To Be A Champion

By GravityWillFall01

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Book 8 of the To Be A Runner Series A dying leader, a runaway madman, skeptical locals, and a piece of the bo... More

Chapter 1: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Chapter 2: Aftershock
Chapter 3: Big Mistake
Chapter 4: My Head and My Heart
Chapter 5: Radio Ga Ga
Chapter 6: Talk to Me
Chapter 7: Fear of the Dark
Chapter 8: Flattery
Chapter 9: On The Hunt
Chapter 10: I Want It That Way
Chapter 11: My Name Is Mud
Chapter 12: Blood in the Water
Chapter 13: Seal My Fate
Chapter 14: Want You Gone
Chapter 15: I Don't Want To Know
Chapter 16: It's Oh So Quiet
Chapter 17: Everywhere
Chapter 18: Poison Whisky
Chapter 19: Line Without A Hook
Chapter 20: On the Rocks
Chapter 21: Come Back... Be Here
Chapter 22: Best Laid Plans...
Chapter 23: Codified Likeness Utility
Chapter 24: Icebreaker
Chapter 25: Save Your Tears
Chapter 26: Red Right Hand
Chapter 27: These Are The Lies
Chapter 28: Weird Science
Chapter 29: She's Somebody's Daughter
Chapter 30: Dear Alice
Chapter 31: Live From The Underground
Chapter 32: Ego
Chapter 33: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
Chapter 34: True Friend
Chapter 35: Take A Chance On Me
Chapter 36: It's All Futile! It's All Pointless!
Chapter 37: The Way We Were
Chapter 38: Dangerous Type
Chapter 39: Infected
Chapter 40: Bonfire Heart
Chapter 41: my tears ricochet
Chapter 42: Soft Target
Chapter 43: I Will Kill Again
Chapter 44: Failed Transmissions
Chapter 45: Captain of a Shipwreck
Chapter 46: Only Love Can Hurt Like This
Chapter 47: King of Kings
Chapter 49: Lady In Red Part 2
Canon Changes

Chapter 48: Lady In Red Part 1

16 3 1
By GravityWillFall01

Shona laughs. "The ceremony's over. There's nothing you can do now. It's the dawn of the red god, and you're all going to be a part of it."

She laughs again, and my anger mounts until it overflows.

"No," I growl. "This isn't over."

"Are you still clinging to hope, Five?" She sounds positively amused, giddy even.

"I've faced worse than you and lived. You may have won the battle, but the war isn't over. I won't stop fighting until I'm dead." I look around. "Everyone, change frequencies. Sam, get us on a private coms channel now!"

She'll find a way to get back to listening in soon enough. She can see inside our heads, so she'll know if we think about it too hard, but this can buy us a little time.

"It's done," Sam says. "What's the plan?"

"I don't-I don't know, but I am not letting her win," I say, clenching my fists.

Think. Think!

I close my eyes and let my head drop.

God? Moonchild? Catherine? Give me something! A vision, an apparition, a memory, anything!

"Sam, is there anything left of the Undaunted?" Jody asks.

He makes a pained noise. "Just sinking wreckage. No sign of more lifeboats. The cliff face near the wreckage has completely sheared off, like Nicole said. The red fungus underneath is-is pulsing. Mor Island must be bursting with the stuff. Shona, the skincoats and the V-Types are converging on the town, but there are still a few V-Types sticking by the boulder, guarding it."

"Those bloody Reids," Morag groans. "That family's become nothing but trouble."

I feel a shift under my feet, and tears sting my eyes as I keep them closed.

Give me something. Please.

Jody yelps in horror, and my eyes fly open. Clumps of red sprout out of the ground, like in our dreams of the red world. It's stretching along the countryside around us.

"It's coming through the soil all over the isle," Sam reports shakily. "The fungus is shifting in the earth, like what we saw in the cave, like what made the rockslide on the cliff path."

"The islanders in town that are still somewhat sane have all barricaded into their homes," Nicole says. "That won't protect them long. And I... I haven't seen any sign of Rory."

Paula's voice trembles. "Nothing's going to protect any of us long. If we can't move the boulder blocking that geyser, the silver mud won't spread. Nothing will stop the fungus. Frances, any ideas from Dearg?"

"Uh, we need something to move the boulder."

I can practically see Nicole rolling her eyes. "Thanks, Sherlock. But what?"

"Um, a bomb or a powerful source of traction, maybe?"

I gasp when I see it, a memory I've already seen. The memory of Morag and Jones together in that cave that began the King of the Rocks ceremony.

