His Assassin and His Creator

By Monkey5137

3.5K 104 83

-On Hiatus- *Rewrite of Renegade Hero* You do not need to read Renegade Hero before partaking in this book. D... More

The Aftermath
Escaping my Boredom
I Guess We Should've Stayed In...
The Good Old Days
Keeping my Promise
First Date

Walking Away

487 14 6
By Monkey5137

Published Thursday, July 7, 2022

Percy's POV:
I kick a stray pebble and watch it skid along the plush green grass below me. All around me I can hear the campers shouting as they work to rebuild what was destroyed in the war. The Hunters of Artemis have already left, Lady Artemis on a mission to find new recruits, and the Amazons have departed as well, where they head back to their warehouse to regain strength and honor those that have fallen.

Thankfully, the damage Camp Half-Blood retained is manageable, although it would've been nice if the gods could've found it in themselves to help out, especially after their enormous fail of shutting Olympus down when catching wind of the trouble heading our way, but the last of the damage that needs to be attended to is in relation to the cabins, as all other areas have been reconstructed already.

A glint, like that of a ray of sun just glancing something shiny, perhaps something made of gold, catches my attention and a sad smile creeps onto my face as I see the new garden dedicated to all the heroes that have fallen.

Unconsciously, my feet carry me towards the large expanse of land concealed within a brown picket fence. I push open the gate and step onto the stone pathway, letting the door slam shut behind me.

The stone pathway diverges in multiple directions, each new path leading to a special grove where one can be buried and of which it corresponds to one's godly parent. The only exception is the path that leads straight back, no twists or turns halting its journey, perhaps in atonement to the idea that no matter what obstacles came their way, these heroes specifically could not seem to be stopped or deterred from their goal of saving the world, and thus their family and friends, too.

I head forwards, down a long path lined with trees green with foliage and plants blossoming with flowers of all shades and varieties.

Upon reaching the end of the road, the narrow path transforms into a wide open space where short grass becomes the new ground. In front of me, nine statues, impeccably carved from stone and coated in gold, stand tall and proud.

On the far left, a replica of Hazel marks the beginning of the row. Her statue is followed by Frank's then Reyna's, then Jason's, Annabeth's (which stands in the middle of them all), Thalia's, Nico's, Piper's, and Leo's (whose statue is on the far right.

Slowly, and in no hurry, I kneel before each statue, say a few words, and then place down a white rose on each pedestal.

After a minute longer, I finally step back and leave the garden, where I intend to walk to the Big House and talk to Chiron about how things should be carried on from here, until I hear a scream echo from the direction of Half-Blood Hill.

"Oh Styx!" I curse as I pull Riptide from my pocket, uncapping it as I run towards Thalia's Pine tree.

I almost topple to the ground as memories slam into my mind, but I catch myself just in time and keep running until I see a girl about my age, probably 16 or so, trying to escape an empousa.

With a huff, I pull the girl out of the way, shoving her safely behind me as I do, before ducking under the empousa's kick and stabbing my sword into her heart.

The empousa erupts in a shower of golden dust, which floats away on the light breeze. Frowning, I recap Riptide and stash the pen in my pocket.

I turn and look at the girl before me. "Umm, hi?" she says nervously, her green eyes flitting back and forth from me to the ground where the empousa just stood.

"Hi. I'm Percy. And you are?"

"Oh! My name's Jane. And thank you for saving me from...whatever that thing was." She shudders and tucks a lock of brown hair behind her ear.

"That was an empousa. But you shouldn't have to worry about her for awhile now."

"I-" Jane looks at me, hesitant and clearly taken aback. "What do you mean 'for awhile'? You killed it, didn't you?"

I sigh and give her a welcoming smile. "Yes and no." I hold up a hand, stopping her before she can interrupt. "Let me explain. In our world, there are monsters like the one you just saw. For the most part, they are all bad, and they live simply to hunt us down and kill us. But they all live in a place called Tartarus, the Greek Hell, when not roaming the surface. So basically, when a monster is born they find a way up here, and then when we kill them, they reform down there and the cycle starts all over again."

Jane nods slowly, her nose scrunched in concentration.

"Now come on. We don't want to be outside of camp's borders for too long."


"A magical barrier that keeps monsters out," I respond while gently grabbing her arm and leading her towards the infirmary.

As soon as we step inside the border, however, Jane is encompassed by a green glow and the symbol of Demeter floats proudly above her head.

Jane yelps and swats at the image, which fades and disappears, while I offer her a smile and say, "That symbol was your godly parent claiming you."

"Oh. So who am I the daughter of exactly?"

"Demeter." I lead the way to the infirmary, not stopping to explain anything else.

