Michael Afton x Reader (any g...

By ilyMichaelAfton_

4.2K 31 22

Idk what to add here UGHHH More

1st chapter {Y/N flashback}
2nd chapter
3rd chapter
Im sorry
4th chapter
5th chapter
6th chapter
ෆChapter 7

Chapter 8

99 0 0
By ilyMichaelAfton_

(PS: Im back) TW: ⚠️BLOOD ❗️❗️
Oh. My. GOD.
*In the room were 4 corpses* the room was covered with blood, the smell was the worst smell you ever smelled in your life. You cannot move. Ciaxuxioxiacopoxiaxeroxian looked at you with a scared face.
:"Let's go call the police and arrest William...!"
:"..." Ciaxuxioxiacopoxiaxeroxian was walking to the cash to call the police, he was paralyzed, and (actually) you too.

[William's POV]
Oh my fucking wife, why Michael exist! He's so fucking ANNOYING.
Anyways, I need to escape because I guess they found out that I killed 4 children. I don't have any plan. Harry won't help me, but... maybe his wife yes! William prepared and dressed up some clothes that he never wore before. He went to Michael's room, that watched Y/N's window.
:"MIKE, I'm gonna to Harry's house, see'ya kiddo"
Ok ok, my plan is... so, basically I'm gonna just ask for some help to her, because she likes boys and men, I hope she can drive a car, or that she have a car so I can escape to London and then go to America (maybe), I hope I have "SOME" money. William went out the house I'm so dumb, I didn't took the umbrella! William went inside again and took the umbrella and a hat to hide his face. Let's see... I have the bag with all the money I have and some make-up, clothes, sunglasses and my passport... I have umbrella and the hat, perfect, I have everything. Goodbye house. William left the house without even taking the keys. Oh my fucking d**k, I didn't expect that would rain THAT much. William knocked at Y/N'house door. Of course there was your mother.
:"Oh my god!! Willy! I missed you. Oh no, is raining too much, go inside the house, come on!"
Ughhh does she really thinks that I like her? I love only my wife, stupid bitch.
:" hey darling, do you have a car? Because my wife used it haha!"
:" ohhhh! Yes yes yes, of course! Use it, honey!" She's so fucking stupid. How much I hate her.
William took the car's keys. Now William will start a new adventure....

[ Michael's POV]

Oh my god. I'm so scared about h/t. I need to help them. (I'm gonna use "them" or "they" because I can't every time use s/h/t, hope it wouldn't disturb you, sorry!). I'm glad that dad left. Before I go help Y/N, I wanna check to his office, he acted strange, maybe I can find a way more faster (idk how to write it sorry)  than the normal, maybe a secret door? Idk, but fatha talked to me about something like this. Anyways let's go... Michael went to William's office for the first time. He wished he could never have been here. The office was covered in blood, even the roof. Everywhere. Michael went to see what was on the table. (Idk credits sorry of the artist sorry)
The blood felt a little bit to Michael's face

Ahhh shit, EWWW BLOOD ON MY FACE! I need to took a shower! Michael took a shower. After taking a quick shower he went back to the office, but with a hat so he can't be dirty with blood again. My father. That lived with with me for the whole time, apparently he's a killer, or I don't know, maybe it's not blood? But there is a really bad smell... ugh it's kinda annoying, anyways let's check his desk. Michael found some cruel draws about how William killed the kids at the pizzeria. But the most terrifying thing was... that William wrote a plan how to kill Y/N and let their corpse inside of an animatronic. OH MY GOD, I NEED TO GO AND SAFE THEM! Michael run out, oh no, it's raining so much, I need to take an umbrella and a jacket. He took them, perfect! Let's run as fast as I can now.

