The Demon Lord reincarnated a...

By Lazy_Author-san

949 39 14

Demon Lord Cryselys was the strongest demon lord to ever rise to power until the hero killed her. Lucky her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8

Chapter 3

70 3 0
By Lazy_Author-san

(A/N Notes: Now I will finally reveal who is the hero!)

"Phew... That was a good bath"

Misaki had just left the bathroom after taking a long and calming bath, and of course, she was wearing clothes. She was only a big T-shirt, that easily covered her all the way to her knees, as far as one could see, she walked downstairs back to the living as she rubbed the towel on her still humid hair

"I finished taking a bath"

"Good, C'mere"

Seeing Himari drying her hair with a towel, Katsuo called her as he gestured for her to sit on his lap

"Huh? Why?"

"To dry your hair, of course"

He said that as he held a hair dryer in one of his hands

"T-there's no need to"

"Yes, there is. I'm not going to allow your beautiful pink hair to be poorly taken care of"

"B-beautiful!? S-stop saying embarrassing things!"

"No, it's amusing to see your embarrassing reactions"

"It's not!"

"Oh yeah, it is"

Kanon joined their conversation on the side of her brother

"!" <This is bad, it's two against one... Ah! I know! If I use Kaoru-chan to side with me, the score we'll be even> "Kao-"

But before Misaki could try her impromptu plan, Kaoru was faster than her


"Huh? Y-yes, Yamashiro-chan?"

"Are you going to sleep with onii-chan today?"

"W-w-w-what're you saying!?"

Misaki's face completely turned bright red when she heard those words coming from the innocent Kaoru, and because of her surprise she ended up tripping on her own foot


And that made her start falling backward, but Katsuo reacted fast and threw one of the sofa pillows softening her fall by a lot

"Pffft! Ahahahaha!"

"Pffft! Kukukukuku pffft..."

And Kaoru began to cheerful laugh while Kanon was doing her began to hold her laugh but she was close to failing at that, leaving only Katsuo as the one keeping a calm look

"So, Tachibana-san. It appears it's three against one, so just let me dry your hair or I'll say more embarrassing stuff to you"

"... Fine..."

Begrudgingly Misaki walked towards Katsuo and sat on his lap, and with that, he began to dry her hair. Misaki felt really embarrassed to have Katsuo drying her hair, but she also enjoyed how carefully and gently he was drying it, after some time he finished drying her hair

"Alright, it's done"


Misaki was blushing a little as she said that

"No worries, also you can already leave my lap"


Noticing that she was still on Katsuo's lap, Misaki got up with a red face, and then sat on the floor right beside Kaoru, so that she could forget about everything that happened so far

Some time later

Kaoru's head was wobbling from one side to the other as she made a sleepy face

"I guess, it's time for you to go to sleep, Kaoru-chan"


Kaoru wobbly nodded to Katsuo's words, then he got up from the sofa, while Kanon took the opportunity to have the sofa all for herself as she sprawled herself on it, then Katsuo picked Kaoru upland gently held her in his arms

"Tachibana-san, do you want to come too, so that I can show you the room you'll be staying"

"Ah! S-sure"

Misaki got up and picked up her bag, then she followed after Katsuo as he went upstairs, and then he brought Kaoru to her room

"... Her room is quite empty"

"Yes, she's not as selfish or material as most kids of her age"

"Yeah, I can imagine"

Misaki remembered the words the Kaoru told her when they were at the kindergarten, which she made a troubled face in response


Then she noticed some papers on top of Kaoru's desk, when she gave those papers a better look, she immediately regretted looking at those papers

"..." <What's up with those drawings? (Don't think about it) What did she experience in her past life to draw those? (Seriously, don't think about it!) God, I can't remove them from my mind (I said for you to not think about it!!!)>

Misaki was arguing with herself inside her mind over the disturbing drawings made by Kaoru



"... Don't think too deeply about Kaoru-chan's drawing for the sake of your mental health"

"... Okay..." <... ... ... How did you know what I was thinking!?>

"It's literally written all over your face"

"..." <But you haven't even turned to look at my face!!!>

Misaki could feel her mental health being drained even without thinking about Kaoru's drawings. Then Katsuo after making sure that Kaoru was soundly asleep and comfortable on her bed, got up and turned towards Misaki

"Okay, now follow me"


They silently left Kaoru's room, and then KAtsuo Brough Misaki to a room right to the left of Kanon's room, that was located right in front of Kaoru's room

"This is my parents' room, but they won't be coming here anytime soon, so you can use it in the meantime"

"I see... Yamashiro-kun, thank you for all the help today"

"No biggie, by the way, this is my room..."

Katsuo knocked on the door in front of his parents' room

"So if you feel like sleeping with me, I don't mind if you come here during the night"

"I won't!!!"

"Heh! Your embarrassed reactions are really funny indeed"

"! Grrrr! Good night!"

"Before you enter, can I say something to you?"

