Layers ~MitsuyaxHakkai~

Bởi gojosmainhoe

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"I'm sorry, Taka-chan..I-it's not that I don't reciprocate your feelings or anything..!" "It's fine Hakkai, I... Xem Thêm



473 21 31
Bởi gojosmainhoe

A/N: hope you guys enjoy this chapter ! 💗 comments, shares, and kudos always appreciated !

"Hey, I'm perfectly fine Hakkai! Believe me!"

At least that's what Mitsuya said, though his blurred vision and the feeling of pressure against his head were attempting to prove him otherwise, but he ignored it.

"But Taka-chan, you don't look that great," Hakkai spoke his worries and his friend frowned. "Wow Hakkai, and here I thought that I'd be on par with your looks one day."

"Huh? Wait, that isn't what I meant at all!" The Shiba brother shook his hands frantically and Mitsuya laughed, wincing at the grueling headache forming. "Hey, I saw that. You're in pain, aren't ya?" Hakkai put a large hand onto the older's firm shoulder and frowned. "I'm fine Hakkai-"

"Taka-chan, don't lie to me. We've known each other for years, don't think I can't tell when you're lying." A moment of silence overtook the room and Mitsuya decided to finally break the overbearing silence. "Tuh..I really can't win against you, huh?" He chuckled and leaned his head on the taller male's chest. "My head's killing me Hakkai, hell, all I did was slip on a bag." He groaned and his friend ushered him to the couch. "Did I ever tell you about that time I flew out of a swing?"

"What, no you didn't! When was this?" Mitsuya sat up a bit too hastily and a wave of pain shot through his head causing a stream of curses to find their way into his vocabulary and out of his mouth. "Jeez, language!" "Yeah, yeah. C'mon tell me the story already!" He rushed and looked at Hakkai with a similar demeanor that resembled a young child eager to listen to their grandparent or parents' interesting stories.

"Right, I was in elementary school, I'd say around grade three..."


"And I leaned forward while the swing was still moving and and flew straight out of it headfirst. Very painful experience honestly, but it was funny." The model chuckled and looked over at his best friend who was trying so hard to stifle his laughter he was turning red. "Go ahead and laugh Taka-chan, I know you wanna." He sighed and hid his face in embarrassment when his friend burst into a fit of giggles that left him gasping for air.

"Hakkai...I'm so sorry, but that's literally so funny." Mitsuya sighed in amusement and wiped tears away from his eyes. "I mean, I didn't know that was scientifically possible." He continued and chuckled a bit. "Hell, me either, as you can tell from my soaring and flying."

"I bet you surely felt like a bird for a split second!" "I wish, but gravity didn't allow me to be airborne for long." The model chortled and and leaned back on the couch, his friend leaned his head onto his shoulder. "You never cease to crack me up Hakkai, thank you." Mitsuya smiled fondly up at him and winced a bit. "All good?" "Just the headache, on another note you need another dose of medicine." The lilac-haired male told the model and hoisted himself up off the couch to go get Hakkai's medicine.

"As do you, but you don't see me nagging you to take that disgustingly flavored shit." The younger gagged at the thought of the taste of the medicine. "Right because unlike you, I'll willingly take medicine when I need it," The fashion designer claimed and the taller gave him a doubtful, knowing look. "Right, and I have two left feet."

"I'll suffocate you." "Please do." "Hakkai no-" Mitsuya stared at his friend with concern. "It was a joke Taka-chan, geez." Hakkai grumbled and rolled his eyes. "Ooga booga." "...What? Yup, he's gone off the edge." The model sighed and snapped at his friend who had zoned out completely. "Taka-chan, come back to Earth please. I'll go through your dresser drawers if you don't." He taunted and that was enough to make Mitsuya return to reality.

"Absolutely not, you might try to steal something." He joked and Hakkai gasped and wiped away a fake tear. "Is that what you think of me? A klepto?" He sniffled and dramatically rolled off the couch before speeding off to Mitsuya's room. "Son of a bitch. Hakkai Shiba!!" Mitsuya hopped off the couch and though his head was throbbing he ran with full speed to beat Hakkai to his room, but he couldn't really beat the long legs and athleticism combo this go round.

