Oh, Fuzz Buckets

By Kittycatyellow

22.9K 487 1.2K

You're a wizard. Your names y/n l/n, and you are exactly-wait....multiply five...carry the two...? 918 years... More

How it began
Old days Camelot
Magic or pride
True power
A/n IMPORTANT! If you like this story that is
Camelot under attack
War pt one
War pt 2
Wizard tech
Important for the rule of comedy~
Dragons den
Unwanted magic
Not important, but appreciated if read.
The other side of me
Two y/n's?
It Ends Now
Oh, Fuzz Buckets
Really, really important note! About Rott!
The sequel.
I have a question.
Hisirdoux Casperans zodiac sign.

Fixing Excalibur

1.2K 28 68
By Kittycatyellow

Here ya go! Enjoy! And thanks for the hundred views!

(Y/n POV)

After a while of sleeping, we finally got up and dressed. After we were done, we walked out of the room and into the our common room, or something, where Claire greets me with a.

Claire:" Y/N! How are you?"

She asks taking my hands In hers as Steve stands next to her, also looking concerned.

Y/n:" I'm doing...ok"

She nods and so does he.

Claire:" by the way, Arthur is a down about mopey pants and we need you to talk to him"

I stare at her surprised and confused.

Y/n:" why me?"

Hisirdoux:" it appears, after the way you talked to him, you earned his respect for life. Your the only one that can make him take responsibility"

I look at  him with pleading eyes.

Y/n:" do I have too?"

He nods, and so does Claire and Steve.

I groan letting me head fall down, before picking it up and walking out with the others.

Once we got into the throne room, I see Merlin picking up a goblet. While Arthur looks down.

Arthur:" my sword, shattered, just like my kingdom"

Merlin:" I will worry about Excalibur, you worry about the people of Camelot"

Arthur rolls his eyes, and I roll mine at his childish behavior.

I walk into the vision of Arthur, and he stands up for me when I walk in.

Y/n:" do you always stand up now for whenever I walk in?"

Arthur:" yes"

I roll my eyes and continue walk in, getting closer to him.

Y/n:" so, I hear you refuse to do what is necessary,. Do we need to repeat what happened yesterday?"

Arthur sighs and says.

Arthur:" I cannot face the people of Camelot, not yet, I need time"

I roll my eyes walking up closer to him again.

Y/n:" yeah, well, hate to break it to ya, but we don't have time! Your getting up, now! End of discussion! Have I made myself clear?"

Everyone stares at me in surprise and so does Arthur, he looks down but slowly nods as he looks up again.

I nod in understanding and walk back into my chamber. I realized that what I was wearing was stupid for what we have planned today.

We're fixing Excalibur, and wearing a knee-high dress doesn't work, why the hell did I change into that anyway!? Oh, right, I just wanted to throw something over me. He he.

I decided to go simple.

Walking out of my chamber, I walk around Camelot and surprisingly....I felt...numb?

I didn't feel anything, I felt nothing?! Why did I feel nothing inside?!

After walking into Merlin's chamber.

Hisirdoux:" Excalibur is shattered and Morgan's is...is-"

Y/n:" don't say it"

I say catching attention as I walk in.

Hisirdoux:" this never was supposed to happen"

He says throwing his arms down as Archie says.

Archibald:" you did what you thought was right"

Hisirdoux:" and look where that got us. History's absolutely botched. I've led us astray"

While he goes on complaining and walking off, Claire starts.

Claire:" Morgana tried to help me save Jim, but all I saw was anger and darkness. We share the same magic. What does that say about me?"

Y/n:" trust me, I know how you feel"

I say standing next to her, she looks at me and then looks down mumbling.

Claire:" sorry... I know this is hard for you right now"

She says placing a hand on my shoulder, I shrug her shoulder off and say.

Y/n:" it's fine! Really, I'm fine...I'm just, worried how we're going to fix this"

Everyone stops what their doing and look at me worried, Douxie, most of all.

Claire:" are you sure?"

Y/n:" yes-"

I was cut off by hearing sniffles and small cries. I turn around and see Steve crying.

Claire:" aw, Steve. It's ok to cry. It was a big loss"

He starts full on crying on her shoulder after she said that, but I had a feeling that he didn't have the same reasons as us.

Steve:" its just, the other knights think I'm lame! They laughed at me. Said I hadn't proved my worth as a knight. And Galahad called me weenie"

'there it is'

Claire looks irritated that he was crying about that.

Claire:"ugh! That doesn't sound like a real problem, Steve"

Just then, the doors burst open revealing a Merlin with the shattered pieces of Excalibur.

Merlin:" Camelot is in chaos and Arthur is without his blessed weapon to defend it"

He says while past-Douxie and past-Y/n stumble in.

Claire:" see? That's a real problem"

Steve gets up, while I help past-Douxie get up.

Steve:" what's the big deal? Can't he just buy a new one?"

Merlin:" without Excalibur, Arthur cannot lead Camelot to war against Gunmar"

Charlotte:" which would mean the end of humanity"

Y/n:" and our future. I'll never get us home"

Claire:" and I'll never save Jim. But we can fix this. Right, Douxie, y/n?"

We look down unsure, before Merlin speaks up.

Merlin:" there's only one who can. Make ready. I must bring Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake"

Claire:" she's real?"

I nod to her as Douxie and I advance.

Hisirdoux:" so, this plan of yours...Well, surely you'll need help. Maybe...maybe we can fix this together"

Merlin:" agreed"

Hisirdoux:" I promise I'll make it right-"

Y/n:" wait, what?"

