Danmachi: The Revenant

Da KneeOil

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Nothing complex, just Bell with Hit's powers. Altro

Prologue: Youngest and Greatest
Chapter 1: New Beginnings
Chapter 2: Some Things Never Change
Harem Results
Chapter 3: The Legend They Feared
Chapter 4: Fresh Starts
Chapter 5: Goddess
Chapter 6: First Step
Chapter 7: Contact
Chapter 8: That Time of the Year
Chapter 9: A Mishap or Two
Chapter 10: New Members
Chapter 11: A Strange Request

Chapter 12: We Don't Condone Child Violence, but

2.6K 57 3
Da KneeOil

The next morning was when Rye, Roux and Fina were supposed to start their training with Bell. Most of the kids plus Maria and Astraea went to watch them, but they ended up with horror on their faces as the saw how hard Bell was on them.


Rye: Oww... *Holding his head*

Bell: No no, don't try to block everything. You should always look for opportunities to dodge.

*Whack* *whack*

Bell: Roux, your grip should be tighter and Fina, keep your eyes on your opponent.

The first two hours, Bell was beating them up the whole time. By now, they all were near the point of crying and Maria and Astraea had enough of watching.

Rye: Why are you being so mean?

Bell's face softened as he knelt in front of them.

Bell: You three wanted me to train you, right?

Fina: Yeah, but... *sniffle*

Bell: I'm only going to be like this when we train. I'm sorry, but this is how I'm going to do it.

Astraea: Bell, they're children! Can't you be a little easier on them?

Bell: No. I'm sorry, but this world isn't just sunshine and rainbows. These kids know that well enough.

The children looked down at that whule the adults started getting annoyed with Bell.

Bell: This is exactly why I can't afford to go easy on my students. It's my job to prepare them for whatever may come in their way.

Maria: Mr. Bell...

Bell: I already know I can't prepare them for everything, but I also know I'll never be as bad as what they could encounter in life or the Dungeon. *turns to Rye and the others* I'm doing this because I care about you're futures. If you come across something you can't handle, or worse, even die, it's my fault for not training you enough.

Rye: But you can't blame yourself!

Bell: Who would I blame? I'm the only factor that isn't reliant on chance. I can decide how hard I push you. Everything else is totally random. You could go to the dungeon right now and have nothing bad happen. It's a slim chance, but a chance nonetheless.

He put his hands on the boy's shoulders.

Bell: Sorry, but you'll see that I can be an overprotective older brother. I don't want anything to happen to you guys. Remember back to when we first met, and how Astraea was in danger along with you three?

The children looked back at the memory and grimaced.

Bell: Remember how powerless you felt? I can help you learn to defend yourselves and even protect those important to you. However, if I take it easy on you, it will only hinder your growth.

They were all at a loss for words at that.  They finally understood his motive for pushing them so hard and were less upset with him. Maria clearly saw a certain amount of concern in his eyes, like he's done something similar before.

Maria: You've been through a lot for your age, haven't you?

Bell: That's right. Remember, it isn't training if it's easy. Once you get your falnas, they won't grow much unless you push yourself to your limits. That's how you grow and eventually level up, or so I'm told.

Rye: So, we just have to try really hard at everything?

Bell: Yes, and I'm here to help with that. You don't have falnas right now, so your physical abilities won't improve much. That being the case, I can at least help you learn basic fighting skills.

Roux: Why did you have to beat us up?

Bell: I wanted to see what you had to offer right now. Obviously, it wasn't much, but I shouldn't set my expectations high for children your age. Now that I have a better idea of what you can do, we'll be doing basic drills moving forward.

Astraea: You'll at least give them breaks, right? *Worried*

Bell: Of course. Rest is just as important as the activities themselves. Which is why we have nap time set after lunch. *Grabs his wooden sword* Alright you three, let's get back to it.

Back in the church, Maria and Astraea were having a talk on their thoughts.

Maria: So, what do you think about it?

Astraea: Well, it makes sense now that I hear his logic. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them either, but they're still children. They aren't meant to fight much less hold a weapon.

Maria: I agree, but he isn't training them to be adventurers. He said so himself, they would just learn to defend themselves in a pinch. I'm grateful he's even spending his time doing it considering how much he's done for us already. *Sigh* We'll never be able to pay back his kindness.

Astraea: I don't think he would accept payment from us anyway. He's made it clear that this is something he wanted to do.

Maria: Yeah.

About another hour passed before they went outside to see how they were doing. When they did, they saw the three in a line, side by side, swinging their swords in repeated patterns while Bell watched.

Bell: Good. Don't aim to complete it fast. Make these movements a part of you. You want to make them as easy as breathing.

Rye, Roux and Fina: YES!!!

