Luna II(A BTS Soulmate AU)

By JiminBeJammin

458K 18.1K 5.2K

Vacation is over and the largest group of soulmates in the world is back in Seoul and back to work-this time... More

🚨New Story Alert🚨


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By JiminBeJammin

-1 week later-

"It's been a long fucking week," Luna sighs, plopping down on the couch next to Tae.

She and Jimin had just left Bighit together after getting the final version of Filter that they'd been working on for the past three days approved.

"Maybe you can finally rest now Noona. You've done another video shoot, signed your first artist, and wrote and produced a song from scratch all in the course of a week. You're making me tired," Tae says, making her giggle.

"I am pretty tired. I can't wait for our fans' reactions though. That's what makes this all worthwhile. I know they're going to flip their shit over Diamonds and Sway with Me and you know your fans are going feral for how sexy Chim's song is. I can see it now," she laughs.

"Like those fainting goats," Tae bursts out laughing beside her, making her laugh too.

"I'm definitely telling ARMY next time I do a Vlive," Jimin laughs, clutching his stomach.

"Yah! What's all this fuss about? I want to laugh too," Jin says, leaning against the entrance to the living room, wearing an apron.

"Just Tae comparing ARMY to fainting goats when they see Jimin's solo stage," Luna instigates, making Tae's mouth fly open.

"I—I got that from you Noona!" he says, pointing at her.

"Hmm, did you? Do you have proof?" she asks, making him gasp.

"You traitor!" he exclaims, digging his fingers into her side.

She falls into a fit of giggles, thrashing around wildly until she escapes her grip, making a run for it up the stairs with him hot on her heels.

"Woah!" Hobi exclaims, startled as they fly past him.

The two end up in a heap on her closet floor tickling each other until they call a truce and take a shower together so they could get ready for dinner.

"I can't wait to hear the final version of Filter. It sounded really good on day one, so I know it's perfect now," Tae says, making her smile.

"It's a banger if I do say so myself. Jimin's so proud of it," she grins, throwing on a sports bra and some sleep shorts after applying her body oil.

"Anything you make is something to be proud of," he says, making her smile.

"How sweet," she says, reaching up on her tip toes to kiss his cheek.

They head downstairs just as Jin starts to set the table and Luna immediately offers to help, grabbing a stack the stack plates off the island to carry over to the table.

"It smells really good Oppa—"

A stab of what feels like panic stops Luna in her tracks and all the plates go crashing down onto the floor, shattering into pieces.

"What's wrong Princess?" Jimin exclaims—him, Hobi, and  Tae running in.

"Were the plates too heavy?" Jin asks, placing his hand on her shoulder with a concerned look.

"You guys didn't feel that? It wasn't me. It happened before the plates," she says, placing one of her hands on her racing heart.

Before anyone could get a word out, her phone starts to ring in the living room where she left it; and she rushes over to get it, carefully dodging the glass. Seeing her cousin Jeanie's name on the screen, she answers, preparing to tell her that she'll call her back. However, as soon as she answered, the woman was talking a mile a minute and the only thing Luna caught was the name Chae-Yeong.

"Slow down Jeanie! I'm already freaking out! What about her?" Luna asks, putting the phone on speaker and pacing the floor.

"She's planning to hurt Jungkook! She has a website we didn't know about! It's like a shrine dedicated to him. There's a countdown going right now and she's promising that he'll be there with her when the live stream starts; and that if he doesn't choose her over you guys, she's going to hurt him!"

"Call him! Call Joon, Yoongi! They're still at the company right?!" Luna asks her present soulmates.

"Joon and Yoongi are turning around now. They were on their way here from the company," Jin says, his phone to his ear.

"Somebody call security!" She calls, racing to the door to grab a set of keys, her hands shaking violently.

They follow her out to her G-Wagon and they all climb in, Jin and Hobi both speaking urgently on their phones while Tae and Jimin held each other—trying not to panic.

"Listen, Ki. I know that this is urgent, but please be careful okay? This girl is bad news," Jeanie says over the phone, which had connected to her car automatically.

Luna nodded, even though Jeanie couldn't see her, her mind on getting to her soulmate. She gripped the steering wheel tightly and drove like a bat out of hell, swerving lanes and running stoplights that weren't at busy intersections.

"Kitana!" Jeanie calls, worried at her lack of response.

"I'm here," she says, her voice sounding foreign to her own ears when she spoke.

"I'm serious Tana. She got in trouble in high school for stalking one of her teachers. Apparently, she was fixated on him so much that she threatened to kidnap his wife and kids and she held a knife to his throat when he confronted her about it at school. She was expelled from that school. She has more websites on this same IP address dedicated to other men she's currently obsessed with and her plans to get close to them. She got fired from her last job for harassing one of her coworkers. She's creepy as fuck and is obviously dealing with some real mental illness. My friend Minyuk, who's translating all this says that she's probably linked to some rich ass people over there since she hasn't been locked up yet," Jeanie informs.