Hisirdoux:" wait, we are?"

Hisirdoux:" oh, great! Well, we won't let you down"

Merlin walks towards me, but because I don't think he's walking that direction because of me I turn away from all of them and start to leave.

Merlin:" where do you think your going?"

I turn back around to see him do his famous quirked eyebrow. I sigh before saying.

Y/n:" I don't have a master anymore, and there is something I need to get. I'll be back in a sec"

I say walking out and leaving them.

But while walking I could hear Merlin sigh and ask.

Merlin:" how is she?"

Douxie sighs next and says.

Hisirdoux:" she's acting tough, like always, but I know she's not doing well"

Claire:" she's trying to push the pain down, in order to not feel anything at all..."

Tears prickle my eyes as I hear this, worst part, I knew they were right. I was trying to act tough, and I was trying to punch the pain down.

Instead of walking i start running towards Morganas chamber. There was something there i needed to get.


Morgana:" come here dear"

I walk into Morganas chamber.

Y/n:" yes, Morgana?"

She faces me with a warm smile and has a chest in her hands, a small one, but a nicely decorated one.

She kneels down to my level and says.

Morgan:" in this chest, is something precious....and if, I should ever leave for some reason...or pass, I want you to open it and take out what's in it. So no matter where, or when or even how. You'll always have a part of me with you, my little dragon heart"

I smile back at her and give her a hug while I mumble.

Y/n:" and I hope, it won't come to that day"

She sighs and hugs me back gently, as we listen to the rain platter onto the glass. Creating a peaceful sound.

(End of flashback)

More tears stream endlessly down my cheeks as I remember her nickname for me.

'Little Dragon heart'

She used to call me that when I was younger, and still would when I was older. She called me so, because I was never afraid of magic when she pulled me into the wild woods.

I was curious.

Making my way finally towards her chamber, I slam the door shut and lock it. It was ironic how it was raining, just like it did when she told me of the gift.

I found myself hesitating as I came closer to the chest.

I walked slowly towards it, but not taking the hesitation of torture much longer, I grab the chest from where it stood and slowly in latch the latch.

I take a deep breath in and out as air slowly open the chest. Once it's open, my eyes widen as I see.

A beautiful dragon necklace with and amber stone in the middle.

Tears form in my eyes as I realize it was because of my nickname that she must have picked this necklace.

I undo the keychain and put the necklace on, it didn't feel heavy. It made me feel happier. Knowing that I would always have something from her made me smile sadly.

I held the amber necklace in my hand, clutching it close to me as I walk out of her chamber and back to Merlin's.

(Time skip)

We're on the small boat, on our way towards the Lady of the Lake. With Steve jumping out of his shoes at this chance.

Steve:" change to prove I'm an awesome knight, get a master trophy, save the damsel, I'm in!"

I roll my eyes but am forced to chuckle all the same.

Y/n:" Steve, there is no damsel. It's just the Lady of the Lake"

He looks at me dumbfounded before rubbing his neck and saying.

Steve:" oh, yeah, right, I knew that!"

I laugh at him and Douxie chuckles from next to me. Once I calm down I look out to sea, but I see Douxie looking right at me.

(Did not mean to make that rhyme! But hey, I think that's funny!)

Y/n:" what?"

I ask smiling he smiles at me, an di see admiration and...wait, what is that?...love?

In his eyes as he says.

Hisirdoux:" nothing....nothing at all..."

I look at him confused but shrug, Claire joins us and looks out to sea. With her book on the railing of the ship.

Claire:" do you think Merlin's plan will work?"

Hisirdoux:" I messed up the timelines-"

Y/n:" we! We messed up the timelines. We've run out of options, and my choices haven't exactly worked out lately"

He says as Steve comes up standing next to us.

Y/n:" we can't make anymore mistakes. We'll have to trust Merlin this time"

Claire:" I just hope Jim made it out safe"

Hisirdoux:" I'm sure he's nestled safely in the bosom of friendly trolls"

Steve chuckles while saying.

Steve:" bosom"

I glare at him and whack him over the head.

Douxie laughs while Claire glares at him as well.

Hisirdoux:" watch out Steve, or other wise you might lose your head"

Claire:" I'd listen to him if I were you, we girls may seem nice-"

Y/n:" but we're deadly if we want to be, so don't try us"

I say in a warning tone, while Steve chuckles nervously and scratches the back of his neck.

Douxie just laughs and says.

Hisirdoux:" its good to see you smiling"

I smile at him before frowning as I realize I must have worried them a lot.

Y/n:" I'm sorry if I worried you all so much"

They mumble stuff like.

" no, not much"

"Barely anything"

"Totally not worried"

I just stare at them with my arms crossed and a raised eyebrow.

They give in saying.

Hisirdoux:" ok, yes, maybe you had us worried a lot"

Claire:" fine, we were worried"

Steve:" I was also a little worried"

I smile at them all and say.

Y/n:" thank you, but I am doing better, I promise"

They all smile in relic of me feeling better, as we glide into a cave that was known as the lady's home.

Steve and Claire walk of somewhere, leaving me and Douxie, alone...



He says while rubbing his neck, we stand there awkwardly for a while.

Before he comes closer to me and takes my hands with a sigh.

Hisirdoux:" look, I know you don't want to tell me what you dreamed of, but I'm worried for you! Please....I-"

I don't know what came over me but something possessed me to kiss him on the cheek.

Obviously I knew why I felt the need, I have a hug crush on this guy! For Pete's sake!

But I don't know what made me.

