Can you feel the moon || Woos...

By steolftero

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Jung Wooyoung. A name known by too many. A name that wouldn't cease to fill San's mind. No matter how many ti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7

155 8 7
By steolftero

Telling the entire truth to their friends had been as relieving as it was exhausting.

Seeing their faces when Wooyoung used his magic was hilarious, especially Mingi's each time Wooyoung switched a light on with a flick of the hand. Or that one time when Hongjoong spent a whole minute struggling with a stool to take a box placed on the top shelf of San's apartment, only for Wooyoung to come into the room, raise his hands and wait for the box to fall in his arms.

The magic part of the truth was fun.

The one including the curse wasn't.

San had been doing fine pushing the worrying thoughts into a locked part of his mind, only opening it when he really needed to mention the subject, but he couldn't ignore it now that his friends knew.

They were his daily reminder.

It was as if he had been made of sugar overnight and they couldn't touch him or talk to him as they usually would, too scared he would break or melt right in front of their eyes. He couldn't spend an hour on the couch of his apartment without at least two of his friends asking him if he was feeling alright, couldn't share a random conversation with any of them without being looked at with sad eyes, or brought into sudden hugs.

Granted, the hugs felt nice, but the excessive attention was getting tiring. It felt like San needed to be constantly reminded that he was dying and could possibly be living his last months on earth, which was exactly what he wanted to avoid.

He wanted his friends to act normally with him. He wanted to feel normal, to enjoy the time he still had with them.

But could he, really ?

Things took a turn when one day, Wooyoung seemed to have been fed up with their over-protectivity and sent a long text in their group chat, telling them how grateful he was for their attention and support, but that they were all turning into concerned Seonghwas and it was starting to be slightly oppressive.

Apparently, turning into a concerned Seonghwa wasn't a compliment because the next day, San was able to hold a conversation with Yunho and Hongjoong without being asked if he was okay, and no one offered to walk him to Wooyoung's house after his shift.

Seonghwa stayed as concerned as ever and Wooyoung's little lecture didn't stop Jongho from coming over and sleep in San's bed when he knew his friend wasn't staying at Wooyoung's, but San wasn't going to complain about this one.

Except these were just small hindrances compared to the real problem San's curse had created.

Wooyoung's state was starting to be concerning. Not because of the curse slowly killing him, but because of the curse slowly killing San.

As soon as their friends had left the house after learning the truth about the curse, Wooyoung had buried himself under search, opening grimoire after grimoire, taking notes and never leaving his desk. It stayed that way for days, then weeks, until it became painful for San to watch.

Wooyoung would wake up in the middle of the night and slip out of San's embrace to sit at his desk, go through his books, and curse under his breath. Sometimes, he would close his grimoire, switch off his tiny lamp and silently cry, face buried in his arms on the desk. The house would turn cold, and San's heart would slowly break. The rest of the time, he would simply come back to San's side and snuggle close, only to go back to his desk in the morning.

During the day, he would try things on himself, difficult rituals he knew were too advanced for him. He would cast a protection circle, recite a few words... Cry in pain, pass out on the floor. Push San away, try again. Pass out again. And again, and again, until he would be unable to move, talk or eat for hours after his candles switched off.

That was also how San realized Wooyoung had given up before he knew about San's curse. He had been letting himself die, not searching for a way to break his own curse and accepting his sorrowful fate.

San remembered breaking down crying in Yeosang's arms one night, realizing that if he hadn't been cursed too, Wooyoung would have never tried staying alive.

"But why is it only during the full moon ?" San asked one day as they worked in the kitchen, Wooyoung with a pile of grimoires by his side, and San with his laptop. "If the curse is based on the moonlight, why is it not hurting all the time ?"

Wooyoung shrugged, sliding a hand through his hair. His ponytail was an absolute mess today, the strands supposed to fall on his forehead now sticking up in weird directions, but he was still unfairly endearing San was having a hard time working instead of staring at his pretty face.

"I don't know San," Wooyoung answered. He turned a page of his grimoire, then another. "Why do werewolves only turn into werewolves under the full moon ?"

"Werewolves don't exist."

"But witches do ?"

"Oh my god, werewolves exist ?"

Wooyoung chuckled, the sound too strained to really reach Mili and load the house with its usual warmth, but enough to make his eyes crinkle cutely.

"I don't know San," Wooyoung murmured, but his smile slowly faded, turning sad for a moment, until it vanished. "I really don't."

He turned another page of his grimoire and San didn't try to keep the conversation going, because there was a knot in his throat, preventing him from talking.

This had been the first smile he had seen on Wooyoung's face this week.

And just like that, it was gone.


As soon as San touched the doorknob of Wooyoung's house, he knew something wasn't right. Mili's warmth didn't reach him when he turned his key inside the lock, which wasn't that surprising considering Wooyoung's current state, but this didn't feel like an ordinary bad Wooyoung day.

It felt empty. Agonizingly empty.

San's heart beat a bit faster as he pushed the door open, but it dropped when San stepped inside the house and took in the sight welcoming him.

Wooyoung was on the ground, motionless, his eyes closed and his head tilted to the side.

San dropped the grocery bags he had brought with him and ran to Wooyoung, ignoring the circle of salt traced around him and the grimoire discarded on the side. The candles were switched off anyway.

"Woo. Woo, hey." He patted his cheek, gently at first, then with more strength when Wooyoung didn't stir. "Hey, wake up... Wooyoung !"

Panic raised in the pit of his stomach as Wooyoung remained listless on the floor. San bolted upward and ran to the nearest wall.

"Mili. Mili I need your help," he begged, desperately tapping on the wall... only to retreat his hand in horror when he noticed how dead it felt.

No. No no no this couldn't be happening. Not his Wooyoung, not now, not... No...

San threw his hands in his hair, tugging at it as tears started to clog his throat. He needed to think, he needed to breathe, to act thoughtfully, he needed to-

A plant wiggled wildly on one of the shelves, so much that its pot fell and shattered with a loud crash. Soil and pieces of terra cotta were scattered on the floor but the plant kept wiggling, and San's eyes widened when he finally understood why.

He rushed to the plant, pulled a petal off one of its red flowers, and ran to the kitchen.

There, he placed the petal in a bowl, added some honey, a pinch of whatever this thing Wooyoung kept putting in his potions was – some kind of brown herb with weird buds – and a pinch of coarse salt. He stirred the concoction way too fast and when he decided it was enough, he filled the bowl with the moon water Wooyoung always had stocked in the bottom compartment of his fridge and rushed back to the living room.

The potion looked horrible, tiny pieces of folded petal floating above the brownish liquid, but now wasn't the time to whine about San's poor witchcraft skills. He crouched down next to Wooyoung and lifted his head, forcing the drink past his lips.

