A Man On A Mission || Classro...

By AnkitFTW

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" You are being admitted to Class-D, the worst Class of your year. " " If you successfully reach Class-A, you... More

Chapter 1 : Man on A Mission
Chapter 2 : A New Environment
Chapter 3 : Questions
Chapter 4 : Speculations
Chapter 5 : Authority
Chapter 6 : Conflict
Chapter 7 : Breakdown
Chapter 8 : Blunder
Chapter 9 : Burden
Chapter 10 : Brother
Chapter 11 : Reunion
Chapter 12 : Affection
Chapter 13 : A Pleasant Afternoon
Chapter 14 : May 1st
Chapter 15 : Resistance
Chapter 16 : Consequences
Chapter 17 : Movements
Chapter 18 : Co-Operation
Chapter 19 : Hanging Out
Chapter 20 : Study Session
Chapter 21 : New Acquaintances
Chapter 22 : DripKouji
Chapter 23 : Hindrance
Chapter 24 : Manipulation
Chapter 25 : Lovebirds
Chapter 26 : Sudden Proposal
Chapter 27 : Your Real Self
Chapter 28 : Blackmail Gone Wrong
Chapter 29 : Other Leaders
Chapter 30 : Midterms
Chapter 31 : Female
Chapter 32 : Date
Chapter 33 : Proud
Chapter 34 : A Small Stroll
Chapter 35 : Results
Chapter 36 : Advice
Chapter 37 : Answers
Chapter 39 : Responsibility
Chapter 40 : Problem
Chapter 41 : Weak
Chapter 42 : Excitement
Chapter 43 : Mob Mentality
Chapter 44 : The Tyrants
Chapter 45 : Wave
Chapter 46 : Rejoice
Chapter 47 : Meritrocracy
Chapter 48 : Kei
Chapter 49 : Queen
Chapter 50 : Is this Love?
Chapter 51 : Failure
Chapter 52 : Flaws
Chapter 53 : Hints
Chapter 54 : Embrace
Chapter 55 : Save Yourself
Chapter 56 : Facade
Chapter 57 : Sensei's Advice
Chapter 58 : The Girl With The Cane
Chapter 59 : Live However You Want
Chapter 60 : Student Council
Chapter 61 : Positions
Chapter 62 : Idol
Chapter 63 : 'Vacation'
Chapter 64 : Altercation
Chapter 65 : The Den of Hell
Chapter 66 : Wildcard
Chapter 67 : Retirement?
Chapter 68 : Worst-Case Scenario
Chapter 69 : Rat
Chapter 70 : Unity
Chapter 71 : 'I Love You'
Chapter 72 : Revelation
Chapter 73 : Baby Steps
Chapter 74 : Dying
Chapter 75 : Two Birds With One Stone
Chapter 76 : Cut
Chapter 77 : Rumble
Chapter 78 : Judgement
Chapter 79 : Slave
Chapter 80 : Dream Come True
Chapter 81 : One Sided Massacre
Chapter 82 : The Resolve Of The Weak
Chapter 83 : Calculations
Chapter 84 : Boys
Chapter 85 : Alliance
Chapter 86 : Odd
Chapter 87 : No Time to Rest
Chapter 88 : "Zodiac"
Chapter 89 : Game
Chapter 90 : Target
Chapter 91 : Simplicity
Chapter 92 : Agreement
Chapter 93 : Victory
Chapter 94 : Pattern
Chapter 95 : A Tyrant's Frustration
Chapter 96 : Class-A?
Chapter 97 : The Finale

Chapter 38 : Her Past

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By AnkitFTW

Season 2 : Chapter 5

".....Why are you doing this, Ayanokouji-kun?"

Her voice turned meek and helpless as her makeup was ruined because of the tear stains.

"All I want is some answers from you, Horikita. Just imagine, if you don't tell me your matter with Kushida and why is she like this….and if then she does something that harms this class….whose fault do you think that will be?"



If you don't tell me the matter and stay silent, then how will I know the atrocities Kushuda can commit if she wants to get rid of someone? 

Don't you understand Horikita? She said that she wanted to Kill you."

Horikita shivered in fear as Kiyotaka let go of both of her hands, letting them fall on her sides.

"What do you think will happen, when because of the lack of my presence,  she in fact does the job and kills you?

What do you think your friends will feel like?

What do you think your parents will feel like?

What do you think your nii-san will feel like?"

She crawled up into herself and started sobbing to herself while Ayanokouji looked at her shrinking figure with satisfaction before forcing her to look him in the eye.

"Listen to me, Horikita. The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any….Are you weak?

Do you think Kushida is stronger than you?"


"Then why are you acting like this? Why do you fear her? Is this truly the sister of the Student Council President? How pitiful can you be?"

"P-please stop it Ayanokouji-kun….What do you gain by doing this?"

"A girl who has nothing but social power is enough to scare someone like you. How disgusting."