But anyway! I did. Once I pulled away I placed my hand on said place where I had kissed him.

I pulled his forehead against mine as I whispered.

Y/n:" Douxie, I appreciate it, really, I do, but I am doing a lot better. I promise, I will tell you when I'm ready. You'll be the first to know"

He sighs sadly, but nods. I remove my hand and forehead as my confidence faded away.

Realizing what I just did, my cheeks went red and I stumbled back as I Mutter apologies.

Y/n:" s-sorry, I-I shouldn't have done that"

I say rubbing the back of my head as I look down. He just stands there and stares at me.

When I receive no answer, I say as I blush waking away.

Y/n:" I'll just go...I'll see you-?"

I was cut off by Douxie grabbing my arm, not even being able to translate what's happening right now.

A moment later I feel his lips pressed against mine.

I stare at him with wide eyes.

'What-.....uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....I think my brains broken'

After ten seconds, my brain finally processes what's going on and I fall into the kiss. Closing my eyes I let it happen and melt into it.

Kissing him back gently.

Douxie had both of his hands on my face, cupping it. I rest my hand on his elbow, as the other wraps around his neck.

After what felt like, about one minute. Douxie slowly pulls apart.

I was breathless.

My brain might've caught on, but I'm pretty sure my hearts in a middle of a heart-attack.

Because that's what the BOOM-BOOM-BOOM sound is! Or at least I think so.

Douxie stares deep into my eyes.

Hisirdoux:" don't worry about it"

I chuckle breathlessly.

Y/n:" uhhhh, okay....?"

I say while panting still a little.

Y/n:" sorry, my hearts trying to catch up to my Brain right now"

He chuckles at my side joke and so do I.

Hisirdoux:" me too...."

Suddenly feeling a frown come on my face, I don't know why. But something in my gut was asking.

Why me....?

I'm not pretty, and I'm not the sweetest.

Actually....I don't think that's a bad part. To not be sooooo sweet.

But Of all the girls he could chose....it's me? You make no sense, Hisirdoux Casperan.

I pull away from him, my eyebrows knitted together in dismay.

He of course notices and move back closer to me and takes my ahnds a season he asks.

Hisirdoux:" love? What's wrong?"

I look up at him and whisper.

Y/n:" why me...?"

He stares at me dumbfounded.

Hisirdoux:" what?"

Y/n:" why me? Hisirdoux, of all the girls...why me? And why did you kiss me?"

He could clearly see the confusion in my eyes. I pull my hands away again and step back a bit.

His own widen as he realizes I'm a little insecure about myself.

Hisirdoux:" are you joking?"

He asks irritation evident in his voice.

Hisirdoux:" how can you ask that? It's more then obvious already! You make a whole room light up just by walking in! Your smile makes the sun shine brighter and your laugh makes everyone smile!"

He takes my hands again and says coming closer.

Hisirdoux:" first off: you are the most gorgeous girl I ever saw! Second off: your smarter than Merlin! And anyone else I know!third off: you are a better swordsman-...woman, the anyone's else I know! Literally! You took out all our knights at once. Yes, I remembered. 

Fourth off: you have a heart more precious than gold or any gem stones....fifth off: your always there for someone when they need you, you care for them with love and caring. Sixth off: your bravery and honor is bigger than this kingdom, including Gunmars territory. 

Seventh off: your understanding and loving, you don't judge anyone for who they are. Unless their mean, then yes. Eighth off: you are truthful and responsible for those around you, and with yourself....well, sometimes. 

Ninety off: your sass and playfulness can leave anyone breathless in less then a minute. But most importantly y/n, I know that you will always help the weak and protect those that need it. That you always stand for what's right and for what you believe in, your the strongest person I know and I...I love you...I always have and I always will"

Once he's done, I'm speechless.

I walk up to him  and give him a huge hug.

I smile at him earring a smile of relief back.

He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into a hug. Claire sighs in relief as Steve squeals again.

My arms were wrapped around his neck, as I sigh into his chest.

It was a sigh of pure relief and happiness. I was more than happy to finally have my Douxie back.

And now, we Just gotta figure out what the hell to do after this.

Y/n:" I love you too, mop"

I could hear him grumble in annoyance of the old nickname.

Merlin:" if you learned anything from Morgana. It should be that shadow magic leads only to pain"

He says removing the book from Claire's hands. I separate from Douxie and walk over to Claire saying.

Y/n:" but that's not true...not all of shadow magic is bad, look at me, I have mastered it and I am very much alive"

Merlin rolls his eyes at me while Claire faces me asking.

Claire:" do you think you could teach me?"

I smile at her.

Y/n:" I was about to ask you if you'd like that" 

She misses back at me with gratitude as she whispers.

Claire:" thank you"

I only nod at her with another smile.

I look back at Steve, Douxie and Archie.

Archibald:" I try to avoid water"

Steve:" personally, I always pack my swimsuit. Extra-personally, it's actually my birthday suit"

He says doing something disgusting that I do not wanna get into!

Archie almost loses his stomach.

Steve:" woah, it's a ship graveyard"

He says as we pass a bunch of wrecked ships.

Merlin:" we've arrived"

Claire:" huh. The lady of the lake is real! I thought she was just a myth"

Y/n:" oh, no, the lady's very much real. Though, only Merlin's allowed to meet with her...till now"

Merlin:" because her power is beyond your comprehension. It was from her mystic waters I helped Arthur first retrieve Excalibur and unite the kingdom"

He says as we get off the boat and onto the stone. Where we see weird stone status inside the rock wall.

