The Oldest First Year

By Dan_Mama_1987

43 2 0

Remus Lupin x Reader (Y/n), an American woman, spent thirty-three years in the muggle world before a strange... More

~1~ Little Winging, Surrey

~2~ Diagon Alley

14 1 0
By Dan_Mama_1987

A few days after the encounter with the older man named Albus Dumbledore, the rest of (Y/n)'s belongings - including the car - showed up in a big box truck. She instructed the movers on what furniture went where. After the movers and the truck left, (Y/n) stood in front of her car that was set for American driving.

"That might be an issue..." she muttered and shrugged before she went inside. She opened the old refrigerator to get a small snack. As she stood up straight, banana in hand, she caught sight of the unopened envelope that Albus had given her. She walked over to the folded paper and picked it up, she placed the banana where the envelope previously sat. She broke the wax seal and opened the fold to remove the paper placed inside. She then read over the letter:

"An owl? Where the Hell was I supposed to get an owl?" (Y/n) asked herself. She reviewed the first page again and groaned. "September first? That's the day after the full moon..." Now, (Y/n) wasn't a creature of the night, but ever since she was a little girl, she would always be cranky and sore during the full moon. When puberty hit her, she thought it was a result of her monthly cycle, but after some research, she found that wasn't the case and just left it alone and dealt with it. She sighed and folded up the paper. "I guess if I really am a witch, better late than never."

(Y/n) folded the letter back up and placed it in her bag. She slung the bag over her shoulder and muttered into the air: "Lemon Sherbet" she jumped at a sharp crack that came from her living room. She cautiously looked through the living room door, afraid that she would see her ceiling caved in, but instead she saw none other than Albus Dumbledore standing in the middle of the room with a small but proud smile on his face.

"I'm glad you took up my offer." He said when she stepped into the room. (Y/n) returned his smile with a nod.

"Yes, I thought about it and I came to the conclusion that if I am a witch, maybe I can help others like I wanted to do when I was a kid." (Y/n) muttered bashfully and adjusted the strap of her bag on her shoulder.

"Very well." Dumbledore chuckled and held out his hand. "We shall get your school supplies in Diagon Alley. And no need to worry about money, I shall cover your first year."

"Oh, well you don't have to." (Y/n) blinked. "This is a lot of stuff."

"Don't worry about it Miss (L/n). I doubt you have converted the American currency let alone to wizard currency. Therefore, I shall pay for you this year. That will give you time to build funds for the future."

"Oh, well thank you sir." (Y/n) smiled softly and took his hand. (Y/n) shuddered when the world around her twisted and turned. Different colors flew by her before her feet touched solid ground again. Her stomach lurched and she bent over, hands on her knees while she tried not to throw up. "W-what... was that?" She asked uneasily, she stared at the dirt under her feet to gain her sense of gravity and balance.

Albus chuckled softly. "That was called apparating. And you did very well, most people tend to vomit their first time."

(Y/n) groaned as she stood up. "I can't imagine why." She looked around at the area they had landed. To both sides of them were shops up and down, bustling with kids and their parents. "Where are we?"

"We are in Diagon Alley. This is where we can get your school supplies. Including your wand and your pet." Dumbledore explained.

"Wait, pet?" (Y/n) asked before her mind went back to the letter: an owl, cat or toad. "Uh, I don't think a pet is a very good idea sir."

"And why is that?" The older man asked.

"Because I can't keep a fish alive for longer than a week, what makes you think that I can keep and owl, cat, or toad alive?" Dumbledore chuckled and placed his hands inside his robe.

"There is no need to worry. The animals that wizards and witches use as familiars are self sufficient. They are able to take care of themselves." When he finished his explanation a young boy, around fourteen with dark brown hair and circular glasses walks up to Dumbledore.

"Hello professor." The boy said with a smile.

"Ah Harry, hello. How has your Summer been?" Dumbledore asked.

"Rubbish as usual. The Dursleys have been complaining about some American that just moved in down the road." The boy, Harry, had informed.

