Arrowverse Group Chat ☕

By AgentofDreams989

4K 102 74

Text-style writing sessions of your favorite Arrowverse characters. This will include characters who are aliv... More

Author's Note
Team Arrow
Team Arrow (Smoak-Queen Family)
Team Flash (West-Allen Family)
Justice League
Team Supergirl
Team Arrow
New Team Arrow
Team Flash 2
Future Team Arrow
Team Supergirl 2
Couples' Group Chat 🏹⚡
Smoak-Queen/West-Allen Family
Future Team Arrow 2
Justice League 2
Team Flash 3
Future Team Arrow 3
Smoak-Queen Family 2
Smoak-Queen/West-Allen Kids
Smoak-Queen/West-Allen Kids 2
Team Supergirl 3
Future Team Arrow 4
Justice League 3
Future Team Arrow 5

Team Flash

395 7 1
By AgentofDreams989

Harry 😒 has added Barry⚡, Cisco 👋, and Caitlin 🧬 to the group chat

⚡: Hey, guys!

👋: What up?

🧬: Hi, Barry.

👋: By the way, who exactly started this chat?

😒: Observant as usual, Ramon.

⚡: Well, I think we have our answer.

🧬: Did you need our help on Earth-2 with something?

😒: No, Mrs. Snow. My daughter said that I was getting on her nerves and asked me to go bug someone else with my attitude. Her words, not mine.

⚡: Well, maybe you just came on too strong. I mean, I know Iris and I learned that the hard way with Nora when she first arrived.

👋: Yeah, especially Iris. She was a bit of a pushover. 😂

⚡: Please don't about my wife like that.

🧬: Cisco! 🤦‍♀️

👋: What? She's not even here!

😒: You do know, Mr. Ramon that Mrs. West-Allen will be able to read all of this next time she's in the group chat, right?

👋: Oh...

😒: Also, don't talk to me about your family problems, Mr. West-Allen because we both know you're daughter thinks you're perfect! 😒

⚡: She doesn't think I'm perfect. She was just excited to meet me, that's all.

😒: I think we both know that's not true.

⚡: ....

🧬 : I think that we should all just focus on our kids instead of comparing them.

⚡: Thank you, Caitlin.

👋: Plus, we know yours are better, Barry 😉.

😒: That's it! I'm adding Mrs. West-Allen.

👋: Wait, I'm sorry, Harry! Just don't add Iris, please!

Harry 😒 has added Iris 🖊 to the group chat.

⚡: Hey, Iris 😁.

🖊: Hi, Barry. What are you all up to?

🧬: Nothing much. Just discussing parenting.

🖊: Why didn't you guys ask me then?

👋: Oh, just because Harry only wanted to talk to his closest friends.

🖊: Hmhm.

👋: 😬

😒: Mrs. West-Allen, why don't you scroll through the previous sections of the group chat?

👋: Wait, no!

🖊: Okay, I don't know if I was going to do it before, but now I'm definitely going to! 😂

⚡: Uh no.

🧬: You took the words right out of my mouth.

😒: Now, this group chat is going to be fun for once.

🖊: Cisco!!!

👋: What? 😳

🖊: I'm a pushover, really! Because I'd like to see one time when I was a pushover towards you!

👋: Well, not towards me. But as a parent, you are.

🧬: Oh, Cisco...

⚡: Okay, stop it, Cisco.

🖊: How would you know? It's not like you have a kid of your own?

👋: So?

🖊: So, you'd have to be able to at least get a girlfriend first!

😒: 😂😂😂

🧬: You kinda deserved that one.

👋: I know. Just like how you deserved the Cold shoulder from Nora when she arrived.

⚡: That's enough!

😒: No, this is getting good!

🧬: Why are you encouraging this?

😒: Because it's fun.

🧬: 🤦‍♀️

🖊: Oh, you wanna throw down? Let's throw down!

⚡: This is getting out of hand. Everyone just calm down.

👋: Why? So she can insult me again?

🖊: He started this agrument before I even joined the chat!

Cisco Ramon 👋 has left the chat.

😒: 😅

🖊: That's it! We're leaving, Barry!

⚡: Okay, I guess. Bye, guys 👋.

🧬: Bye 👋.

😒: Whatever.

Iris 🖊 and Barry ⚡ West-Allen have left the chat.

😒: So, it's just you and me, Snow.

🧬: I guess so.

😒: I'm going to suggest that you leave before I start throwing insults for entertainment.

Caitlin Snow 🧬 has left the chat.

😒: Good choice.

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