Merlin:" Hisirdoux, the sword please"

He brings the sword out as Steve shouts.

Steve:" yeah! Quest! Quest! Quest!"

Merlin:l watch the ship. I will return shortly"

Steve:" what? We have to wait in the car?"

He asks whining, Claire looks disappointed as well as I already guessed this would happen.

Hisirdoux:" but I though we were doing this together"

Merlin turns around to us again and says.

Merlin:" you should be thanking me! I got you out of Camelot. Arthur's unstable and yeh people are afraid"

I scoff at the word 'Arthur' as I mumble.

Y/n:" his own fault..."

Merlin turns to me and says.

Merlin:" why that may be true, we still need a king! And without Excalibur, there is no hope for him!"

He walks back away from me as Douxie says.

Hisirdoux:" I thought you trusted me"

Merlin:" ugh"

Y/n:" I won't just sit here without making things right!"

Merlin walks back up to me as he shouts.


he shouts right into my face making me shocked and a little afraid.

Everyone stares at him as they see how he lost control on me.

Merlin:" you are all there is left of her! The only master of her power! I will not lose that again!"

I stare at him surprised as I say.

Y/n:" your afraid to lose us, I understand. But you are not going to push me aside, you said I was the only master left. May I remind you I was just as powerful as Morgana? Well, then that means I can come with you"

He shakes his head.

Merlin:" you don't understand! I will not risk it, you will stay here!"

I step up now irritated.

Y/n:" oh, yeah? Make me!"

Merlin:" I will if I have too!"

Y/n:" I'd like to see you ty"

He rolls his eyes and says as he walks off.

Merlin:" enough of this"

He grabs Excalibur from Douxie's hands while I am pissed off as heck. He comes closer to the stone statues.

They glow green before returning to normal color.

The taller one opens his mouth as he says.

Latch:" who dares disturb my slumber—"

He quickly gets cut off by a annoyed Merlin.

Merlin:" it's me, Merlin. Open up you idiots"

The shorter one then says

Lock:" oh, it's is you! All right, walk in"

They move behind and slide open, Merlin looks back at us before going inside.

Douxie makes a run for it to run in after him, I hold out my arm for him to stop him.

But he was already running, only thing is. The door slams shut before he can go inside.

Latch:" Exit closed"

Lock:" none but the master wizard shall pass. No armatures. That's you"

Douxie was pissed off, so he summoned up his magic shouting.

Hisirdoux:" Causa crepitoose!"

It shoots at them creating a bit of a rumble.

But their still unamused.

Latch:"is that all you got, punk?"

Lock:" come on, get close so I can bite your legs off!"

I walk over to him with Claire while she says.

Claire:" ugh! Merlin's magic is so annoying"

Douxie leans against the stone statues as he says.

Hisirdoux:" the talking door is right. This sorcery's uncrackable"

I walk over to him and place a hand on his shoulder as I give him a warm smile.

Y/n:" let me give it a try"

He looks hesitant, but does so and moves away.

Y/n:" open up you idiots"

Latch:" and who are you?"

I roll my eyes.

Y/n:" Morganas apprentice"

They blink both at the same time: dumbfounded.

Lock:" yeah, right, and I'm sleeping beauty"

They both laugh a little while I smirk. Behind me, I hear a.

Hisirdoux:" da dada, yeah....their dead"

I could Claire hum in Agreement.

I summon up yellow/gold magic and it comes right out of my hands. My feet drift off of the floor, I open my eyes revealing them being yellow/gold.

The stone statues gasp as one mumbles.

Lock:" you are her apprentice..."

I shout out in agony and my magic comes echoing throughout the caves.

Rocks and boulders come crashing down. I use the strength I have and conjure up all the water there's is in this lake and it comes up from behind me making a huge water wall.

I face the statues and say low and threateningly.

Y/n:" open. Now."

The whimper and are about to do it. But just then.

I see a weird flash back of how I saw Morgana die.

I gasp and lose focus, causing me to fall.

I yelp but get caught by someone.

Hisirdoux:" still got you"

I smile up at him as a thank you, he puts me down and Claire rushes over to me and asks worried.

Claire:" what happened?"

I take a deep breath and sigh as I say.

Y/n:" I saw how Morgana died"

I say bluntly. Claire, gasped softly and quietly while Douxie looks down at me remorsefully.

He takes my shoulder and wraps me in a hug.

Claire joins the hug as well as I whisper.

Y/n:" maybe I'm not doing ok so much as I thought"

Douxie and Claire chuckle breathlessly, while I pull away, Charlie comes down in her dragon form.

On my shoulder and says.

Charlotte:" well, at least we don't have to see Steve's birthday suit"

Just then, like hell hated me, we hear Steve shout.

Steve:" too late! whoo!"

And a splash followed soon after.

We stare at each other, terrorized to look as the statues exclaim.

Lock:" oh, no! My eyes!"

Latch:"oh, I can't unsee that now!"

We look at each other, grossed out of our minds we groan more at their complaining.

I separate from them and shout to Steve.

Y/n:" Steve! Put your god damn clothes on! Now!"

I could hear grumbling of disagreement from Steve as he walks over and says.

Steve:" buzz kill"

(Small Time skip by me-being-bored-and-not-having-a-time-filler~)

Douxie used his magic to make a small flame for a fire, but as I see it I smile and giggle a little.

Hisirdoux:" what?"

Y/n:" nothing"

I laughing a little at the end.

Hisirdoux:" why are you laughing? Not that I'm complaining..."

