Bloody Aura | Ji Changmin

By Odehyn

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"I still hate what your family has done but I can't stop protecting you" Yura a vampire killer who has the a... More



280 20 8
By Odehyn

TW// bullying, blood, suicide, abuse.

Past 10pm

The group was still talking but for Yura she wanted to know more about every boy in that circle, it's was actually the first time having vampires as her friends so she decided to ask, "Can anyone tell their own story, if you don't mind telling of course" nobody started even if they knew eachother stories already, they didn't knew if they should trust her and tell her.

Until Jacob spoke, "I met Sangyeon in this university, back at that time we were the only two vampires in town so we started to stay together and helped the new vampires coming, I could say I'm the first one to join his group" He finished with a soft smile toward Sangyeon, Yura was amazed by their relationship right now.

"I was the first vampire to come to this university because my parents decided to own it, when Jacob came I helped him with vampire things because he wasn't familiar in there, after that we started to form a group to help vampire in needs" Sangyeon said, Yura was shocked, she didn't knew his parents were the owners of the university.

Juyeon coughed signaling he wanted to talk next, "I'm just a basic vampire, I joined his group because back then I had problem controlling my anger and my thirst but Sangyeon helped me when he found me trying to cut my fangs on the university's rooftop because I knew I was going too far and I wanted to stop being a vampire, I hated it." He told looking unsure if he did right to tell his story to the girl, Yura was thinking about what to tell him, the boy thought she was judging him with her silence.

"Don't think I'm judging you because I know what is it when something was given to you and you didn't wanted it, I don't like what was given to me either but I wouldn't try to take it off because it's part of me, it definite me and it's part of my familly, I just live with it because I know some people helped me to accept it for the rest of my life" the girl comforted softly and Juyeon nodded at her words understanding every of them.

Younghoon raised his hand a bit to talk but Yura noticed Hyunjae looking at him with a little bit of fear in his eyes like he didn't want to let him talk about it but he gave in when Younghoon and him shared a look.

"I wasn't a vampire at first but I got transformed the same day as my best friend Hyunjae, it happened when we were both going home after clubing but some vampires attacked us and bite us, it was not just to drink on us but to turn us into one of them just for fun, we couldn't do anything on the moment, after they left us with no information about what was gonna happen to us so we had to go through our transformation alone, we knew nothing about vampire life until the next day Sangyeon and Jacob found us trying to feed ourself with anything, they welcomed us into their group" Younghoon looked at Hyunjae who looked sad at first but then smiled, "It's not that bad at the end, we got new friends and a new family" Hyunjae said happily, the girl just smilled at the two.

"My turn!" Kevin exclaimed, he really wanted to tell the girl, "I was a human at first, my mom was married to a vampire, she turned into one after their wedding, my parents asked if I wanted to be like them but I refused, I wanted to continue my human life and pursue my dream but my life truned another side because one day our bus driver wanted to end his life but he took everyone with him, I did survived but when my parents knew I wouldn't be able to move at all or even talk, they decided to turn me into a vampire to heal everything, I don't hate them for that I know they loved me and didn't want to lose me, after this I continued to go to the university and one of the boys went to me because he saw I was new to the vampire life so he took me into the group" Kevin finished, everyone noticed him crying so Jacob patted the boy's back.

"I know it's the past and it's not the first time I shared this but it's the first time sharing it with a human" he said smilling a bit and Yura got up and went to hug Kevin, everyone was surprised by her action, Kevin froze for a minute, vampire are not used to get hugs, it's been so long he got one, he did hugged her back and cried. Yura doesn't like to see people cry, she don't care what they are, she only know they still have a mind, a heart and emotions they are not just blood suckers like some see them.

After Kevin calmed, Yura returned between Sunwoo and Younghoon, then Haknyeon spoke, "I got here because one day some bad pureblooded vampires went to take our house but my parents fought back, they did not make it so I found myself alone without a family or a house until I cross Jacob's path, I told him my situation and took me to their shared house since then I'm here with them" He said and pushed Chanhee's shoulder a bit to tell him to go next, the boy hesitated for a moment before talking.

"My family were kind of weird, they wanted to find vampires to turn them, they wished to have eternal beauty and richness, they eventually made it but they bite me without my consent, I hated them for doing it, I was mad at them but they told me 'We had to keep our young and pretty son with us, imagine the money you could earn as a model.' they only cared about money and not my feelings so I escaped from home and found Sangyeon's group, I never heard about my parents again"

After he finished Yura started to get glassy eyes, she tried her best to hold her tears, most of them lost their family or home she couldn't help but to feel sad for them even if they're over it since a long time ago. It was Sunwoo's turn but the iceberg he is to her don't want to talk, he just looked back at her raising an eyebrow saying 'I ain't telling to rat like you' so the girl started to mess his hairs, he got annoyed and decided to tell her.

"My life started with an abusive dad who usually get drunk before coming back home, he beated me whenever he felt like, my dad wasn't a vampire until one night he came back home drunk and angry for nothing, he started to yell like always and lost control we didn't knew he turned into a vampire until he bite my mom and me, he didn't knew how it was really working so he turned us like him, my mom hated to know she would tranform into a vampire so she killed herself with a dagger even if I tried to stop her it was no use. I got angry and attacked my dad using all my strength, I killed him without realising, I was actually scared at that time so I runned out of the house not knowing what to do, I bumped into Haknyeon in the night and he saw my scared state, full of my dad's blood, slowly turning into a vampire so he took me to Sangyeon and they made a home for me"

He stopped when he heard some sniffling, he looked at his friends but none of them were crying, he looked beside him and saw the girl crying silently, Yura didn't even notice her tears rolling down her cheeks, Sunwoo didn't knew what to do, he looked back at his friends, they were telling him to hug her, he thought his friends were sick in the head but the girl already put her arms around the boy's waist for a hug, he froze at this action but hugged her back with a little smile on his face.

There was a pause everyone was silent looking at Yura in Sunwoo's arms, they all though the same thing, they all think they finally found a new trustful friend, they missed having a real human friend and they were happy about it.

For Changmin his feeling were mixed, he felt sad by seeing the girl cry but felt scared because if he become friend with the human everything might go bad again, he didn't want to grow closer to her not wanting to be hurt again. After a while Yura moved out from Sunwoo's arms and let out a little 'sorry' but Sunwoo just said 'It's fine'.

Eric was the last because we all knew Changmin wouldn't tell everything to the girl in front of him. Eric was silent for a moment not really knowing how to start, someone spoke at his place.

"Eric had a normal life until his parents divorced so he moved out with his mother in this town, he got into university but there his life strated to go down. The university had more vampires than before, Eric wasn't the only humans don't get me wrong but it happened a group of vampires were too confident and they started to bully him, they made fun of him for not being strong like them, they beated him a lot, Eric knew they were vampires so he couldn't really fight back, he kept all the pain for himself for too long, it became worst after, they started to drink on him everydays, they were using him to much, he started to became weaker days by days, one day Eric didn't get up after they drank too much of his blood, he was dying, fortunately we found him but we couldn't call the ambulances or he would have died before they arrive and Jacob's power didn't work so I had no other choice, I couldn't let him die so I bite him and we took him in our group, the bullies were expelled from the town, everyone helped Eric to grown in his new life, he is like our little brother." Sangyeon said instead of the concerned boy.


Why am I writing sad things seriously TT

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