"Come on Wooyoungie..."

San was struggling to put the liquid in Wooyoung's mouth and his worry only grew when half of it seemed to run down Wooyoung's chin, but he was too scared and out of his mind to think of a better way to make him drink.

"Woo, please..."

Wooyoung shifted, and San almost burst into tears right there because holy shit, it was working, the potion was taking effect, Wooyoung was waking up...

"Wooyoung ? You have to wake up. You need to drink."

He pressed the bowl a bit harder against Wooyoung's lips and eventually, Wooyoung started to really drink.

"Perfect, just like that. Thank you Wooyoungie."

San's voice was shaky with the remnant of his previous panic and he fell on his bottom, his trembling legs unable to hold him in a crouching position any longer. Wooyoung coughed and San almost threw the empty bowl aside to cradle him into his arms.

"Fuck, you scared me..." His heart was thumping against Wooyoung's chest as he brought him closer, too scared to ever let go again. "I didn't poison you, right ?"

Wooyoung softly chucked, wrapping his arms around San's waist.

"I don't think so. You learned from me after all, that would be embarrassing if you did." He sighed, relaxing in San's embrace. "Look at you playing the perfect little witch..."

Wooyoung's voice was a bit strained but his tone was light and joyful, and even though San was delighted to see him being alright, he had honestly thought Wooyoung would die there and he wasn't in the mood to joke.

"Wooyoung. You're putting yourself in danger."

He felt Wooyoung tensing against him, and decided he needed to see his face to have this conversation. Reluctantly, he pulled away and sat cross-legged, Wooyoung mirroring him an instant later. They looked at each other without saying anything for a moment, until Wooyoung wiped the remnant of the potion on his chin with his sleeve and sighed.

"I know a way to break the curse," he confessed, eyes meeting San's. "It's also supposed to give us back the time the moon took from us but... I'm not strong enough to do this ritual. I think no one in my family had ever been strong enough honestly, so I didn't even think about doing it one day but now you're cursed too and I can't just... I can't give up. I have to become stronger and for that, I need to do more rituals, I need to learn more and practice and-"

"It's killing you Wooyoung."

"The curse is killing you !" Wooyoung snapped.

San shook his head, looking down at the floor.

"I don't want you to suffer for me. I don't want you to suffer at all."

"But you'll die because of me." Wooyoung sighed, again, and rubbed his hands against his face.

A couple of minutes passed without any of them knowing what to say exactly, or maybe too scared to talk. The atmosphere was tense, and San didn't doubt Wooyoung could feel it too.

"Imagine..." Wooyoung started at last, voice low and muffled by his hands. "Imagine just for a second, if you were the one giving me a curse. Making me suffer every month, cutting out my life span a bit more every day, but unable to change anything. How would you feel, San ?"

San gulped, keeping his head low. He had already tried to imagine it, and the result hadn't been pretty.

"Horrible," he murmured.

"Right." Wooyoung nodded. "I love you Sannie, and I truly want to respect your choices and not do things you're against, but not if it's about the curse. I can't give up now, I'm sorry."

He stood up while San kept his gaze on the floor, not needing to see Wooyoung to know he was now fixing the damage that had been done with the wiggling plant a few minutes ago. He also took the bowl and brought him back to the kitchen, and that was when he came back to the living room and sat on the bed that San found the courage to talk.

"It works both ways though," he said, stopping Wooyoung as he was reaching for a grimoire discarded on the mattress. "I can't bear to see you hurting yourself for me either, I just..."

He paused, and a stupid thought crossed his mind.

"I'll go to the cave."


Wooyoung's answer had been direct, sharp. Dark eyes met San's, and it could have been intimidating, it should have been intimidating. But the image of Wooyoung lying on the floor and Mili not responding was stuck in his mind, and this was the only thing he could focus on right now. Hearing Wooyoung saying he wasn't planning on stopping his nonsense was just rubbing him the wrong way.

"Why not ?" San asked, standing up. "So, you can risk your life for me but I can't do the same?"

"This isn't some kind of competition San-"

"I know," San snapped, voice louder than he had intended, but the anger slowly rising in his chest kept him from apologizing, or toning it down. "But I'm tired Wooyoung ! I'm tired of seeing you suffering while I'm just sitting there, waiting for you to stop or- or coming home to your listless body on the ground !"

Wooyoung frowned, leaving the bed to stand up facing San.

"See ? I warned you San," he spat, tone harsh, one finger pointing at San. "I told you this would happen, but you chose to come back."

"You didn't tell me you would sacrifice yourself for me !"

"So you wouldn't have stayed if I did ?"

San's lips parted to let out the answer, but it stayed stuck in his throat and he gulped instead, crossing his arms on his chest.

It seemed to be enough of an answer for Wooyoung. He turned around and climbed back on the bed, bringing the grimoire to his lap.

"Maybe you should leave now," he said, not looking up.

San huffed, already walking to the door.

"I'm going to that damn cave."

"I don't fucking care."

The words were said with so much venom it broke through San's anger and pierced his heart, but San was already outside, slamming the door behind him.

He crossed the garden with a frown, took a few steps out of the residence... and crouched down, unable to walk any further away. Tears fell to his cheeks in an instant and he hid his face in his hands, finally allowing his anger and his fear of losing Wooyoung to flow on his face as he cried.

After a few minutes of quiet sobs and angry tears, San heard a window scattering behind him, then a loud thud, followed by more crashes. He sighed and hastily rubbed his cheeks, before standing up and going back to Wooyoung's house.

The sight welcoming him as he stepped inside for the second time had to be expected, but it didn't stop San's heart from clenching painfully in his chest.

Grimoires, plants, cushions and clothes, every object of Wooyoung's living room were flying around above their heads, crashing into walls and breaking windows. San closed the door behind him and rushed to Wooyoung's side, immediately taking him in his arms.

"I'm sorry San," Wooyoung sobbed, gripping San's shirt and pressing his forehead against his chest. "Please don't go there. I'm sorry I snapped at you I- please forgive me, I didn't mean to... Please don't go..."

The flying objects slowed down and started descending all around the room, but away from San and Wooyoung. San rubbed a hand along Wooyoung's back, kissing the top of his head.

"I'm sorry too," he whispered. "We'll talk it out later, when we're both well rested, okay ?"

Wooyoung slightly nodded, and the objects stopped floating, landing on the floor without creating any more damage.


San found himself staring at the moon every night before going to bed, watching it grow as time passed, from a thin crescent to that form he came to hate. The dreadful day arrived faster than San had hoped and he had a hard time getting out of bed, wondering in what state they would go back there at the end of the day.