He says the last part with a mischievous smirk.

I laugh a little again.

Y/n:" it's just...I think your flame work needs a little more time"

He looks back down at the flame and then at me: hurt.

Hisirdoux:" I'd like to see you try better"

I look at him with a raised eyebrow and a playful look on my face.

Y/n:" is that a challenge?"

I could tell we were officially entertaining the others.

Hisirdoux:" and what if it is?"

He asks smirking.

I shake my head as I laugh and look back up at him saying.

Y/n:" your on"

I walk over to him and say.

Y/n:" scoot over wizard boy"

He looks at me with a playful warning look that says.

"Watch it"

I just smile and he moves a little to the side.

I do my circle thing with my wide arms and close it in on me, bringing it back to my body. Before shooting it at the fire.

The fire shoots with life and becomes a huge, but controlled, one. I look to Douxie and smile smug while wiggling my eyebrows.

He scoffs while saying.

Hisirdoux:" you got lucky"

I start nodding still looking smug as I say.

Y/n:" uh huh, yeah, sure, whatever helps you sleep at night"

He was about to say something because he pointed his finger at me and opened his mouth. Only to be interrupted by Steve.

Steve:" jeez, how long is coach wizard gonna take? It's been forever!"

He exclaims making the cave ring a little with small echoes. All honesty, I thought he was exaggerating.

Archibald:" perhaps the old man needs our help?"

Steve had enough of being patient and rushed over there, using his sword, he charged at the Staues and....

Failed miserably.

They almost eat him, he then tries a bunch of magic words that are from modern times and not medieval, like here....

'Steve, I love ya and all....but COULD YOU GET ANYMORE STUPID!?"

Steve:" why! Door dorks, open up!"

Latch:" why don't you open up?"

Steve:" maybe I will!....so, I'm- I'm really scared that I won't be a good knight"

As he continued talking I roll my eyes.

'Doesn't he know that that is not going to work?'

As if someone was being ironic to me, the stone statues start comforting him.

Of course.

Why not?

Claire was looking over the shadow book, Douxie was staring at it too. Before slowly mumbling.

Hisirdoux:" Merlin doesn't know shadow magic..."

Claire:" what?"

Y/n:" Gesundheit"

Hisirdoux:" Claire! You could make a shadow portal and slip us right through!"

I smile at the idea and Claire looks hesitant as she looks at me.

Claire:" can't y/n do that too?"

Y/n:" I can, but, you said that you wanted to learn and this is a great way"

Claire:" I don't know, Douxie. I don't have my staff"

Douxie still looks confident as the book floats next to him in a blue hue.

Hisirdoux:" I've seen you do magic without it"

Claire looked a little afraid and angry..?

Y/n:" Douxie..? I think maybe-"

Claire:" but Merlin said—"

Hisirdoux:"Merlin's not here"

He says gesturing to no Merlin, Claire still had her arms crossed and looked really and angry now.

Y/n:" Douxie-!"


We shouts turning around for him to see her angry and scared face, but I...I understood.

The first time Morgan showed me shadow magic was scary, really, really scary. Douxie now leaned on the, still, floating book. Looking shocked.

I walk over to Claire and abruptly wrap her in a hug as I whisper.

Y/n:" I understand, I-"

Claire pushes me away still angry and scared as she shouts.

Claire:" no! No you don't understand! It wasn't scary for you! You're not scared to be pulled into it! How could you possibly understand-!?"

I was angry now myself at her words.

Y/n:" oh, I understand. Probably more than you do, because it sure wasn't a Picknick for me either! Do you have any idea what it's like being pulled into the shadows and are forced to see your worst fear happening right in front of you!? To have nightmares about what harm you could do every.single.night!?

No! You don't! But I did, I understand! I do! Because I went through the same thing! I understand you're scared but should that hold you back? No! You have the chance to make this power your own! And do you know what made me be pulled into the shadows?..."

I looked at her and she shakes her head.

Y/n:" it was being afraid that pulled me into the shadows...."

My voice was now softer then before.

Y/n:" I let fear control me and it made me face my worst fear....Being alone.... and letting everyone down"

She looked at me as realization hit her eyes. Hard.

Y/n:" magic is emotion, if you let fear control you. Than your magic will do what your emotion is, so feel fear. Receive fear through you're magic.."

Claire now looks down, and then back up at me.

Claire:" I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I was just-"

Y/n:' afraid. You feel guilty, because....because of Morgana"

She nods her head. I smile at her as I say.

Y/n:" well? Are you gonna give into fear, or are you gonna show em who's boss?"

She looks up at me as determination and confidence flickers in her eyes.

Claire:" ok, N/n, I'll try. But I need you to talk me through the spell book, teach. I don't speak wizard-ese"

She asks as Douxie comes to us and Archie drops the book in her hands.

Y/n:" you want me to teach?...I'm not even a good student"

I say rubbing the back of my neck, the stone statues seem to agree.

Latch:" got that right!"

Lock:" the worst!"

I roll my eyes at them as I forcefully agree with them in my head.

Claire:" quit it!"

Charlotte:" who asked you, knobhead?"

Archibald:" no one cares for your opinion!"

Hisirdoux:" shut it!"

I let out a sign as I say.

Y/n:" hate to say it, but their right. I'm a terrible student"

Claire:" not true"

Hisirdoux:" yeah, you're not a terrible student, I'm much worse. And anything you got in trouble for, was mostly related to me"

I chuckle at that and point to him while saying with a slight smirk.

Y/n:" that, is true"

Steve:" why are we yelling?"