"Okay," was all Luna could say, the knot in her throat preventing her from speaking anymore.

Tears streamed down her face and she felt incredibly nauseous, physically sick with worry.

"Joon and Yoongi are there and security won't let them through. She says she won't let him go until she talks to you first," Jin tells her, one of his hands gripping his hair in frustration and the other tightly holding the phone where she could hear yelling and commotion in the background without it even being on speaker.

"Okay," was all she could bring herself to say again as she swerved into Bighit's underground parking, driving straight through the barrier.

As soon as she was near the elevator, she slammed on the breaks, barely getting the car in park before she was out and running, pressing the elevator button repeatedly in her haste. They slam into people as they get inside, no time for apologies as they impatiently reached for the panel at the same time.

Luna could hear her heartbeat in her ears, every second on that elevator feeling like hours. Once it gets them to the lobby floor, they take off to the next set of elevators, hitting the button for the salon floor. Everyone was quiet, lost in their own heads as the severity of the situation their soulmate was in weighed on them. They felt an array of emotions—worry being the most prominent one. It was so strong, Luna swore she could feel it in her bones and down to the very core of her being. Whereas JK was usually a very strong presence in the back of her mind, she could barely feel him now and that, on top of everything else was absolutely terrifying.

As soon as they stepped off the elevator, they were greeted by security and taken over to where Joon and Yoongi were sitting in the hallway, both with  tears streaming down their faces. Yoongi had an ice pack on his hand and looked absolutely murderous, his eyes on the iPad Joon was holding.

Tae and Jimin rushed over to the two while Hobi and Jin stayed with Luna where security had pulled her over to the side and started briefing her on what to do. Everyone was talking all at once and she found herself overwhelmed quickly—everyone's voices warping to sound like distorted noise to her.

"Stop!" she shouts, placing her hands over her ears.

"Back up and give her some space," Jin calls and they do, everyone speaking in much lower tones now.

"Just one at a time please. I can barely fucking think right now, let alone focus. One person, tell me what to do please," she says, her voice cracking at the end.

Hobi places his hands on her shoulders, rubbing up and down to try and soothe her, his head tilted back to prevent his own tears from escaping. She tries her best to listen as the head of security gives her a lengthy rundown on how to de-escalate the situation, but with every minute that door separated her and JK, the more restless she got.

"Hmm, I guess Luna doesn't care as much as you thought. I told you no one loves you like I do," Chae-Yeong's voice is heard through the tablet in Joon's hand.

Luna's head turns towards it slowly, her face distorting into a mask of pure, unadulterated rage that made her almost unrecognizable.

"Luna, we need you to listen..."

"I'm done listening. The longer you talk, the longer he's in there with that sick fuck of a girl. I'm going in," she says, walking around him.

"Luna!" Joon calls, jogging up to her.

"Jungkook is tied to his salon chair, unconscious and she has a knife. She could have more weapons for all we know: I highly doubt she's going to back down and just let you or security attempt to carry him to safety. Be safe, but do what you have to do," he says, looking her square in the eye.

She nods, understanding exactly what he was saying.

"She won't. She's going for shock factor and she's being hyped by her little live chat of sickos. Distract her long enough to disarm her and then take the bitch down," Yoongi adds lowly, coming to stand next to Joon.

"Oh she's going down, if it's the last fucking thing I do," she says before opening the door to the salon and stepping inside.

Her bare feet slapped across the floor as she stomped, spotting them at the station furthest away from the door.

"Luna Unnie! So nice of you to finally join us. Welcome to the show," Chae-Yeong smiles, standing in front of JK's chair, blocking him from view with her arms stretched wide.

"You don't have to do this Chae-Yeong. If you put away the weapon and surrender now, it'll be your best bet," Luna advises, seeing the crazed look in her eyes.

She was ready to risk it all and Luna was too, but she wanted to ensure that JK would be okay in the process. One false move could set this girl off and she'd do who knows what. It was like staring down an animal in the jungle—wild and unpredictable; and she'd have to get herself together so she could move strategically.

"What's the fun in that? Give myself up and go to jail with the criminals? No, I don't deserve that life. The only thing I'm guilty of is love," she scoffs, turning around and placing a hand on JK's cheek and dragging her fingertips along his arm as she moves to stand behind his chair.

Luna moved in closer, now just about four feet away from them, stopping in her tracks when Chae-Yeong rests the long blade of the knife on JK's shoulder.