Jongho's classes had suspiciously been canceled and Yeosang had taken his day off, both of them offering San and Wooyoung to spend the day at Yeosang's place to eat unhealthy snacks and play videogames. San agreed, more than glad to have a distraction on his day off while Wooyoung politely declined, but not without threatening San to never invite him over again if he didn't enjoy his day with his friends properly.

That was how San found himself on Yeosang's couch with Yeosang in his arms, his friend cursing under his breath with a controller in his hands. San truly tried to have fun but his thoughts were too cloudy and he didn't feel like playing today, preferring to watch his friend losing pitifully against Jongho.

When he lost for the fourth time in a row, Jongho snickering by their side, Yeosang let himself fall against San's chest with a loud huff. They didn't move, Jongho didn't restart the game, and a comfortable silence settled between them, only broken by the repetitive music coming from the TV.

"Hey Sannie," Yeosang called, grabbing the attention of both San and Jongho. "Woo said he could feel the intensity of a moon before nightfall. Can you too ?"

Oh. San blinked a few times, slightly taken aback by the question. His friends never brought up the subject of the curse, or the moon. At first, San had thought they were being considerate, but he quickly realized it wasn't just that.

They were afraid.

San had been there too, when he had learned about Wooyoung's curse. This constant feeling of being painfully useless. Of knowing the worse was coming, but being unable to push it away or help in any way.

San was losing time, Wooyoung too. Each day brought them closer to their premature end, and their friends could only watch and wait.

It hurt them too.

"I don't think so," San answered honestly, bringing Yeosang a bit closer. "I got a fever last time but I don't think it was linked. I feel okay today, yet Wooyoung said it will be a difficult one tonight."

"Isn't it supposed to be fine with all the clouds though ?" Jongho interjected, putting his controller on the table and leaning his elbow on the couch. "And I'm pretty sure it's going to rain."

"I thought so too, but Wooyoung said rain was worse than cloudless nights. Apparently it feels like fireballs trying to pass through your skin. I kinda hope it won't rain."


Jongho pressed his lips into a thin line, then looked down at the couch. It was silent again, except this time, San knew what his friends were thinking about.

"Can I hug you ?" Yeosang suddenly asked.

"We're already hug-"

"No like, I really need to hug you right now."

San frowned, confused, but he detached himself from Yeosang to let him move as he pleased. As soon as he was freed from San's embrace, Yeosang turned around on the couch and put his arms around San's shoulders, bringing him into a tight hug and hiding his face in the crook of his neck. Still a bit startled, San returned the hug with his arms wrapped around Yeosang's waist, and his chin on his friend's shoulder.

It wasn't until a loud sniffle broke the silence that San realized Yeosang was crying, and his eyes immediately met Jongho's who looked just as surprised.

"Sangie ?" San called, as quietly as possible. "Yeosang, hey, are you oka-"

"I'm not," Yeosang cut in. He sniffled again, then took a shaky breath. "Two of my closest friends are dying and I can't do anything to help. I'm utterly useless, but above all, I'm fucking terrified."


"No, don't bother. You're going to try and reassure me, but we both know you won't believe your own words."

He sighed, and San could tell he was trying his best to stay composed. After a few minutes of silence and more sniffles, Yeosang raised his head, locking his gaze with San's.

"We love you. Do you know that ?"

San vigorously nodded and Yeosang nodded back, his kind smile reappearing on his pretty face.

"Good. I'm sorry this was random, but I really needed to tell you that." He took Jongho's hand and tugged on it, forcing the younger to come closer. "I know this guy loves you too, that's why I said we."

Jongho grumbled something neither of them could catch, but his grumpy face was hilarious and, overwhelmed by the love he held for his friend and the warmth spreading in his chest after Yeosang's sudden confession, San threw his arms around his friends' shoulders and brought them into a group hug.

"I love you too," he giggled, before planting a kiss on their forehead. Yeosang's first, then Jongho's. "I really, really do."

Jongho grumbled again, Yeosang kissed his cheek to shut him up which only made things worse and somehow, the upcoming night didn't seem so threatening anymore.


"We should go now."

Wooyoung stepped out of the kitchen and walked to the chair by the entrance without sparing San a glance. The forest was pitch black outside, the full moon entirely hidden by a thick layer of clouds, but they both knew the rain would come soon, preventing them from enjoying the momentary peace.

According to Wooyoung, they would only need to go through two rituals if made properly. They planned on doing the first one early in the night, and the other sometime between 3 AM and 4 AM to be sure Wooyoung would be able to regain enough strength in between.

Wooyoung put his shoes on and zipped his bag, before throwing it over his shoulders with a heavy sigh. He already had a hand on the doorknob when San took him by surprise, wrapping both arms around his waist and forcing him to turn around so they could face each other.

"What are you-"

"You're stressed," San murmured, not budging when Wooyoung pushed his chest, trying to move away.

"Of course I am-"

"Look at me."

San didn't think it would work but Wooyoung stopped squirming and looked up, his eyes instantly meeting San's. They were wide, sparkling like they always did, but full of fear and this annoying guilt that didn't seem to leave Wooyoung ever since they knew about San's curse.

San gently cupped Wooyoung's face, his thumb grazing the soft skin of his cheek.

"I love you," he whispered.

He could pinpoint the exact moment Wooyoung admitted his defeat. His shoulders relaxed and so did his fists against San, uncurling until his palms were pressed on San's chest. He chuckled, light and genuine, then his lips were catching San's.

They kissed there for a while, hands disappearing in hair or gripping clothes, tongues meeting lips, teeth meeting skin and delicious whines breaking the silence of the house.

When they parted they were both panting, smiles on their red-swollen lips and hearts beating fast.

"I love you too," Wooyoung murmured at last. "Let's kick this curse's ass."

They walked in silence, hand in hand, enjoying the peace offered by the clouds above their heads while four orbs of purple light floated around them. San could feel his skin ticking, maybe stinging here and there. It was unpleasant but bearable. It didn't hurt.

They reached the part of the forest San had seen that fatal night when he had followed Wooyoung, where the ground wasn't covered by leaves and grass, but gravel and twigs.

It stayed fine for a while. Wooyoung busied himself with the salt while San settled the candles. They joked around while tracing the circle, and San somehow understood how Wooyoung had been able to hold a conversation with him despite the full moon the first time they had talked.

"We won't be able to finish before the rain," Wooyoung commented, looking at the sky with a frown as San sat down and took off his sweater. Wooyoung followed suit with his hoodie.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. If I hadn't kissed you back home we wouldn't-"

"No, I'm glad you did." Wooyoung smiled, then leaned forward and placed a kiss on San's nose. "I was having really ugly thoughts at the time, so thank you."

He opened his grimoire and the pages turned by themselves until they stopped on one with way too many letters San was unable to read.

"Ready ?" Wooyoung asked.

"I've been ready for a while, you're taking your time."