"... Sure"

Misaki looked toward Katsuo with a suspicious and embarrassed face

"Pink really suits you"

"... Huh? What do you mean? My hair?"

"I'll leave that for you to decide, and do you need a goodnight kiss as well?"

"I do not!"


Misaki's face once again turned bright red when she heard Katsuo saying that to her, so in a fit of embarrassment, shame, and a little bit of anger, she entered the room lent to her and closed the door, though she didn't slam it shut because of Kaoru, while Katsuo only made an amused smug smile

"Well, I think I have some time to work on the manuscript"

Katsuo looked at the hours on his phone, and then entered his room

Inside the parents' room

"What is he thinking by saying those words!? Even if I like the idea of going out with him, it's still too early to sleep with him or kiss him!"

Misaki was still feeling angry and embarrassed from Katsuo's and Kaoru's words about her sleeping with him, as she prepared the blankets on the bed, and after preparing the bed, she got on it pulled the blankets over her

"Don't they have any shame of telling me to go sleep with a boy I just met!?... ... ... Waaaait... ... ... !!!"

After she had calmed a little and thought a little bit more about the words used, Misaki finally noticed that she misunderstood what they actually meant. The sudden realization of the mistake she had made, brought back her embarrassment and sent away all of her tiredness

"... Uuuuuuhhh... ... ... Huh? Pink?"

And all she could do was tear up from embarrassment as she felt like dying, but then she remembered the comment Katsuo made about pink suiting her, and that made her think, and think, and then she finally remembered what was the color of her panties

"... !?!?!?"

And she teared up even more as she covered her face with both hands while she contorted from the amount of embarrassment she was feeling. And before she noticed it, she eventually fell asleep because of how comfortable the bed was

A few hours later

It was midnight, both Kaoru and Misaki were already fast asleep, but the lights in Katsuo's room were still on as someone stood in front of his room

*Knock knock*

"You can come in, Kanon"

When he said that without taking his eyes off his manuscript, the door opened showing that it was indeed, Kanon. She then closed the door and then sat down on his bed

"Onii-san, there's something I want to talk about with you"

"It's about Tachibana-san, isn't it?"

"... Yes. Anyways, I'm sure that she's the reincarnation of a demon lord!"


Kanon said that with a lot of emotion, and Katsuo just accepted it without any reaction whatsoever



They both stayed silent, Kanon keeping her pose, while Katsuo kept moving his hand to draw the characters in another panel

"Onii-san, didn't you hear what I said?"

"I did, and was aware of that ever since we met Tachibana-san earlier today"

"... What?"

"I already knew she was the reincarnation of a demon lord ever since we met her at the kindergarten when we were dropping off Kaoru-chan there"

"Huh?... Huuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh!? Why didn't you tell me then!?"

"Because I need you to pay more attention to school and on Kaoru-chan rather than to demon lords"

"But what if they try to do something! I don't have time for school when I have my duty as the holy hero!"


Katsuo had finally stopped drawing when he heard that, then he took a single sheet of paper from his desk drawer and then slowly turned his chair, as he had a smiling angry face while he had Kanon's entrance admission test on his hands

"You don't have time for school? When the only reason you got accepted by that school was because of your recommendation for sports"

"T-t-t-t-t-that... I-I-I-I-I can explain..."

"Oh? You can explain how you managed to get only 12 points on your admission test?"

"... ... ... I can't..."

Kanon despite her looks giving the vibe that she was studious and smart was actually really dumb, with her only good quality being that she was strong and extremely athletic, truly a muscle-brain girl

"Then you better put more effort in your studies and on your imouto from now on, rather than on a weak and funny demon lord, got it?"


Kanon desperately nodded as she was heavily sweating with a desperate face because she knew very well what it meant to go against Katsuo, especially when he was as angry as he was right now. Then after agreeing to her older brother's words, his terrifying aura vanished as he went back to his usual calm and gently smiling face

"Great! And make sure to pamper Kaoru-chan a lot when I'm not here, you know what she has passed through in her past life"

"Yes, I know..."

With her matters resolved, Kanon bowed down to her brother and left his room, when she closed the door, she stood there as she looked down, and then she began tearing waterfalls

"..." <I thought I was going to die!!!>

She was crying tears of joy from surviving the event from earlier, and so she went to her bedroom as she cried with a happy face like someone who had another day to live

Some minutes later

"Nnnnnggrrrr *Stretching himself* And it's done... Whew..."

Katsuo had finished his manuscript ahead of schedule, and so he fully inclined his office chair and he began diving into his own thoughts

<Out of everyone... I didn't think it would be you, who would be getting reincarnated here...> "Fufufufu... I look forward to spending my time with you, Cry-se-lys-chan~"

Katsuo had a wicked smile on his face, something that he ended up getting from drawing too many characters with that smile, and he was only making that smile because he was alone as he looked forward to having fun with Misaki from now on

(A/N Notes: The three siblings are heroes, now that's a plot twist)

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