The Other Mikaelson- Book 1

By jadepenguins137_

21.3K 249 34

For a thousand years, Keira has been the baby of the family. Centuries ago in what would later be the supern... More

The Main Characters/Cast
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV

Chapter XV

326 3 0
By jadepenguins137_

Keira returned to life in the trunk of a car. She sighed and looked down, before pulling the wood out of her heart. She winced, before sitting up, and realized someone must have injected her with vervain. She rubbed her head and observed where she was, before lifting her foot and kicking the trunk door off. Whoever was driving stopped abruptly, and Keira sped out of the car to see who it was.

It wasn't anyone important. From what she could tell, whoever drove the car was simply working for someone more important.

"Hey!" he yelled, trying to be intimidating. "You can't leave!"

"Why?" Keira asked innocently. The driver seemed to be a bit new at his jobbed, and his hand quivered as he pulled out a gun.

"The bullets are wooden," he said.

"Anddd, what exactly do you think that will do against me?" Keira said, raising her eyebrows. She sped towards the driver and growled as her fangs and veins appeared on her face.

The driver shaked. "I- um, please?"

Keira sighed. "Ok, fine." The driver smiled. "I'll make your death short." The driver's smile faded and he yelled for a moment, before Keira began to drain his blood. The driver screamed out so loudly Keira stopped for a second. "Loudmouth," she said, before snapping his neck and continuing.

When the driver was properly decapitated, Keira walked a few blocks before seeing a barn. Strangely, she could smell... Rebekah?

"What the hell..." she walked inside the barn to see three people- Rebekah in one cell, Stefan in another, and Elena in a third, looking extremely pale.

"Keira?" asked Rebekah.

"I can't leave you alone for five minutes," replied her sister. "Ok, time to go."

"Hey!" a guard ran into the barn with another gun.

"Seriously, what is up with you people and thinking guns with measly wooden bullets would do anything against me! I'm an original!" Keira said. The officer shot at her, and she caught it, before she sped to him and hit him over the head, knocking him out. As she grabbed his keys, Rebekah started talking.

"Wait, help Elena!" she said.

"Why do you care?!" Keira asked, annoyed.

"Just do it!" yelled Stefan. Keira looked between him and Rebekah, before sighing biting into the officers neck, and throwing him to Elena. Elena weakly stick her hand through the bars and took a bit in her fingers, before licking them. The color returned to her face, and Keira smiled.

"Welcome to the club, doppelicious," she said, before freeing Rebekah and throwing the keys to Stefan. Then she and her sister sped out of the barn.


Outside of the family mansion, Rebekah stopped her sister.

"Keira, wait," she said abruptly.

"What?" Keira replied.

"It's about Nik!" she exclaimed.

"I spoke with Kol about Nik," Keira started.

"A witch-"

"-Kol thinks a witch might have-"

"-Nik is in Tyler's body-"




Rebekah stared at her sister. "You first," she said.

"I spoke with Kol," said Keira. "You know he and I were witches before we were turned. He thinks someone might have saved Nik, and that's why his sireline survived. Your turn."

"I was in the mansion, and someone shot an arrow at me. When I woke up, I was in a truck tied up with vervain ropes next to Caroline. Then the car crashed, and Tyler came up to it. Caroline started crying and all that teen drama stuff, and he freed her, but when I asked him to free me, he said, 'keep 'em busy, little sister.' meaning Nik is in Tyler's body!!!" Rebekah explained.

"Oh my god..." Keira said as someone walked out of the mansion. "Nik!"

Nik stood at the top of the stairs and stared down at his sisters. Keira sped up to him, and smacked him.

"Ow!" he said. "The hell is wrong with you?"

"Thought you were dead," Keira said, before hugging him. She pulled away quickly and then smacked him again. "That's for not telling us you were alive," she smacked him again. "That's for pretending to be dead," she smacked him again. "And that's for the twenty dollars you owe me from dinner three centuries ago!"

Rebekah was still staring up with Nik, with a lot more anger than her younger sister.

"Bex?" Keira asked. Rebekah glared at their brother. "Er- I'll, um, leave you two alone for a while, I guess?" she sped into the mansion to her room, before calling Kol.

"I take it I was right?" he said.

"And, someone's gotta tell Elijah," she said. "Since Rebekah and I have already both been killed today while you've been off relaxing who knows where, I say you do it!"