Wooyoung snorted, and San smiled, then the younger's hand was on his chest, the other on his own. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and San found himself inhaling too, suddenly a bit nervous.

Voice low but steady, Wooyoung started reciting his incantation and slowly, blue veins made of light started appearing on his chest. San didn't want to look down but he could feel them on his own body too, burning the small of his back, biting his waist and climbing to his neck.

To San's surprise, Wooyoung's hands lit up as well, his fingers shining brightly while the tip turned purple where it touched the skin of their chests. It felt warm, a bit odd, but it lessened the pain growing everywhere the blue veins were appearing on his body.

Then the first drop fell.

It landed on San's neck and he flinched, then winced when it rolled on his skin and crashed on his collarbone. He didn't know what he had been expecting when Wooyoung had said the rain hurt, but this was way beyond what he had in mind. Another drop landed on his shoulder, then on his arm, on his back, and San clenched his teeth to keep himself from whimpering.

It felt atrocious. Like someone was trying to stab him multiple times, but only with the tip of the knife so he could bleed and feel the pain at its fullest, but never enough to achieve him.

The sky cracked, and the downpour began.

"Fuck-" Wooyoung sucked in a breath, pressing his hand harder against San's chest as their skin started getting soaked with rain.

He went back to his incantation but San couldn't hear him anymore because his skin was being torn apart, every inch of his body screaming at him to run, to hide, to do anything but stay here under the rain. Each drop felt like a stone being thrown against his body, except it was made of fire and never fell once it reached his skin. Instead, it melted there and ate away at him, reaching the inside of his body, setting his veins on fire, trying to ruin his bones...

He could still feel Wooyoung's hand on his chest though, keeping him grounded, and he reached up to put his own hand on Wooyoung's but froze when they touched.

He heard a whimper, then a muffled cry.

When he opened his eyes to look down, his heart stopped.

Wooyoung had put his two hands on San's chest, the purple light shining brighter than before, but far from Wooyoung's body.

San didn't know if it was the pain, the fear or the sudden anger rising in his chest, but his body moved on its own and he tackled Wooyoung to the ground, making them both cry in pain at the sudden change of position, but San was too stunned to linger on it for long.

"What the fuck are you doing ?!" he yelled, louder than the rain making his skin burn, louder than the pounding of his heart in his ears. Both of his hands were on Wooyoung's shoulders, keeping him pinned on the ground. "You can't do that, what were you thinking ?!"

Unable to control his anger, he grabbed Wooyoung's wrist and tore it away from his body, forcing Wooyoung to press it against his own chest. The younger was crying under him, the tears running down his cheeks blending with the rain falling on his face.

"Damn it !" San shouted, feeling his own tears blurring his vision as anger was slowly replaced by realization, then hurt when San fully understood what Wooyoung had tried to do.

He kept his hand on Wooyoung's on the younger's chest, making sure it wouldn't move despite his entire body trembling and all his strength slowly leaving him.

"I'm sorry," Wooyoung sobbed. "I'm so sorry..."

He kept apologizing through his tears, choking on his words, and struggling to keep his eyes open.

The sight was more painful than the rain.

So when Wooyoung's lips parted to let out an umpteenth apology, San leaned down and caught them between his, shutting Wooyoung up with a kiss.

Hands stayed pressed against chests, warmth kept spreading in their bodies. The rain was still trying to burn them alive but San was kissing Wooyoung and Wooyoung was kissing San, and somehow, it was enough to lessen the physical pain.

The pain in San's heart never left.


He took the decision at dawn, as soon as he opened his eyes and was met with the sight of Wooyoung sleeping by his side, hiding under the blanket and frowning in his sleep. San could only see his face but he could easily guess the marks still covering his body, red and swollen. They had even reached his face last night, still visible along his cheeks.

The events of the previous night had shook San up harder than he had thought, and despite Wooyoung's constant apologies, they both knew he would do it again if he felt like San was in danger. He had been neglecting himself the whole month, and San was scared it would only get worse from there.

He sighed, rubbing a hand against his face and glancing at Wooyoung again. He wanted to lean in and kiss him, not as a good morning peck like he was used to doing, but as a goodbye one. Just in case. His hands were itching to touch him, to hold him, love him one last time, just in case.

He couldn't though. If he did, he would probably change his mind or wake Wooyoung up and face a conversation he didn't want to have. He was still a coward.

So, carefully, he got out of the bed and went to the only source of light of the house ; the kitchen. He found some paper – the sheets Wooyoung used for his grocery shopping lists – and a pen. The emerald ink made something tighten in his throat as he wrote the first word but he continued, determined.

Once he was done, he placed the note in the middle of the table with Wooyoung's favorite baby plant, the one that loved to be petted and wiggled under people's chins when she knew they were sad.

She wiggled under San's.

"I should be back very soon but if I don't, tell your friends to take care of him for me, okay ?"

She moved happily again and San gave her a soft smile, before he stole a vial from one of the cupboards and left the kitchen to go straight to the wardrobe in the living room. He changed his clothes without much care, walked to the entrance, put on his shoes and his jacket.

He opened the door and left the house without looking back.

Wooyoung hadn't lied when he had said the cave would appear to whoever was truly searching for it. San had been walking for less than five minutes when he stumbled upon its entrance, despite having walked there a thousand times before and never seeing it.

Magic really was incredible.

Checking one last time if the vial was still tucked in the zipped pocket of his pants, San hastened to enter the cave, forcing himself not to think too much. His mind was running with so many thoughts he knew if he stopped on even one, he would turn around and run away, back to Wooyoung's arms, only to live throughout another month of Wooyoung putting his life in danger every day until the next full moon, and the same would repeat the next month, and the one after, and the one after... Except Wooyoung didn't have that much time, and San wasn't planning on watching him die. He wouldn't let it happen, not when he still had a chance to save him.

So San walked forward, into the cave and into the darkness, until the entrance was so far behind him it didn't emane any more light, and San slightly regretted not taking his phone with him. The darkness didn't last long though, because two steps later, the entire cave illuminated with white flames floating next to the walls, and San could finally take in the view.

And well, there wasn't much to see.

Just rocks, lots of them, stalactites and stalagmites, and a stretch of blue water in the middle.

The source.

San didn't linger there for long. He ran to the water and crouched down, immediately taking the vial out of his pocket and taking off the cork. He knew he didn't need much and the vial was supposed to be enough, so he hastened to fill it, close it, and slid it back into his pocket. He chuckled nervously, heart pounding against his chest as he stood up.

That was it. He had the water.

He could go home now, give the vial to Wooyoung, cry with him because fuck, he had the water, and they would only need to wait for the next full moon to break the curse and Wooyoung would finally be able to dream again and-

San never got to finish his trail of thoughts. He couldn't exactly tell what had happened next, if he had tripped, if something had pushed him, if the cave had trembled.