I chuckle at this, and get up smiling.

Y/n:" right"

I take the book form her and we walk closer to the entrance. I don't know why I took the book? I don't exactly need it.

I hand Double the book and start instructing Claire.

Y/n:" hold your hands out like this....good. Now, that there, is your target. Focus all your energy on that. And visualize Merlin, see the shadows form around that said destination, your emotional anchor. Focus all of you're energy to it and pull it around you"

I blob of Shadows come from her as she concentrates, she groans and pants a little.

Y/n:" that's it, that's it, that's it, steady"

Claire starts panting heavier and heavier, and shake sehr head as if she saw something.


I thought as I knew they had made a connection.

Y/n:" focus. Eyes on point, mind on anchor. You got this"

I say looking at her worried, it was obvious that she was struggling.

She shakes her head again as if seeing something again. She keeps panting and I soon realize that something was wrong. I could feel the shadows and I could feel her fear and guilt.

The shadows were trying to push her into it. Being a master of the shadows, I have a bound with them and can feel what their trying to do.

As well as feel if shadows are taking someone over.

Claire:"im scared"

She finally says, Douxie comes closer and says.

Hisirdoux:" magic is emotion. Don't let fear control you-"

Y/n:"-use it! Stay true to yourself. That will protect you from the shadows"

I say finishing his sentence.

Now, she looked unsure and uneasy as she kept looking to the side as the shadows got bigger.

Claire:" uh, n/n, Doux?"

Y/n:" don't be afraid, Claire. This is your magic. You can control it"

She started looking terrified, I could feel the shadows starting to take over her.

Hisirdoux:" keep your eyes on point"

Claire:" no!"

The shadows were reacting to her fear and showed her what she had been afraid off. I could sense a familiar presence.


She was haunting her. The shadows were haunting her, with memories of Morgana.

She grunts and scream removing her arms and before I can react.

The shadows take her.

We jump after her but the shadows were already gone.

Archibald&Charlotte&Steve:" Claire!"

I start hyperventilating as I panic and see Douxie doing the same.

My instincts kick in as I realize I had to anchor myself to Claire and pull her out of wherever she is.

Archibald:" Doux, how do we bring her back?"

He scrambles through the book. I use my magic to make him stop and lay the book aside.

I start chanting a ritual and connect myself to Claire as I remember Morganas words.

' "as long as the person is alive, you can focus on their energy wherever they are. Focus on Douxie, and everything on him. And you will find him" '

Remembering Morganas words I focus on Claire, how she looks, how she talks, how she walks and I focus on her energy.

I use my magic and open up a portal, the others stare in amazement before Douxie runs to me to jump in as well.

Y/n:" oh, no, not gonna happen. You're staying here, along with the others"

I didn't give him time to object, I'm guessing Claire is in the shadow realm. I know this place, Morgana took me there a few times.

I am more experienced with it and can find Claire easier.

I jump into the shadows and am immediately engulfed into some sort of water that isn't wet. A.K.A the shadow realm.

I fall deep as I see the light disappear, after a while of finding my way through I spot a purple figure, with a streak of white hair. Looking around in panic.

Y/n:" Claire!"

She looks at me and I quickly make my way to her and Ingolf her in a hug as she starts sniffling.

Y/n:" I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have made you do that. Are you ok?"

She pulls away and slightly nods, I sigh in relief and say.

Y/n:" come on then, let's get you out of here"

But as I say that, a stream of light comes in and we see Morganas dead body having light shown on it.

Morgana told me of this, the ting you feel guilty of will show themselves sin the shadow realm. This place is a realm of mystery, no one knows how it works.

Claire" Morgana..."

Claire tries to go over to her, but I grab her arm and say.

Y/n:" Claire. Don't. This is an illusion, she's not real"

Claire looks at her in sorrow and so do I.

Claire:" I'm so sorry"

I sniffle a little as I say.

Y/n:" don't be, it wasn't your fault. It was mine...."

I say looking down as a few tears escaped my eyes, Claire wraps her arm around me as I continue to slightly sniffle.

We look at Morgana and the most creepiest thing happened.

Three figures pop up around her, one in red, one in green and the other in...blue...

'The arcane order'

I look at the green one.


The blue one still gave me familiar shivers down my spine, as if I knew him.

But I don't, obviously.

Claire gasps as she sees them while I just watch.

Morgana told me that it can be an illusion, but the shadow realm can also warn you of things that could happen in the future.

They disappear into black smoke or hue, and go inside her chest. A few moments later the creepiest of creepiest things happened.

Morgana turned her head to look at us with dead-black eyes.

We stumble back in surprise and horror. Claire looks like she's concentrating, I squeeze her hand as she looks at Morgana with a determined look.

Claire:" fear won't control me!"

And whoopdydoo we're back with the others in a blink of an eye.

We land on Steve as Archie immediately asks us.

Archibald:" are you hurt?"

We both gaps for air. Douxie comes to realization of what happened and cups her face asking.

Hisirdoux:"Claire! Claire, are you alright?"

I felt a pang of jealousy that he cared so much, and hurt too. I was right here and I just mad wit back.

Archie comes and nudges him away saying.

Archibald:" give them some space"

Claire gets off Steve and so do I, as she explains what we saw I help Steve up with a smile as i say.

Y/n:" sorry, for landing on you"

He gets up and brushes dirt off while shrugging.

Steve:" nah, it's cool. Are you ok?"

I was surprised that he was the first to ask me, but I smile at him as I let go of his hand.

