Adopted by Sleeping With Sire...

De blurryfacelester

244K 6.9K 3.3K

[completed] [in the middle of editing] Monica has been an orphan since birth. Her mother got pregnant in high... Mais

Adopted by sleeping with sirens
• prolouge •
Presant Day • uno
They Came • dos
They want to adopt me? • tres
Going With Them • cuatro
Unpacking • cinco
Sing To Me • seis
Shopping • siete
Meeting Oliver • ocho
House Party • nueve
Finding Monica • diez
Karma • once
authors note
The Question • doce
School?! • trece
Suprise!! • quince
Song For You • dieciseis
Bullies • diecisiete
Thunderstorms • dieciocho
Becoming Famous • diecinueve
authors note
Yes Sir Sorry Sir • veinte
q&a time?! ^0^
No Please Be Okay • veintiuno
Tears and Hospital Visits • veintidos
Back Home • veintitrés
A Day Of Thinking • veinticuatro
Date With Kellin • veinticinco
Netflix and chill • veintiséis
Meetings And Arguments • veintisiete
Thoughts And Song Lyrics • veintiocho
All Those Memories • veintinueve
Happiness and Phone Calls • treinta
Authors note
Tears and Starbucks • treinta y uno
Having Fun • treinta y dos
Iris • treinta y tres
Fireworks • trienta y cuatro
Authors note
Monicas album
Unpublished chapter
Lovley note
Help authors note
Authors note :)
Authors note ideas
Watty awards

Happy Birthday!! • catorce

5.6K 178 141
De blurryfacelester

"Hello Monica how was your day?" Justin asked as I tip toed to get into the car and shoved my backpack to the back seat.

I let out a sigh with all the effort it took to shove my backpack to the back. Wow maybe I should work out. Nah.

"It's was okay." I said. I was being truthful as I could. It was okay except the only person who talked to me was teachers and Eli. Besides that no one, not one person talked to me not even to say sorry for bumping into me.

"Did you make any friends?"

"Yeah." And that's all that was said on the ride home.


I grabbed my backpack and swung it over my shoulder as I got off of justins car and walked inside.

"hey monica!" Kellin smiled and his eyes sparkled. He pulled me into a hug and asked "how was school?" His eyes sparkled as he put his hands on my shoulders.

"It was fine!" I grunted as I put my bag on the couch and scurried off up the stairs.

As i entered i slammed the door behind me and let out a long sigh and collasped in my bed.

I dont like school. I dont like living here. I want to go back to the orphange sure it sucked but at least i had friends and a boyfriend who didnt use me and a care taker that actually cared for me. Here no one cares. Not one person talked to me today except eli but i dont want to talk to him. Sure he's nice but hes probaly going to want something in return. No one talked to me but they talked about me.. i heard a girl say im an emo freak and all these bands on my braclets suck but i dont get it. Im not emo and i really like these bands... then again the girls who were talking about me had low cut shirts and leggings with their hair curled and high heels and shit loads of makeup and i was in a stupid tshirt and stupid shorts with leggings! Maybe if i dress like them maybe theyll accept me.

I got up and started going through my drawers looking for a good outfit for tomarrow.

I finally found a blue low cut shirt with pokadots and i got some tight leggings with my black vans since i didnt have any heels. Maybe ill curl my hair tomarrow too. I know i wont be as good as those other girls but maybe itll be good enough they'll accept me. Of course i have to wear my braclets because my cuts are still noticeable. I wish i never did them so i didnt have to wear them but i cant help it. Cutting is just so addictive. Its like youre weed. It just calms you....

There was a knock on my door and i shoved the clothes in my dresser and unlocked my door.

Ugh kellin. What does he want now?

He gave me a sympathetic look and i scoffed going to my bed and grabbing my phone.

I didnt look at him. I just scrolled through instagram. I felt the side of the bed dip and then kellins arm was around me.

"So im guessing school wasnt fine?" He said. I dont know wether to tell him or not. Maybe i shouldnt im already enough trouble. He doesnt need to waste his time helping a hopeless case.

"I told you it was fine so it was fine!"

"Monica obviously it wasnt. Please tell me what happend." He said. My eyes started to water. No one likes me. My own parents didnt want me. Maybe i was just a mistake.

I didnt notice there was tears rolling down my cheeks until kellins thumb glidded over my cheek wiping them away.

"Its okay you can tell me." He said. Maybe i wasnt the best at saying my feeling mainly because i feel like noone cares. Maybe for me a long hug is all i need. I put my phone down, that i was just starring a blankly at, and turned to him. I barried my face into his chest and i felt his grip tighten around me. His smell was so nice it was almost comforting... but that will soon change. One day itll happen, just like all those other times, and ill learn to hate that smell with everything in me.

"Sing for me."


And i fell asleep to him singing when you cant sleep at night by of mice and men.


I opened my eyes and it was pitch black. I couldnt see a thing. I grabbed my phone checking for the time ( and getting blinded while doing it).