"Shut up, you know nothing about her."

"And what do I need to know about a two faced girl whose only advantage is to wear a stupid mask."

"Shut up Ayanokouji-kun!!! What do you  know nothing about her to make such flimsy conclusions?!!"

With a loud shriek, she sat up and fiercy glared at the boy in front of her.

"Nothing. That's why I'm asking you...Why are you scared of what Kushida can do? Tell me your story, Horikita."


"Kushida……. used to be my best friend."


"Hello, I'm Kushida Kikyou. What's your name?'

I looked at her for a second before moving my eyes away from her. 'She seems annoying.'

However she sat right beside my empty seat before grabbing my book away from me.

"What are you reading?"

"Give it back."

"Not until you introduce me."

"Tch. Horikita Suzune is my name. Now give me my book back."

Immediately I was met with a gleaming smile from her as if it was the warmth of the sun radiating from her.

"Nice to meet you, Horikita-san."

How disgusting.


"What are you doing all alone?"

Sigh...Every single day she has to bother me.

"Can't you leave me alone?"

"But...won't you be sad?"

"I would be much happier being alone than being disturbed by you every single day. "

I didn't even spare a glance at her but suddenly I heard the sound of sobbing. I looked in the direction and was met with an unusual sight.

"How can you be so mean, Horikita-san? "

What? You are the one annoying me. How am I mean?

However suddenly I was met with the scornful gazes of the entire class because I made their class princess sad.

How disgusting.  It makes me want to puke.


"Suzune, I heard you made one of your classmates cry for no reason? Is that true?"

What? How can this even reach nii-san's ears? How did this matter escalate so much?

"Y-yes. She was constantly invading my private space, that's why I asked her to leave me alone."

Even if I wanted to, I couldn't bring out a lie when nii-san was looking at me with that cold glare of his.

Hearing my answer he sighed to himself before looking at me with disappointment. 

"You are mistaking independence and freedom with solitude Suzune. I expect you to apologise to her tomorrow and make up with her."


"N-no I can't do that."

My pride doesn't allow me to bow down in front of others.

"Why? Do you think you are so superior that you can't even say sorry? I didn't think my little sister would be this foolish."

With that nii-san left me alone and walked away while I dropped to my knees and looked at the ground.

'Why should I say sorry? I didn't even do anything wrong….'

In Spite of that I swallowed my pride and apologised to her which in fact forced me to be her friend.

After spending a lot of time with her,  I soon didn't start to mind the presence of Kushida-san...Even though she was way too eccentric,  I was getting used to her personality.

We engaged in conversations with each other regularly where she told me various things, like how most boys in my class were infatuated with my looks, but were too scared to ask me out because of my personality.

Not that I cared about what those pitiful insects thought anyway…..

After being friends with Kushida-san for 2 years, I soon let go of the initial edge I had towards her and started freely talking to her.

 One time my mouth slipped as I revealed that I loved nii-san the most out of anyone in this world.

I didn't mean it like that, but still it was quite embarrassing. However, surprisingly, she didn't chuckle or laugh at me… Instead she just smiled and looked away while nodding to herself… 

Something which I found very odd at that time, but didn't say anything… Looking back at it now, I definitely should've said something.

I also learned at that time that Kushida had a huge crush on one of our classmates Masao Ikitani. He was a very handsome boy with a charming personality, however I felt his gaze drawing over to me various times, to which I felt really creeped out.

During that time, a lot of boys confessed to me, to which I brutally turned them down and insulted them, causing many of those weaklings to tear up from my words.

Of course, many of the girls were not happy that I was breaking their crush's hearts but since I was friends with Kushida-san,  they didn't do anything.

Nii-san was not happy with my behaviour and he warned me that Kushida was not a good influence, but my antisocial self didn't find anyone worthy to be my friend other than her.

Then everything changed with one incident. Right after nii-san left the Middle School and we got promoted to the 3rd Year, Ikitani-kun proposed to me.

"Would you like to go out with me?"

I noticed Kushida-san widening her eyes before glaring at me all of a sudden…I knew that she had a crush on him, but being jealous of me this quickly? I never expected that.

"No I won't.  Get lost. You are disgusting."

All the students gasped as Ikitani looked at me heartbroken before giving me a resigned smile.

"That's ok….Thanks for your answer, Horikita-san. "

The next day it was revealed that he changed schools after that incident.

'Just because he was rejected, he did all of that. How weak can someone be?'

However, that was when most of the girls started bullying me….

'Unintentionally' pushing me when I was eating, pouring water over my head, punching me, slapping me, pulling my hair, thumbtacks under my chair, red spider lily on my desk, nothing was missed.

During that time, Kushida-san didn't even spare a glance at me or tried to help me. Not even any of the boys did anything, since all of them were insulted by me as well…

It was at that moment I realised what nii-san meant by his words…

'You are mistaking independence with solitude.'

I had no one to support me…. And I was the sole cause of it…….