When we get inside, Kayla greets me and instantly ushers the girl away, already mumbling nonsense about a graze on Jane's arm. Sighing, I turn on my heel and walk to my cabin, where I collapse on my bed until dinner.

2 Weeks Later

I stare blankly at the wall of my cabin, a pillow clutched to my chest and the covers that usually adorn my bed kicked to the floor. The cabin itself seems to have been decimated by a storm with the way clothes are strewn haphazardly across the floor, old knick knacks have been shoved into a pile in a corner, and a backpack sits at the foot of my bed with random pieces of my life littering the area around it.

My cabin door shudders as someone bangs on it, and I stiffly cover my head with a pillow as the shouting starts back up again.

"Percy fucking Jackson, get out here you little rat!"

"How dare you do this to me!?"

"Come out, you coward! We need to talk to you!"

"Percy, how could you ignore your own family like this?" Jane's voice filters through the door as she calls out to me and I squeeze my eyes shut, barely refraining from getting up and punching them all straight in the face. The only reason I don't is because I know I deserve this...Perhaps I didn't do any of what they're accusing me of, perhaps I didn't wash away the Demeter kids' garden, perhaps I didn't destroy all of the Hermes kids' pranking supplies, perhaps I didn't steal and hide all of the Apollo kids' medical utensils, perhaps I didn't spit lies to the gods about how horrid they all are, perhaps I didn't kill my Mom and Paul like Poseidon accused me of doing, but does that really change who I am? Does that really change the monster I am? The monster who failed to save his friends; the one who let them die when he could've done something to help them?

So no, I don't do anything as the pounding on my door gradually falls away and the mean voices shouting terrible things at me fade until they're gone completely.

But you know what I find the most confusing? Not everyone has turned their back on me. No, I still have some people who care about me, even though I couldn't save their friends and their family. And, as selfish as it may be, I can't help but want to keep them at my side so that I will never be truly alone in this cruel world of which the Fates love to mess with my life and cause mayhem.

Yet I know I can't let them stay around me. I can't let them get poisoned by someone who doesn't deserve their kindness.

My bones feel weighed down and my muscles ache as I force myself out of bed. I walk to my dresser and gather a couple changes of clothes from the small stack not thrown on the floor before shoving them in the backpack at the foot of my bed. Walking over to my nightstand, I grab out a tiny baggie of ambrosia and a small flask of nectar which I stick in the front pocket of my backpack before grabbing the scrapbook resting innocently on the top of my windowsill and tap the upper right corner of the cover to say 'I love you' in morse code, which changes the scrapbook back into a charm in the shape of a book with a heart on the cover. This charm hangs safely on my camp necklace.

The barest trace of a smile adorns my face as I remember the note laid on top of the scrapbook when I found it on my pillow after the ceremony with the gods:

Dear Percy,

I cannot say I understand how you feel, not even with my millennia of years lived. But I will say that I know how much it hurts to lose someone you love.

I'll let you in on a little secret, okay? I'm not quite the ditzy little whore everyone thinks me to be. I have feelings to, you know? But you know what everyone seems to forget? My domain is love. Not just romantic love, but the platonic aspect of it, too.

Let me ask you this: When something goes wrong in a god's domain, like, for example, what do you think Artemis feels when one of her hunters dies? Hurt? Angry? Tired? Because all of those guesses would be correct. But it's the same thing for me. When someone's heart is broken, I feel it. I feel it resonate within me, just as it resonates within my domain. And it hurts. It hurts so much. So I pretend. I act like a whore because I don't want everyone's pity.

And right now? Right now...you're doing the same thing I am. But you can't. I refuse to let you end up like me; a shell of a person hiding behind a fake persona.

So I've left this scrapbook to you. It is full of memories, ones that will play out on the page before you, because, as much as it hurts, you have to remember. You can't close yourself off from them. From what happened. You need to move on, to continue living your life, but that doesn't mean the pain will ever go away because they will always be a part of your heart.

Aphrodite, Goddess of Love.

P.S. I hope you'll keep this little secret of mine between the two of us. ;)

I break out of the past with a sigh and grab the note Aphrodite left before stuffing that in my backpack, too. Then I grab a bottle of water, a few dried goods, and all the mortal money and drachma I have on me and put that in as well.

I zip my backpack up and drop it by my cabin door before going to peer out the window, where I note that it's around 5 in the evening, which means I have a couple of hours before it gets dark enough that I'll be able to sneak out of camp.

With a sigh I turn to look at my cabin, wondering what I should do, until glimpsing a small stack of paper and some pencils left on my desk from...from Annabeth.

My eyes light up as I think of what to do.

I hurry to my desk and pick up a pencil whilst grabbing a piece of paper from the stack. I stare at it blankly for a moment, unsure what to say, until I decide to simply write whatever comes to mind and let my heart speak for me as I touch my pencil to the page.

