When your CEO's twins calls y...

By angelbrightywinnie

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what happens when one day suddenly CEO Win Metawin Opas-iamkajorn's twins calls Bright, secretary of Win momm... More

The talk
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7

620 24 8
By angelbrightywinnie

Dew was driving, when his eyes fell on a pouting Tu looking outside the window. "Hey...are you ok?" Dew asked keeping his eyes on the road with concerned laced on his voice. Tu looked back at Dew only to be stuck, 'why is he soooo handsome aishh Tu dont blush what is he doing to me'
Tu cleared her voice and said "y-yes I'm ok" and gave a small smile to him. Dew nodded and kept driving.

"Umm Dew can i switch on the music?" Tu asks looking at him. "Sure baby go ahead" Dew Said driving while looking straight. Tu's face went red "w-what did y-you s-say?" She asks with red cheeks and stuttering. Dew looks at her smilling cheekily "baby! I call you this everytime we are alone from school life why are you suprised now?" Pats her head softly and gets back to driving. Tu ducks her face down hiding her red cheeks 'ahh Tu stop blushing' mentally slaps herself and puts on the radio.
After a while they reached office. Dew and Tu got down and went to their
Department for the manufacturing of the clothes. They went and sat in their  respective cabins to check on the files and information not before giving each other not so secretive glances and shy smiles.

On the other side~
Bright and Win went inside the office. This view is normal for the employee they have seen then grow the company together build the empire. Both had known each other for the last six years worked together to build the place they are working today.

"BRIGHTTTTTTTT" both Bright and Win looked at the direction only to see Gun coming towards them running with a happy smile.

"P'GUNNNNN" Bright giggles when Gun comes and hugs him.

"Hiee Win" Off said laughing at the other duos silly banters. "Hey P'Off when did y'all come here" Win asked eyes on a particular someone.

"Your P'Gun's photoshoot got over two days prior so we came back and my shoot also got wrapped up so we thought of coming back earlier" Off said smilling

"Ah that's great also when will you bring nyxie here again I miss her" Win says pouting

Off chuckles and says  "very soon she is staying with mom and dad for her school because we both were out you big bunny"

"Ok ok now let's go inside my office or you wanna keep standing here Mr Jumpol" Win said teasingly

"Of course Mr Metawin lead the way" Off said bowing dramatically

Just when they started walking towards Win's office Gun called after them.
"OFF WIN!" both got startled and looked back.

"Gun? Baby? What happened" Off comes running, win following him shortly

"Nothing baby but we wanna go out to get some lunch so you both coming as well and Win I'm not going to hear no from you" Gun said pointing at Win when he was about to say no.

Win whines a little "i wasn't even gonna say no" he grumbles.

"I know you well Winnie" Gun chuckles winking at him

All the while Bright staring at them smilling a little.

"Bright why are so silent" Bright's thoughts get disrupted by Off's Voice.

"Huh? Oh no it's nothing P'off I'm just thinking how do you both always bicker but still end up in each other's arm" Bright looks at them in amusement and a little smile adorning his face.

"Bicker? Me?" Off points at himself.
"Nah it's your P'Gun who always bickers with me poor me" Off acts like crying and Pouts side hugging Win's hand.

"What did you say i bicker with you ha who bickers with nyxie just because she was sitting on my lap hmm" Gun pulls Off's ear lightly glaring at him.

"Ah ah babe ah leave me" Off winces a little whinning.

Gun glares at him leaving his ear "you are sleeping on the couch for the next two weeks"

Off looks at him horrified " WHAT? you can do that to me babyyyy you know i can't sleep without your cuddles" Off says pouting and backhugs Gun.

Bright and Win exchange a amused look before breaking into fits of laughter.

"Aish you both stop fighting let's go inside Win has a meeting in half an hour and then we can leave for lunch" Bright said smiling at them.

All of them nod and went to Win's cabin, Gun and Off still bickering and there's Bright and Win who is sneaking glances at each other.

On the other hand at airport :-

"Stop pushing me you old woman" Mr Metawin whines at his wife.

"Whom did you call old woman ha you are old look at yourself" Mrs Metawin says glaring at him.

