The Rainbow Wolf And Her Alpha

By KatinaMilonas

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Alexa Arondal is a girl like any other...or so she thought. When secrets from her past that her loved ones ha... More

Chapter 1 - Prophecy
Chapter 2 - Alexa
Chapter 3 - A Breath Of Fresh Air
Chapter 4 - Something About Her
Chapter 5 - Rival
Chapter 6 - Invitation
Chapter 7 - Making Enemies
Chapter 8 - Breathless (Part 1)
Chapter 9 - Breathless (Part 2)
Chapter 10 -Tease
Chapter 11 - History
Chapter 12 - Rogues and Alliances
Chapter 13 - Nightmare
Chapter 14 - Blood Of An Alpha
Chapter 15 - Spy
Chapter 16 - Weird Is An Understatement
Chapter 17 - Hidden In Darkness
Chapter 18 - The Vampire Prince
Chapter 19 - The Cabin
Chapter 20 - A Long Day
Chapter 21 - Losing Her Before I Had Her
Chapter 22 - Injured
Chapter 23 - The Power of the Vampire Prince
Chapter 24 - Healing
Chapter 25 - One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Chapter 26 - Outsmarted
Chapter 27 - Fighting Dirty
Chapter 28 - A Gift From The Heart
Chapter 29 - Redemption
Chapter 30 - Party!
Chapter 31 - Dancing Queen
Chapter 32 - Tempt Part 1
Chapter 33 -Tempt Part 2
Chapter 34 - Tempt part 3
Chapter 35 - Pain
Chapter 36 - Mate
Chapter 37 - Black as The Night
Chapter 38 - Fountain of Tears
Chapter 39 - Blood, Sweat And Tears
Chapter 40 - Inner Strength
Chapter 41 - Facing Old Enemies.
Chapter 42 - Jealousy
Chapter 43 - Scent Of A Mate
Chapter 44 - Flash The Cash
Chapter 45 - Catch Up
Chapter 46 - Fun and Games
Chapter 47 - Planes, Glimmer, Action!
Chapter 48 - Unravel
Chapter 49 - Heat
Chapter 50 - Raindrop falls
Chapter 51 - Information Overload
Chapter 52 - Home
Chapter 53 - Fireworks
Chapter 54 - Challenge
Chapter 55 - Diamond In the Rough
Chapter 56 - Chosen One
Chapter 57 - Trust
Chapter 58 - Flame
Chapter 59 - Date
Chapter 60 - Revenge
Chapter 61 - Rot and Regret
Chapter 62 - Commitment
Chapter 63 - Saturday Preparations
Chapter 64 - Alpha Of The Moonlight Pack
Chapter 65 - Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 66 - A Night to Remember
Chapter 67 - Competition
Chapter 68 - A Fair Fight.
Chapter 69 - Awakening
Chapter 70 - Ups and Downs
Chapter 71 - The Secret Cave
Chapter 72 - Down In A Dump
Chapter 73 - Sparring
Chapter 74 - Wolfsbane
Chapter 75 - Mental Telepathy
Chapter 76 - Ella's Party (Part 1)
Chapter 77 - Ella's Party (Part 2)
Chapter 78 - Preparation
Chapter 79 - All That Sparkles
Chapter 80 -Mated For Life
Chapter 81 - Metamorphosis
Chapter 82 - The Power Of Light
Chapter 83 - Sweet And Juicy
Chapter 84 - Sharp Tooth
Chapter 85 - Brotherly Love
Chapter 86 - Introductions
Chapter 87 - Vengence
Chapter 88 - Always In Our Hearts
Chapter 89 - Funeral
Chapter 90 - Not Just A Pretty Face
Chapter 91 - Sharing A Secret
Chapter 92 - Spells and Magic
Chapter 93 - Connecting The Dots
Chapter 94 - Selfless
Chapter 95 - Confrontation
Chapter 96 - Underestimated
Chapter 97 - Interrogation
Chapter 98 - Maximus
Chapter 99 - Max's First Day
Chapter 100 - New Pack Member
Chapter 101 - The Magic Of Love
Chapter 102 - Night Terror
Chapter 103 - Protector
Chapter 104 - Safe House
Chapter 105 - Strategies
Chapter 106 - Purple Is The New Black
Chapter 107 - Recharge
Chapter 108 - Eve
Chapter 109 - Traitor
Chapter 110 - Twilight
Chapter 111 - Blood Bath
Chapter 112 - The Witch
Chapter 113 - Illusion
Chapter 114 - Uncertain Times
Chapter 115 - Predicted
Chapter 116 -Protector
Chapter 117 - A Broken Bond
Chapter 119 - Fallen Angel
Chapter 120 - Epilogue
Bonus Chapter - The Alpha's Saviour

Chapter 118 - Ultimate Sacrifice

93 5 1
By KatinaMilonas


Zander's POV:

Through all the pain in my chest caused by the loss of my father, I almost missed Alexa's emotions. As I let my walls down, guilt, sadness and hope hit me with such force I almost lost my balance. 