To Chiron,

     I know a simple thank you could never convey just how much you being my mentor throughout these years has meant to me but I'll say it anyway: Thank you, Chiron, for believing in me when no one else did. Thank you for believing in me through the good times and the bad, the battles and the wars, through mistakes and slim chances. And I'm glad that even though I won't be at camp anymore, everyone will still have you to lead them, to be strong for them through any danger we face (which I don't understand how you have done so for over 3,000 years when I've barely been able to keep it together the past 5). So I guess this is my final goodbye, but should you ever need me I'll find a way to come back and help.

Percy (your second favorite student after Annabeth)


To Clarisse,

     How you doin' Barbie? It's been an interesting couple of years, hasn't it? I don't believe I can convey how much having you at my side means to me, and I know you're not one for the sappy stuff so I'll make it quick, okay?
     I can admit we had a rough start. But I don't know what I would've done if I didn't know that you weren't gonna be there if I ever ended up not making it out of a quest or a war alive. So I say with all my confidence that I can entrust the safety and the integrity of this camp to you.
     Take care of yourself and Chris for me, okay? Thanks for all these years of having my back.

Prissy (your best frenemy)


To Grover,

     What can I possibly say to convey the relationship of trust and love that we developed over the years? Words simply escape me, and I have no grasp of what to say to you. I mean, you were my first, and are my best, friend, G-Man. So how do I say goodbye? How do I leave you behind, when all I want to do is be selfish for once and take you with me. But I can't do that to you or to Juniper, especially as things are finally calming down enough for you guys to work on starting a family of your own.
     So I guess the only thing I can really do is think of this not as a goodbye, but as a fresh start for the both of us.
     I won't lie to you. It could be a long time before I see you or June again, but I believe that no distance could break the connection we share.
     I suppose the only thing I have left to say is thank you for all the years of being my best friend, make sure you fix this world up for me, and I can't wait for the day I get to see you again.

Percy (the only non-saytr who understands your cravings for weird food)


To Rachel,

     I'm glad we were able to become friends, even after I tried to kill you. And I'm glad you became our oracle, although I'm not quite as happy about those prophecies issuing death that you always seem to spout when I'm around.
     Look after this place for me, will you? I'll see you again some day (sorry Spirit of Delphi) and thanks for everything, RED.

Percy (the boy who attracts all your prophecies)


To Aphrodite,

     Thank you for the gift and the note. It means so much more to me than you could ever imagine. I hope you still believe in me, that you haven't been infected by the hatred everyone seems to hold for me.
     Can you at least, whether you hate me or not, try and open up to people? Hestia would be a good person to start with. But anyway, thanks for giving me Annabeth, even if I only got her for a small amount of time.

Percy Jackson (the one who knows how to fake it til' you make it)


To Hecate,

     I still don't entirely stand why you blessed me, or why you seem to care for me, but I thank you nonetheless. And I thank you, more than anything, for looking after Hazel (in your own way) for me while I was down in...well, you know where.
    I hope the animosity towards me hasn't reached you, for I feel it would've been cool to have you as a friend.

Percy Jackson (the boy who wonders why)


To Hades,

     Please take care of all of my friends for me and make sure they get Elysium. They deserve it. And thank you for offering me your blessing, even though I did nothing to earn it after failing to save Nico and Bianca and Hazel.

Percy Jackson (the one you tried to lock in a dungeon for the rest of his life)


To Hestia,

     Well, to be honest, I don't know what to say. I mean, how do I convey to you all the love and thanks I feel by writing down a bunch of words on a piece of paper?
     Anyway, I just have to thank you for being able to keep this crazy family together all these years, and I hope you continue to do so by spreading your love and your hope from the hearth you call home. But I also wish to thank you for the blessing you gave me, and the hope you inspired in me that allowed me to stay standing when leading two wars and countless battles and quests.

Percy (the one who thinks of you like a mother)

Groaning, I stand from my chair and stretch my back, which releases a loud popping noise.

I look down at the letters on my desk and smile before wrapping them together with string and placing them gently on my pillow.

A glance out my window shows me that it's well past sunset, meaning I'm good to go. So with a last glimpse around my cabin, I snap the watch from Tyson around my wrist, put Annabeth's drakon bone sword in a scabbard that hangs at my side, tuck a bottle of blue food dye inside the front pocket of my jacket, and grab a small Nemo plushie that my Mom got for me on my 5th birthday to stash inside my backpack as well.

Then I snag my bag, flick off the lights, and creep out the door before dashing towards Thalia's Pine while being careful to avoid the harpies.

Once there, I lay a gentle hand on the trunk, pet Peleus on the head, and step outside the borders only to be greeted with Hades, Hestia, Hecate, and Aphrodite.