"American?" (Y/n) asked. "Do you know where at? Because I just moved to the area." Harry looked at her. 

"It's you, you're the one that moved into the house!" Harry smiled, glad that there was a new witch in the area.

"Yeah, that's me." (Y/n) smiled back. "My name is (Y/n). Your name is Harry, right?"

Harry nodded. "Harry Potter. It's nice to meet you. So you are here with Professor Dumbledore. Does that mean you're a new teacher?"

"Um, not exactly." (Y/n) rubbed her arm. 

"Miss (L/n) is going to be a first year. There was a mistake that was made when she was eleven and never received her letter. She will be attending as a first year. We are out for her school supplies." Dumbledore explained with a soft smile.

"That's brilliant! I'd love to get to know you Miss (L/n)." Harry smiled.

"Just (Y/n) is fine Harry. After all, I'm technically your younger since I'll be a first year." (Y/n Smiled in return. "But I'd love to get to know you as well. If you'd like you can come by mine and we can have some tea or coffee or whatever you like. I can get pop too if you like pop."

"Pop sounds brilliant (Y/n), thanks. Anyway, it was lovely meeting you, but I have to get back to shopping."

"I'll see you at school Mister Potter. Goodbye." Dumbledore waved as did (Y/n). She then turned to Dumbledore.

"Alright, what first?" (Y/n) asked.

"First we get your wand." Dumbledore said with a smile. (Y/n) nodded and followed him to a shop with a sign above the door.

"Ollivander's Wands. Since 382 B.C.?! That is so old!" (Y/n) said in amazement.

Dumbledore chuckled. "Yes, quite old." He opened the door and allowed (Y/n) in first. "Ollivander is the best wand maker there is." (Y/n) stepped inside and looked around. Boxes of wands sat on shelves, covered in dust and cobwebs. It was fairly quiet in the old shop. Most of the other first years probably got their wands before then. Dumbledore cleared his throat. "Garrick, are you back there?" He called back. There was a soft clatter before quick footsteps sounded toward the front of the shop.

"Ah Albus, how are you old friend." The old man, Garrick, said when he reached his desk. He wore a dusty old maroon overcoat, black slacks and his hair was poofy to say the least. He looked at (Y/n) with stormy blue eyes. "Well I'll be, (Y/n) (L/n), in the flesh. I was expecting you long ago."

"I'm sorry, you were expecting me?" (Y/n) blinked in confusion. "How would you have expected me?"

"Why my dear woman, us Ollivanders know who comes in and when they are sure to because we know what wands match what wizards. However, we don't make wands for specific wizards or witches because the wand chooses the with or wizard that commands them." Garrick explained and (Y/n) nodded in understanding.

"Okay, well then I want my wand to choose me." (Y/n) smiled. Garrick nodded and went back and took a few seconds before he went and grabbed a step ladder and climbed up four steps and grabbed a single box from a high shelf. He stepped down and blew the dust off the top.

"Cedar wood, eleven and a quarter inches, with a dragon heartstring core, quite stiff flexibility." Garrick said and pulled the wand out of the box and handed it to (Y/n).

"Dragon heartstring?!" She shouted in alarm. "That poor dragon..." She took the wand and held it carefully. "Do you know if the dragon died peacefully?" She looked up at Garrick with a frown. Garrick laughed softly.

"Yes. This dragon in particular died through old age. It had a lot of love in it's heart." Garrick assured her. (Y/n) nodded.

"So what do I do with it?" She asked.

"Give it a wave." He smiled. (Y/n) nodded and waved the wand at a vase of flowers that she thought looked a little thirsty. But instead of giving the flowers some water, the vase shattered causing the two of them to jump. "No! No, definitely not." (Y/n) set the wand in her hand back on the desk while Ollivander went back to get another box. "How about this, Elm wood, eight and five-eighths inches, quite bendy flexibility with a unicorn hair core." He hands the wand to the young woman and she holds it in her hand.

"The grip feels weird." She said cautiously before she waved it. Doing so cast a spell that jarred the wand out of her hand which caused it to clatter to the ground behind her. "Um... oops?" She said and went to collect the wand. Dumbledore chuckled from his spot by the door. It seemed he found this incredibly amusing.