Y/n:" yeah, I'm fine, Claire did a fantastic job getting us out of there"

Claire:" couldn't have done it without you teach"

She says coming to me and laying a hand on my shoulder. Douxie comes to me as if just now realizing I was here too.

He takes my hands and asks.

Hisirdoux:" are you alright?"

I take my hands away from his and fake a smile saying.

Y/n:" I'm fine, thanks for asking"

He smiles back at me as I feel a bit of anger rising, first he kisses me and then he worries about Claire and only her.

'God, I can't deal with this'

Claire:" but was it guilt, or fear, or-"

I cut her off as I place a hand on the book and say.

Y/n:" the shadow realm is a place of mystery, but also truth. Morgan's has told me many stories about how some vision of things in the shadow realm have come true. We understand if you don't want to go back in"

Claire look sat me, but not with relief.

Claire:" no, it's okay. I'll be alright. Thanks for talking me through it, teach"

I smile at her as I say.

Y/n:" darn right you will be, because I'm coming with you. I know the shadow realm and can help you Incase you get lost again"

Hisirdoux:" are you sure that's a good idea?"

He asks, concern evident in his voice.

Y/n:" yes, I'm here to help. I promise"

She nods to em and we make our way to the stone statues, as the one says.

Latch:" no way this works, witchy!"

Lock:" true. Not your fault teachers a dunce"

I roll my eyes and use my magic.

Y/n:" there is your anchor"

Claire:" let go of the fear..."

She whispers as she starts, the stone statues start talking on how this is not going to work and how she shouldn't do that.

I see a black-blob of shadows form and she starts grunting a little but takes a deep breath.

A magic portal forms as the statues complain about it not being good.

'Yeah, no shit Sherlock'

She groans and grunts loudly as the shadow portal forms again, I smile at her proudly and in admiration. I see Douxie doing the same and I feel the same pang of jealousy.

She shouts in agony and I smile a smile the shadow portal is complete.

Y/n:" yes! Yes! Yes! Claire, you did it!"

Claire" yes! That's what I'm talking about! Shadow magic!"

She gives Douxie a high-five and I rush over after their done.

I give her a quick hug as I say.

Y/n:" you did so well! I'm proud of you, Nuñez"

She smiles at em with gratitude.

Steve starts cheering, as he, Archie and Charlie make their way over to us.

Y/n:" wow, she picked that up fast"

I say to Charlie who was flying.

Charlotte:" she had a stellar teacher"

She says nudging me, I give her a good scratch behind the ears and mumble thank you.

Hisirdoux:" what are we standing 'round for? That magical sword won't repair itself. Let's go! To the lady!"

We say as we start running into the shadow portal, hearing more complaints from the statues.

Claire:" gentleman, after you"

I snicker at this.

Steve does as asked and comes closer to the portal.

Steve:" see you later, door dork. *whimpers* Feels weird, like cold pudding"

Y/n:" well, then, I think it's time to take a batch in pudding. Enjoy~!"

I shout as I get ready to shove him in.

Steve:" y/n! Don't you dare-! *screams*"

Claire laughs her ass off at me, I do o a fancy bow and say.

Y/n:" after you~"

Claire does a lady bow and says.

Claire:" why what a gentleman"

And we jump in.

(Time skip, caused by me being out of imagination for a filler~ sue me~)

Claire:" we made it!"

Hisirdoux:" thanks to you"

Again, jealousy.

I knit my eyebrows together as I do not like this feeling. We use our magic to light up the dark cave and I help up Steve.

Steve:" thanks, you know, I'm really starting to like you. You're cool"

I laugh at him and bow like a lady saying.

Y/n:" why thank you, sir~"

He does a bow as well and says.

Steve:" you're welcome malady~"

We laugh again and I see Douxie glare at Steve.

Steve:" lighten up, dude, we were just kidding"

He rolls his eyes.

Hisirdoux:" we have no time for kidding"

He spat as he starts walking, Steve walks next to me and asks while whispering.

Steve:" what's up with him?"

I just shrug an do a 'I don't know' sound.

Hisirdoux:" I'd say we've arrived"

Claire:" yeah, but where's Merlin?"

A small boat raft comes to us floating. Excalibur was on it too.

Hisirdoux:" uh, he can handle himself. Let's just stick to the plan and find the lady. And everything will be fine"

I don't know why, but I had a weird feeling this wasn't going to work.

We look hesitant before climbing onto the boat. The lights magically went on, causing Steve to yelp and jump off. I stretch out my hand and offer a smile.

He takes a deep breath and jumps back on just in time before we drift away.

We start floating into the smelly lake. The water at one spot starts glowing, arising a beautiful glowing lady.

She arises and comes to us.

Nimue:" I am the Lady, Nimue, eldest of oracles. Why do you seek me?"

Douxie watalks up to her and talks while bowing.

Hisirdoux:" oh great Lady of the lake, we seek you for your help in fixing Excalibur for our king. King Arthur"

He smiles back at the us who are satisfied by what he said. The lady comes close to a chuckling Douxie, but I could sense her not believing us.

She seemed a little off to me.

Nimue:" that is not which you truly desire. You seek redemption from a scorned mentor"

'Wait, what? Oh Douxie....'

She comes close to Claire and says.

Nimue:" escape from guilt"

'Claire...you don't have to feel guilty'

I think looking at her remorsefully.

She comes to Steve.

Nimue:" validation of knighthood"

Steve:" what?"

'Steve, you already proved you're worth through this quest..'

I look at all of them remorsefully, well, before they reach our familiars.

