In the end, its Him & I

By amararosewrites_

267K 2.5K 1.7K

"I wanted what I wanted, fuck everything else. And what I wanted was her. Anaís Semaya." "Out of all the star... More

Main Characters & Aesthetics
1. Twenty Five
2. Tequila & Bad Decisions
3. Fuck Me Into Oblivion
4. Waffles
5. Pool & a Movie
6. Peonies
7. I'll Kill You
8. Xile's 18th
9. Carnival
10. My Perfect Date
11. Star
12. Betrayal
13. Artista
14. Kiss & Make-up
15. Ours
16. Bunker
17. If Only
18. Submit
19. Naughty Ana
20. Semaya or Valentino?
21. Shortcake
23. Welcome to the family
24. Anyone
25. It's Just Us
26. Bliss
27. Bad Boy
28. Stranger/Boyfriend
29. Spa Date
30. Cool off
31. Charity Ball
Author's Note;)
32. Valentino BBQ
33. Tears & Confessions
34. Home
35. Red Everywhere
36. The Darkness
37. Limitless
38. A Step in the Right Direction
39. Talent Show
40. Cross My Heart
41. My Girls
42. Beg Me
43. Sweet & Savory
44. Surprise
45. First Glance
46. In the end, its Him and I
Author's Note
My two cents...
Bonus Chapter

22. Regina?

3.8K 39 21
By amararosewrites_

We enter one of the little cafés not far from my place. Two men in white button-down shirts sit at the table in the back with their backs to us. The café is empty but with what is going to play out, it needed to be.

Grey takes my hand in his and we walk toward them. My heels click against the marble floor, and they sit up in their chairs. Grey pulls my chair for me, and we both sit down. Mariano locks the café doors and stands in front of it giving me a thumbs up. I nod once before switching my attention to the men sitting in front of me.

"Valentino, who is this beautiful thing?" the man with a snaggle tooth says, who I'm guessing the right-hand man is because of the dagger tattoo on his neck.

"My wife, look at her for more than 2 seconds and I'll gauge both of your eyes out and feed it to you," Grey says resting his arm on the table as he runs his other up and down my thigh. "Now talk before I change my mind."

"As you know, we were devastated by your declination of our first proposition, but we are more than grateful that you've had a change of heart." The same man from before says as I stare at him. There's no doubt he can feel me staring at him. The little movement he does with his head after his eyes move to me repeatedly doesn't go unnoticed, no matter how hard he tries.

My hand is in my purse that sits on my lap, my hand around my gun, and my finger on the trigger just waiting.

"We'll need two full containers each week. High in demand you know." The leader of the gang says taking a sip of his drink.

"That's a lot don't you think wife?" Grey asks and I look out the window and nod in agreement. "Especially since they stole enough to last the whole city of New York at least 5 months." He says and I turn to look at him.

He has that evil smirk on his face that I love so much. I smile and we turn our heads to look at them. Their mouths are going a mile a minute, but I can't hear anything as I take out my gun and shoot them both in the throat. Mariano claps as Grey holds his hand out for me. I take it and we head back home.

We take a quick shower before we snuggle in bed. I grab my phone and look at the time, it's 7:55 am. I set an alarm for 10:30 and we head to sleep.

✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦

"Get up Grey, we're going to miss our flight!" I yell as I slap his chest trying to wake him up. Our flight is at 12 and it's 30 minutes from then. He groans and rolls onto his side.

"Morning mom, where are you?" Xile says through the phone speaker as I grab Grey's face and shake him.

"We're on our way baby, I'll see you soon!" I yell as I punch Grey in his arm and jump off the bed. I run into the closet and search for something comfortable the both of us can wear.

"You woke up late, didn't you?" Xile asks.

"Xile!" I yell as I run out of the closet and throw our clothes on the bed. Grey sits up on the bed and watches me with a blank expression. "Can you hurry?" I say glaring at him as I grab my phone from the nightstand, but he doesn't budge.

"Hand me the phone." He says and I do. "Shortcake, can you give Emilio the phone please?"

"I already handled it; we leave at 1." Is the only thing Emilio says before the call ends.

"Now, can you calm down? It's my airport, I leave whenever I feel like it."

"Your airport, what could you possibly need your own airport for?" he tilts his head and raises his eyebrow with a smirk. I nod my head remembering exactly why.  "Still, let's get ready now. I want to stop for something on the way there."

"Okay Mrs. Valentino, you're the boss." He says pulling me to his chest.

"Don't forget it, acey-poo," I say lifting myself onto my tippy toes and kissing his lips softly. He holds onto me tighter, and I peel his hands off of me before patting his shoulder, "Come on stinka"

I turn on my heels and make my way to the bathroom. He lifts me bridal style and locks the bathroom door. When we're done getting ready, I grab my electronics and shove them into my handbag. I go to the twins' rooms as Mariano and Grey bring our luggage down to the car.