So I fought all alone against all of them. I resisted as much as I can, but in a 20vs1 it's impossible, you know?

But I still didn't understand why they bullied me to this extent? Just because I rejected their crush, they did all that? No….It made no sense at all… There must be some other reason for it. I'm sure of that.

It was at that moment, I saw a very small smile crawling up on Kushida-san's face as she was witnessing me getting beat down.

'W-what? Why was she smiling?'

I wanted answers from her. Why was she not doing anything to stop them? Why was she smiling while watching me get bullied? Was she not my friend?

One day, I came across a very surprising and shocking  sight. It was after school was over. I was fixing my appearance in the school washroom while hiding my cuts and bruises with makeup, I noticed Kushida-san walking inside the classroom all alone.

Feeling curious I followed her and was met with a shocking sight.

She was cursing out every single student in our class with a cold, husky voice that I couldn't ever think belonged to her.

''And Horikita….That bitch. Because of her, I couldn't get with that crybaby Ikitani, who would've been my ticket to stardom to become the most popular student of the school.

All because of that slut Horikita, everything was destroyed.  Well, at least I get to enjoy seeing her get beaten up every single day. That sates my desire for revenge, I guess."

'I couldn't believe my ears… Was all our memories meant nothing to her? Did she really think nothing about Ikitani ? Was she acting this whole time?'

Not wanting to stay quiet any longer I opened the door much to her shock. Then her eyes turned into fury as she glared at me.

"What are you doing?"

"That's my line. Did the time we spent really meant nothing to you?"

"Of course not. I just wanted to get close to the sister of the School President. Once he was gone, your use was gone as well."

"Did you really think nothing about Ikitani-kun?"

All I met in regards was a mirthful chuckle from as she leaned towards the window.

"Of course not. He could've been useful to me but you destroyed that chance. So everytime I watch you get bullied, it makes me feel great euphoria."

She let out a manic laugh while evilly grinning at me.

'Is this really Kushida? Is this really the girl I've known for 2 years? It's unbelievable. '

"Why am I getting bullied, Kushida-san? I don't think rejecting a guy will result in this much suffering. Did you do something?"

"Of course I did. As the most loved person in the class, all I need is to fabricate some lies in such a way that it seems true.

You should thank me for helping you gain such pain tolerance, Horikita-san. "

Anger fueled my entire body as I couldn't keep hold of it anymore. She was behind everything.

"You...you Bitch!!"

"Hehe, who knew that you could curse? Guess I should consider myself lucky to experience it…..

But since you knew about this other side of me, it will create trouble for me right? My whole reputation would be destroyed…"

Her eyes suddenly welled up with tears as she looked towards the window.

"I'm a very despicable human, aren't I? I made you suffer so much pain because of my selfish desires.."

What is she talking about? Why is she suddenly acting guilty for no reason?

"Isn't it better if I just end myself?"


Without waiting for any response she climbed over the window railing causing me to widen my eyes.

"Kushida-san what are you doing?"

"Killing myself."

Even though my mind wanted a sick traitor and an inhumane person like her gone, my morals and my body moved before my mind could ever register it.

"S-stop it Kushida-san!!!"

 I instantly grabbed her but felt myself off my feet as Kushida used my own momentum against me and threw me off the ledge off the window.

"Sike, you thought hahahahahahaha…"

As I was falling off from the window, the only thing that my ears could hear was her sick laugh as the words my brother said sprang up in my head.

"She is not a good influence for you, Suzune. Cut ties from her."

Haah I guess this is what I get for not listening to him. 

'Will this be the end? Am I really going to die? I don't want to die....I have a lot of things left to do....

I'll miss all of you… Dad, mom, nii-san… Hope all of you stay happy.'


When I gained consciousness, I was shocked. I was alive..

It came to my knowledge that 2 of my ribs, one hand and one of my legs were broken and I suffered facial injury for which I have to do surgery…

'I guess this is what I get for being so gullible and arrogant…..'

My entire view towards the world changed…. Along with Physical Therapy, I started to attend Mental Therapy since my 'accident' was labelled as Suicide.

My parents took me out of the school as I homeschooled for my final year, before attending Advance Nurturing High School.

'I hoped that I never have to see the face of a traitor such as herself yet again ….

Unfortunately fate was not so kind to me…'

End of Chapter 38

Words  :  3134

Finally the past between the both of them was revealed.

I tried to make it as realistic and not overdramatic as possible, yet keeping the dark theme and the twistedness of Kushida.

Also, the reason her accident was labelled as a suicide was because Kushida herself called the teachers and said that she saw Horikita jump off the window. Also, they couldn't find it was  her since Horikita's uniform was filled Handprints from all the punches and beating she recieved... and blood mixing with it, makes it quiet difficult...

So, when Horikita was deemed alive, they dropped the whole investigation as she herself was too traumatised to say anything.

Anyways that's all for this chapter. See ya.


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