Return Of The Queen

By Vani_ki_kahani

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"In the process of letting go you will lose many things , but you will find yourself" More

Character Sketch - 1
Character Sketch 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Character Sketch 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Character Sketch 4
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Character Sketch 5
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Character Sketch 6
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Character Sketch 7
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
To My Readers
~ Aesthetics ~
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 22

2.3K 123 26
By Vani_ki_kahani

At Raisinghania Villa , Mumbai

Prachi and Kunal had already talked 2 days back . And to everyone's happiness both of them said yes to each other.

Prachi was fine with her decision it was for the best . In her views , Kunal was a nice guy , understanding , trustworthy , respectful , all in all the best husband she could get .

She still remembered what he had said to her during their talk .


Prachi and Kunal were sitting in the terrace garden . For them it was the most awkward meeting ever .

Kunal - Okay ! Before this becomes more awkward for both us let's start speaking !

Prachi - Look .... I don't know what you feel about this . But I am fine with whatever your decision is .

Kunal - It's not just about me Prachi . You are the one who will have to leave her home after marriage . So , you have a more say in this conversation .

Prachi - I know but I am not good at making decisions . And I am not even good enough for you .

Kunal - Prachi you are the most beautiful person I have met . You have a heart of gold . And marriage is something we have to think a lot about .

Prachi - What if this doesn't work out in the future ?

Kunal - It will work out if we try . But I don't want to force anything on you . So , make your choice wisely .

End of Flashback

He was right she had made her decision wisely . She was happy . But the teasings were endless , whenever Kunal's name slipped from her mouth Arya , Pankti and Shahana would tease her . Rehaan wasn't any help when he got to know about this .

At M&K Mansion , Delhi

The whole house was decorated . Tonight was Rhea and Ranbir's wedding ceremony .

Abhi looked radiant as even if he didn't get his Pragya but at least his princess was marrying her love . Vikram had never seen Ranbir this dull , he looked like he didn't know what he was doing .

The mothers of the couple were in their own worlds . Pallavi was busy boasting about how she was getting such an ideal daughter in law . Meanwhile , Meera had given up on making Rhea understand that whatever she was doing is wrong .

In Ranbir's Room ,

Ranbir was dressed up as the groom but there was no happiness visible on his face . He was getting married but not to the girl he loves . The old Ranbir would have been happy at this moment but this Ranbir wanted to run away as far as he could .

When he looked in the mirror , his own reflection mocked him . Soon , he made his way downstairs .

In Rhea's Room ,

Alia was with Rhea who was already decked up in her bridal attire .

Rhea - Finally Buji !! Finally !! Ranbir will become mine today !! And this time there is no Prachi to stop me from getting him !!

Alia - I know sweetheart , I don't understand what Ranbir saw in that Prachi . I mean look at you ..... You look so beautiful the prettiest girl in this world . Ranbir wouldn't be able to take his eyes off from you .

Rhea - Really Buji ?

Alia - Of course sweetie .

Meera , entering inside - Rhea ! Let's go . Pandit ji is calling you downstairs .

At Agnihotri Niwas , Mumbai

Kunal looked at his contacts list and sighed . He wanted to call Prachi but couldn't . This was the first time he would talk to her on call and saying he was nervous would be an understatement.

Gathering all his courage he called her . She picked up and he panicked .

Prachi - Hello ? Who is this ?

Kunal , panicked - Paneer this side !

Prachi , weirded out - Huh ? What ? Paneer ?

Kunal - No ! I mean ...

Prachi - Wait Kunal ?

Kunal - Oh ! You know my voice ?

Prachi - Yeah I do . How did you get my number ?

Kunal - I asked your mom . I shouldn't have called you ! You must be busy !

Prachi - No I am not . And it's a good thing that you called me . I need to ask you something .

Kunal - That's a relief . Ask .

Prachi - I heard maa and dadi talking about our roka . Do you have any place in mind where we can arrange the ceremony ?

Kunal - No , not at all .

Prachi - What about Delhi ?

Kunal - If you want to have the ceremony there than I don't have any problem .

At M&K Mansion , Delhi

Rhea and Ranbir were sitting in the mandap . They were going to start doing the saat pheras .

After the pheras completed the sindoor daan was done . Ranbir made Rhea wear the mangalsutra . And the wedding was completed . They took blessings of the elders .

"Oh my god Rhea ! You are no more Rhea Mehra ! Now you are Mrs.Rhea Ranbir Kohli ! I am so glad that this wedding happened without any hurdles . Prachi should have been here to see this . She would be so broken seeing Ranbir with me . And I would have laughed at her ." Rhea thought to herself .

The guests left . Rhea's grah pravesh was done .

Pallavi - Abhi now Rhea is officially ours !

Abhi - She is !

Dida - I just pray that my children are always happy and healthy .

Alia - I pray for that too , Dida . And to be honest they both will be happy now , that Prachi has left from their lives .

Pallavi - True Alia . Prachi has done something good for the first time by leaving us .

Rhea - Why are we talking about Prachi ? It is my big day not her's .

Alia - Okay Rhea we won't talk about her .

Ranbir - Mom I am going to my room !

Pallavi - You can't leave Ranbir ! Some rituals are left !

Ranbir - I am tired mom ! Let me rest for sometime !

Pallavi - No you are not -

Rhea - It's fine pallavi mom , even I am tired .

Abhi - Okay then both of you go and rest .

Ranbir went to his room . Rhea also followed him .

Hi readers ,

Here is the next update . Really sorry for not updating since a few days . I won't lie , these days I was having tough time dealing with studies and pressure for good marks given by my parents .

Hope you will understand my problem .

As a compensation for not updating I will update one chapter tomorrow and three chapters on Sunday .

I didn't stretch the whole marriage talk scene as I want to start with the showdown now .

Is it fine with you all ?

Kindly vote and comment if you liked the chapter .

Till then ,
Lots of love 💕
Take care of yourself
Your author

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