Astraea walked to Bell and asked what was going on.

Bell: I've shown them some basic sword techniques. Now, they're trying to commit them to muscle memory. Once this is finished, we'll break for lunch and get some rest in. *turns to the kids* Finish your last set while I go out for groceries. We'll take our lunch break when I'm back. They nodded before returning to their training. Back with Bell, he said goodbye to Astraea and went to the market to look for something to make lunch with. He passed several stalls and got plenty with the valis he had on him.

Bell: Alright, I think this should be the last one.

???: Bell?

He turned to where he heard his name and saw Syr and Ryuu also buying food.

Syr: Wow, what a surprise! I didn't expect to find you here!

Bell: Me either. It's nice to see you guys.

Ryuu: You as well. What brings you here?

Bell: Well, I needed some food to make lunch. I'm sort of helping out at an orphanage and Miss Maria has her hands full.

The silver haired girl's eyes bulged at the mention of her friend.

Syr: You're at Maria's?!

Bell: Yes. I'm on standby for something, but I'm taking a break, so I offered to lend a hand there. Also, I did promise the kids to visit when I last saw them.

Syr: I'll come too! I can help with lunch.

Bell: *Remembers yesterday* Perhaps, but don't you have work?

Syr: Aw, but I wanna visit them again. *Pouting*

Ryuu: I'm afraid it can't be helped. *Comforting her* Maybe another time.

Just as they were about to leave, a voice called out to Bell that made the three pause.

Astraea: Bell, there you are! We were a little worried with how long you were taking.

Bell: *Rubbing the back of his head* Ehe, sorry about that. I just ran into some friends when I finished. *Gesturing to Syr and Ryuu*

Astraea: *Happy* Oh, Ryuu, my dear!

She goddess threw the elf into her chest while Ryuu tried to free herself.

Ryuu: Lady Astraea... air...

Astraea: Oh, sorry. It's just nice to see you. You're always so busy with work, you and the girls hardly visit.

Ryuu: Apologies for that.

Astraea: Well, now is as good a time as any. Why don't you join us for lunch?

Ryuu: I'm afraid we can't abandon our duties for the day. We still have to bring these back.

That was when Syr decided to step in.

Syr: It's alright. I can explain it to Mama Mia.

Ryuu: But Syr-

Syr: Don't worry. Besides, you're right when you say I have to watch myself. She's caught me slacking- I mean, taking too many breaks, so I don't want her to punish me again. Worst case, I can pin the blame on Lady Astraea. *To the goddess* Sorry. *Memories of Vietnam* I can't afford to let that happen again...

Astraea: I'm sure she understands that nothing can come between me and my girls. I'll be sure to stop by for dinner at some point to make up for it.

Ryuu: Sorry, Syr.

Syr: Don't worry about it. You should enjoy spending time with your Goddess. *smiling*

Ryuu thanked her before she left. The three then returned back to the orphanage where Rye, Fina and Roux were resting after finishing their lessons.

Rye: Bell!

Bell: Finished with your swings?

Roux: Yeah...

Fina: *Sore* My arms hurt...

Bell: Haha. You'll get used to that feeling soon. Did you do those stretches we went over this morning?

Rye: Yeah.

Bell: Good. That'll help with the pain later. Go wash up while I get lunch ready.

The children had bright eyes when they saw all the food he was carrying. If breakfast was good, they had high hopes lunch would be just as tasty. Inside, Bell put the meal together while the women watched him work in awe.

Astraea: You're amazing! Is there anything you can't do?

Bell: I try. *Smiling*

Maria: He's cooking all of our meals now. He even got extra food for us to use later.

Ryuu: You should be more careful. People can take advantage of your kindness.

Bell: Don't worry, I know who's worth it. This place deserves whatever lucky break it can get. No offense. This is for the kids.

Maria: Some taken. I wish we could provide as much as you can.

Astraea: I feel the same. Not being able to make money in the Dungeon is hurting us.

The mention of that place made Ryuu shiver, something Bell took notice of.

Bell: You do, just not in the way you're thinking.

Astraea: Hm?

Bell: You're the parent figures they're missing. I'm sure they all see you as their mothers. Being there for them is more than they could ask for, so you don't have to feel ashamed.

Maria was speechless for a moment before a smile crept up on her face.

Maria: Thank you, Mr. Bell.

Bell: My pleasure. Anyway, the food is almost done, so you can get everyone here.

After a few minutes, everyone got a spot to sit as well as a bowl that Bell was able to pour the freshly made stew into.

Rye: Wow, this looks so good!

Child: What is it?

Bell: It's a stew I used to make for everyone back home. It's healthy and tastes great from what they told me.

Astraea: What's in it?

Bell: Oh, just some basic stuff: vegetables, broth I prepared separately and some rabbit meat.