"Callum's moved the drill in already. Oh, he'll be nearby to see it all."

My eyes snap to Morag. "Is Callum's old drilling equipment still on the island?"

She looks perplexed that I'd ask that, but she still nods. "Aye. Rusting on a beach. You think we can use it for this?"

I nod fervently. "It's our best bet for moving that rock. We've got to be fast. Once those V-Types have hit the town, anyone who's still resisting the red fungus is as good as gone. Everyone, weapons ready. If we see a skincoat, we shoot to kill. Morag, lead us to that beach." My eyes harden as I look at the others. "This could be our last chance at stopping the fungus. We fight until there's nothing left, okay? Now let's run!"

My mini-speech must have been particularly rousing because Morag darts off, leading us towards in the direction of the old drill equipment with renewed vigor. I meant every word I said. This could be our last chance, and any skincoat that stands in our way will not be able to get away from us. I'll kill them all with my bare hands if I have to.

They won't get away with what they've done to these poor people on this island, to my friends. Shona is going to wish we never came to these islands.

We keep running as thunder rolls and lightning flashes. Finally, rain starts to fall. The fat water droplets are cold on my skin, renewing my senses and causing me to run that much faster. The wind howls, sounding like a dying scream. Fitting for the situation, I suppose.

"There's the equipment, just up the beach," Morag points out, and my stomach churns at the few rusty diggers and a tractor with a great drill in the front. The storm is fast and hard, but even with the lowered visibility, I can see how old this equipment is, rusting away from disuse and lack of upkeep.

"Guys, Shona and the other nine skincoats are ignoring the townspeople," Sam states. "She's giving a speech. I'll patch you in."

There's a bit of static in my headset.

"The red god wakes. We are its shepherds. And we rise with it!" Shona declares, and I hear cheers erupt. It must be from those who have succumbed to the fungus.

"The skincoats are around Shona in a ring. They're drinking something." Sam sounds like he's going to be sick.

I gasp. "Oh, don't tell me..."

"It was accelerant. Lots of it. There's-there's wreaths of fungus ripping out of them and coming from the ground under them, exploding from the cracks in the pavement. Shona's... clapping."

"She's lost her mind." Morag stares at the drill anxiously once we reach it. "How-how do we get this big tractor thing started?"

"No idea," Jody replies as thunder rolls. "Paula, Morag, work it out. Nic, you're a jack of all trades. If you know anything about this, help them get it started. Once you've got it running, meet us by the geyser. Five, we're going to distract the V-Types guarding the boulder, pull them away."

I nod. "Rodger that."

"Jody, I'm hooked into Sam's feeds," Frances announces. "The fungus is sprouting everywhere on Mor. Where it's densest, it's forming fruiting bodies. It's going to release spore, go airborne."

I curse, and the blonde beside me frowns in thought.

"And since we're all already infected, it's going to push us into zombiedom really fast. Girls, get that equipment hot-wired now. Five, with me. To the boulder. Come on."

We sprint back the way we came, running as fast as our legs can carry us. Sweat drips down our faces, and I'm breathing heavily. Jody keeps her eyes ahead, face hard and determined. She knows we have maybe an hour, if that, before everything is lost.

The spores will be carried by the whipping wind of the storm. And with how close we are to turning V-Types, it could turn us in minutes. Maybe the rain will wash some of it out of the air, but without the silver mud in it, it won't kill it. The most it will do is delay the process.

We have to get that geyser unblocked.

I will not let Shona win. I have not survived this much to be taken down by her.

Nicole is talking to Paula and Morag, giving them suggestions on how to hot-wire machinery. This isn't one of the things she's well versed in, but she knows some of it from working with Tom these past few weeks on the zombie attractant devices and the control box. Apparently, their hours together included a lot of talk about some of the things they've done to survive and what they've learned in their respected occupations before coming to Abel.

She keeps talking to them in the multiple minutes it takes us to reach the boulder. Her voice fades as the rain does, and I take a tentative step closer, gaining the attention of the surrounding V-Types. They snarl threateningly, and I take another step forward, then another.

They can't resist.

With one comes all, and as soon as they charge, I turn and sprint, running with Jody past the boulder. There are fearsome growls and groans behind me as the zombies keep pace, sprinting after us with wide eyes and fungus pulsing outside their bodies. It surrounded their arms, foams from their mouths. The rain leaves the ground mud-slick, making it hard to keep our footing. It sucks us in, making each step harder and harder.

It doesn't bother the V-Types. They keep coming after us with outstretched hands and hungry mouths.