The next thing he knew, he was falling into water.

And sinking.

He quickly took a hold on himself and opened his eyes wide, searching for the surface but it was nowhere to be seen. There was no light anywhere, not above his head, not under him, not on his right or his left. Nowhere.

Everything was pitch black around him and he couldn't even see his own body, his feet desperately trying to kick the water or his hands trembling in front of him.

His heart started racing as he turned and turned and turned, desperate to find an exit as his lungs started to burn and... He paused.

He wasn't under water anymore.

He could breathe.

Or maybe he couldn't, he wasn't sure. Everything felt weird around him, empty. He couldn't tell if he was floating, walking or just... being.

He closed his eyes, then opened them. Then closed them again.


So that was how people had disappeared.

San huffed, but no sound went out.

He had been so dumb. So incredibly dumb. His stomach clenched and his throat tightened, and he really wanted to cry because now he was stuck there, and he would probably be reported as a missing person soon. Wooyoung would wake up to an empty bed, to San's letter, a new case would be opening and he would be the first suspect again and fuck. What had San done ? He had promised Yeosang he would take care of himself properly, promised Jongho nothing would happen to him and now... Fuck, fuck, fuck !

What had he even tried to accomplish by coming here ? Why did he think he could differ from Yeonjun ?





San had seen his face a hundred times in the news, all over social media and displayed on walls all around the city. He knew he would recognize him anywhere if he ever got to meet him.

And he had been right.

There was no mistaking.

Yeonjun was there, lying in the middle of nowhere, a few meters under San's feet. Asleep, peaceful.


San rushed to the other's body, jumping or swimming, he didn't know, he couldn't think properly anyway, but he reached him fast enough and cradled him in his arms, heart beating fast.

"Yeonjun. Yeonjun, can you hear me ?"

He gently slapped his cheek but the other didn't stir, and San's heart missed a bit when he noticed how pale the other man looked, and the blue colors of his lips.

Please don't be dead.

San frantically searched for his pulse, pressing his ear against the other's chest, then his fingers to his neck, to his wrist, only to come back to his chest...

There it was.

Faint, but steady. Yeonjun's heart was beating. He was alive ! He was alive and secured in San's arms, and now they only had to find the exit and...


And what... ?

What was San doing here ?

Where was he ?

He frowned, looking down at Yeonjun's face.

Yeonjun... He was someone's friend. Someone dear to San... Someone nice... Probably ?


San's eyelids started getting heavy as he tried to focus on his thoughts, but everything was mushy and dark, even inside.

Yeonjun's friend...

Something inside San was telling him he should know who this friend was, but he couldn't put a finger on it. Actually, he couldn't think about anything anymore. It was as if his thoughts were kept behind a large door and San had lost the key, forced to stay outside and wait...

He didn't like to wait though... He needed to know now... He needed to....

Sleep. He needed to sleep, yeah.

Arms still wrapped around Yeonjun, he allowed himself to drift off, his body slowly going numb and pleasantly light. The large door faded away from his thoughts and so did the many questions ringing in his ears.

The last thing San saw before he closed his eyes was the stone of his necklace floating in front of him, shining purple and getting brighter and brighter and brighter...

He heard something cracking, and everything went dark.

"-ound him ! ... cave but he's..."

"-on't touch the water !"


San could hear them, but they felt weird, muffled by a low buzz in his ears.

Everything was still too dark and so, so cold...

"I know, it's okay he's..."

"-out of the cave.."

San drifted off again.

A hand slapped his cheek, waking him up from his daze. He tried to take a breath but something hit his lungs and he choked.

"Shit, San, San !"

Hearing Yeosang's voice was such a relief... But it hurt... It hurt so bad...

"He needs medical help..."


"Wooyoung can do something. We need to get him out of here."

"Take him out, I'll take care of..."

A pause.

"It's Choi Yeonjun."

San couldn't open his eyes, but he heard a body shifting by his side, then some steps, and a gasp.

"No fucking way..."

Something raised from San's throat to his mouth and he gagged again, then coughed, and coughed more and shit, he was suffocating, he couldn't breathe...

"San !"

A hand on his chest, then on his back. Someone was making him sit up and he felt something wet fall on his chin...

"He can't breathe !"

Two strong arms picked him up and San wheezed, water spilling out of his mouth...

"Hang in there Sannie, please hang in there..."

His body got swayed and it made everything ten times worse, his lungs burnt and his head started spinning...

"No, no no no Sannie please, please !"

He heard Jongho screaming at him but it was so distant... He felt his body being laid on something hard, hands cupping his cheeks, then pressing on his chest.

Things stayed blurry for a long moment, as San drifted on and off consciousness.

He was exhausted, his head ached and his chest was still burning...

"It's okay, you can rest now," someone said next to his ear. It was warm. Relieving. "Thank you for bringing him back, Sannie. You're truly my hero."

He felt soft lips pressing against his forehead. Then everything was black again.

San woke up to the sweet scent of vanilla and freshly baked cookies, wrapped in the warmth of a blanket and a body curled up against him. He cracked an eye open but the sudden brightness made him flinch, the person against him stirring until the weight of an arm on his waist disappeared.

"Sannie ?" Yeosang's voice was delicate above him, pushing San to fully step out of his sleepy state so he could enjoy his best friend's presence.

"Yeosang," he murmured with difficulty, wincing at the hoarseness in his voice.

Yeosang chuckled, brushing some hair away from San's face.

"How do you feel ? Do you want me to close the blinds ?"

San slightly shook his head. He didn't want to stay in the dark any longer. He needed light.

Hesitantly, he tried opening his eyes again.

"Hey there," Yeosang smiled when his gaze fell on him, all soft and kind and so Yeosang. "You look like shit but you're convalescent so I'm not supposed to say that."

He chuckled again, and this time San let out a shaky breath which was supposed to be a laugh. Yeosang's smile fell, his expression turning serious.

"San. Do you know where you are ?"

San nodded. He was in Wooyoung's bed, in his house. He was home.

"Do you remember where you went ?"

Another nod, more timid. Yeosang sighed, but his smile came back.

"Okay, that's good. I won't lecture you now because you'll probably get an earful with Wooyoung, but I will do it later, with Jongho."

San grimaced, but he nodded again.

"Where...?" he started, and it seemed to be enough for Yeosang to understand.

"Jongho went back to uni two hours ago. He came with me this morning after Wooyoung's calls and stayed for a while, but Wooyoung said you would be okay and you kept sleeping so we forced Jongho out."

He snorted, apparently proud of himself for kicking their best friend away.

"Yunho is currently taking your shift at Wonderland. He was there this morning too. Actually, everyone was there. Mingi left with Jongho because he had to work. Seonghwa and Hongjoong are in the kitchen."

