Disney House of Villain's Red...

By turtleangel10

27.5K 624 189

When the Disney Villains are sent into a different world and given a chance to prove there is good in them wi... More

The First Villain
Alona's Home
New Rooms
Transformation central
Octopus and Dragon
The Truth Is Finally Revealed
Our Love
It's Not Me It's You
What's Gonna Happen Next
Now Published

Girl's Day Out

1.3K 31 5
By turtleangel10

Hades was pretty much strangling Gaston. He made some greasy meat and the grease did not agree with Alona's stomach at all. Gaston allowed her to have a taste without thinking on how that would affect her.

Cruella was already washing the shirt Alona threw up on hoping it didn't stain. Maleficent and the Horned King both usually always used their powers for evil but they decided to use them as Alona's healers.

The Horned King was better at healing from the inside so he was able to stop Alona's stomach pain and Maleficent used it to heal scraped knees and other small injuries like that.

Every morning before breakfast Alona would exercise with Gaston and then have swimming lessons with Ursula. If she didn't wake up before breakfast they waited til before supper, but right after breakfast no matter what she was to go to Gothel for lessons.

"So." Gothel sat by her. "What do you know?"

"I know how to sing and walk-in very very high shoes." Alona answered.

"I mean how high can you count and do you at least know your ABCs?" She asked but what shocked her was when Alona shook her head. "You can at least count to three right?"


"What about one? "Gothel asked challenging her.

"Pain said I won a game yesterday."

Gothel didn't think it was possible but she met someone more clueless than Rapunzel.

After an hour Gothel went down to the other villains who were curious about how Alona's first day of "School" went.

"Oh, my word she is so helpless." Gothel sighed. "I got to teach her everything from scratch, but I did notice something."

"Well then share with the class." Iago pushed.

"She's very creative." Gothel said. "She seems to be able to put words together very well and she can figure out how things work pretty quickly. She also seems to learn best by song. So that will be useful in the future. Honestly, it feels kind of good to be needed."

Alona noticed Facilier was on the laptop and phone a lot talking about money and business, he didn't neglect her though. Every time he was on the phone and he walked past her he would pat her head or give her a wink. Sometimes even tell the other person on the phone to hold on and he would listen to what she had to say. But just because he's busy doesn't mean he doesn't notice things. He would see Alona now and then looking out the window or through the gate in the backyard. A lot of the villains would say she's not ready and maybe she isn't, maybe it was time for an experiment.

"SHE'S NOT READY!!" Hades exploded when Facilier told him his plan.

"Let the girl have fun outside of her old prison." Facilier told him. "It will just be for a couple of hours."

All the villain women came down and got ready to drink the potion, Alona came out behind them dressed in another cute outfit, looking nervous.

"Kid, you don't have to go if you don't want to." Hades told her.

"It's ok." Alona said. "I want all of you happy here."

"Oh, Hades we won't be gone long." Cruella told him.

"Just a little girl time." Ursula nodded.

"Plus we would never let anything happen to her." Evil Queen added.

"We might have become a little soft but we are still ruthless and evil villains." Maleficent reminded him. "Anyone who tries to harm her will die by our hand."

"It's not that I'm worried about." Hades glared. "Where exactly are you going?"

"We found out there's a fabulous mall only twenty minutes from here." Gothel said.

"Malls are crowded." Hades hissed hating the idea already.

"Don't be such a helicopter parent." Gothel said as they all headed to one of the cars.

"Not as nice as my old car but it will do." Cruella said as she got into the driver's seat since she was the only one out of the woman that has driven a car.

"I've never been in here." Alona said.

"This is the first time leaving this place, you should be excited dear." Maleficent told me.

"You know how to use a phone now right?" Hades asked. "You got me on speed dial?"

Cruella then speeded away leaving a cloud of dust behind making Hades flame up and then calm down. "Oy, parenting is hard."

Alona looked out the window the whole time, the drive was supposed to take 20 minutes but because of Cruella's speeding, they were there in ten.

"Would you like to ride in the cart sweetie?" Ursula asked her.

Alone looked at the cart and didn't like it, it looked like a cold metal cage so she shook her head no.

"Then you are to hold my hand at all time." Evil Queen told her.

Of course the group of unusual women caught a few stares but they ignored them. Alona was just looking at all the new things around her, she's been locked up for so long that everything was so new to her and the villain women wanted to explore as well.

Cruella grabbed a handbag off one of the racks and growled in anger. "Fabulous on the outside but there's not enough space!"

"Calm down Cruella." Ursula glared. "Do you want to get us kicked out?"

"But look at this, I need more space, what use is this?" Cruella scoffed.

"Then make your own or keep looking." Maleficent snapped.

Evil Queen looked at all the clothes that these 'modern' people were wearing. "Glad we decided to wear our new clothes, we would have never been able to fit in otherwise."

"Styles sure have changed." Gothel said as she sees a woman with green hair. "Even Cruella's skunk hair is normal here."

"Shut up." Cruella told her.

Handbags, shoes, outfits, books, and Alona didn't say a word.

"You've been so quiet sweetums." Ursula told her after a while. "Isn't there anything you would like?"

"For the house?" Alona asked.

"No dear, for yourself." Ursula said. "Hasn't anything caught your eye? We could get you a storybook or one of those stuffed animals most little girls like."

"And I was worried about her being spoiled." Maleficent said as she slipped on a ring.

"Just point to something and we'll see if it's suitable for you." Evil Queen told her as they headed for the next store. Of course, the villain woman found the store for kids and they themselves bought more things for Alona than they thought she would need. Alona watched as they all went from being stone cold-faced to fangirls over clothes that were too small for them but at least they were better than the tight, cold, and uncomfortable clothes her old mother used to make her wear. She stayed near the exit and spotted something outside of the store. Everyone was smiling as they walked out.

Alona went over to Cruella who was looking at hats. "Cruella, what is that over there?"

Cruella looked. "That is called ice cream daring, would you like to have some? It's very yummy."

"I don't know."

"You won't get sick if you just have a little." Cruella promised. "Ladies she found something she likes."

The others looked over-curious about what caught their child's eye.

"We're getting ice cream." Cruella said before they all paid for their chosen items.

Maleficent put Alona on her hip so she could see the toppings.

"Snow." Alona pointed to something white she use to see outside her house now and then.

"That's now snow dear." Maleficent grinned. "It's call coconut, I can see how you would mistake it though."

"Can I get that with those colorful things." She asked.

"We'll go with the chocolate ice cream." Cruella told the worker. "Small with coconut and sprinkles."

Alona watched them make the ice cream that was made just for her. She's eaten so many new things lately that it was getting harder for her to keep track.

"Don't eat too fast." Gothel told her as they sat her down in her chair.

Alona tried ice cream for the first time and she loved it but then she felt weird and let out a choking sound. "My mouth feels funny." She then started to cough uncontrollably.

"What's wrong?" Ursula gasped.

"SOMEONE CALL 911!!" Someone nearby shouted. 

Cruella Disguise

Maleficent Disguise:

Evil Queen Disguise

Ursula Disguise:

Gothel Disguise:

Alona's outfit:

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