"Taka-chan, when'd you make this?" The model gawked at an elegant flowing dress on a mannequin. "Oh my gosh Hakkai don't look at that, I meant to scrap it last week and forgot." The breathless older male managed between heaves. "Why? It's beautiful, looks like it took months to create."

"Well that's because it did, but I just doesn't have enough "zing" to it." The fashion designer explained and gestured wildly at the dress. Hakkai moved to look at the trail of the dress which was lace and had an image hand-sewn into it. Before he could decipher what it was Mitsuya literally picked up the mannequin and began to drag it out of the room.

"Aw c'mon Taka-chan! It's absolutely gorgeous, you can't just get rid of it!!" The younger man whined and followed his friend down the hallway. "Who says I can't?" "Literally me, I deadass just said it." He rolled his eyes and stood in front of the door to block Mitsuya from leaving. "I don't care what you say, I'm getting rid of this one way or another." The older man persisted and began to drag the mannequin in the opposite direction towards the bathroom.

"There's no way I'm allowing you to try and flush that down the toilet!" Hakkai realized what his friend was planning and grabbed the other end of the mannequin. "Let go Hakkai." "Not until you let go first Taka-chan." "Looks like we'll be here all damn day then." "Looks like it."

After a good ten minutes of stubbornness and death staring the other male, Mitsuya sighed and gave in. His reasoning was "he could just throw it away when Hakkai leaves", but Hakkai was one step ahead of him on that. "I'll call your mother and tell her you've holed yourself up in your room again." "You wouldn't dare." "You wanna bet?" Silence filled the room and Mitsuya shifted uncomfortably under Hakkai's intense gaze. "For fucks sake, fine! Whatever." He groaned and left the room where his friend was laughing triumphantly.

The reason Mitsuya took it upon himself to leave the room was because he knew that being under Hakkai's unfaltering gaze any moment longer would cause him to lose any self control he had and result in a terrible mistake that could never be justified. "Hey Taka-chan, I found a really cool song the other day. Wanna listen to it with me?" Well, his timing couldn't be any worse. "Yeah, give me a second." Mitsuya answered and sunk to the floor with his slender back against the cold wall.

'Why won't these feelings just fucking piss off? I'm just going to ruin everything like this.' "Taka-chan~! I counted to fifteen and got bored so I came to bother you." Hakkai laughed as he walked in the room and his friend who was just overthinking on the floor somehow stood up quicker than the damn speed of light, but you do you man.

"You're such a child Hakkai," Mitsuya laughed and draped an arm over the taller man's shoulders. "C'mon, let's go listen to that song." He smiled and Hakkai nodded, the duo walking into the living room and together on the couch, close enough for Hakkai to lean his head on his friends' as they shared his earbuds. "What's this song called?" "Glimpse of Us, it's by Joji." "It's magnificent." "Okay Mr.Big Words," "Shut the fuck up Hakkai." The two chuckled softly as they listened to the lyrics of the song.

Hakkai found himself staring at the male sitting beside him numerous times and a few times he saw his lavender eyes lock with his before they both turned away flustered. Those two really are an awkward pair. It's truly sad to watch, Yuzuha probably said this. Speaking of Yuzuha, she called Hakkai to check in on him which killed the moment.

"Oh my gosh, Yuzuha's calling me." He rolled his eyes as Mitsuya snickered quietly at the ringtone and answered the phone. While his friend answered the phone, Mitsuya was deciding wether he wanted to completely embarrass Hakkai by moaning loud enough for the phone speaker to catch. Even though it'd technically embarrass him too, he didn't think that far into his plan, he decided to go through with it. His friend glanced over at him and could tell immediately by the shit-eating grin he had plastered on his face that he was up to no good. "Whatever you're planning on do-"

"Ahh~! Hakkai, that's the spot~! Fuck! Right there~!!" "Holy shit, Taka-chan!" Hakkai whispered and almost dropped his phone which made Mitsuya burst into heaps of laughter and tears fall from his eyes. "I'm sorry, it was the perfect opportunity." He apologized as he wiped his eyes and looked over at the model who was currently listening to whatever his sister was saying with a completely mortified expression and he was blushing all the way to his neck.

