Watching the life of Willow B...

By SweetWhisper_09

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What if John married and who he married a core witch and had a daughter named - Willow Black-Gilbert HARRYPO... More

Harry Potter Cast
Asthetic of Golden Quartet
TVD Cast
Willow's Parents
Her Room at her Parent's House
Act 1


2.8K 98 25
By SweetWhisper_09

The scene changes and shows a house

Rebekah - such a beautiful house 

Molly - It's all peaceful

Mia - Thank you and it's only peaceful till Willow is sleeping or is not at the house.

Elena - It's yours?

John - More like our, well apart from being vampire hunter, I have a real estate business

Mia - Willow loves this house

Sirius - Of course, She loves everything her father made.

Elena - we don't know (but it goes un-notice as everyone talking about Willow)

It was official that whoever this Willow is, Elena doesn't like her. Only Mikaelsons notices the look on Elena 

Remus - John is simp for her Willow 

Charlie and Bill - are not all of us 

All who know Willow agree with it

It zooms to a particular room and shows

Caroline- Nice and cosy room

An 11-year-old is shown cuddling with her cat, John enters the room to wake her up.

(11-year-old Willow)

Rebekah - So cute 

Bill - everyone this is 

Charlie - the only 

Sirius - daughter of Mia and John Gilbert 

Remus - Willow Black-Gilbert

Caroline - she is cuddling with a cat!! AWW. I always wanted a cat but Mom doesn't allow 

Klaus - I will buy it for you love

Caroline - no thanks

Molly - Isn't it your cat from your school time, Mia?

Mia -ya, but Lucy loves to spend time with her more than me since Willow was born.

(Mis's cat - Lucy)

John- Wake up baby before mom comes

Willow- 5 more minutes

John- it's  your 11 birthday and you know it's means

Willow immediately woke up and said" It's my birthday!!! So, mumma can not be angry at me"

John- yes, so get ready and come for breakfast get a reply "ok" as she ran to the bathroom.

Kol- she will get her Hogwarts letter right?

 Mia- ya!

John- she was so excited that she couldn't sleep the previous night 

Kol- I can't wait to see Hogwarts

John- you will love it 

Seeing this interaction Mystic Fall gang frowns at the thought of how can these people even John can talk like Mikaelsons as these Mikaelsons are good people. Mikaelsons was kinda happy that these people including John talk like a person who talks normally.

Then she comes out of the bathroom wearing this-

Caroline- How beautiful she looks

Sirius- it's her black genes

Molly- she is always a lovely child  

Her parents were happy at all the good comments their daughter was getting but someone was burning from jealousy, before Elena would say something

Damon said "How come, John, you are a better father to this child than to Elena and even does your wife know about your little teen affair"

John said "To answer your first question I was not ready at that time to be a father"

Mia replied to Damon's second question "And yes I know about Isabel and Elena's existence but it was up to John to reveal me and willow to Elena and Jeremy"

Elena asks "How could we not know about your marriage and child"

Weasley's, Mikaelson's and other very uncomfortable questions were asked to the Black-Gilbert couple. To answer Elena's question Bonnie said "There is something called privacy Elena, we get it you are hurt and all but these two must have their reasons to not tell you"

This time everyone was happy except Elena and Damon that no-one else questioned the couple. But Sirius has to say "Those times were dark times in the wizardry world for 11 years before Willow's birth and after 6 years after her birth maybe they don't tell because you would be safe"

Mia said "And Elena your parents and Jenna know about our marriage and Willow"

Before anyone can say something scene changes to -

They see Mia placing the plates on the dining table, and near the table, you can see this

Then you can see John and Willow coming toward her

Mia - Happy Birthday sweety!!

Willow - thank you mumma

Mia- come and sit, I make your favourite 

John- Of course, it's my baby's birthday. Everything will go as you wish

Mia - on limits as well {then she serves the dishes}

Willow - Thank you, Mom and Dad. When will my Hogwarts letter come
{as she says that they all hear a tapping sound on the window and see}

Mia- looks like your letter is here 

John - open the letter 

Willow - ok 

Willow said "Finally"

Mia- Let us go to diagon alley.

Stefan- Diagon Alley?

John- It's a place where witches and wizards shop.

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