I Would Take Every Bullet For...

Por Demonofthefridge18

1K 71 178

Naruto is the top hitman who cannot be killed. He would shoot anyone for the right price, but he seems to be... Más

F is for Family

Disney Princess

235 19 33
Por Demonofthefridge18

"We're here." Naruto flicked the light switch to his small studio. The room was illuminated, including the trash and junk.

"Uh- Whoops didn't expect company... hehe.." Naruto quickly walked in, picking up the trash.

"It's ok." Hinata was careful not to step on anything, the place was not too big but big enough for one person.


"Hey you." Naruto looked down at the orange tabby that curled in between his legs.

"Oh, how adorable~" Hinata gushed.

"Yeah, this little guy likes to keep me company some times." Naruto bent down to scratch under its chin, the cat purring in delight. There was a ding catching Naruto's attention. His laptop lighting up with a new notification.

"Go ahead and make yourself comfy." Naruto sat at the table with his computer.

"Um..." Hinata fiddled a little.

"What's wrong?" He looked up with a raised brow.

"I-" But before she could answer there was a loud growl that made her cheeks turn red.

Naruto chuckled, "It's ok I'm hungry too-I don't have much in there...maybe some chicken and rice..."

"I can use that." Hinata piped up, without further ado Hinata had entered the kitchen determined to make the boy a delicious meal.

Naruto typed in his password swiftly, opening his emails. A link was sent to him by an unknown sender. He clicked on it and it brought him to a black screen. He typed in a 4 digit number and then red words illuminated the screen like a creepy Halloween trick.

' Our little rabbit has escaped but the hunt still continues. Capture our prey and you will receive a bountiful feast. Maybe 5,000,000 wasn't enough to get your guns blazing. Let's shoot for the moon and make it 10,000,000- double the prize. '

"T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T..." The color from Naruto's face completely drained. 'TEN MILLION! ' Naruto slowly closed his laptop, and then open it again. 'TEN MILLION?!' Naruto wiped his eyes trying to clear his vision. 'Yep still says ten million- TEN MILLIONNNNNN!'

Naruto slammed his laptop harshly. With that amount of money, he could pay Sasuke back and more! Oh, the ramen, the sweet cars, the many weapons he could purchase, he would be set for a while, doing jobs purely out of boredom. He could buy his own RAMEN SHOP.

There had to be something wrong with Hinata. Clearly, she was a killer in disguise. No one would want someone to die this badly. Maybe she killed the employer's family and now he or she wanted nothing but revenge, going through great lengths to kill her. She had slaughtered their family and left one alive to come back to this day and hunt her down for what she had done. Raising ten-million for her head.

A wolf wearing sheep clothing- of course. She must be a monster! Maybe she cuts up animals and feeds them to kids. Naruto sorta kind of... hoped she was the villain in this story.

Naruto sneakily walked to the kitchen, poking his head slightly in. His eyes glaring at the 'monster'.

Said 'monster' danced around the kitchen with ease, singing to herself. The cat was on the counter eating some tuna happily. She spun to the stove, bending over a little as she pulled her hair back behind her ear, blowing the curry she was making so she could taste it. She made a hum and then danced delightfully to the orange cat.

"La~ La~ La~ La~" She swayed back and forth, the cat perking up to attention swaying back and forth with her, seemingly smiling. They dipped and swayed together, singing happily.

"Meow~ Meow~"

"la la la~"


'SHE'S A FUCKING DISNEY PRINCESS.' Naruto's mouth dropped at how enchanting she was. He can't kill her!

"Oh Naruto!" Hinata blushed, catching the boy staring at her. She pressed down her dress with nervous hands and a cute flutter of her eyes.

Why was she so darn adorable.

Naruto sighed coming into the kitchen fully as to not look too much like a creep.

"Hinata..." Naruto drawled leaning on the counter with a cross of his arms. Usually, the people he goes after are drug dealers, gang leaders, killers, or other generally bad people. He's never had to kill someone so innocent. Hell, he doesn't even think she'd hurt a fly- oh there she goes.

Hinata gently picked up a spider with a tissue and open the window letting it go on to a leaf.

"There you go, little guy." She smiled and returned her attention back to her cooking. "You were saying Naruto?" She stirred the pot, looking up at him with curiosity.

"Do you have any idea who would want... you dead?" Naruto frowned, saying the word made him shiver. He didn't even want to think about someone touching a hair on her head.

"Well, I was nominated to be the head of the Hyuga clan. Maybe some of the elders disagree with me being their superior."

"Why? I'm sure you will be a kind queen." Naruto tried to make the situation seem less grim. Hinata smiled at the attempt.

"They say I'm too kind." Hinata's lips pursed up in sadness.

Naruto gawked, "Too kind? Is there such a thing?"