"Morag got the drill tractor started," Sam announces, and I sigh in relief, wiping the water from my face. "She and Paula are roaring towards you."

My headset crackles again.

"Sam, Nicole, it's Amelia. I'm near Gaisgeach ruins with Janine, Tom, and a few marines from the Undaunted. Had to flee the coats to avoid V-Types. Janine's still out, and Tom's still a bit out of it from the sedatives and pain meds. I'm seeing red spores in the air. Tell me there's a plan."

There's a desperation in her voice that I'm not used to hearing from her.

"Stand by, Amelia," Sam answers as the rumble of machinery reaches my ears. "I see the tractor coming over a hill. It's going to hit the boulder head on!"

I don't look back to see it, but within a minute or two, there's a loud crash and crack, the rumble of the drill sputter for a moment before it starts up again. It sounds slightly off than before.

"The tractor rammed the boulder, pushed it aside!" Frances cheers. I take the chance to look back, seeing the V-Types leaving us. They aren't running back to the boulder, though. They're heading towards the town.

Something's not right.

I look at the now unblocked geyser and my heart drops. "Why isn't anything happening?"

Frances gasps. The sound is a mixture of horror and ascertainment. "Oh no! The rain's died down in that part of the isle. The storm's moving too fast. The tides have calmed about that blowhole's inlet, and the whirlwinds are past East Loch. Even if the geyser does spurt, the silver mud won't be sucked into the storm."

"So, what do we do now-" I start, but I clutch my chest and groan. A wretched, ragged cough leaves my lips as my lungs burn with each inhale.

"Callista, sweetheart, what's wrong?" Sam's voice cracks.

"It's the spores," I cough, covering my mouth and nose with my shirt. I gesture for Jody to do the same. "We need another option!"

"The eye of the storm's approaching town," Frances replies. "There's a blowhole big enough for our needs, but it was sealed by the locals. They built a museum around it."

Amelia sighs through my headset, although it's tinged with fear and lacks the overdramatic flare I'm used to hearing from her. "Then we need to unseal it. My marines salvaged what they could from the Undaunted. We have explosives. Also, my Armani dress."

"Explosives might be enough to open the blowhole in town, but you must do it before the winds blow the bulk of that storm. You guys have to meet Amelia at Gaisgeach fast."

Coughing and sputtering, I ignore the burning in my legs and head towards Gaisgeach with Jody. The cold rain does nothing to stop the pain from breathing in those spores. I can feel it growing in my lungs, making every breath agony even with my shirt blocking out any more from getting in my nose and mouth.

We have to keep going. It hurts. God, it hurts, but if I stop, even for a moment, everything could be lost.

Salty tears slide down my face, but they get mixed in with the rain. I push away the hopelessness that clouds my mind as my heart pounds in my chest. My red-brown eyes shift to the ground as it starts to crack and splinter, nearly making me lose my footing. Fissures of fungus appear left and right, all of them pulsing in a way that makes me want to vomit.

Also the thought of going to Gaisgeach is equally gut-turning, seeing that's where Shona shot Tom. I think I'm actually glad he's feeling drowsy because at least he won't be there remembering the horror that happened to him literally three days ago.

I jump over a fissure as it opens, revealing nothing but throbbing red fungus that grows out of the ground like something unholy. I cough raggedly as the ruins come in sight, holding my breath as I remove my shirt from my mouth and nose. There's red on the fabric where I just coughed. It's not blood.

Horrified, I wipe the fungus off and then cover my nose and mouth again.

"Be careful, guys," Sam warns before coughing himself. "Oh, it's definitely in the air. Keep your mouths and noses covered."

When we reach the ruins, we find Janine, Amelia, and Tom huddled by a collapsed wall. A few marines are with them standing guard, but their constitution is starting to fail them. I can see it in their eyes. Janine is awake, struggling to stand on shaky legs.

"Miss Marsh, Runner Five," She says, using her sleeve as a filter, "the Prime Minister informs me this is no time to be sleeping on the job."

Jody looks at Tom, who is more alert than I'd thought he'd be. I try not to look at the bandaged stump of his leg, unsure if the pain in my chest is from infection or guilt.

Tom speaks before the blonde can say anything. "I'm alright, darling. I'm just sorry I can't be of any use to the mission."

"You don't need to be. You getting that bit of the Edda has helped us figure out how to stop the red fungus," She says lovingly. "You've done enough, love. Just rest and keep safe."