"Wooyoung ?"

Yeosang didn't answer. Instead, he pulled away from San and sat up on the bed, allowing him to see the room, or more particularly the kitchen.

From his spot on the bed, San could see Yeonjun sitting at the table, smiling, talking, alive. Wooyoung was there too, half sitting on his best friend's lap and arms wrapped around him, head on his shoulder. His eyes were closed and from the peaceful expression on his face, San could tell he was asleep. His chest warmed up and he smiled, head falling back on his cushion.

"Ew, love," Yeosang complained, but he was smiling too. "I'm going to wake him up."

He got out of bed and stood up, but he must have caught something on San's face, because he quickly gave him a reassuring smile and patted his head.

"It's okay, Yeonjun deserves some peace. He has been sleeping all morning but Wooyoung hasn't left his side ever since he woke up."

"He looks tired," San managed to say, eventually finding his voice again.

"I bet he is. He kinda exploded this morning, almost destroyed his own house and all. He had some fixing to do once you and Yeonjun were safe and asleep."

"He had to use his magic after a full moon night..." San sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Are you sure you want to wake him up ?"

"He'll kill me if I don't." Yeosang leaned down to kiss San's forehead. "I'll see you later. Please, don't do anything nasty the parents are right here."

San snorted and Yeosang patted his head again, then he was gone.

San waited patiently, looking at the blue sky above his head. He hadn't have the time to fully think about the events of the day but his heart was beating fast against his chest, his stomach flipping as he lingered there.

He knew he had hurt Wooyoung. He knew he had scared his friends. He had been ready to abandon them, to leave all of them behind after promising so many times that he would be careful, that he would take care of himself... He had messed up.

The mattress dipped on his right and San's gaze fell on Wooyoung's face, on his pretty, puffy eyes. His hair was let loose, falling on his forehead and framing his face, and San didn't even think. He reached out, pulled on the nape of Wooyoung's neck and brought him close, until their lips met and he was kissing him.

He knew he wasn't worthy of being kissed back but Wooyoung did it anyway. He knew he should explain himself and apologize before touching him, but Wooyoung held his hands and laced their fingers.

He fully climbed on the bed and kissed San deeply, pouring his love against his lips and his relief with his touches. San hadn't even noticed how empty he had felt until Wooyoung returned his kiss, until he was pressed against him again, feeling his heart beating and grazing his skin with the tip of his fingers...

When San pulled away to breathe, Wooyoung was fully lying on him, bodies pressed together, legs tangled above the sheets.

"I fucking hate you," Wooyoung said, but he was stealing him another kiss, and his hand was stroking San's cheek.

" I know."

"That was the dumbest decision you've ever made. You've been so fucking stupid for that."

Another kiss.

"I know."

"I'm so, so mad at you right now Choi San. If I wasn't lacking furniture I would tell you to sleep on the couch for the next month."

A kiss on his nose, another on his lips. San giggled.

"I know. I'll sleep at my apartment if you want."

"Ooh no, you're not leaving me ever again. You're staying here forever."

"Well if you insist..."

They looked at each other for a moment, before Wooyoung huffed and San chuckled. Seeing Wooyoung smiling felt so great, so fulfilling. When his smile fell, San's fell too.

"You're lucky your friends love you," Wooyoung whispered, pressing their foreheads together and closing his eyes. "They found the cave in no time."

He sighed, then pulled away to look at San. His eyes were sad now, teary, almost.

"I thought I had lost you, San. I really thought you would be gone forever. Mingi and Yunho had to pin me down because I was going crazy, I couldn't calm down."

"I'm sorry," San whispered.

Wooyoung hummed, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry too," he said, locking his gaze with San's. "Last night when I tried to give you all the healing power... That was exactly what you had asked me not to do and I did it anyway. I got scared and acted without thinking. I'm sorry, San. I really am."

Tears were threatening to fall at the corner of his eyes and San's heart clenched. They were already pressed against each other but he opened his arms wide, giving Wooyoung a sheepish smile. The next instant, Wooyoung was burying his face in San's neck, returning his embrace with too much force and almost crushing San's bones, but San didn't really mind. He rubbed his hands along Wooyoung's back, eyes closed to fully enjoy their moment until...

Until something came back to his mind.

"Wooyoung," he called, voice a bit shaky. "Wooyoung, where are my pants ?"

"From this morning ? In the bathroom, I think ?" Wooyoung straightened, hands on both sides of San's head to keep himself upward. "Jongho took care of changing your clothes so I don't-"

"I need them now."

Wooyoung blinked, confused.

"I... okay ?"

He pulled away from San's embrace and got out of the bed, walking straight to the bathroom. When he came back, San's pants were there, creased and still soaked. Wooyoung was grimacing, climbing back on the bed.

"I told him to hang them out..."

San's heart was thumping in his ears. He took the pants, ignoring Wooyoung's expression growing from confused to concerned, and frantically searched for his zipped pocket...

He would have crumpled to the ground if he wasn't already sitting.

The vial was there. Intact. Filled with water coming from the cave.

When San looked at Wooyoung again, the younger had a hand clasped against his mouth, tears rolling on his cheeks.

"Is that... Are you..."

He didn't finish his sentence and broke down, sobbing behind his hands now hiding his face. San kept the vial against his chest, too scared to lose it but he brought Wooyoung close with his other arm, keeping in his own tears.

They could hope again.


The following month was weird.

Half of it was spent with Wooyoung being mad at San for going to the cave but thanking him with kisses and his favorite dishes every day.

The other was spent getting to know Yeonjun, trying to save him from Wooyoung's clingy arms and helping him adjust to society again, after the three years he had lost. Just like San, he didn't remember anything after falling into the water, which was not that bad because it meant he didn't wait all this time for someone to come to rescue him.

They also had to go through way too many interviews, talking to investigators and police officers almost every day. It was a complicated case and Yeonjun himself was trying to keep the news away from him, but at least Wooyoung was cleared off rumors now.

"Sannie ?"

The sound of the front door closing pulled San out of his thoughts, and he blinked a few times to remember what he was working on.

"Desk !" he answered, hearing Wooyoung taking off his shoes.

He saved his work – a really boring motion design for a restaurant chain – and waited for Wooyoung to engulf him in a back hug or attack him with kisses. Instead, he felt something landing on his chest, and Wooyoung standing behind him, tickling his neck.

"What are you- oh."

San looked down, his gaze falling on a black stone held by a thin string.

"I needed to make you a new one, since you broke yours," Wooyoung teased, kissing San's neck once he was done attaching the necklace.

"I didn't break it. It self-destructed right before I drifted off in the cave."

He pouted, and Wooyoung giggled.

"I know baby. I just really can't wrap my head around the fact this managed to save you both."