"The Hyuga clan deals with, some... illegal things... some want a change and others would rather keep it the same. Honestly... I don't want the responsibility... it's ready."

Naruto grabbed some dishes and the two sat at the table eating the curry she made.

"This is so good!" Naruto wolfed down half of the pot before Hinata could even take her second bite.

"I'm glad you like it." The girl was delighted that he enjoyed her cooking. The way he ate the food with enthusiasm would've turned anyone off but not for Hinata.

'He's so cute.' She looked at him with dreamy eyes. It made her heart flutter.


Naruto jolted up, eyes going narrow as he stared at the door. There was silence as Hinata tensed up, staring at Naruto with doe-like eyes. Naruto put a hand up, signaling for her to stay put. He got up slowly, making his way to the door. He grabbed his gun from behind his back, clicking the safety off.

"PIZZA DELIVERY!" A whiny voice spoke on the other side. It sounded like a teenage boy going through puberty.

"Didn't order pizza," Naruto called leaning against the wall. He pressed his ear flat to the surface, trying to hear any movement. There was a shift and then a rattle of paper.

"Says here you ordered a Hawaiian pizza, Menma? Apartment number 12."

Naruto looked down for a second, it was the same alias that he used and his address... and his favorite kind of pizza. Maybe the pizza boy was the assassin. He leaned forward peeking into the hole, it was a teenage boy with a few too many red dots on his face, braces, and shaggy hair that needed a good wash. He also wore the red uniform and hat to the pizza joint down the street.

No way this kid was a killer. He looked at Hinata and pointed to the couch, quickly she got behind it peeking just a little.

"Go away, I don't want it anymore."

The kid scoffed rolling his eyes.

"Come on man, can u just sign this- please."

There was some strain in the boy's voice, making Naruto raise a brow suspiciously. He wasn't sure if that was puberty or stress.

"Slide the recipe under the door."

The boy fidgeted a bit, his eyes glancing left quickly and then he bent down. He heard him trying to shove the recipe under the door, the paper just crinkling in the process.

"It won't fit." He whined

The door swung open quickly making the kid fall on his butt. Naruto quickly swung his arm to the left but his wrist was grabbed just as swiftly.

His eyes went wide as Sasuke put a barrel to his face.

"SASUKE!" Naruto duck dodging the bullet that shot out. One of the lights shattered.

"AHHHH ENJOY Y-YOUR PIZZA!" the boy stumbled down the hall leaving the crazy emo man that threatened him.

"Move it dobe!" Sasuke jabbed him with a knee to the stomach, but Naruto was quick to recover, the gun aimed for his face again. He quickly slammed his hand into the door frame, causing the next shot to scratch his face.

"Going for face shots Sasuke? How cruel." Naruto pouted trying to wiggle his wrist from Sasuke's.

"Where's the target." Sasuke let go of Naruto's wrist giving him a mean punch to the face, he followed up with a shoulder slam, crashing him against the door frame.

"Ugh!" Naruto winced, "Nice of you to get me food, but I already ate!" he grabbed Sasuke by the shoulder, throwing him to the side. The two tumbled into the room, flopping on to the floor.

Sasuke was first to recover, jumping up and pointing his gun at Naruto.

Naruto raised his hands in defeat, "Come on Sasuke, you know face shots are the worrrrrrrse." He rolled his eyes.

"Stop!" a screech caught their attention as Hinata came from her hiding spot. "Take me instead!" Hinata cried. Tears streaming down her beautiful cheeks.

"You didn't kill her?" Sasuke looked dumbfounded. He was hoping to find a dead body that he would just scoop up and deliver.

"You try to kill her..." Naruto muttered.

"Gladly." Sasuke pointed his gun at Hinata shooting but it never reached his target. Instead, there was a groan as Naruto fell to the floor.

Sasuke shot again and a blur of yellow jumped in the way. This time he was standing up in front of her. His arm oozing with blood along with his chest.

"NARUTO!" Hinata cried.

"What are you doing dobe?" Sasuke pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration shooting bullet after bullet as Naruto danced around and took each one with a pitiful 'ow'.

After the clip was out there was a clicking noise as Sasuke continued to try to shoot Naruto.

"I won't let you kill her!" Naruto stood proudly with wobbly legs.

"N-Naruto-" Hinata was weeping behind him. She didn't understand how he was able to deflect so many bullets. He turned around and her eyes went wide. His body scattered with bullet wounds and blood squirting out of them, painting her pretty dress.

"I'm Okay Hinata!" Naruto smiled with a cheery thumbs up.

"Naruto b-but how?" There was no way he was standing from adrenaline.

"Oh? Guess you don't know, my code name is... Kyuubi." Naruto laughed nervously. Everyone knew about the demon assassin that cannot be killed, running around in a black and red suit and two blades. He really didn't want her to find out like this.