"Oh my goodness, your ears are red. That is the most adorable thing ever," Mitsuya enthused and whipped his phone out to take a picture. "Taka-chan, no!!" Hakkai whined and covered the ear that didn't have a phone pressed against it with his hand. "I am literally never going to let you live this down." "If I wasn't on the phone with Yuzuha, I would've strangled you by now." "You wouldn't dare!" "Oh but I would," The two stared at each other without blinking for the longest, most silent thirty seconds known to mankind.

"Hakkai? Hello? Hakkai Shiba!" Yuzuha yelled on the other line. "Oh shit, sorry, yeah?" Hakkai stumbled over his words as he mouthed something to Mitsuya and went back to his phone conversation. The older man grinned in satisfaction and stood up to stretch before going into the kitchen to find something else to eat. The model got off the phone with his sister soon after and groaned before going into the kitchen as well. "Taka-chan, you just set me up for a scolding when I get home," He pouted and leaned against the counter whilst watching his friend dig through a cabinet for a frying pan.

"Sorry, I'll call Yuzuha in a bit. But your sisters' pretty smart, no way she believed that was real! I don't even sound like th-...nevermind." The lilac-haired man pulled out the pan and sat it onto the counter on the edge and was seconds away from falling onto his already hurting head. Hakkai noticed this and took it upon himself to shift the pan to protect his friends' head but he ended up hitting his head on the top of the cabinet anyway. "Fuck! Dammit, who put that there?" "The interior designer you hired? The person that made the cabinet? Whoever the fuck made squares?" "My dear friend, Hakkai. If you say another word I will not hesitate to break your neck." "Noted."

"Moving back to what we were previously talking about, have you seen my phone?" Mitsuya asked as he stood up and walked over to the stove and set the pan on the front burner. "It's probably still in the living room somewhere, want me to go look for it?" Hakkai offered but he was quickly shut down. "No, no. That's okay, I'll find it later. Although, you should sit down. Watching me cook will probably get boring quickly," The older told him.

"Let me help you cook!" "Okay so if I remember correctly, last time you helped me cook my microwave broke. You were supposed to be melting butter..." Mitsuya raised an eyebrow as he reached up and grabbed oil from the cabinet. "Okay fair, but Yuzuha's been teaching me to cook! Besides, they should have a no metal warning or something! Give me another chance Taka-chan, I swear I'll redeem myself!" Hakkai begged and poked his bottom lip out. "Dammit, stop pouting. Fine, you can cook the rice. Just don't burn it. Again. Please." Mitsuya sighed as he walked over to the freezer and pulled out packaged chicken that he would have to defrost for at least half an hour before doing anything else.

"Son of a bitch, Luna must've turned the freezer temp up." He muttered and stood on his tiptoes to reach the knob at the top of the freezer. He felt a taller figure standing behind him and noticed Hakkai had reached over him and had a hand on the temperature settings. "How many degrees?" "..Negative twenty." Mitsuya answered and though he was standing in front of a freezing cold.. well..freezer, he could feel his face heat up from his friends' actions. He squeezed his eyes shut as he willed himself to calm down and pushed any and all romantic, rejected feelings of his down to the depths of his heart where they fizzled out and waited impatiently for their time to bubble up and threaten to flow uncontrollably yet again.

"...Taka-chan~? You spaced out, I've been calling your name for a minute now." Hakkai looked down at his friend with worry painted across his features and Mitsuya wanted to kick himself when he saw that look on his face. "Yeah, sorry, what were you saying?" He stepped away from the freezer and his face suddenly felt cold against the warm sunlight filtering in through his windows.

"That you should get your face out of the freezer before you catch something." "Says the one who's actually sick," The older rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at Hakkai, forcing himself to act as he normally does and not like a crazed high schooler with a crush. Right, that's all it was. A crush. A ridiculous, over a decade long crush that refused to falter in the slightest.

