Superior Human

By Excalumbra

6.5K 167 32

(MHA X COTE) - Izuku Midoriya attended a private school for nearly 10 years, only to return home when it was... More

1 | To New Beginnings
2 | Deku
3 | Halcyon Days
4 | True Intent
5 | Eye
6 | USJ

7 | USJ: Conclusion

623 23 4
By Excalumbra

The situation over at the Unforeseen Simulation Joint was growing dire. Eraserhead had put up a good fight, but it seemed like he would lose in the end. He'd been beaten down terribly. The students, who Kurogiri had transported to various areas of the USJ, had fought well to defend themselves but...

Uraraka: TSU!

Asui jumped in to grab Eraserhead, only for Shigaraki's hand to be warped in front of her face.

Eraserhead lifted his head one last time, cancelling out Shigaraki's Quirk, before having his face slammed into the ground by a Nomu once more. Just as all hope seemed to be lost...


All Might himself had crashed through the doors. The silence following his arrival was deafening. The Villains had been waiting for this opportunity hadn't they? That's what they all thought, but upon seeing the Symbol of Peace in the flesh, their hearts were struck with fear.

All Might: here.

- AT U.A

Tsukishiro: I guess I should explain. You see, I'd been in the General Studies department before my time as an assistant in the White Room. And then when 'he' was defeated, well...things took a turn for the worse. The operation of the White Room was under jeopardy, the program lacked direction and purpose. Eventually, we had to close up shop. But now he's back and he'll be wanting you.

Izuku: So...that's why you've returned? To force me back?

Tsukishiro: Of course. I'm always loyal to my employe, after all.

He still had his hand around my neck at this point, but past that, it was hard to say I felt threatened. After all, now that I'd have All Might in my corner, there was little this man would be able to do to me in school.

Tsukishiro: Nothing to add?

Tsukishiro was one of many monitors within the White Room, but I could never shake or forget the uneasiness I got from his smile.

Tsukishiro: It's unusual for you to act this recklessly, little Izuku.

Izuku: I guess you could call this my rebellious phase. Anyways, I'd let go, before someone catches you.

Tsukishiro seemed unimpressed with my answer, but let go anyways.

Tsukishiro: I see.

Izuku: I have no intention of going back to that place.

Tsukishiro: Well, I intend to make your school life as difficult as possible, since I'll be taking over Nedzu's position. Just for the time being.

Izuku: What?

Tsukishiro: It's rare to see you shocked.

Izuku: It's more that I don't understand, rather than shock.

Tsukishiro: We have very powerful and influential people working with us to ensure that we're successful. Let's just say we've found some 'evidence' that makes Nedzu look so suspicious that his position at this school is in danger.

Right. So in other words, they'd fabricated lies, to have the Board of Education remove him.

Izuku: Make my school life 'difficult'?

Tsukishiro: I'll leave the Hero Course alone, but General Studies? The course is a bit...lax? In the past, it boasted a 100% college and employment rate, but that's fallen significantly over the past few years, wouldn't you agree?

That was true. U.A was, at its core, an institution of learning, but due to it being popular for its association with Heroes, a lot of people applying to my course weren't necessarily the most goal-oriented. I didn't really care about any figures or statistics concerning the General Studies department, but I let him continue.

Izuku: So what do you plan to do?

Tsukishiro: I guess an approach similar to Eraserhead of the past? Intensive conditions, to weed out the incapable students, and create only the best and brightest U.A has to offer.

In reality this all to force me into the spotlight and make it difficult for me to conceal my abilities. It's a smart cover, though.

Tsukishiro: You know, 'that man' said that you'd choose expulsion of your own accord.

Izuku: It's out of the question. I'll continue as I have before, but I want you to remember one thing, Mr. Tsukishiro.

Tsukishiro: Oh?

Izuku: The moment I find the opportunity to remove you, I won't hesitate. You will come to regret trying to back me into a corner like this.

Tsukishiro's rigid face contorted, and his unpleasant smile was back.

Tsukishiro: Tut, tut. Children shouldn't make threats like that.

He turned his back and began to walk.

- U.S.J

All Might and the Nomu's battle raged on, finally looking as if it was about to reach the climax. All Might was being pushed back, but he just wouldn't stop.

Kirishima: Ah, this pressure...

Bakugo: It's insane!

With every blow, every fist that collides, there's a shockwave. The students watched in awe...and without fail, the Symbol of Peace pulled through.

All Might: Remember these words...Go beyond, PLUS ULTRA!

One more dynamic smash and he blew the monster completely out of the USJ.

Mineta (crying): H-he really w-won. All M-M-Might...

Uraraka: Deku...

Shigaraki: Damnit, damnit! It's not fair...

Losing all sense of reason, he rushed at the weakened All Might, though it was a futile effort given that the rest of the Pros had arrived, with Iida in tow.

Snipe fired twice, hitting Shigaraki in the hand and leg, forcing Kurogiri to cover him. Midnight, Ectoplasm, and others rounded up the rest of the villains before they could get away.

Uraraka: ...And so that's what happened.

That had been Uraraka basically giving me her report on the USJ incident.

Izuku: I see. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Is anyone hurt?

Uraraka: Hm...Eraserhead and Thirteen are in pretty bad shape, y'know?

I'd actually been inquiring about All Might, but I had an idea of where he'd be anyways.

Uraraka: Um...

Izuku: Hm?

Uraraka: You stayed at school all this time?

Izuku: Yeah. From when I got your message, until now.

She smiled warmly, before telling me-

Uraraka: You're a good guy, Deku...

Izuku: A good guy? I think I did what most people would have, when they hear trouble...

Uraraka: Even still...

Izuku: Can we pick this up again later? I have some stuff I wanna do.

Uraraka: S-Sure! I'll see you later...

For a little while, I'd been going home with her and Iida. Well, just up to the station, actually. But things would be a bit different today.

I went to Recovery Girl's room, and knocked on the door.

Recovery Girl: Who are you?

Izuku: Izuku Midoriya. I have to talk with All Might about something.

Recovery Girl: How did-

"How did I know he was here?"

Recovery Girl: Anyways, who do you think you are asking-

All Might: Let him in.

Recovery Girl: What?

All Might: Please...let him in.

She opened the door, allowing me to walk through. I could see his silhouette behind the curtain, no longer that hulking figure I'd seen earlier.

I went around to face him.

This emaciated form... he really was weakening.

Izuku: How many blows did it take you?

All Might: Around 300...but in my prime, well it would've been around...5?

Izuku: Woah...

All Might: So...what are you here for?

I explained my situation to All Might, without details of the White Room, but left in enough about Nedzu and the current Headmaster.

All Might: The timing couldn't have been more perfect. Nedzu is removed and then the USJ incident happens...

Izuku: He'll make things at this school difficult for me. But I'd appreciate it if he didn't make my home life any harder than it has to be. I know you have a lot of connections, All Might. Please, do you think you could have some people watch my back, and my mother's too? Just to be safe?

All Might: Clearly, you're sparing the details of what Tsukishiro is after, by pursuing you like this. Eventually, I'll demand to know more, but for the time being I'll see what I can do. I've always thought that I can get a decent read on people. So while I don't think you're 'good', you're certainly not 'evil', and I can't ignore someone who needs help.

Izuku: Thank you, All Might...

And so what followed next? Well...

- Tsukishiro's Office.

Tsukishiro had made his decision.

"I think I'll turn the U.A Sports Festival into a Special Exam. If at least two of the General Studies students don't finish in the Top 3...I'll have someone I deem unnecessary expelled. What will you do next, Izuku?"

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