Maria: *gasps*

Bell: What?

Maria: Goodness, I never expected you to be a cannibal! How could you eat rabbit meat so casually?! *shocked*

Bell needed a moment to process that before he had a deadpan stare.

Bell: Why do you feel the need to do that?

Astraea: *snorts* pfft!

It wasn't long before everyone else made the connection and started laughing. Bell just let them have their fun before helping put the kids down for a nap. After a quick rest, they resumed their work while Ryuu and Astraea caught up.

Astraea: So, your work at the pub is still the same? That's good.

Ryuu: Yeah, Alise still causes problems from time to time and Syr isn't a big help with how similar they are.

Astraea: Haha, I can tell.


Fina: OUGH!


Bell: Not quite. Try it again.

Fina got back up from the ground and the three went for another attack on Bell. Ryuu watched curiously at what they were doing.

Ryuu: Is he training them?

Astraea: Yes. Originally, they wanted to try and become adventurers, but Maria and I forbid them from doing so. No reason for kids that young to throw their lives away.

Ryuu: I can agree with that.

Astraea: Bell was much the same. Instead, he's honing their fighting skills so they can defend themselves. If they want to become adventurers when they're older, that's their choice to make. Really, Bell is just killing time until he leaves for his mission.

Ryuu: He has a mission? I thought his Familia was new?

Astraea: He didn't explain the details, but it sounds like he was recruited by another Familia for help. Probably something in the Dungeon that needed his help-

She stopped when she noticed the elf trembling in her seat. Ryuu was brought out of her trance when she felt a tight, yet comforting grip on her arm. She turned and saw Astraea with a smile on her face.

Astraea: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring that up again.

Ryuu: N-No, it wasn't your fault. I still have trouble getting over it.

Bell: Getting over what?

Ryuu: Eep!

She was startled by Bell barging in on them. After reviewing their surroundings, they saw the kids panting on the ground, likely taking a small break while Bell went to see what they were talking about.

Ryuu: I-It's nothing.

Bell: Is it about your shaking? I noticed it earlier when Lady Astraea mentioned the Dungeon.

The feeling of dread washed over the elf again as her eye widened.

Ryuu: I-I...

Bell: It's okay if you don't want to talk about it. I don't know about the whole story, but I heard enough from Miss Ardi when we met to know that it was enough to bother you a lot.

Ryuu: How much did she tell yoyou?

Bell: Well, from what I recall, your Familia got caught in a trap in the Dungeon. Most were wiped out and the rest of you barely made it out with your lives. Lyra and Kaguya were hurt bad and Alise was emotionally beat up at losing everyone. You probably suffered the most since she said you were too afraid to go back. No offense or anything.

Ryuu lowered her head as she could confirm that the statement was accurate enough of what had happened that day.

Ryuu: Well, Ardi told you herself and much of that was true. Even now, it's too much for me to go there or even think about it. *trembling*

Astraea: Ryuu, you don't need to do this right now if you don't want to.

Ryuu: No, I need to at least tell him the truth for myself. He deserves to know that much.

Bell: If you sure about it.

Ryuu: *nods* I can't say the exact details, but what we encountered that day was death itself. I saw how it tore through everyone effortlessly. We never stood a chance. We have to cave the floor in just to escape. Kaguya had to protect me when I was about to be killed by it. It's how she got so hurt. She was trying to protect me from that thing. *hic* Staring at it, I never felt more powerless. It could've killed me at any time and... *whimpers*

Astraea: *Hugging her* Shh, it's alright. You don't have to keep going.

She sobbed quietly with her goddess while Bell gave his sympathies.

Bell: (None of them deserved that. I'll be sure to kill that monster if I ever find it!)

Astraea: Mr. Bell?

Bell: Huh?

Astraea: Are you ok? You're face looked angry.

Bell: O-Oh, it's nothing. What about you?

Astraea: Oh, her? I'll be fine. She just needs a minute. You get back to your lessons.

The worried expression never left Bell's face, but he managed a nod before resuming the kid's training after a long break.

Bell: All right, let's do it again. Remember to breath, okay?

They nodded as they remembered how much better it felt when they didn't hold in their breaths. Bell would spend much of his time looking for and fixing any bad habits they had. By the time night rolled around, they had a few bruises which Bell helped tend to.

Rye: Owowowow! *flinch*

Bell: Sorry, Rye, I'm almost done. Just try to hold still for a little longer.

Rye: Okay... mmm! *hurting*

Bell was putting on the last bits of ointment on his skin.

Bell: There! All done! Good work today, all three of you. I saw good improvement from when we started this morning.

Roux: It didn't feel that different.