Kol hung up abruptly to call their now oldest brother. Keira then heard yelling from downstairs, and sped down to eavesdrop.

"How dare you save Caroline over me!" yelled Rebekah.

"'Hello brother. Thought you were dead. So pleased you're not!'," Nik said, imitating what he wanted Rebekah to say.

"You left me!"

"I only had time to save one of you and you can't be killed. Rest assured, I had a worse day than you. I think it's time for us to move on; find some more werewolves."

"So you can create your hybrid family? You don't know anything about family!"

"Well, I know how easily they can be silenced with a dagger," Nik said. Keira looked down as she listened. Rebekah growled, picked up something, and threw it at all wall, bursting it. Nik yelled out in anger, and Keira walked out from her hiding spot to see her holding the last two blood bags of doppelganger blood, aka the only blood usable to make hybrids.

"Rebekah..." she said from behind them.

"Drop them," Nik said sharply.

"I mourned you! My heart broke thinking I'd never see you again!" Rebekah cried, Keira watching her siblings fight.

"Put the blood down, Rebekah. There's a good girl," said Nik. Bekah did not oblige.

"It's always been me! Not Finn, not Elijah, not Kol, not Keira, me! I loved you through everything and you don't even care!" Rebekah screamed.

"DROP THEM!!!" Nik yelled angrily. Keira stepped back at his burst of anger.

"You want your family?" Rebekah asked. She squeezed the bags, popping them and making them spill everywhere. "Here's your family!!!" Keira watched, mildly afraid of what her brother could do.

Nik sped to Rebekah and grabbed her by her throat. "You know something, Rebekah, you're right. I don't care. From this moment on; you're not my family, you're not my sister, you are nothing," he said. Keira widened her eyes realizing he had disowned her. He then snapped her neck and she fell to the ground.

"Nik!" she yelled. He stared down at his sisters for a moment, before turning and walking out of the room. Keira knelt by her sister.


"Rebekah, go inside! Mother wishes you to tend to the meal," said Keira.

"Does she want me to do it, or are you attempting to trick me into volunteering in your place?" Rebekah replied. There stood Keira and Rebekah Mikaelson- except younger. Rebekah was about eight, and Keira was about six.

"Just go inside!" Keira whined. "I don't want to skin that pig alive, it's terrifying and disgusting!"

"Oh, come on, sister! You have to learn how to do it eventually, if you are to marry and be like mother."

"I don't want to though!" Keira said. Her sudden outburst caused Rebekah to fly backwards into the tent, and Keira heard her mother jump in shock. A few seconds later, Keira's older brother Kol, who was nine, came out as well.

"You've really got to learn how to control that, sister," he said. Keira pouted.

"I don't want to kill helpless animals!" she said. Nearby, a fire enlarged momentarily before extinguishing. Kol sighed, before staring at the fire, which reignited immediately. The villagers tending to it stared at them as if to say 'that family is crazy.'

"Bekah's right, you will have to eventually!" Kol said. Keira made her usual six year old angry face. "Finn learned, Elijah learned, Nik learned, I learned, Rebekah learned, and now you have to learn. When mother asks you to do something, just do it!"

"Shouldn't it be Henrik's turn then?" Keira said cheekily.

"Keira, Henrik was born barely a year ago," said Nik from behind them.

"Don't you remember when I tossed you across the room when I was a year old? If I can do it, Henrik can!" Keira said.

"Henrik," said Kol. "Has not tapped into has magical powers, and you know that."

"I still don't want to kill cute defenseless animals!!!!!" Keira said. "They have parents, and brothers, and sisters, just like us!!!" she whined.

"If it makes you feel any better, there are spells that make them not feel any pain," said Kol. Keira pouted and crossed her arms.

"Oh, come on sister. Please don't throw a child tantrum," said Nik.

"What to the animals' families think about their relatives being killed and eaten?"

"Sometimes they just don't care," said Nik. "Sometimes the ones we eat are the runts that no one likes."

"The runts are adorable!" Keira said.

Kol ruffled his sisters hair, messing up her braid. "Like you, little sister."

"Do the parents and siblings disown their family?" Keira asked, looking down a bit sad.

"Yes," said Nik, without remorse.

"Would you ever do that to any of us?" Keira asked her half-brother.



"You're a liar, Nik!" Keira yelled, before storming out of the Mikaelson Mansion.

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