"Taka-chan, you're about to run into that wall," Hakkai warned and walked over to guide his friend away from the hazard and looked him dead into his eyes. "Listen, I know something's going on with you. I don't want to pry too much, but if you want to talk I'll always be here." He grinned at Mitsuya. One of those absolutely adorable and radiant smiles he loved oh so much but couldn't express it. "Thanks Hakkai, I appreciate it."

'If only I actually could tell you..'



"Taka-chan, where's your beer stash? You must've moved it since last week." Hakkai looked around his older friend's kitchen for the canned beverage that seemed to have been moved since he was last at his house. "I think there's like two left in the fridge. If not then I drunk it all," Mitsuya said as he nibbled on a bitter cookie he randomly found in the bottom of the cookie jar, grimacing at the stale, bland flavor of it.

"In a week? We really need to discuss this drinking habit of yours," "I think my drinking habit is perfectly fine, Draken, however, is the one drinking like four or five cans of beer every time he comes over." "Mikey can be very stressful...but my goodness," "Mikey is literally the reason stress exists. Draken's hair is going to start greying before he hits thirty-five."

"I'm pretty sure I saw a sliver of grey hair the other day at the coffee shop." Hakkai joked and finally laid eyes on the last can of beer. "Oh yeah, I think there's still beer left from earlier." The older spoke up and if looks could kill, he'd definitely be dead from the glare his friend was giving him. "Sorry Hakkai. Love you, mean it, no homo." "For fucks sake Taka-chan," The model groaned and stood up straight and swore he felt his back pop after his tall figure was crouched over looking for beer for so long.

"Bro I literally heard that shit, you good man?" Mitsuya squeezed his eyes shut as he tried to hold in his laughter that was fighting to spill out of him. "I swear I just threw my back out." "Dumbass, you don't even know what that is," "Of course I know what that is, I just did it!" Hakkai wrinkled his nose and walked over to sit beside his friend.

"You walked over here with no problem, there's absolutely nothing wrong with your back silly." The fashion designer grinned and punched the taller man in the arm before getting up to grab a can of beer from earlier that day. "When's Yuzuha coming to get you?" He asked as he sat back down and opened his can of beer. "Wow, trying to get rid of me already huh?" "Of course not, you're, like, my most favorite person on this planet. After Luna and Mana and my mom." "Understandable, I still have higher ranking than Draken and that's what matters." The younger took a quick swig of his beer. "Well..." Mitsuya squeaked and Hakkai looked at him completely offended. "Kidding, kidding! I think.." He traiked off and actually sat and thought about it for a while.

"My conclusion is that you're secretly my favorite." He affirmed even though he'd probably said that to Draken not too long ago. "I can die happily knowing that I can finally beat Draken in something," "Now that I think about it, you two have never gone head to head in a fight...that'll have to be arranged." Mitsuya muttered and pulled out his phone to set a reminder. "You're insane," Hakkai laughed and looked down at a grinning Mitsuya whose eyes were closed with faint crease lines at the corner of each as he laughed wholeheartedly. He had to fight the urge to whip his phone out and take hundreds of pictures of his friends' beauty. "I tend to get that often. Mostly when I stay awake for several days straight working on a clothing piece surviving off nothing but beer and honey barbecue chips,"

"You need help, Taka-chan. How on Earth did you just reveal that to me with a gigantic smile on your face?" Hakkai questioned completely baffled by his best friends' actions. "I think I'm kinda tipsy but it's whatever." Mitsuya answered and Hakkai realized that he was already on his fourth can of beer. "When the hell, no, where the hell did you get those?" He was struck by pure disbelief as he tried to comprehend whatever kind of possibilities occurred.

"I'm Mitsuya Takashi, literally anything is possible when it comes to me." "You need to go to bed," "Nah, what I need is a damn Tylenol because my headache is coming back." Mitsuya sighed and stood up, wobbling a bit as he tried to balance. Hakkai watched in concern but the second he saw the fashion designer almost run into a wall he completely "nope'd" that and hopped up to convince him to sit down and that he'd get the medicine.

"You have like a minute and forty-eight seconds before I fall asleep." "Consider it done in twenty-four seconds." Hakkai gave the cheesiest wink to ever meet the Earth and practically sprinted down the hallway to the bathroom and back down the hallway with the medicine and a cup of water with him. "Record timing, you made it back in seventeen seconds!" Mitsuya cheered and sat up to accept the medicine and water from a breathless Hakkai.