"I'm still handsome anyone will fall for me" Mr Metawin said hugging.

"You and handsome pfft go look into the mirror hubby" Mrs Metawin said rolling her eyes.

"Yah I'm still handsome-"

"Will you stop your banter and welcome your old friend oldie"

Mr Metawin was stopped by a voice and both of them looked forward only found there old friend Mrs Vachirawit standing there.

"vanessaaaaaaa" Mrs Metawin goes and hugs her.

Vanessa laughs welcoming her in the hug.

"You both still didn't stop fighting like kids even after become grandparents hmm" Vanessa says giving a hug to each of them.

They burst out laughing and talk about themselves for few minutes.

"Are we gonna camp here in the airport or go back home oldie" Vanessa says teasing Mr Metawin.

"Not you tooo aishhh come on ladies I'm at your service today" Mr Metawin bows dramatically gesturing his hand forward for them to move. They break into laughter heading towards their car.

"Did you call up your babies they will be worried Vanessa" Mrs Metawin said loading all the luggages with Mr Metawin helping her.

"No I wanna give them suprise they don't get to go to New York much and i was busy with my fashion line and everything so i decided that I'll be staying here for whole three months and spend time with them"Vanessa says smilling.

"That's a great idea why don't you bring them along these days I'm sure they will love my two sons as well and they can finally meet after so many years" Mrs Metawin says smilling at her.

"You are right I'll tell them to come along next week we all can have a great reunion in this way" they all smiled and sat inside car and drove off to Metawin mansion.

At restaurant:-

The four friends were laughing and enjoying their lunch when Off spoke up.

"I heard from a little bird that Win got himself a boyfriend and even the kids loves him"

Bright breaks into fits of coughs and a worried Win pats his back making him drink water.

"Are you ok baby?" Win says worriedly
Now it was Off and Gun's time to choke on the food.

Win immediately gets up passing them water. "what's with y'all choking on food eat slowly no on is hurrying you" Win frowns looking at them.

"W-what did you just call Bright?" Gun looks at Win with wide eyes whilst a calm downed Off smirking at them.

"What i called him baby what's wrong with that?" Win says casually but then it's struck him 'shit wtf did i say', he looks back at Bright seeing him eating quietly with red ears and slight red tint on his cheeks.

Off chuckles looking at both of them putting a hand around Gun's waist "so the Little birdie was correct ha but I didn't expect you both to be together"
Gun leans at Offs shoulder giggling along side Off.

"Yah P'Off stoppp" Bright's says almost whinning.

"Awww our Brighty is shy i thought you will die single but finally you two oblivious idiots got yourself together my babies grew up so fast" Gun says rubbing off fake tears dramatically.

"Oh come onnnnn shut up both of you-" Win was stopped by the ringing of his phone.

"Hello? Oh Nam yes- oh shit yes yes I'm coming can you please keep an eye on them till i reach there Nam- yes okie thank you" Win hurriedly kept his phone back in his pocket.

"Win is everything ok?" Gun asked looking at him worriedly.

"Yes Phi everything is ok it's just it's past Tiara's and Dome's school time and i had totally forgot about it while being in a the meeting." Win said apologetically.

Off pulls Win's ears "yah you big bad CEO
How could forget my babies like that they must be waiting for you all this time".

"Ouch- Phiiiiii I'm sorryyyyy leave my ear na it's hurting" Win said whining.

"You- you first go to them I'll meet you at home with nyxie okie she misses you and the babies a lot" Off said releasing his ears.

"Yes yes I'll meet y'all home let me go quickly now" Win was about to go out when Bright stopped him.

"Win wait!" Bright said holding his wrist from moving.

"Huh Bright? What happened?" Win asked confusingly.

Bright smiles a little leaves his hand and goes to the waiter and gets some packets.

"I was going to give you this for the babies when you go back home but since you are going to school take these they might be hungry after waiting for such a long time." Bright gives the packets to Win.

"I'll have to leave now guys Tu might have reached home and Ame is all alone it's getting dark as well so see y'all tomorrow at work" Bright gives them a big smile and goes and hugs Off and Gun.