"Kyuubi-" Hinata muttered. She's heard that he was the one hitman that no one could survive from, no matter what he would kill his target and has never had one getaway. Almost haunting the victim until their last breath.

This goofball of sunshine was Kyuubi?!


There was a bullet wound in Naruto's forehead, his eyes went wide before he slumped to the floor.

"KYAAAA!" Hinata yelled, seeing the boy unmoving.

Sasuke stepped over him without a care, grabbing Hinata by the elbow. She flailed hitting him repeatedly.

"Let go of me!" Hinata hit him but her tiny fist did nothing.

"Just come on, I'm not gonna hurt you." Sasuke frantically tried to contain the wild woman but it was no use. He sighed hitting the back of her head, successfully knocking her out.

"OW!" Sasuke looked down at the orange stray that hissed and attacked his leg. "Damn cat!"

~A few hours later~

Naruto was laying in bed with Hinata as she cuddled with him.

"Thanks for saving me Naruto."

"Of course hime."

They were watching a movie in bed.

"Sasuke was nothing, dirt off your shoulder, a teme. No match for yours truly... and I-I never did reward you for beating up such a tool." Hinata swirled a light finger on his chest, looking up at him with her pretty big eyes. A sly tongue darted out of her mouth to lick her pink lips.

"Oh?" Naruto grinned, a suggestive hand touching her milky thigh, "I will happily receive."

She smiled and leaned her head towards him, lips but an inch apart. He smiled as she licked his chin... and began to lick his cheek. She started licking all over his face...

"Kinky... kinky." Naruto smirked as she continued to lick his face. Then she leaned back and slapped him.


She slapped him again with the other hand and again.

"RAMEN! RAMEN! WHAT'S OUR SAFE WORD" Naruto was being beaten up by his little princess with seemingly no ability to defend himself.

She looked at him and then pouted "MEOW!"


His vision of Hinata began to blur as his dream disappeared into darkness.

Naruto jolted awake. A very angry tabby looking down at him with the wrath of hell.

"Oh crap!" Naruto got up feeling a stabbing pain in his chest. He looked down to see a knife sticking out of him, a piece of paper underneath it. He ripped the paper away reading the elegant handwriting.

'Since you don't know how to answer your phone I thought it would be easier to pin my message to you. If you want to see Hinata again bring me my 2,500,000 dollars at the underground hideout under the Great bridge Or she dies.'

"Pfft. He wouldn't kill her."


Yes I will.'

"No, he wouldn't." Naruto rolled his eyes.

'P.S P.S

Don't test me.'

"Sasuke is a nice guy." He looked at the cat for some sort of agreement.


'I Killed the neighbor's dog simply because it wouldn't shut up.'

Naruto crumpled up the paper in horror. "Ok, clearly Sasuke isn't a Disney princess, like my beautiful Hinata."

"Meow." The cat grumbled with a roll of his eyes.

"Yeah man, you said it." Naruto hopped up pulling the knife out of his chest and tossing it to the side.

He took a quick shower and dressed in his well known Kyuubi outfit. It was red and black, and skin tight. He then proceeded to take a red bottle of hair dye and wiped one streak of red in front of his hair.

That was it.

Now he was no longer known as Naruto.

Now he was Kyuubi.

He grabbed his two blades and placed them on his back and then some guns, checking for bullets. Wouldn't want a repeat of his Mizuki job. He had completely forgotten to pack ammo and it was a complete shit storm. In the end, he ended up killing him with a new year's horn. As he died with it in his neck it blew out a loud 'RRRRNNNNnnnnnn...' and slowly faded...

Naruto shivered at the thought. What a bad start to his New Year.

"Oh almost forgot." Naruto sprayed himself with some cologne, his cat looking at him unimpressed.

"Meeeeeow." It mewled with a clear attitude.

"What? I have to smell and look nice when I save my princess and we spider man kiss..." He stepped to the window, it was his favorite way to leave any building. He didn't have to wait for the elevator, didn't have to lock the door on his way out. It was so much quicker too.

"Well! I'm off!" He jumped out landing flat to the ground "FUCK-"

The cat snickered from the window at his failed attempt.

"Oh yeah. oh yeah, laugh it up, buddy, I'm sure you are just great at landing on your feet well guess what I have more than nine lives so ha!"

"MEOW!" The cat screeched at him to hurry up he nodded his head quickly,

"Yep! yep, gotta go save Hinata gotcha!"

AUTHOR NOTE: Naruto is wearing the deadpool outfit with a streak of red in his hair. Its kind of like the joke with superman where he can wear glasses and no one knows its him.

Hope all is well for you and please if you have time leave me a review :)

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