Nimue:" and you seek...Roasted salmon and cat nip?"

Archie shrugs and Charlie does so too a steht say.

Archibald:" guilty"

Charlie:" my bad"

Hisirdoux&y/n:" what? Come on, Arch, Charlie!"

We both look at each other before looking away.

Nimue comes to me and stares at me.

Nimue:" you...you are a complex one...hmm"

Everyone stares at em confused as I knit my eyebrows together in dismay and frustration.

Nimue:" you are special human...for you seek more than one thing, you seek your only family back, escape of guilt, proving you're worth and healing a broken heart....but of all of these things....you seek Excalibur as well.... I shall grant you Excalibur. As for the rest of you..."

She says looking at the others.

Nimue:" you are not the first to try and deceive me. You are not worthy!"

Her voice becomes all weird. And she rises up into the air higher.

Th water starts bubbling and Claire notices, after a bit her true form comes out and reveals to be a scary lake lady.

Or a monster. You know it's not exactly clear.

A tentacle grabs Steve by his foot and grab shim off the boat.

Y/n:" Steve! No!"

But I was too late he was already in the water.

And inside her. The others call out for him too as the lady talks about our rewards.

'This was going to be dreadful'

After a few minutes of fighting. She squeezes Douxie till his last breath, but before I can help he cuts her with Excalibur.

Archie and Charlie fire fire at him and I become so angry, I was about to lose it.

Douxie talks about how they need to subdue her to get Excalibur fixed and Claire talks about getting Steve out.

Personally, I agree with Claire. Screw Excalibur!

She pushes us all the way back to the shore.

She starts arising and looks like a terrible monster with just one eye.

Hisirdoux:" Oh Fuzz Buckets"

He says as she is revealed.

'Yup! Defiantly monster!'

Douxie stops her from shooting a giant rock at us and shoots it right back at her. Causing her to burp up Merlin and Steve. It looked really gross in my opinion.

He got a tooth out of it and we face the lady monster as she whines.

Nimue:" my revenge tasted so sweet"

Y/n:" wait, revenge-?"

Hisirdoux:"-what revenge?"

Realizing that we did it again we avoid eye contact.

Claire:" you attacked us, lady!"

'Ha! I love her!'

She says pointing at her, but it was the that I realized she didn't want to be here.

I saw a brick wall like someone captured her in here.

I look back at Merlin.

'No, it can't be. He wouldn't-'

She's about to explain but I step forward and say.

Y/n:" it's against Merlin, isn't it...?"

She and everyone else stares at me surprised.

Y/n:" He made the foolish and idiotic choice to capture and trap you in here, didn't he? And as revenge, well, you ate him"

I say bluntly, she blinks a few time before sighing and sort of smiling.

Nimue:" I knew you were a different human, you are kind and are not afraid to tell the truth"

I smile back at her and look back at Merlin disapprovingly. The  back at her and summon my magic.

I was ready to blast it and hear a.

Steve:" yeah, kill her!"

Claire:" end it!"

But I don't shoot it at her, I shoot it at the brick rock wall. Causing it to crash and fall down.

Y/n:" I may not be a fan of you hurting my friends just now, but I do now how precious it is to one to be free. And I  know you should be, so...."

She looks back at the wall and at me again saying.

Nimue:" you, are a difference in this world human. Thank you, this gift must be rewarded"

She lifts up a newly fixed and repaired Excalibur and hands it to me. I nod my head in a sort of bow and she leaves to be free.

Y/n:" goodbye, scary lake lady"

Merlin comes up from behind and coughs saying.

Merlin:" y/n, Hisirdoux what have you done? Eh-"

He then sees Excalibur in my hands and asks.

Melvin:" is that Excalibur?"

Y/n:" indeed, and maybe you should start being nice to people and thank them for helping you...instead of, oh I don't know.... TRAPPING THEM IN A CAVE! What by Merlin's grace has possessed you!? She helped you, and you in prison her. I thought I lost respect for Arthur but yours is slowly crumbling away!"

I shout into his face, I've had enough.

He was being a wrong master while always blaming us. Time he realized he did something wrong.

He looked at me with surprise and a little hurt before nodding and taking Excalibur as I hand it to him.

They all face me and smile and smirk.

Y/n:" what? Was about time!"

Claire:" nice work teach"

Steve:" and I got a monster trophy! Whoo! Quest!"

Douxie lays a hand on my shoulder and says.

Hisirdoux:" you maze me more every day"

My cheeks catch fire as, I look away smiling.

We all walk back to the ship and I feel great, we got Excalibur back and now we're heading home.

As we walk onto the ship I feel a freezing cold breeze in the air, making me shiver.

We were on the ship and I stared out at see, but as I do I feel weird. I start to Felle pain everywhere that it makes me stumble to the ground.

No one saw because they were inside the ship or at the other end.

I tried holding in my scream of pain.

But the pain soon left and I felt weirdly complete, I felt powerful again. But just the other day I felt numb why now powerful?

I gasp as I stand again, seeing a vision flash before my eyes.


Morgana was standing there with three people around her, she had a fake green hand on her.

And she looked into my eyes, as my vision forced me close to her.

Morgana:" I am back world and more powerful then before...................and when I come back, you will join me.....................

My little dragon heart"

(End of vision)

And I knew then, the vision Claire and I saw. Has just happened.

Y/n:" Morgana......is back"

So so sorry it took so long, and yes, Cliffhanger! I have a reputation for those. Sorry! Enjoy and I love y'all, stay safe and healthy.

An don't smoke, it's bad for you.

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