"Janine, it's Paula," She says suddenly through my headset. "Morag and I are still in the tractor. The collision damaged the engine. Janine, you should be doing the same as Tom—staying and resting. If you start moving, you'll burn out fast."

"Unfortunately, Doctor, duty is not a matter of convenience. Marines," She calls, and all the marines come to attention. "Present Miss Marsh with your explosives."

They all look to Amelia, who nods quickly. "Yes, obey her orders immediately. Bloody military." She looks down at her hands and chokes. "Oh, God. There's fungus growing on my fingertips. I refuse this. I simply refuse!"

"Uh, problem, guys," Sam says as my and Jody's backpacks are loaded with explosives. "The town square's basically a red fungus forest. The stuff's everywhere. Shona's in the middle of it. The fungus is growing over her. She's half-submerged in a mountain of it." He sounds like he's going to gag. "Oh, God, that's awful."

I cough, ignoring the deep, sharp pain in my chest. "We can't risk more fungus exposure. We need a way through that stuff. Frances, anything in those logs?"

"Um, uh, oh yes!" She squeaks. "The fungus doesn't respond well to being frozen! It doesn't die, but it's inhibited. If you have some of the chemicals from the ice bridge left..."

I frown. "I don't think we do. Everything collapsed there, and we used what we grabbed to help us escape with the laird at the time-"

"There's a storehouse near the remains of the ice bridge on the Mor side," Amelia interrupts, and I look over at her, eyes wide in surprise. She shrugs. "My forces may have fished several containers out of the sea and hidden them there. The Undaunted had far too little space for loot."

I've never been so grateful for Amelia's selfishness.

"Sam and I are closest to that area. We can reach that storehouse the fastest," Nicole volunteers, and Jody nods.

"Go then. Five, meet them at the storehouse. Make sure they get the chemicals safely to us." She winces as she looks at Janine. "Oh, sorry."

The bottom of Janine's face is covered with her sleeve, but her eyes crinkle as if she's smiling. "My orders precisely, Miss Marsh. Five, she and I will rendezvous with Dr. Cohen and evacuate any townspeople we can. We will meet you in the town."

"I think..." Amelia slides down the wall. "I'm feeling dizzy, Janine. I think I'd better stay here. The marines can cover me and Tom." When Jody sends her a particular look, she adds, "We won't leave him."

She gasps as little tendrils of red start to spread on her hands and arms. "I can feel it pulsing in my head. Five, for God's sake, hurry!"

I turn and sprint off, horrible coughs racking through my body. Some of them are so strong I nearly double over while running. Still, I don't slow down. Shona's laughter rings in my ears, and I want to scream. My eyes search my freehand, looking for any sign of red. I don't see any yet, but I know it won't be long now.

I can feel it. I remember what dying feels like.

I am dying.

I want to stop and rest, even if for just a moment, but there is nowhere for me to. The fungus is everywhere. I don't want it touching me, turning me faster.

I have to live. If not for me, for everyone here I care about, for everyone in Abel blissfully unaware of what's happening, for the world.

I have to live.

So I push on.

"Five, that wooden shack is the storehouse," Frances says. "Sam and Nicole are already inside."

I reach the door, swing it open, and head inside. It clicks shut behind me. It's dark in here, but none of the red fungus from outside seems to have gotten into the building just yet.

"Callista! Callista! Over here! Nicole and I found a few containers of the freezer chemicals." My husband calls, and I shamble over to him, my body aching. He awkwardly lifts them up. He looks weak, the infection draining him. There's so little onyx left in his eyes, all of it overtaken by red. "Uh, can you carry them?"

I stop holding my shirt over my mouth and nose to take the two in his hands. I pause when he coughs and closes his eyes. The same red tendrils are on his hands as there were on Amelia's.

"Honey?" I ask worriedly, but he shakes his head.

"I'm okay, I'm okay," He assures. "Just a headache."

The door opens. Every muscle in my body tenses, and I drop the containers. Nicole and I grab our pistols in their holsters, fingers resting on the leather as the man at the door speaks.

"Sam? Nic? Is that you?"

Nicole gasps. "Rory!"

She starts to go to him, but I grab her arm and hold her back. My eyes narrow as the young man leans, practically sags, against the doorframe. It's as if he lacks the strength to hold himself up. It's dark in here, and with the storm and rain, he's covered in shadows.

"Rory, what are you doing here?" I ask cautiously.

"Can you feel the tide in your head, the way it pulls?" He sounds like he's in agony. "Help me, please."