"Good morning sunshine, we thought you were going to leave without saying bye," Zayn says closing his laptop and placing it on the nightstand.

"Shut up, you know I'd never do such a thing."

"Don't lie, you totally would," Kaia says emerging from the large fluffy blankets.

"I'm going to miss you guys," I say jumping on the bed between them.

"Not for long, Grey got us a flight for next week," Kaia says before wrapping her arms around me. Zayn joins in and we hug in silence until they push me off.

"Okay, okay, you have to get going now."

"Okay, but you're definitely telling me all about your new lovers," I say hopping off the bed. They follow me to the elevator doors where Grey is waiting for me.

"Ready?" he asks, and I nod before turning to the twins and hugging them again. "I love you guys; I'll keep you posted."

"We love you," they say before kissing me on the cheek, pushing me into the elevator, and waving as the doors close. Grey opens his arms and I wrap mine around him.

"I'm going to miss them so much. Thank you for arranging their flights." I say holding back tears. It was only a week, but my separation anxiety didn't care.

"No problem mama"

We join Mariano in the car and on our way to the airport we stop at Dairy Queen. We get onto the private jet where Xile and Emilio sit on one of the couches watching a movie.

The plane takes off and she fills me in on what a great time she had last night. She tells me the theme ended up being the Yule Ball from Harry Potter. Although, it wasn't one of their options everyone loved it. She starts yawning and I let her get her rest.

I enter the bathroom and as I'm about to close the door Ace's hand stops me. He enters and suddenly this bathroom feels as small as one in a regular plane. This one not only has a shower but a bathtub as well.

I step back as I look into his eyes. His intimidating frame towering over my smaller one. "Missed me?"

"Grey, I was sitting 5 feet away from you."

"And? I missed you baby." He says as he takes one step towards me and pulls me to him by my hips. "You didn't miss me, baby?" he whispers in my ear before kissing my sweet spot.

I take a deep breath in when he puts his hand in my pants and grabs my ass. "Grey," his fingers brush against my pussy "W-what are you doing?"

"Relax angel," he says circling my clit with his index and middle finger. He nips my bottom lip before tangling our tongues together. The kiss is rough, and my breathing picks up as I open my legs more giving him more access.

He pushes my panties to the side and dips his fingers inside. He twists them in and out as my juices drain down. He pulls them out as he pulls away from me and shoves them into his mouth. He sucks my juices off as he looks into my eyes. "I just wanted a little taste mama." He says before kissing me and exiting the bathroom.

I curse him under my breath as I clean up and collect myself before sitting in my seat next to him. He's talking to Emilio and Mariano in Italian and although I can't understand, I can tell it's something serious.

I put in my earphones and watch a movie. I try to fight the heaviness weighing on my eyes. That is until Grey covers me with a blanket, pulls me to his chest, and rubs my cheek with his thumb. And eventually, it gets the best of me.

✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦

I'd been in and out of sleep for the past 6 hours. Grey woke me to eat and then we fell asleep in each other's arms not long after, leaving Xile and Emilio up as Mariano slept too.

We're now two and a half hours away from our destination and the nerves are kicking in. I know little to no Italian; only curse words, and I was meeting his family real soon.

I lay against his chest as he plays in my hair, making me want to fall right back to sleep. "What if your parents don't like me?"

"It's you and I baby; I don't care if they don't like you. To hell with them if they don't. You don't need to seek anyone's approval, so please don't stress it." He says and I sit up and reach for my drink that was brought not long ago.

"I don't even speak Italian."

"My family also speaks English and Spanish. And I'll be by your side everywhere you go." He rubs my hand, "You have nothing to worry about angel, okay?"


We get up and go to the bathroom as the others are sleeping, Emilio and Xile in the room and Mariano on the couch snoring so loud I think the birds can hear him. We brush our teeth and have a shower and of course, Grey tries to have sex, but I stop him. Not only because we're in a jet and the others are near but also because of what he did earlier.

He slaps my butt on the way out of the bathroom and I jump seeing the others awake and staring back at us.

"It's nice of you both to grace us with your presence," Mariano says, and I roll my eyes as Grey, and I sit down on the couch across from Xile and Emilio.

"You have nothing better to do than to be in our business, don't you?"

"Hey, it's what I get paid for, I am a spy you know." He says taking a sip of his drink.

"Well, I'm an assassin and I do it for fun. Play with me."

His eyes blaze open and he's silent for a while before he says, "You got it, boss lady."

The attendant comes out and we order a bunch of snacks. We eat as we play games for the remainder of the flight. Emilio and I join forces when we start playing dominos leaving Xile and Grey on a team and Mariano on his iPad taking score.

I slam the winning domino onto the table and Emilio, and I celebrate as we give Grey and Xile six love. In the midst of it all, the flight attendant comes out and informs us that we have arrived, and our car is waiting for us. Grey grabs my things and holds my hand as he helps me down the stairs.