He turned around San's chair to sit on his lap, one arm thrown over San's shoulders.

"The necklace didn't save us. You did," San corrected.

Wooyoung parted his lips to talk but San shut him up with a kiss.

"You did," he repeated, quieter. "Your magic is stocked in this stone. You are linked to this stone. You care about Yeonjun, you care about me, and the stone knew it so it acted on its own."

"How can you know that ?"

San shrugged. "I don't. It's just a guess, but it makes sense to me." He brushed his lips against Wooyoung's, smiling. "And I know it makes sense to you too, because you gave me a new necklace and you gave one to Yeonjun and Yeosang too."

"I- You..." Wooyoung spluttered, cheeks flushing. He hid in the crook of San's neck. "Whatever, I hate you all anyway."

"Sure," San giggled, patting Wooyoung's back. "Thank you for the gift Woo. I'll cherish it."

Wooyoung hummed against him, then they stayed silent. San's laptop switched to standby mode, a bird started singing right above one of the open windows of the living room. San smiled to himself, loving how peaceful life felt between Mili's walls.

"You're done practicing ?" he asked softly, long after the bird had finished his little song.

Wooyoung nodded against him.

"Yeah, I didn't do it all the way today though. I was getting tired so I stopped."

"I see... Thank you for taking care of yourself."

"This is a real challenge though."

"I know," San chuckled, leaning down to kiss Wooyoung's neck, then his jaw, and when Wooyoung looked up with a pretty smile, San kissed the mole under his eye. "But it makes me really happy."

He caught Wooyoung's lips and the younger slid his fingers in San's hair, instantly returning his kiss.

This was the weirdest part of this month. The practices. Or rather, the reason why Wooyoung needed to practice.

Yeonjun was back, San had managed to get out of the cave, they had a vial full of magic water... It really felt like the last page of a fairy tale, except it wasn't. Not at all.

The curse wasn't broken yet, and they were still losing time. The ritual Wooyoung had found in his grimoires was so difficult and dangerous no one in his family had ever managed to live through it, or to do it until the end. Wooyoung had the advantage of possessing magic water but still... It was risky.

Yet it was their only chance.

"Don't think about something else when you're kissing me," Wooyoung grumbled, breaking their kiss. He wiped his lips with the back of his hand, frowning at San.

"What if I was thinking about how pretty you look with your new earrings ?"

Wooyoung's eyes opened wide, and he seemed a bit taken aback, lips parting. "You noticed ?"

"Of course I did. I love your new ribbon too, it's cute."

He raised his hand to touch the ponytail but Wooyoung pushed his hand away, his cheeks and ears flushing pink.

"Whatever," he mumbled, avoiding San's eyes and standing up. "No more kisses for you today. And I gotta go, I have an ice-cream date with Yeosang in fifteen minutes."

"Why do you have to call it a date," San whined, more upset by the sudden coldness on his lap than Wooyoung calling his meetings with Yeosang 'dates'.

Wooyoung only stuck his tongue out in response, then he was walking to the door again.

"I'll text you later, don't forget to stretch every hour !"

San rolled his eyes, switching his laptop on.

"You sound like Seonghwa."

"I know, this is scaring me too."

They both laughed, then Wooyoung opened the front door.

"Okay, I really gotta go now, I love you !"

"Love you too !"

Wooyoung giggled, and the door closed behind him. San was alone again, but Mili was warm, and so was San's heart. He went back to work with a dumb smile on his face, and a new stone protecting him on his chest.


"So you went to a random graveyard, filled your bag with gravel, soil or whatever was on the ground, greeted whoever saw you and just... left ?"

"That's basically it, yes."

"You're incredible."

Wooyoung chuckled, continuing to trace his circle with salt, now mixed with graveyard dust. It was creepy and aesthetically unpleasant, but at least today's candles were black.

"Black candles absorb negative energy," Wooyoung had told him while packing for their night. "I know they're your favorite, but I can't find them that easily so I only use some for big rituals. I guess today's the day."

They really were prettier than the boring white candles Wooyoung usually used, but knowing why San was putting them inside their circle today was a bit depressing.

They were lucky though. The moon was covered by an ocean of clouds, not an ounce of sky visible, and it seemed thick enough to stay that way all night. San and Wooyoung had even taken the liberty of going out on a date before coming here, to ease their minds and enjoy the calm before the storm.

It had worked well, because when Wooyoung sat down in front of San once the circle was done, he was still smiling.

"You're beautiful," he blurted out, taking San's hands in his. "Have I ever told you that ?"

San laughed and leaned forward to give Wooyoung a chaste kiss. "Only thirty times today."

"Hmm, not enough then." It was Wooyoung's turn to kiss San, smiling against his lips. "You're beautiful."

"Thirty one times," San whispered.

They both laughed and kissed again, and again, keeping their hands linked where their knees were touching. When they pulled apart, San brought their forehead together and gave Wooyoung's hands a light squeeze.

"Do you feel ready ? If you want to postpone it to the next full moon I won't mind, you know that right ?"

"I'm good." Wooyoung nodded. "I feel alright and the weather is perfect, we can't miss this chance."

He smiled, before letting go of San's hands to reach for his bag. He took out the vial San had brought back from the cave, a wooden box and a bowl and placed everything next to them on the ground.

"Have fun," he teased, and San snickered before he set to work.

Over the weeks, he discovered he had a passion for potions and kept helping Wooyoung when he needed one, until San was the one brewing and stirring and Wooyoung only came in for the magic part.

This one wasn't difficult, but too many things could go wrong tonight. Wooyoung's life was on the line, San really couldn't mess this up.

A couple of minutes later, the potion was done. Only lit by the candles, San couldn't really tell the color it had taken, but there was no petal floating on the surface, and no weird mixture moving around. He took the cork off the vial and, heart beating a bit faster, let two drops of magic water fall in the bowl. He hastened to put the cork back and the vial in the bag.

Then the bowl was in Wooyoung's hands, both San and Wooyoung had taken their shirts off, and their eyes met again. More nervous this time.

"Are you ready ?" Wooyoung asked quietly.

San nodded, gulping. "I am if you are."

His heart missed a beat or two, and he gripped his thighs to keep himself from touching Wooyoung. The younger took a deep breath. Then he closed his eyes and started his incantation.

It took a while, long minutes before his hands glowed purple and he brought the bowl to his lips. San held his breath as Wooyoung drank and drank, his Adam's apple bobbing and his hands brightening, until he let the empty bowl fall on the side.

His lips kept moving as he silently recited the words he had memorized over the month, and when he put his hands on his lap, palms toward the sky, San hastened to put his own on them. His hands glowed purple too and it tickled, but San kept his focus on Wooyoung's face, on his lips moving, his brows furrowing here and there, his eyelids slightly trembling, his hair starting to float... and San saw it.