Nicole wriggles herself out from my hold, but she doesn't approach him. Her face is twisted in emotion—a mounting concern she can't seem to hide. "Why don't you step out of the shadows, okay? Can you do that for me?"

He doesn't. "I need help. The skincoats stabbed me. I'm bleeding. Please."

Rory is holding his side, but it's so dark I can't really see any blood. I don't know if I trust him to let Nicole go near and check him for wounds. It could be a trap. Nicole seems to have one of the most robust constitutions of us all. She doesn't have any red on her like Sam or Amelia, nor does she appear as affected by the fungus as everyone else. It could be from the silver mud she's taken. Shona must know this. What if she's sent Rory to lure her out?

Sam seems to know what I'm thinking because he tentatively holds his hands out.

"I'll-I'll check him for wounds," He says. "If he's hurt, Nicole knows first aid. It's okay, Rory."

Sam takes a few steps toward him as the strawberry blonde speaks again. His voice shakes as if he's trying to hold back tears.

"I was just out walking. I saw you. So did she. She's got so many eyes!"

It happens so fast that I don't even realize what's happening at first. One second, Rory's at the doorway, the next, he's lunging for Sam, nearly tackling him to the ground.

Sam digs his heels into the floor, trying to fight Rory off. "Get off me!"

I go for my gun but then pause. I can't shoot him. He's the guy Nicole likes! I am willing to kill everyone else on this island if I have to, but I can't kill him! He literally ran away because he wanted to keep Nicole safe from him!

But I see it now, in the light as he fights with Sam. He's covered in red fungus, going all the way from his hands to his neck.

Sam tries to push him off, get him away, but Rory is much stronger than before. I was able to tackle him down so effortlessly not even two weeks ago, but now it's like the fungus is forcing his body to move, to push against Sam. Rory's own face shows his dismay, his sorrow.

He doesn't want this. I can't kill him.

I have to get him off Sam, though. I can knock him out without killing him.

"The whole island's throbbing in my head, but she's the loudest. She says I have to, Sam. I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I don't want to, but it hurts to resist!" He screams as if he's in excruciating pain. "She says drink up!"

He pulls a vial out of his pocket, reaching up to pour it on Sam's face.

"No!" I scream, readying myself to tackle him.

I freeze at the sound of two gunshots.

Rory lets out a choked noise and drops the vial, the contents still managing to splash onto Sam. Rory drops to the floor, blood leaking from his mouth and from the two bullet wounds in his side. I jerk my head towards Nicole, who still has her pistol pointed to where Rory had been. Her red-brown eyes are wide, as if she can't believe what she just did.

Tears are running down her face.

She looks down at her hand holding the gun, then back at Rory's unmoving body. She tries to speak, but all that comes out is a small croak. She finally looks at me.

"I... I had to," She whispers desperately, painfully. "He was—I had to."

Sam groans and I look back at him. I swear my heart stops beating for a full five seconds when I smell celery.

"No. No, no, no! Sam, darling, we have to get that off of you!" I drop the containers, ready to take off my shirt to wipe the accelerate off of him, but he throws out his hands to stop me from getting any closer.

"Stay back!" He cries, coughing. "That stuff went all over me. Some of it went into my eyes. Five, you have to run! Take the containers to Janine."

My heart breaks, tears burning my eyes and streaming down my cheeks. "No, I won't leave you!"

"You have to!"

"No, I can't! Sam-"

"I can feel it inside me, Callista! Get away!" He coughs, and I see the fungus blooming across his chest and up his neck.

I shake my head, tears streaming down my face,

"I can't. I can't lose you again. I can't leave you to die, Sam! I can't." My words are nearly inaudible from my bawling. "Sam, I can't!"

"You can't help me," He shouts. "You have to stop Shona. Go!"

My heart shatters in my chest.

"Do it, Singer," Nicole says shakily, pointing her gun towards Sam. "If he turns, I'll hold him off as long as I can. Rory too, when he comes back. There's silver in my blood, so I might last a little longer. Go!"

I grab the containers, looking at Sam tearily. "I love you, Sam."

He coughs. "And I love you. More than you'll ever know. Tell Paula and Maxine—tell them you're all my—tell them I'm sorry! Just run! Go!"

I look at him for just a moment more. Then, with a wail that sounds like it was ripped out of me, I turn and run.

A/N: Things are looking dark for team Abel. Also poor Nicole. The next and final chapter will be published tomorrow, so you won't have to worry about waiting a week. I hope you ready for this book's epic conclusion, because I sure am.

Please be sure to vote and comment! Thank you and have a blessed day!

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