"Is what you're doing now somehow not considered criminal activity to you? Look at him. You drugged him and tied him to a chair. What did you give him?" Luna asks, her hands shaking at her sides.

"Just a little something to take away the fight. He's fine. In fact, I'll wake him right now," she smiles smugly, running her fingers through his damp, bleached blonde hair.

JK stirs, blinking slowly and groaning, still disoriented from whatever she had given him. Luna moved forward out of instinct when she feels his distress, everything in her screaming to comfort and protect.

"Ah, ah, ah. Not too hasty unnie. We haven't even gotten to the good part yet, isn't that right Oppa?" she asks, grabbing his jaw from behind.

With the little strength he had, her jerks his head away from her hand, making her gasp.

"He's just a little feisty right now is all. Come on baby, wake up for me," she coaxes, lightly slapping his face, her other hand still gripping the knife tightly.

Keeping herself in check, Luna looks around the room for something/anything close enough she could use to distract the girl for only a fraction of a second. That's all she needed, but unfortunately there was nothing in her reach and she wasn't going to risk moving further away. So, it seems all she has is words and she'd have to choose them carefully.

"You know, of all the opinions I formed of you—lack of intelligence wasn't one...I guess I was mistaken," Luna crosses her arms, hiding her shaking fists.

"Lack of intelligence? Ha! If I was stupid, how do you think I'd be able to do all this?! Just me, one girl! If you ask me, you're the one that's dumb!"

"Says the girl that has a man with seven soulmates tied to a chair expecting him to choose her. Look at him and look at you. What makes you so special? Hm? And if you were to hurt him, do you really think you'd actually get away with it? Look around little girl. This place is one way in and one way out. You think you can take me?" Luna cackles condescendingly, making the girl frown.

"You think everything's about you don't you?! Stop putting the attention on yourself! This is about me and Jungkook!" she exclaims, stomping her foot.

"You asked me to be here hun. This is not about you and Jungkook. This is about you being so sick in the head you can't separate reality from fantasy," Luna says, her anger spreading in her chest like a wildfire.

What she was doing was a tactic to draw the attention to her, but what she was saying was true and she was tired of talking about it. However, she notices that JK was was becoming more and more aware of his surroundings, the yelling helping him stay awake longer. Little stabs of panic were coming from him in waves as he came to, remembering being drugged and tied up—little parts of Chae-Yeong's delusional ranting coming back to him.

"Shut up you bitch! You have been living my dream! Taking my place! That's why I wanted you here—to see the look on your face when he tells you that he loves me, not you! Tell her JK!" she says, slapping his face harder.

"You are one delusional bitch. You're threatened by me because you know you could never compare. Look at you, all red in the face and screaming. I thought this was your show Chae-Yeong. Why so worked up? You're in control right?" Luna asks, getting closer and closer as she spoke, now circling her.

"I am! So back up! Tell her right now that you love me Kookie!" she says after noticing he had his eyes open, blinking rapidly from the sensitivity from the light.

"Fucking never," he slurs, making her growl.

"You're pathetic girly. He won't even say it on drugs, his life literally on the line while he's tied to a chair. Give it up girl," Luna laughs, moving in closer while Chae-Yeong's back was partially turned.

"I can't keep taking this from you Jungkook. Say it! And you stay back!" she screams, turning sideways so she could keep an eye on Luna as she presses the blade to his throat.

"I'd rather die," he slurs and she recoils, standing up straight as if he'd slapped her.

"Don't make me hurt you! Say it or it's over, I mean it!" she exclaims, now sobbing and holding the knife above her head as if she was going to stab him.

"No," he reiterates, shaking his head as if trying to wake himself up.

As soon as Chae-Yeong started to swing the knife, Luna took her chance, grabbing it and slamming her up against the wall. She didn't even register the pain in her hand or the blood sliding down her arm as they tussled for control. She manages to fling the knife away, giving Chae-Yeong an opening to grab her hair. All the anger Luna had been holding back came out full force as she slammed her fists into the girl's face as hard as she could—grabbing her and slinging her into the mirror above the station. All she saw was red as she continued to swing, barely registering the sound of both security and her other soulmates practically storming the room.

It would take both Joon, Yoongi, and security to pull them apart as a rage unlike anything she'd ever felt before took over and she blacked out, screaming her voice raw as she promised to kill the girl in her clutches.

"Lu! Baby, it's over! You're hurt and you've got to calm down so we can help you," Joon exclaims, placing both hands on her face to ground her.

She blinks rapidly, coming to on the floor with Joon, Yoongi, and Hobi on either side of her while JK was being carried away on a stretcher with Jin, Jimin, and Tae trailing him, looking back at them with worry in their eyes.

"He's safe," was the last thing she said before her eyes rolled back and the darkness washed over her again.

A/N: 💥 👀

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