"4am shit." I threw my phone back on the dresser and went to turn around in the bed went i felt a person next to me.

Franticly i touch my stomach anf legs to make sure i was still clothed. I let out a big sigh of relif when i was.

I looked at the person laying in my bed. Oh yeah kellin.

He was laying flat on his back and i rapped my arms around him and layed my head on his chest.

His hands started going through my hair, strangling feeling comfertable.

||kellins pov||

I opened my eyes in an unfimillar room. I looked around and let my eyes adjust. I looked down and monica was still laying on my chest. God shes so beautiful. Obviously somethint happend at school but she wont let us in to help her. She looks to peaceful. Her slightly chapped lips parted and her pale skin with freckles and he light red brownish hair.

I slowly got out from under her and went into my own room.

As i was getting in my bed something cought my eye. I light baby blue folder on my dresser. I walked over to it, i grabbed it and opened it. I scanned it over. It was the documents for monica. Her birth certificate to everything else.

I looked at her birth certificate and noticed her moms name was summer and her dad didnt even have the decence to sign it. Her full name was just monica and her birthday was september 23. Oh my god thats tomarrow!


|| monicas pov ||

I opened my crusty eyes and i felt around and didnt feel the warm body of kellins. I bet he saw how ugly i was and left. I sat up and i felt my head dizzy and there was a knock on my door and then it flew open. Kellin was standing there with his hands behind his back and then he started saying "monica i know its your b-"

"I feel sick." I said as i ran past him and into the restroom. I threw the tolet seat open and threw up.

"Monica are you okay?!" Kellin said as he rubbed my back.

"Im throwing up in a tolet what do you th-" then i threw up again and again and soon enough there was nothing left for me to throw up and my stomach strained as my body wanted to puke even more. When i was done i sighed falling back on my butt.

Kellin rapped his arms around me and just rubbed my arm, comfortiling.

"Its okay ill call the school you dont have to go today." He said. A huge part of me was happy but another part wanted to go because today i was going to try to be like the rest. To fit in but i just nodded agreeing with him. Even though i only had one day of school maybe i should take a break maybe today i can think if i should maybe wait another year to go to school.

"Why dont you brush your teeth and get out of your pajamas and we can do something." He smiled. Was that his way of..-? No. No he wouldnt. He wont. please dont tell me thats his way of saying it.

I nervously and slowly got up as i nodded my head. Then he left and i brushed my teeth and went to my room. I grabbed a mice of men tank top and some black warmups. I put it on and then all my braclets, making sure my cuts werent noticable. Then i brushed my hair and redid my running make up and slowly went down the stairs.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" The four guys yelled as i reached the last step. A small smile landed on my face. There was a cake and a huge banner saying happy birthday.

"H-how did you know it was my birthday?" I asked.

"Your records from the orphange." Kellin said. Then he grabbed my hand pulling me into a hug. Its weird knowing kellin likes me. Sure its a little weird since hes like what 20? And im just turning 16 but thats like only what four years? And i dont see kellin as a dad and anyway he isnt anyways justin is but I dont really care if he likes me just as long as he doesnt force me to do anything cause thats all that matters.

I took a step back and smiled.

"Oh and um i got these for you." He said as he entered the kitchen and seconds later came back with some flowers.

"I thought maybe you would like these." He blushed as he handed me the beuqet of daisies.

"I love them." I said and i smelt the fresh sent on the flowers and then i put them down on the table next to me.


After a few hours i had opened a couple gifts and ate some cake now were running around outside the house throwing waterballons at eachother.

I held my pink ballon and sneakly walked around the edge of the house. I peeked around the corner and saw gabe coming my way and i quickly turned around to run the other way when i ran into a rock hard body and we fell to the ground. I lifted my head and i saw kellins cheeks bright red and his hair was drenched and had a deflated piece of pink ballon on his lips. I laughed and grabbed it and hung it over his face "i think my ballon popped."

He smiled and i sat up and grabbed his hand helping him sit up. His cheeks were so red and honestly he looked so cute.

Omg omg omg hes leaning in. What do i do? Is he going to kiss me?

I just starred at him blankley as his lips were literally an inch away and his eyes were closing. Then all of a sudden i was drench and kellin laughed falling back down, kicking his legs.

I grabbed pieces of the popped blue ballon out of my wet hair and then i punched his chest lightly and he continued to laugh.

I thought he was going to kiss me but he faked it. I dont know wether to be happy or sad that he didnt.

Im pretty sure my cheeks were bright red as he laughed his ass off.

"Okay okay it was that funny you dip!" I said hitting his chest again then crossing my arms, pouting. He had stopped laughing and was sitting up and then he said "aw your so cute." As he held my chin with his fingers and i felt my cheeks get hot. He started leaning in again but this time they didnt go for my lips he made a turn and his soft pink lips laid on my cheek.

Okay so maybe today wasnt a horrible as i thought it was going to be.

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