatively close family from his mother's true lineage?" Elijah inquired curiously.

"Yes, I was.... Here it is" Narfang said as he shifted through his papers and found the documents he was searching for.

Elijah silently read over the results of his search.

"Well, it makes sense. As her parents were forty-three when she was born, they had another child early in their marriage. She was a squib who moved to...well this is interesting. She is dead now but moved to the same town as my own family when we came to the New World, more commonly known now as Mystic Falls. She married a man by the name of Richard Sommers and had two daughters, Miranda and Jenna, who is still rather young. This Miranda has and adoptive daughter, Elena, and a son by blood, Jeremy. Both are also about Harry's age. Miranda would be Harry's first cousin and Jeremy his first cousin once removed. I would eventually like to raise my nephew in America. Perhaps somewhere familiar where he could have other blood kin would be the right place for that."

"Were you able to do more scans on him after the ritual?" Elijah asked the goblin.

"Yes, I was. The scream you heard at the end was not only from the unbinding. I'm not sure if you noticed, but Mr. Mikaelson's scar completely disappeared. It was from something wand-wielding wizards call horcruxes. It is essentially a very crude and dangerous method to gaining a form of immortality. The wizard splits his soul by murdering an innocent and storing it into an object. I believe, however, this one may have been unintentional. When the Dark Lord's body was destroyed, the soul shard moved to inhabit the one living thing left in the room. When I return to Gringotts, I shall make sure to have all vaults that are in any way related to Voldemort searched. The bank could definitely be one place he would have considered hiding the rest of them for safe keeping," Narfang explained to a decidedly disgusted Elijah who could hardly believe someone would dare to alter their soul in such a way.

"Were you able to discover anything else?" Elijah inquired.

"Yes, according to my scans, your nephew will continue growing normally until he reaches adulthood. At the moment, he was the strength of a vampire at the very least of five hundred years of age. This will continue to grow as he ages as well. Since he inherited around half of the powers and attributes of a High Elf, he will naturally be stronger than any other vampire, including an Original. For instance, imagine that a human is turned and already has the super human strength beforehand. They would be eventually far stronger than your hybrid half-brother. Also, the wiccans were right. Your nephew has immunity to White Oak. It is no different to him that any other wood. His magic, it seems, has purified the side effects of the Original immortality spells," Narfang finished.

"Alright, thank you Narfang. I truly appreciate all that you have done for myself and my nephew. I will help the Goblin nation in any way possible if I am able to help, should you need any aid from me," Elijah promised the goblin.

"You are most welcome. The Goblin nation is pleased to be in alliance with the eldest Original Brother," Narfang said with a bow as he collected his documents and placed them back in his briefcase. After a brief handshake, the goblin left the room leaving Elijah alone in his thoughts. 

The next day dawned bright and clear, a rather unusual happening for London. Elijah and Harry were visiting numerous high-end shops in London. After visiting several smaller stores and being measured and fitted for various outfits and suits, they were exploring the vast expanses of Harrod's London. It had amused Elijah to no end that harry very much desired his own little suits in order to who he spontaneously began to call Uncle Eli. The sales clerks were positively cooing at the cuteness of his little nephew who was now sporting a suit matching Elijah himself.

Besides his nephew needing an entirely new high-end wardrobe, Elijah was also making sure that Harry acquired plenty of toys for the child that had never been allowed to play. No matter how mature Harry was for his age, he was still only six-years-old. Elijah was determined that his nephew had an experienced the happiness that came from a childhood under the charge of someone who truly cared for him and his interests. If Harry showed even the slightest interest in something, Elijah made sure he got it despite Harry's protests that he didn't need anything else.

Elijah had also been observing him throughout the day, making sure he was able to adjust to his new abilities. Harry seemed to instinctively be able to adjust to his new strength, something that was difficult for even experienced vampires. His new found speed on the other hand, was something else entirely. He was phenomenally fast, faster than a great deal of vampires. Elijah had been forced to compel at least a dozen humans who had witnessed his nephew's sudden bursts of speed as he dashed about the department store and the next. By the end of the day, both Harry and Elijah were exhausted, and being two Original Vampires, that was saying something. As Elijah checked in on his nephew before retiring for the night, he saw Harry sound asleep clutching one of his new stuffed animals, a large black dog he called Padfoot, oddly enough.

Elijah was extremely glad he had investigated the witches supposedly impossible claim that he had a nephew. For the first time in over a thousand years, Elijah began to feel something he had never thought to experience, the love of a parent for their child. Tomorrow, Harry and he would be moving to France. He had a mansion in the Marais district as well as an estate about an hour and a half outside of Paris where he would hopefully be spending the next couple of years at. He had arranged for a variety of tutors to help with his nephew's education, and he finally found a French witch he thought he could trust to begin teaching Harry about the Wizarding magic and culture. He was rather nervous though; they would have to be living with the utmost caution. He could take no chances that Niklaus could find them. Until Harry was strong enough to stand on his own, his brother would never be allowed near him. He would not, could not, allow his megalomaniac bastard brother the chance to harm their nephew the way he ruined the rest of their family. Elijah would kill him first. This he swore on his life. From now on, he would protect the rest of his family as was his duty as the eldest child. No longer would he be making excuses for Klaus or cater to his never-ending delusions. His half-brother was nothing more than a spoiled and depraved child. Even after a thousand years, he had still failed to grow up and become a man. Had Mikael been too harsh on him? Certainly, but did that give him the right to destroy the rest of them? Absolutely not. For the little boy sleeping upstairs, Elijah would become the man he should have always been. He would free his siblings and ensure they no longer live in perpetual fear of being daggered. Elijah swore that the little boy upstairs would know his family, and he would know love- the rest of the world be damned.

A/N: Heyyy lovelies!! I'm so sorry that my updates have been taking a while. I am currently entering my senior year in a dual enrollment program meaning I still have class...at least until the end of July. I am also struggling with my mental health and I know that's not really an excuse but I'm trying to get through my day doing all my tasks. The next update will be next week Friday, from what I am planning and hopefully that's how the schedule will be. I can't wait to see where the rest of this story goes and please leave comments of different ideas... I might just include them in the story.

See you guys next chapter!! <3

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