They're two separate cars waiting for us. Grey opens the passenger door and I get in. Xile gets in as Emilio opens her door. He tells her that he has something to take care of with Mariano and that he'll see her soon. They kiss goodbye and we drive off. "Welp, we're in Italy!" she yells as she lays back in her seat.

I hear Zayn and Kaia scream and I look back at Xile. She turns her phone to me, and the twins are doing some sort of happy dance in the camera. I have no idea what they're so happy about because they aren't here but they're the twins, so I guess that explains it.

"We miss you already," Zayn says grabbing the phone and bringing it up close to his face. "Zayn, let me see!" Kaia yells and I can imagine her jumping to get in the frame as he's much taller than her.

He looks down at her and says "Nope" before running away. "We miss you too, now stop being mean to your sister," I say as I turn my attention to Grey. "Are you happy to be home?"

"Yes, but I'm even happier that I'm here with my two most favorite girls." He says and my cheeks redden. "We'll go to my house and get some rest since it's 3 am and then tomorrow I'll take you to meet my mom, okay angel?"

"I love you baby"

"I love you, Mrs. Valentino"

"You've become attached to that name huh?"

"Just practicing for the inevitable." He says with a wink, and I roll my eyes.

Xile and I talk with the twins for a while until they hang up to hang out with their new love interests. I beg them to let me get a sneak peek at them, but they don't budge. I have no idea why though because we share everything; must be special.

It's 4 in the morning and from what I've seen so far Italy is just as beautiful as they say. The streetlights and passing car lights keep me awake. I have no idea how Grey is awake and functioning. Xile is asleep and all I want to do is close my eyes and join her.

Grey rubs my cheek and I lean into his touch, "Go to sleep baby, I'll carry you both to bed."

Travelling was exhausting but I couldn't find it in myself to leave him awake when he must be just as tired. I shake my head and connect to the Bluetooth. I put on something lively to keep us awake and wind down the window. The air is cold and refreshing and I turn my body slightly towards the window before crossing my arms and resting them on the door.

"Your country is beautiful"

"And yet your beauty outweighs everything in this world."

I turn to him, "Don't you think you'll get tired of telling me I'm beautiful?"

"Never," he says, his sage orbs burning into my hazel ones.

My cheeks redden and I lock my arm with his that rests on the center console before tangling our fingers together. He kisses my hand and my heart warms.

He is the sweetest person ever and all I want to do is give him a family. But I can't. Regardless of him being who he is, I know he would be the best father in the world. He already treats Xile like she's his own and I just wish I could bring a product of our love into this world. But once again, I can't.

And with that knowledge, all I want to do is rip my heart out. Over and over again.

We drive through a huge gate and go up the even bigger driveway surrounded by tall trees and lights that turn on to light up the path as you go. I look back at Xile, she's awake and in awe as she looks out of the window. About 5 minutes later we pull up to a huge estate. I thought his house back home was huge, but this was colossal and black.

With his men standing at attention in black fitted suits and dogs at their sides, maids making their way down the steps, this was nothing like I'd seen before. There had to be at least 100 of his people here.

He squeezed my hand, "Ready?" I nodded and he got out of the car. He opens Xile's door and takes her by the hand before opening mine. All of his men and women stand on either side of the stairs leading up to the huge black doors.

He takes me by the hand and helps me down before walking towards the stairs. I can't help but feel nervous as we walk toward everyone. They all bow and say "Regina" as we reach the end of the stairs. I stick my head out and look at Xile and she does the same. Her eyes are blazed open, and we both look up at Grey.

"A proprio agio," (At ease) he says, his voice dark and deep unlike ever before. They all stand at attention again and I cling to Grey's arm feeling so awkward and out of place.

Grey motions for us to walk forward as he lets go of our hands. I take her by the hand and walk up the stairs. Grey says something to them in Italian and they respond "Si capo"

My anxiety burns through my skin until I feel his hand at the small of my back. He opens the door, and we walk in.

I look around to see if anyone is nearby but there's no sign of anyone. I turn around and slap Grey on his chest repeatedly, "Oh my God, did you have to make that so awkward. You have people bow to you?"

"They were bowing to you. Now let's go to bed, Xile's tired."

I look over at Xile and she's half asleep as she stands. Grey picks her up and takes my hand before leading us up to her room. Her room is huge with purple everywhere. She's going to love it. We tuck her in bed and kiss her on the forehead. "Don't worry, Emilio will be here soon, and his room is right across the hall." He says patting her head.

"How soon?" she asks.

"Sleep," I say before taking Grey's hand and exiting her room. He picks me up bridal style and walks up the stairs to the third floor. I fight to keep my eyes open as he takes me to the room.

The doors open and it seems like everything around me is invisible but the bed. He lays me down and removes my hoodie before pulling me to his chest. "Now you sleep," he says with a kiss on my forehead. "Ti amo, mia Regina"

And then the darkness swallows me.

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