"You look like you need this water more than me, here bro." He ushered his friend to sit down and handed him the cup of water, deciding to just swallow the medication by itself. "You're a menace," The model claimed after gulping down the cup of water. "Thank you, now find a movie to watch so I can wind down."

"It's getting pretty late, Yuzuha probably forgot about me." Hakkai muttered as he literally cuddled with Mitsuya and thought nothing it. "I'm pretty sure you left clothes here last time you stayed over, go check the dryer." The older man answered in a groggy voice as he was currently halfway awake. "Sleepover!" Hakkai cheered and got up to look in the dryer for some clothes. Mitsuya reluctantly got up and paused the movie they were watching so he could follow proper hygiene and shower.

"Hakkai, I'm going to shower. Yell if you need something!" He informed the younger who was all the way on the other side of his house. "Got it!! Is my toothbrush in there?" "Yeah, hurry up and get it," Mitsuya sighed and pulled his pants back on so he avoid could the absolute mortification he'd have to endure if Hakkai walked in on him pantless. He'd probably keel over and die on the spot.

"Hello, I am coming in with my eyes covered in case you're naked." Hakkai knocked and Mitsuya snickered to himself before moving Hakkai's hand from his eyes. "I'm not naked dummy, unless you want me to be." He joked although Hakkai took it literally and his face flushed an unhealthy shade of red. "Oh my god, it was a joke! What on Earth are you imagining in that dirty little mind of yours?" The older laughed at his friends' embarrassment and handed him his toothbrush.

"Here you go man, feel free to envision whatever you want in the shower-" He paused and considered his choice of words before shaking his head and placing the toothbrush in Hakkai's large hands. "Okay. That didn't come out right, I'm, um, gonna start my shower now. Yeah. You, er, should start yours too. Mhm." Mitsuya gave an awkward smile and pat the younger on the back who silently nodded in return and backed out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

"Sweet fuck, Takashi what is wrong with you? You almost killed the man dammit! No more alcohol for you," Mitsuya muttered to himself and began to undress once again only for Hakkai to barge in as he wrapped a towel around his waist while he waited patiently for the water to warm up. "I forgo-"

"FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK HAKKAI!!" Mitsuya shrieked and clutched his towel around his waist. "Oh shit! Sorry, sorry! Eyes are closed, I just needed my body wash." The model covered his eyes with his hand. The older man sighed and went to get his friends' body wash. "Here you go, please knock next time Hakkai. I almost went into cardiac arrest." He told Hakkai who nodded and waited until the body wash was in his one large outstretched hand to retreat back into the hallway after closing the door.



"Sorry again for walking in on you Taka-chan," This was Hakkai's fifth time apologizing and Mitsuya had forgiven him once again, shrugging it off and saying it wasn't that big of a deal. Hakkai was still very embarrassed by it and it was becoming very evident that he definitely saw something he wasn't supposed to see...yet. "But still.." "Shhh, let's just watch the movie and forget that ever happened." Mitsuya suggested and he could feel Hakkai nod against his shoulder. Yes, they are mindlessly cuddling again. It's like a routine for them whenever one stays at the others' place. Poor Yuzuha had to witness it more often than not and would always go out of her way to drape a blanket over them...and maybe snap a picture.

Mitsuya could feel Hakkai's breathing slow and figured he was drifting off to sleep. He could also feel his leg falling asleep but whatever. He went ahead and took it upon himself to turn of the TV and allow himself to fall asleep in his best friends' secure hold. "Good night, Hakkai." He whispered and snuggled closer to the model. Also, he couldn't help but notice that Hakkai was going commando and wearing basketball shorts. I think you can imagine how close Mitsuya was to dying of absolute embarrassment. Though, that's a topic for another day.

A/N: fun fact: the swing story hakkai told mitsuya actually happened to me lmao ! and it was in year 3

i hope you enjoyed the chapter ! have an amazing day/night ! comments, shares, and kudos are always appreciated ! stay hydrated and safe ! <3

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