The light of the moon.

It pierced through the clouds and fell on Wooyoung only, bright and harsh, making him whimper and tighten his hold on San's hands. The blue veins were back on his body, drawing patterns on his skin and reaching his chest, his shoulders, his neck...

Wooyoung choked and started crying, but he never stopped reciting his words, not even when the veins climbed to his face, not when they reached San's body... Except San's weren't blue but purple, and they weren't hurting. They were warm, they felt familiar, and San knew they came from Wooyoung trying to protect him.

He squeezed Wooyoung's hands and swallowed the lump in his throat as he watched the younger's tears flowing along his cheeks, his lighted veins getting brighter and brighter...

"S-Sannie..." Wooyoung breathed, head slightly tilted toward the sky.

"I'm here Woo."

"Sannie," Wooyoung called again.

"Baby, I'm here..."


San frowned, starting to be a bit concerned. He opened his mouth to say something but the words stayed stuck and he gasped instead.

Wooyoung's tears were black.

They fell faster on his cheeks, escaping from his closed eyes and leaving dark trails on his skin. Wooyoung's grip on San's hands tightened again, and just like that one time his nails had dug into the skin of San's back, his fingers curled around San's, making him wince in pain.

"Wooyoung. Wooyoung can you hear me ?"

The tears kept flowing, the grip tightened.

"Wooyoung, I think you should stop there. You need to-"

But he never got to finish his sentence. The purple light coming from Wooyoung's hands exploded around them, a strong wind slapping San in the face and forcing him to close his eyes at the impact. Everything felt cold for a moment, then it burnt his skin, then suffocated him...

"It h-hurts..."

San cracked an eye open. The candles had been propelled everywhere around them, meters away.

"Sannie... It hurts... W-where are you..."

Wooyoung's hands were still gripping San's, but the purple light was gone.

"It hurts... It hurts..."

San welled up as he slowly looked up, and finally saw Wooyoung's face. The black tears were still here, his hair was still floating. The blue veins were still shining. Brighter now. His eyes were open but he couldn't look at San anymore. They were glazed, filled with black tears.

Shining blue.


"Sannie where are you... "

"I'm right here Woo... Please look at me..."

San's voice trembled as he let go of Wooyoung's hands, his own slowly reaching out to cup Wooyoung's face.

"Sannie, I can't..."

He stopped, lips parting but no sound coming out anymore. His body became heavier against San's.

"N-no, Wooyoung..."

San put his hands on Wooyoung's cheeks, ignored the black tears soaking his skin, too focused on his blue eyes.

Wooyoung wasn't there. He wasn't even nearly there.

"Wooyoung you have to come back." San's tears started to fall, his heart contracting as Wooyoung stayed immobile, listless between his hands. "Wooyoung please... Please !"

He hadn't even noticed the clouds had dissipated, but now the sky was clear and the moon was there, shining brighter than she ever had, as if mocking San, showing him that no matter what, she would always be one step ahead, always more powerful.

"I won't let you have him," San yelled, taking Wooyoung in his arms, hiding his face from the moonlight even if he knew, deep down, that it was useless. "You can't have him... You can't... Give him back ! Give him back !"

His voice cracked and he choked on a sob, before he couldn't talk anymore, shaken by his tears. He held Wooyoung close, tried to protect him with his arms, but the blue veins were still shining on Wooyoung's body and not on San's, and San knew he had lost.

Wooyoung was gone.

The moon had taken him.

He was gone.

San didn't know how long he stayed there, crying with Wooyoung in his arms, but he abruptly stopped when he felt a hand moving in his back. He sniffled and held his breath for a moment, wondering if he had imagined it, but the hand moved again. It gripped his back.

"Wooyoung." San gasped, pulling Wooyoung away to cup his face again, keeping him upward. The black tears had stopped flowing but his eyes were still shining blue.

"Wooyoung, can you hear me ?"

Wooyoung's hand was on his thigh now. It scratched his pants so faintly San almost missed it, but when Wooyoung scratched it again, his heart almost stopped beating.

Wooyoung was still here, somewhere.

He could still be saved.

"Wooyoung, I need you to come back to me. I don't know where you are, but you can't stay there." San tried, pulse pounding loudly in his ears. "You have friends waiting for you at home. Yeonjun and Yeosang promised they would come spend the day with you tomorrow. You have to come back."

The grip on San's thigh tightened, the blue light coming from Wooyoung's body flickered.

"Come on Wooyoung. I have no idea how to take care of snails, and I'll probably forget to water your plants. You can't leave Mili."

The light in Wooyoung's eyes faded.

"And what will I do without you ? I can't cut onions."

Wooyoung blinked.

"Almost there. You're almost there, Wooyoung come on. I already miss you. Come back so I can kiss the shit out of you and-"

Plump lips caught his, shutting him up. San almost screamed, his heart doing a flip in his chest but he quickly realized what was happening and he burst into tears, closing his eyes and returning the kiss. Wooyoung's hand squeezed his thigh before it moved to his neck and slid in his hair, and San kept his hands on Wooyoung's face, unable to let him go again.

"Thank you," Wooyoung whispered against his lips before kissing him again, bringing their bodies close.

There was no more blue light anywhere, just the moon shining above them, in a cloudless sky.

"Wooyoung," San breathed out, trying to pull away, only to be caught in another kiss. He sighed against Wooyoung's lips, felt Wooyoung's smile, giggled...

"Wooyoung, the moon..."

Wooyoung eventually allowed him to breathe, pulling away to look at the sky.

"Where did the clouds go ?"

"That's not what's important Woo," San murmured, and he was already welling up looking at Wooyoung's chest, following the patterns of the marks on his skin. No light in sight.

Wooyoung drew in a sharp breath, visibly realizing what San was talking about.

"It's not burning..." he whispered. Then louder, a smile growing on his face. "It's not burning ! San, we're under the full moon and it's not burning."

He giggled and San giggled with him, both now crying but so, so happy. They fell into each other's arms, closing their eyes and sighing, relieved.

"You broke the curse," San murmured against Wooyoung's shoulder. "You're such an amazing witch Wooyoung. You're so strong. So, so strong."

He heard Wooyoung sniffling, then the grip around him tightened.

"You saved my life, San. You're the amazing one." He pulled away to look at San, smiling at him with his pretty eyes, filled with tears but sparkling with a millions little stars, brighter than the sky above them. "I love you Sannie."

And San was so in love. Wooyoung's hair was a mess, his cheeks were covered with smears of his previous black tears and he really needed a nap...

But he looked so beautiful here, under the moonlight. So strong, too.

San smiled, heart warm and thoughts finally at peace.

"I love you too, Wooyoung."

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