"You both better come to my house or I'll not let you go back to New York." Bright says pouting.

Off and Gun laughs hugging him "of course baby we will go to your house this weekend happy baby Bai." All three of the laughs hugging each other.

Bright took his phone and belongings and stood up to go out. "Bright wait"
Win said stopping him on his tracks.

"Um do you want to go with me to fetch the kids?" Bright stares at Win with wide eyes.

"W-what I mean why-" Bright looks at Win confused. "Well um the kids were shouting in the phone that they wanted to see their mumma and um since you bought the food you can give them- but it's ok if you don't want to go I'll go-" Win kept blabbering trying to make it seem like it's the Kids wish and not his own.

Bright looks at Win for few minutes and burst into fits of laughter.

"You could have just told me that before without stuttering so much Mr CEO" Bright says smirking a little.

Win blinks and then starts whinning "why do y'all like teasing me"

All four of them burst into laughter.

"Ok ok now you both go its getting late" Both Bright and Win left to fetch the kids.

Whilst here gun and off were happy for them "finally they are together".

On the other hand at school:-

"Teacher when will daddy and mumma come?" Tiara asked whinning to Namtan.

"They will be here any minute bub sit quietly bub look your brother is already drooling while sleeping" both of them looks at little Dome sitting and sleeping curled up in the small seat.

Tiara laughs quietly looking at her brother.

Just then they heard the honking sounds of a familiar car.

Tiara looks at the direction "DADDY MUMMA" Tiara runs towards the direction and hugs Win.

Win laughs picking her up "how was my baby's day" Tiara gives a big smile and said " it was soooo good I had so much fun daddy"

Bright smiles patting her head whilst the father daughter talked making faces.

"Tiara bun where is your brother?" Bright asked seeing him nowhere.

"He is their mumma look he fell asleep in that small chair"

Bright look at the direction and smiles seeing the little boy sleeping peacefully.
He walks towards the small chair and sits beside it and softly pats his cheeks.

"Bun wake up baby" Dome stirs a little in sleep but doesn't wake up.

Bright looks at his tired face and picks him up slowly from the chair to not wake him up and walks towards win but before he could speak Dome stirred in his hold waking up.

Dome rubs his eyes slowly with his tiny fist and looks up at Bright confused but then a big smile forms on his lips " MUMMA"

Dome giggles and hugs Bright tightly by his neck. Bright laughs along with Dome hugging the boy securely but tightly.

"Hey bun did you have a good sleep?" Bright asks the excited boy.

"Yes mumma I was a little sad but I'm happy now I missed you so much" Dome Pouts while speaking. "Where were you for so many days you know how much i missed you you didn't gimme cuddles like daddy"

Bright coes at his cuteness and peppers kisses all over his face. "My baby missed me so much but now I'm here bun and I'll give you allllllll the cuddles you want" Bright says pecking his chubby cheeks.

Dome giggles snuggling in his mumma's neck while Bright carries him and goes to where Win and Tiara was.

"You will only give cuddles to Dome not to me mumma?" Tiara asks with a sad pout on his lips.

Bright looks at her and boops her nose.
"I'll give cuddles to both of my babies."

Both the twins start giggling in their hold.

"Mumma won't you give cuddles to daddy too?" Dome asks Bright innocently.

Bright snaps his head to the boy in his hold." B-bun? What are you saying?"

"Yesh me and Tia is tired so you give cuddles to us then daddy is tired too give him cuddles too." Dome says innocently pointing at both Win and Bright.

A small smirk creepts on Win's face, "yes won't you give me cuddles too 'mumma' "
Win says in a teasing voice pressing on the word 'mumma'.

Bright looks at Win with a jerk his ears turning red. "H-huh- "he fumbles with his words while his ears and cheeks turns red gradually with Dome's innocent request and Win's stare and teasing.

"Mumma pwease I want all of us to cuddle together" Dome looks at Bright with his doe puppy eyes.

Bright looks at three of them and sighs, "okay okay I will cuddle with all of you but before that we need to go home it's getting dark common buns"

While these three was busy with making Bright agree to cuddle with them Win was busy staring at his two precious angel and his secretary.

