
By jamietastic

672K 29.6K 11.1K

❝Charlie said I was lucky to be in Homeroom 220 because the teacher was easy-going, but I had other reasons t... More

Author's Note: Please Read
1: The Last First Day
2: Charlie
3: Not You Again
4: I Wear Knee-Pads Not Cleats
5: Comebacks
6: Pencils Aren't Drumsticks
7: Tongue-Tied
8: Take A Chill Pill
9: New Car Smell
10: Hot Sauce
11: Bad Pick-Up Lines
12: Battle Lines
13: Jingle Bells
14: Party
15: The Thumb and Pointer Finger
16: Raspberry Milkshake
17: October
18: Drummer Boy
19: Caught in the Headlights
20: Fiiiine
21: Risks and Rewards
22: Spilled Secrets
23: Life of the Party
24: Oh No
25: Game on
26: Boo
27: Surprise
28: Hot Chocolate
29: Pulpo
30: Band Practice
31: This Means War
32: Music to my Ears
33: Sunday Funday
34: Prank #1
35: Blow Horn
36: Wednesday
38: Shay's Fam
39: Doritos
40: Christmas Eve
41: Mini Concert & More
42: New Year, New Attitude
43: Midnight
44: Homeroom
45: Bowling
46: Promo Crusade
47: Janitor's Closet
48: Diner Duos
49: Drama Mama
50: Moonlight
51: With Peace Comes Pranks
52: Happy Days
53: Dance Party
54: Promote Squad
55: Cheerleader
56: Battle of the Bands (Part 1)
57: Battle of the Bands (Part 2)
58: Finale
59: Pizza
60: Getting back to normal
61: Dress Shopping
62: Hey, Hey, Hey
63: Prom
64: The End of High School
65: Performance Time
66: Summertime Fun
67: I'll See Your Face Again
Bonus Chapter #1
Bonus Chapter #2
Bonus Chapter #3
Bonus Chapter #4
Author's Note
The Future of jamietastic on Wattpad
An Update You Have All Been Waiting For

37: Prank Call

7.5K 336 25
By jamietastic

[A/N] Song for this chapter is I Want You To Know by Zedd feat. Selena Gomez.

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A week later, when Aaron can breathe normally again, we go through with our plan.

"How are we going to figure out which set of clothes is his?" I ask, looking around the smelly locker room in disgust. Everyone seemed to have thrown their clothes in a heap on the ground or on the benches. "What if he locked his clothes in a locker?"

"I don't know," Aaron honestly answers. My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach when I realize just how bad his face still looks. It's purple and brown all over. "Just keep looking," he says.

Using the tips of my fingers, I pick through random piles of clothes, looking for Zander's blue Penn State t-shirt and white Sperry's. So far, I've seen everything in the rainbow but that exact combination. I bang on the row of lockers out of frustration and something falls on my head. I scream, swatting it away.

"Callie? What are you screaming about? Did something happen?" Aaron asks, worried as he runs around the rows of lockers to meet me. His eye brows are furrowed, and he looks a bit shaken up.

"Found the shirt," I smile, picking up the Penn State shirt and tossing to him, "It must have fallen from the top of the lockers."

I quickly stand on the bench and look over the top of the red, metal lockers, spotting his white sneakers and jeans thrown in a haphazard pile. "There's more up here, but I can't reach it."

Aaron aids me by climbing on the bench and reaching to grab the clothes for me. "Okay," he proclaims as he stands on the cement floor again. "We have to figure out where to put these."

"Just throw them in the trash can out in the hall. I'm sure he won't find them there," I suggest, digging through the pockets to find his brand new iPhone and a set of car keys.

We head out in the hall to do that, throwing his stuff in the gray trash can without a single regret. "You know, I thought this was going to feel more rewarding, but I don't feel anything at all," I say.

Aaron shrugs. "I agree."

"I don't," a voice belonging to Zander says. "Give me my clothes back."

I discreetly pull his clothes out of the trash can. "You mean these? You can have them." I chuck them at him, and he easily catches it. 

Aaron looks at me like I grew two heads. He knows I'm not one to give in so easily, and I'm sure he's wondering what tricks I have up my sleeve.

"But you can't have these," I add with a smirk, jingling Zander's car keys.

"Give me those back!" he demands, holding out his hand.

"No, sorry," I laugh, grabbing Aaron's hand and running towards the parking lot.

"Don't you dare go near my car!" Zander yells after us. "You idiots already damaged it enough!"

"You can't stop me!" I yell over my shoulder, giggling as I pull Aaron along. I push open the back door of the school and sprint into the parking lot, spotting Zander's car and unlocking it with the press of a button. "I call the driver's seat!"

"Get back here!" Zander yells.

I ignore him, hoping into his sports car and starting it up. I lock the doors right as Aaron hops in. "Please don't take this thing for a spin. He can call the cops on us and have us arrested for stealing," he begs breathlessly, coughing on air.

"Relax, babe," I say, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "I'm not going anywhere."

"So then what's the plan?"

I page through his phone, grateful that it doesn't have a passcode. "I'm going to give Zander exactly what he wants."

"What? Why? Are you crazy?!" Aaron responds.

"Just enjoy the show," I smile evilly, tapping on her phone number in his contacts. "Now shush, it's ringing."

I ignore the pounding outside the window and wait for Karissa to pick up. "Hey, Zander," she purrs into the receiver. "What's up, babe?"

"Is this Karissa? Please stop calling my boyfriend," I say. "Seriously, you need to back off."

"What are you talking about? Zander's my boyfriend, not yours," she replies, confused.

"Wait, what are you talking about? Oh he's back, gotta go." I end the call, laughing hysterically.

"I can't tell if you're a genius or crazy," Aaron lets out, giggling like a child.

"I think I deserve something for my hard work, don't you agree?"

His hazel eyes glance at my lips longingly. "Yes, but maybe when we have a bit of privacy. Right now, it looks like we have company."

"Okay, I'll deal with him. You stay here in case it gets ugly," Aaron says, adjusting the gray beanie on his head and stepping out of the car. 

There's no way I'm letting him get punched by Zander again, so I ignore his request and also step out of the car.

"What did you two do in there?" Zander asks, snatching his phone out of my hand.

"What? Couldn't you see in?" I ask.

"The windows are tinted," he replies angrily. "Now tell me what you two were up to."

"I don't see what the big issue is. I gave you what you wanted," I reply innocently.

"What are you talking about?" he asks. He eyes me cautiously when I toss his keys to him.

"I heard your requests loud and clear. Let's just say that I skipped the intimacy parts between you and me and fast-forwarded to the dating part."

"What are you talking about?" he asks, utterly confused.

"You'll see," I cryptically reply. "Until then, have fun before your world goes up in flames!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


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