"What's wrong?" I ask her through the mind link. 

"The only way to end this, is to sacrifice myself. Whatever Mike did with Vivian, do it. Zander please. I can't have your death on my conscious too."

"No! There has to be another way! If you die Alexa we die together. It's my choice, do you hear me!" I yelled through the link sending all my frustration her way. She needed to know how serious I was.

I saw the hopelessness cross her face but her gaze never once strayed away from the witch.

"There's no time. I can't hesitate Zander. I love you."

I frantically looked around trying to figure out what we could do. "Ella! Is Alessia with you? I could really use her wise words right now. Alexa's about to sacrifice herself! She thinks it's the only way."

"She's with me." Ella spoke, her words sounded pained. "She knows Zander, she's the one who told her what she needs to do." Ella said with a small sob ending the link before I could say another word.

Red hot rage filled me. Alexa somehow knew she was going to die even before this war. I suspected it, but didn't want to admit it. I could see it in the way she avoided talking about our daughter. She held back from shopping for baby items or allowing herself to get excited. I wasn't the only one to notice either. 

Having no choice but to come to terms with what was about to happen, I came close and fell to my knees watching everything unfold around me.

Alexa looked like a goddess. Her long white magical dress moved delicately in the moonlight and held strong against the blue white flames that licked at her skin. I could feel her heat all the way here where I sat a few metres away. 

Alexa walked with purpose, her flames disintegrating every attack the witch sent her way. I could see the desperation and panic in her movement as she frantically tried to keep Alexa at a safe distance to no avail.

Alexa raised her right arm freezing the witch in her place. "You're exactly like me!" The witch yelled in a final attempt to get my mate to stop. "Seeking revenge for those I killed."

"I don't seek revenge. I'm here to forgive you." Alexa's angelic voice held no hatred or menace. "If I was to murder you in cold blood, you wouldn't end up with your mate. He is waiting for you." As understanding crossed the witches face I saw her shoulders sag in defeat. "I can make all the pain and anger go away. I can cleanse your soul of all its hatred and darkness.. if you let me."

"Something like that.. requires a steep price to be paid." The witch said, no longer fighting Alexa's advances as she stood a few centimetres away.

"It does." Alexa agreed.

"During the eclipse when I received all that power, I saw what you tried to conceal. You are with child. If you do this, you will both die." She said with a look of skepticism in her voice. She didn't believe Alexa was willing to make the final sacrifice for her. For the world.

My eyes widened in shock. She knew since then and didn't say anything. It still didn't change anything since she wanted Alexa dead anyway. I wondered why she was bringing it all up now. Why was she no longer fighting for her life?

"I am not afraid of death child. Most of me died when my mate did. There is one thing I want more than revenge, but thought I could never have it after everything I have done. I want to see my mate again."

"I know." Alexa said with a sad smile. "As a descendant of the moon goddess, I have that power. I forgive you." As she spoke her aura brightened. I had to close my eyes and cover them with my arm. The last thing I saw was Alexa embrace the witch in a hug. 

"No.. Alexa." I croaked out. I felt peace through our bond. There was no pain just complete acceptance and understanding. I hadn't even realised that Crim had been standing beside me the entire time. He placed a hand on my shoulder and as I turned to look at him, a single tear ran down the curve of his cheek.

"She has saved us all, and by doing so, made the ultimate sacrifice." I brushed Crim's hand from my shoulder not wanting any comfort or support. All I wanted was to drown in my pain and sorrow and follow my mate and our daughter into the afterlife. He got down on one knee with his arm across his chest as a sign of respect. His followers, Ed and my mother followed his lead. Sadness, love and pride was clear on everyone's faces as they watched with squinted eyes from a distance.  Once the heat had subsided I glanced up to see my mate and the witch on the ground motionless.

I walked towards Alexa's body lifting her head onto my lap. Her soft silver hair cascading around my legs and arms as I held her. She just looked to be peacefully sleeping but the sharp pain in my chest reminded me of the lie I wanted to believe. 

Ed and my mother let out a painful howl feeling the loss of our Luna, as the connection was severed from the pack. Two howls soon turned to many that could be heard in the distance. My attention though, was on Alexa's warm body. Although her heart had stopped beating, and our link had broken, our daughters heart held strong and hadn't stopped or slowed. Not yet anyway. I placed my hand over her and spoke sweet words hoping she could recognise my voice and take comfort in anyway I could give it. One kick was all it took for my tears to shed from my eyes. My world forever shattered.

Ella's POV:

The second Alessia appeared I knew something wasn't right. She was always so sure of herself, so calm. I guess knowing everyone's future made surprises a little hard, but this time she looked incredibly stressed. She began walking around the room touching all the injured warriors.