"It's quite alright my girl. Just set it down. I think I have the perfect wand for you." Garrick smiled and went into the far, far back of the shop. It took him about ten minutes before he came back. "This one is Wiggentree wood, ten and a half inches, bendy flexibility with a dragon heartstring core." (Y/n) nodded and took the wand and she felt her body shiver and fill with warmth. A smile grew onto her face as she stared at the wand. "I think you've found it my dear." Garrick smiled. "Lets get that wrapped up for you." The woman nodded and handed the wand back to the wand maker. She blinked when the wand left her hand.

"It feels weird now that I'm not holding it." She said looking between the two men as Dumbledore pulled out a few what looked like gold coins. Garrick chuckled.

"Thank makes sense. Our wands are an extension of ourselves. One can not work without the other. However there have been a few witches and wizards that have mastered wand-less magic."

(Y/n) smiled. "That sounds really cool, and honestly rather helpful."

"Yes, it can be in certain circumstances." Garrick smiled and handed her the wrapped box with her wand inside. After the two said their goodbyes to Garrick, they stepped out of the shop to continue their shopping. As they finished, (Y/n) found herself with all her supplies and she stared into the window of the shop of pets.

"Um, Dumbledore?" (Y/n) asked. The older man turned and looked at her to let her know she had his attention. "The letter said an owl, cat, or toad. I'm not fond of owls, I would much rather have a cat, however, it mentioned sending letters by owl. Would I need an owl at some point?" Dumbledore hummed in thought.

"I see no reason to not get both. I personally enjoy it went students are a bit rebellious. Gives the school a lighter air, makes things fun." Dumbledore smiled, to which (Y/n) returned the smile and they walked in. As they stepped inside, (Y/n) was overwhelmed with the smell of a pet store and her face erupted in a smile. She had always loved pet stores when she was a child. She had never had a pet but her mother would take her to the pet store to look at the fuzzy animals. She first looked at the owls and picked out a small barn owl, she looked at her with her sparkly black eyes, her face was shaped like a heart, the feathers inside the lining was white and the top of her head was a dark grey that faded down to a brown in a beautiful ombre effect. The owl itself was no taller than seven inches.

"This owl is perfect sir." (Y/n) smiled looking at Dumbledore and the shop keeper. The shop keeper nodded and took the owl and its cage to the front counter. (Y/n) continued looking before she found the cats. They were all very cute but none of them particularly caught her interest. That is until she saw a small kitten where the tail looked like a series of fabrics that moved in the wind, but no wind was present. The small feline had a sort of mane like a lion and golden eyes. "Oh my goodness! How adorable!" She squealed and crouched in front of the cage. The kitten padded up to her and reached its paw through the bars of the cage and onto her nose. "I've never seen a cat like this! What breed is it?" Dumbledore walked up and smiled, her energy around these animals reminded him of a certain Magizoologist.

"This little one is called a Zouwu, common to China, not so much here. Tell me," he turned to the shop keeper, "however did you get your hands on it?"

"Came in with a shipment. I can give you a discount, no one is interested in her." The shop keeper informed his two customers.

"I'll take her." (Y/n) smiled before she paused and looked up at Dumbledore. "If that's okay with you sir."

"It is quite alright. We will take the Zouwu." Dumbledore smiled. (Y/n) smiled. 

"Can I take her out of her cage?" She asked to which the shop keeper nodded as Dumbledore paid for the two animals. (Y/n) smiled when she opened the door of the cage and the Zouwu launched itself out of the cage and into her arms. It started to purr as it nuzzled against her chin. (Y/n) giggled and hugged the small creature. "Hello baby." She stood up and followed Dumbledore who carried the owl.

"So these two need names. Have you chosen?" Dumbledore asked once they are out of the shop. (Y/n) smiled down at the sleeping baby Zouwu in her arms.

"Nyra and Zara." (Y/n) smiled and looked at Dumbledore.

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