I blink, unsure what they're doing here, before blinking and saying slowly, "Umm...hi?"

Hades snorts at me, Aphrodite gives me an understanding smile, Hecate pets Gale's fur as she watches me, and Hestia moves forward to engulf me in a warm hug.

"Hello Percy. We got your letters."

My face flames in embarrassment and I look away while rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. "Oh. I hadn't meant for you guys to read them til' after I left."

"Well too bad," Hecate hums and shrugs before stilling her shoulders once more when Gale huffs at her and clings precariously to the fabric of her deep purple robe.

"Soooo what do you guys want exactly?" I ask slowly while looking at the four gods before me warily.

"Well Percy, honey, we have an offer for you." I raise an eyebrow at Aphrodite's comment but she merely smiles at me.

"Okay. What is this offer of yours?"

"Well," Hades begins slowly, looking at me with eyes narrowed in...nervousness? That couldn't be right though, could it? "The four of us have done some talking, and in light of the recent situation we think the time is right."

"Right for what?"

"We've already blessed you, but we want to make you our champion. Well, Hestia wants to do a little more than that but that's not the point."

I blink owlishly, looking at them in utter surprise before nodding slowly. "Okay...and what, exactly, does being your champion entail?"

"It's like being a representative for us in a way. If we ever needed help we'd ask you. But at the same time, being our champion means you'd have the same power one of our kids would, just not quite as strong. And, more than that, it would bring the five of us together as a true family."

"I-I will admit that that sounds nice. But the idea of being at your beck and call...I'm kinda burned out. I mean, I just lead two wars!"

Aphrodite gives me a gentle smile while tucking a piece of...silver? hair behind her ear. "And we get that honey. We know that you're tired, and we would never force any quests upon you. If ever we needed help, we first ask if you'd be willing to do it and if you weren't feeling up to it we'd pass it off to someone else or find a way to do it ourselves. So, yes, we can give you a break for as long as you need and no, you'll never be forced to undertake a quest of any sort." When Hecate, Hestia, and Hades nod along to her words I let my shoulders sag as I give them an exhausted smile back.

"Then I accept." Grinning (although for Hades it looks more like a pained grimace) the three shoot me with a beam of light, one hot pink, one black as shadows, and one purple and sparking with magic.

I gasp as the three beams of pure power collide with my body and my knees threaten to give out on me for a moment before I lock them in an effort to remain standing.

As the last of the light fades within me, I feel a surge of power which seems to resonate within my very bones. "I-I feel...good. But, umm, Hestia? I thought...well I thought you also wanted me as your champion?"

"Oh, Percy, I do! But I also want so much more than that," Hestia says gently while taking a step towards me. "You know, being a maiden goddess has been nice. I'm glad to not have any stupid males trying to control me or take over my life. But I wish I could have a kid. I want one so bad. And so I'd really love for you to let me adopt you."

"You wanna adopt me?! But...why?"

"Because you're a good person. You have a kind heart. You care for others, and you're not afraid to put them before yourself. You're loyal to a fault. I could go on and on, and I haven't even gotten to properly know you yet. So will you do me the honor of letting me become your mother? And I also hope you know I am in no way trying to replace your birth mother, Sally. But what do you say?"

"I...I think that sounds great."

"Good," Hestia hums while wrapping me in a tight embrace.

And I finally let it all out. I break down in pitiful, body-racking sobs as we sink to the ground. My head lays buried in Hestia's chest, my arms wrapped around her waist, and I'm so distracted by crying my heart out and soaking Hestia's warm brown blouse with tears that I don't even feel the added power seeping into me.

When I finally pull back and wipe my eyes Hestia gasps, looking at my eyes in surprise. "What? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong. But your eyes...they have a ring of orange around them. Aphrodite, a mirror please."

Aphrodite comes forward, summoning a small handheld mirror with a snap of her fingers. She holds it in front of my face with a smile, a quiet squeal exhaling from her lips just moments prior.

I look in the mirror in surprise. Physically, I don't look all that different aside from the fiery orange ring surrounding the sea green of my irises. But mentally, I can see the difference in the way the cracks, like those of broken glass just holding onto life, have receded and diminished in a sort.

I smile, a genuine one, as I push the mirror away from me. "I think this'll be good for me. Just one question." Hecate nods at me, Gale purring under her fingertips. "Well, where am I gonna stay?"

"You can stay with me in my home," Hestia pipes up immediately. "And I'm sure you'll have free passage into the Underworld if you ever want to go there. Or there's Aphrodite's temple on Olympus and Hecate's palace in London."

"Okay." I stand and offer Hestia a hand. "Shall we go?"

"Hecate, Hades, Aphrodite, would you like to stay with us for a day or two?"

"Sure," all three agree easily, so off we go to Hestia's house.

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