Occasionally I'd catch her mumbling to herself or to her wolf. I had to go back out to override the safe room door, as a lot of Abe's injured pack members had also turned up from fighting against the vampires. I assumed Crim's men returned to their coven leaving only Jet and Abe outside standing guard. Jet refused to come in. Something about desire to feed with all the blood being too uncomfortable.

Lucy and I did our best to patch up as many warriors as we could, aiding their advanced healing. We had lost three wolves in the space of twenty minutes whose injuries were too much even for us. Sadly I feared they wouldn't be the only ones. 

Alessia asked us to move some of the injured around the room. At first I didn't know what she was doing, but then I recognised the pattern. The four men closest to the door, closest to me, seem to be in bad shape.

"Anyone who is family with these four men, please step forward and give them love, comfort and say your goodbyes. There is nothing more we can do for them now."

"No! We can't just give up!" One woman shouted falling to her knees in front of her unmarked mate. Even as she cried I could see he knew he was dying in the way his eyes fell to hers. Sadness and guilt filled them. "I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise my love. We will be together again one day, but I'm glad I didn't mark you. Live your life. Move on." They embraced each other and after a few short minutes he took his final breath. 

Others began saying their goodbyes to one of the men leaving the last two laying there on their own.

"Have you met your mates? Where are your families? I asked concerned that no one was saying goodbye to them. 

"My mate died an hour ago and I moved here from another pack, I was going to die anyway even without my wounds." One man said. I think his name was Victor. He looked pale and had lost a lot of blood. 

"I too have lost my mate and what remained of my family and friends today." The man I know to be Felix said sadly. He looked bad but much better than the other three. 

"Ella! Is Alessia with you? I could really use her wise words right now. Alexa's about to sacrifice herself! She thinks it's the only way." Zander's voice filled my mind. I could hear the desperation in his voice.

"She's with me." I replied as my heart filled with pain at the thought of Alexa dying.
Alessia turned to me.

"I already know Ella, I'm the one who told her what she needs to do." Alessia spoke knowing who was mind linking me. She must have seen this conversation too. She held so much pain and guilt in her eyes, enough to cripple anyone.

"She knows Zander, she's the one who told her what she needed to do." I said with a small sob. I ended the link before Zander could reply. I didn't want to know anymore. I didn't trust my voice, not even in my mind at this point, to speak without sounding broken or full of pain. 

Max was watching the entire time, sitting on Ben's lap. I had to stay strong for Max and for Ben. For everyone who needed it right now. 

Alessia pushed me aside looking towards the two men. She looked panicked yet unsure. "I have a favour to ask you both."

They both weakly nodded their heads. before Alessia continued. "Victor, I'm so sorry, you have three minutes left in this life." She leaned in and pressed her head on his forehead for a short minute. She was showing him her vision of the future. 

His eyes shot open at what he saw. "Of course, I will gladly do what you need." Before Alessia turned and pressed her head against Felix's my attention was pulled away by a loud howl. It shook the land causing small rocks to fall from the ceiling and walls. It came from Zander and held so much pain and agony I couldn't breath. 

Zander's POV:

I sat their for what felt like seconds but must have been a minute, talking with my baby girl. I could hear her heart beat slow.

"Boom boom, boom boom.. boom.. boom.. .. .. boom.. .. .. boom. .. .. .. boom."

Her little body had been without oxygen for a minute and her heart was feeling the pressure slowing its beat until it would soon stop. I jumped up and began to give Alexa CPR. Ed ran over placing a hand on my shoulder. 
"I'm so sorry Zander, but there's.."

"No. Don't say it." I growled, ignoring his attempt to get me to stop. I knew I looked crazy right now but I refused to let this happen. I needed to try something.. anything that would keep her little heart beating. 

He watched having a silent battle with his wolf before speaking. His voice deep and merging with that of his wolf. "Alpha, let me help you. If this is what you need right now, I'll keep her heart beating but you need to also give her oxygen."

As he moved closer I moved positions to give her two quick breaths before continuing. This was the only time I would allow another male to put his hands on my mate, but it was better than placing his lips on hers. Crim and my mother sat there for a minute frozen, and pale. Well, as pale as a vampire can get anyway.

I could hear her little heart once every three beats. It wasn't enough but it was something. After thirty more seconds I couldn't hear it anymore. 

"My darling boy." My mother's hand brushed my wet face and I realised I had been crying. "It's time to let go. She is suffering, let her go with her mother." As she forcefully hugged me, pausing my movements, Ed slowed down eventually stopping.

Shadow and I let out a howl so full of pain it shook the earth below our feet. The howls in the background held almost as much pain as they realised the loss of their Luna, future Alpha, Beta, and previous Alpha would devastate the pack. I knew the howls had come from the safe house. How they heard me from there was surprising however with my mates magic lingering on the very walls, I knew it was something she had subconsciously wanted.

A way we could still communicate with the pack. If only she was here to appreciate it. "I'll join you both soon my darling."

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