Win never thought a day like this will come when his angels will open up his angels will start smilling and laughing like this again. They were always closed off only to his family and friends and even they had to do so much just to make those two angels smile but here Bright is making them smile so easily.

'maybe Namtan was right they needed a person who would love them like how a mother would who would make them comfortable and give them the love they lacked for so many years even after being loved by so many people' Win thinks to himself smilling a little.

"Sir? sir? uhm win? WINN" a shout makes him come out of his trance and look at the person in front of him.

Win looks at Bright for a few second
, "Huh? You said something Bright?"

"I was calling you for so many times where were you lost"

"In you" a whisper of words

"Huh-?" Even though it was a whisper Bright could hear Win's words because of their close proximity.

"Nothing nothing i was just thinking something, so shall we go 'mommy'?"
Win says teasingly whilst Bright glared at him and walks past him with Dome clinging on him, and Win following him with his princess in his hold.

The car ride was peaceful and the silence this time was not awkward but rather a pleasant more precisely a comfortable silence as if they could understand their minds without speaking to each other. Both of them stealing glances on each other looking away when get caught all the while Win driving and Bright sitting on the other sit.

The car comes to a halt in front of the Metawin Mansion. The guards smiles at Win and opens the gate to let them in and Win drives off and parks in the car park.

"Win i told you I want to go back home and not to come in your huge ass mansion" Bright glares at him.

"Well my house isn't as huge and round as your ass tho love" Win whispered with a smirk since the kids fell asleep in the back seat.

"H-huh-" Bright stopped talking when he realised what Win called him.

"D-dont call me that" Bright glares at him and looks away with his ears turning red.

"Hmm don't call you what Love" Win said whispering moving a little closer to him and Bright moved back a little seeing Win so close to him.

"W-win what are you doing" Bright said mentally cursing himself for cursing but the close proximity isn't helping him at all.

"What do you think I'm doing Love" Win said moving closer till he was inches away from Bright, their faces too close to each other, feeling their breathe mix.

Bright moved back till his back hit the door, "W-win wh-what-"

Win didn't let him finish and leaned in slightly not leaving any space just little movement and their lips would end up on each other.

Bright closed his eyes in anticipation, a giddy yet fearful feeling going through him, his hand clutching the seat, few more second and he didn't feel any movement and then a sudden sound of laugh and a click sound.

Bright opened his eyes only to see that teasing smile on Win's face.

"I was just going to open the seatbelt Bright" Bright looked down to see the seatbelt open and Win back on his seat.

Bright blinks few times to register what happened and then a red hue decorated his cheeks and he looks away.

"You- you you annoy me so much" Bright huffs and gets out of car and closes the door louder than he intended to.

Both the twins wake up due to the sound "mommy daddy?"

Both the males look at them and smiles at the babies.

Bright goes and helps them out, "hey buns we reached let's get you inside and then I'll leave for my home"

Both the kids look up at Bright, "mommy you will leave? You won't cuddle us?"

"Uh babies I have some work back at home we can cuddle in morning buns" Bright said feeling bad but he can't stay here right now not until his fucking stupid heart won't stop beating like he ran a whole fucking marathon.

Both of them looks at him with puppy eyes,"please mumma please come with us" both the kids kept giving puppy eyes to Bright.

Bright sighs and boops their nose,"okie bunnies I will stay with you both but only for tonight" both the kids happily hugged Bright and he picked them up carrying them.

Win chuckles seeing Bright being a softie with his angels.

Bright looks back at Win but looks away with a red face, Win smiles a little and goes forward inside the house.

Bright puts them down on the sofa while they opened their socks and shoes and kept them on the rack.

"Your house is so beautiful Win" Bright said looking around space.

"You liked it Bright?"

"Of course anyone would like or rather love such beautiful interiors"

Bright looks back at Win with a lingering smile on his face. They kept staring at each other forgetting the world around them drowning in each other's orbs.


Who do you all think this is?😏

Im so sorry for the delay guys im just a busy and half ded first year student who is half ded because of internal and vivas and projects I'll try to update again soon till then i hope you all enjoy this chapter please do let me know your thoughts I'll try to improve my writting more

Till then see you

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