Bell: I'm keeping the difficulty the same, Roux. We'll keep this up for a few days, then you can test yourselves in spars against each other if you want.

Fina: Can we? *Excited*

Bell: Once you've finished with the basics. Now, let's get you two fixed up.

After he was done patching up Roux and Fina, he went to make dinner, this time with Maria and Astraea helping him. Trying to help to be more precise.

Bell: *Tasting the soup* This tastes sweet. Lady Astraea, are you sure you put salt in this?

Astraea: *Worried* Oh no! Did I mix the salt and sugar?!

Maria: If it tastes sweet, that would be the case. Good thing that was only your portion out of three.

Astraea: *Depressed* Aww...

Bell: *Comforting her* D-Don't worry, it won't take that long to fix.

After helping Astraea fix her mistake, the food was finished and everyone ate. Once more, they were impressed by the recipe Bell had on hand.

Ryuu: I wonder if Mama Mia would be interested in the recipe.

Bell: How much would she ne willing to pay for it? *Smirking*

Astraea: Haha! Enough to force her staff to make up for the loss.

Ryuu shivered slightly in her seat, knowing she wasn't entirely wrong. After some time, Bell finished cleaning the dishes while Astraea and Maria put the kids to sleep. He looked outside and saw Ryuu staring at the moon. He went out to see what she was up to.

Bell: Ryuu?

Ryuu: Hm?

Bell: What are you doing out here?

Ryuu: Nothing, just thinking.

Bell: Is it about what we talked about earlier?

Ryuu: In a way. ...Bell, do you think this is right?

Bell: Huh?

Ryuu: I mean me. I'm a high level 4 that can go to level 5 at anytime, yet here I am cowering after one encounter in the Dungeon. It just sounds so pathetic for a former member of the Familia of Justice.

She somehow laughed at that, but Bell didn't find anything funny about it.

Bell: What's wrong about that? So what if you're scared? After what you and the others went through, it's natural to be afraid.

Ryuu: But that happened years ago. After all that time, I haven't gotten better at all. I'm still just as weak as I was that day. *sad*

Bell: If that's what you think, what if I helped you?

Ryuu: Huh?

Bell: Well, my party doesn't go that deep. We could help you get over your fears and maybe get yourself back on track. At least, Lady Astraea wouldn't worry about you as much.

Ryuu: N-No, I couldn't ask that of you!

Bell: You've been a good friend for long enough. The others back at the Hostess are probably even more worried about you. I'm not forcing you or anything, but if you ever want to face your demons, we'll all help in whatever way you need.

Ryuu: I... thank you. I still don't think I'm ready, but I'll think about it.

Bell: That's good enough. *Smiling*

Ryuu: I should probably head back. Mama Mia won't be happy if I stay any later along with missing the dinner rush.

Bell: I'll go with you. I can help explain what happened.

Ryuu: I-I can handle going alone.

Bell: Yeah, but a gentleman can't let a lady roam the city streets alone.

Ryuu: It's no bother to you?

Bell: If anything, it'll make me and Lady Astraea more at ease knowing you got back safe.

Ryuu: I see. Well, if you insist, I will accept accept offer.

Bell gave a quick notice to Astraea, who gave her daughter one last hug as well as a request that she come again soon. Ryuu promised to try before she and Bell made their way to the pub. On their way there, she inquired about what else Ardi told the boy. Thankfully, nothing embarrassing was leaked. After arriving, Ryuu apologized as Bell explained the reasons for her absence. Mia asked for a shift of his service as payment which Bell accepted, though not immediately as he had business in the near future. He said he would pay her back once he was finished. After saying goodbye, he left the place and returned to the church where he was met by Asfi on a nearby rooftop.

Bell: Miss Asfi? Is this about the mission?

Asfu: Correct. Lord Hermes has confirmed that it will take place the day after tomorrow. Be prepared to embark that day. I'll fill you in on the rest of the details later.

Bell: I understand.

With that, she left and Bell put together his plan to prepare for that day. Still, he also had to put together a training regime for Rye and the others for when he would be away. Tomorrow though, he would just repeat most of what he did today. That being, the three were mercilessly clobbered.

The next morning...

Rye: Off! I give...

Roux: *Panting*

Fina: Is it break time yet?

Bell: Hm, yeah, now should be good.


All three dropped to the ground, breathless while Bell was busy in his head. Tomorrow would be an interesting day for him.

AN: Well, that should wrap up this one. Progress with Ryuu and Astraea, check. Looks like Rye and the others bit off a bit more than they could chew. While are in good hands, those hands were also responsible for knocking them around repeatedly. At least they get a break from that tomorrow. The real fun begins next.

As always, thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed and feel free to let me know what you though. See you in the next one.

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It's not the same story it has better writing and I'm not Extremely Overpowered :)