[at the pizzeria]
Michael saw 3 polices cars and 4 ambulance cars outside the pizzeria. What's going on here? What happened? I'm scared.
Michael walked inside the pizzeria. Everything was so disgusting, he never saw something like that, he got sicker and threw up.
[Y/N pov]
O my god, I wish I could never see it... I'm glad that Michael isn't here, but he- you saw Michael throwing up at the entrance. Oh my gosh! You run to Michael.
"Michael! You need help! I'm gonna ask for help to the nurses, stay here!" Oh my god, I'm happy that he's worried about me, but I didn't thought that he would come here! It's literally raining SO MUCH, I could never! But I'm sad for Michael... he already saw his brother die... now he saw 4 corpses... you asked to nurses if they can help Michael, but Mike already finished to threw up. You hugged him even if he's sick.
:"Sweetheart, don't hug me, I'm so sick, you gonna be sick t-"
:"Please, shut up, you literally came here just for me even if it's raining and you're even sick. I couldn't do something like that. YOU ARE a sweetheart, not like me.. I'm so sorry Michael"
Michael hugged me too
:" Don't say sorry. You hurt me. Anyways, what the fuck is happening here? Why there are... 4 dead bodies? They're even small kids!"
:" Michael, I'm sorry that you saw 4 dead bodies and... your brother... I don't wanna say it but... the police thinks that your father is the killer, and I think about that too to be honest" Michael smiled, but after a minute, his smile faded..
:" I'm happy but I don't have a family anymore. Nobody can take care of me or at least hug me. My father just went to your mom to... escape I guess? My mother disappeared, my sister died in front of me like my brother. I.. don't know what to do" don't say me that he thinks about..
:" I wanna kill myself" Michael?
[Williams pov]
(It's not about the fanfic, but if you're interested what William will do than... read :))
Uhhh I'm too far from London, Imma go to the nearest airport. I'm gonna go on ¥#@^£#+\>.
After 19 minutes, I'm finally there, I never was in this airport even if it's near to the city where I live. Anyways let's go. William was searching for a parking. William has finally parked. Omfg, now I need to buy a ticket, I hope that the police haven't found out anything! Oh wait... Y/N SAW ME "KILLING" THE STUPID MOTHOFUCKER CHILDREN!!!! WHAT IM GONNA DO NOW? OH SH/T. I have an idea.... I'm not on the news yet, so I can still buy the ticket... when I'm gonna be on the news, IM GONNA BE ON THE PLAN! OH YES, it'll work! Nobody will find out that I'm in USA! Before I go I'm gonna listen to the radio (of the car)
"Hello everyone! Today we have a VERY VERY bad news. At the toys Freddie's Pizzeria were killed 4 small little children. The suspect is William Afton. If you see him absolutely call the police, * they showed one of his photo* Sadly, the Pizzeria will be closed forever and'll get fired" WhAT tHE HeCK!! I'm in trouble. Shit, what I'm suppose to do now? Maybe the news haven't got yet to the airport. Fuck it, I'm gonna go anyways, they will never ever notice it! Oh wait... I have an idea.
[Your POV with Michael]
Michael? He doesn't need to do that! :" Michael, why should you kill yourself? It'll be useless and the other people will be sad because of it" Michael haven't do anything. He touched my cheeks and said " I can't do this anymore. I think I have a curse. I don't want you see dead, y/n, I wanna see you happy forever. How you seen, almost everyone on my family have died, after that, even my friends could die. I'm really scared for you. I'm sorry, but I can't do it anymore" I won't allow him to go anywhere without me! I know he will do it. <Michael started to go out from the pizzeria> :"Michael wait!" <you took him> :" You'll go everywhere I go too! We'll be always together! Ok??" Michael giggled :" For sure"
<You came home with Michael. You handcuffed him with you, so he couldn't escape from you>
:" Where are they from?" Asked Michael to me :"where are they from what? The handcuffs?" I haven't understood what he meant :"Yes" "oooh, they are toys, but it's like a real handcuff, right?" he doesn't answer. He's upset... I mean, he's right to be it, I'm upset too tho. What Dan I do for make us feel a little bit more happy... nothing! WAIT, I have an idea.
:"Michael, I have an idea!" Michael haven't answered yet :" What about to move on USA? I don't think is a good place, but we can live there and forget about everything!" Michael got excited :" You are a genius! But we haven't married and we're not adults yet, so idk what to do" (tbh I don't remember how old they were SORRY) He's right, what could we do... omg. I know what to do!
:" Michael, what about calling Henry for help" (I don't remember something about Henry, I can't the information about him in my story, so if I have repeated something, I'm very sorry)
:" You're right! But I don't know where is he now"
I haven't heard about him for a long time, I'm worried if he's ok.
:" Y/n" :"yes ?" Michael was thinking about something :" I heard that his daughter died, but I'm not sure about it" what? Another case? Those poor little kids, they haven't done nothing wrong. They were so young god... :" are you joking" <you asked to Michael, just to make sure he was lying about it, but it's like he wasn't, sadly> :" Well, I'm not sure, let's just hope I'm wrong. Anyways, let's go to him. Everyone know where he lives"
<Michael started to be very tired about everything happened to him. He was like a talking corpse. Anyways, you left the house with Michael to come to Henry Emily>
<You finally arrive to his house. You knock the door> :" Henry? Emily?" <you called him, but no one answered> :" it's so strange" Michael is right. <someone opened the door> it's Henry! He finally opened the door!
(Sorry if it's short, I haven't read it again but I tried my best, sorry for all the grammar mistakes!❤️)

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