Seven - Power Rangers S.P.D...

By AlexNeko_990

5.7K 134 36

Seven (Ongoing)⏳️ --- In the not-too-distant future, Earth has become a haven for all alien races who come fr... More

Meet Hunter Cruger
Chapter One: Beginnings I
Chapter Two: Beginnings II
Chapter Fours: Walls
Chapter Five: Dogged

Chapter Three: Confronted

785 18 7
By AlexNeko_990

3rd POV

Today Hunter is out with his squad, the Canine-Squad.

They were at the parking lot, as two thieves were breaking into a van, well more like trying.

"Alpha, when do we move out?" Rogue Alsatian, a Human/Dog Hybrid (German Shepard) asked, through the communicator. He was hiding a pillar.

"We move when they least suspects it." Hunter replied. He was hiding behind a pillar as well. "Fury, what's their story?"

"Well, one of them is a man named Rob, while the other is named Bob. They're twins." Fury Reynard, a Human/Fox Hybrid said. He was hiding in the upper floor. "Their wives left them, with their kids, and now they're thieves."

"Seems like something happened in their lives." Hunter said. "Seth, how's it looking?"

"They don't suspect a thing." Seth Brown, a Human/Coyote Hybrid said. He was hiding behind a car. "Unless, of course if something-" He was soon cut off, as two more thieves appeared, and the B-Squad were chasing after them.

The two thieves were startled, and begin running.

"Damn it!" Hunter quietly cursed. "Move out! Don't let them escape!" He shouted, through his communicator.

"Yes sir!" The Canine-Squad said, and they move out and chased after the thieves.

Rogue went after the thief, that Bridge was after.

"S.P.D.!" Rogue shouted.

"Stop!" Bridge shouted.

Bridge and Rogue were blocking the thief's attack, as Rogue did a low sweep and the thief fell, Bridge grabs his hand-cuffs and captures the thief.

Z and Syd were able to capture the other thief, and went back.

Fury and Seth, went to capture one of their targets.

Hunter got in front of either Bob or Rob, he didn't know. He growls, and uses his combat skills, to fight him, he uses his Telekinesis to grab some object, and hits the back of the thief's knees a little making sure it didn't do a lot of damage, and the thief fell to the ground, as Hunter uses his Enhanced Strength and captures the thief.

Soon everyone with the captured thieves went back to where Jack and Sky were.

"I could've been on in the arrest, if Squad Leader would've done the job." Jack said.

"For once. I agree with you." Sky said, as he looks at Jack.

"Thank you." Jack said. "Now who is Squad Leader?" He asked.

Hunter and the others were looking at Jack with, either disbelief, annoyed or questioning looks.

"That'd be you." Sky said.

"Let's just bring them back to HQ." Hunter said.

"Yes sir!" Everyone said, and they brought the thieves back to HQ.


Hunter POV

Father and I were at the Command Room, as the Code Five Alarm set off, and the A-Squad left. Just then, the rest of the B-Squad arrived.

"What's happening, Commander?" Sky asked.

"A full scale attack has been launched against our Federation & Helix Network." Father said.

"By Emperor Grumm, the leader of the Troobian Empire." I said, as a hologram of Emperor Grumm appeared.

"Ew! A serious contender for one of those makeover shows." Syd said.

"He's merciless, and will stop at nothing to conquer what he sets out to." Father said. "The Helix Nebula, that is just the beginning. He's after this galaxy."

"You sound like you know him." Z said.

"We've crossed paths with him before." I said. Shocking the others, while getting a look of concern from Sky, which go unnoticed.

"I've sent the A-Squad to the front line of the Helix Nebula." Father said.

"The A-Squad's gone?" Sky said.

"But who's gonna protect Earth?" Z asked.

"You, with Cadet Landors as your leader." Father said. "Where is he?"

Jack just then enters the room, with his pajamas.

"What's with all the alarms?" Jack asked.

"Oh nothing much. Just an alien invasion of galactic warships." Syd said.

"Oh." Jack said, with a yawn.

"Now that A-Squad is on a mission, you're gonna have to take the responsibility of leading the B-Squad very seriously." Father said.

"Wait, why can't Hunter leads the B-Squad?" Jack questioned.

"Well-" I was about to answer, until the door opens, and Rogue came in.

"Alpha, there you are." Rogue said.

"Rogue, how was the interrogation?" I asked.

Rogue was basically the Beta of the pack. He's basically my right-hand man.

I never wanted to call this a pack, the three of them just decided on their own. And they call me their Alpha, even though in Wolf Culture, I'm just a Beta.

"Well, they've confessed everything." Rogue replied. "That's includes all of their past crimes."

"Wow, what's the record?" I asked.

"30 seconds." Rogue said. "Each."

"And that's just shows no one can ever get passed Fury." I said.

Fury is our head interrogator and information gatherer, he can get anyone to tell him the truth in minutes. And he is able to obtain any information.

Seth is our master of stealth and disguise, he's able to hide anywhere and know how to hide in plain sight.

"Yup. Also, I'm here to request for some training with the others." Rogue said.

"What's the occasion?" I asked.

"Nothing much, just wanted to be prepared for the next one." Rogue said.

"Alright, then. Dismiss." I said.

"Yes, sir." Rogue said. "Bye, Bridge." He said, and waves at Bridge and went out of the door.

"Bye." Bridge said, as he waves his hand, and had a smile on his face.

Z and Syd look at each other, and grinned mischievously. I know what they were thinking, and I'm not gonna get involved in it... yet.

"And that's why I can't lead the B-Squad." I said to Jack.

"Do you understand?" Father said to Jack.

"Yeah. Okay, I get it." Jack said.

"Carry on!" Father said, and everyone left the room.


Me and the Canine-Squad were outside at the S.P.D. Training Area training.

I was working on their hand to hand combat, even though they're good, there's always room for improvements.

The four of us heard, the B-Squad complaining about Jack, as we saw Sky and the others covered in mud.

"Oh, what's up with them?" Rogue asked.

"Apparently, Jack their 'leader', didn't keep any of his 'promises', to train the other cadets." Fury said. "A lot of the cadets were complaining. Mostly from Weapons Class and Surveillance."

"That's gonna be bad." Seth said. "Soon, I'm sure Commander Cruger is gonna strip his Ranger status from him."

"It's bound to happen." Fury said.

The B-Squad walks by us.

"Hey, guys." I greeted. "You guys look awful."

"Yeah, well Jack happened." Z said.

"Now, let's just get cleaned up." Syd said.

"You alright?" Roger asked Bridge.

"Yup, just muddy." Bridge replied. "But it's nothing." He said to Rogue with a smile.

"Jack, is not a good leader." Sky said.

"Well, I can't say much." I said. "But how about we train together next time?" I suggested. "B-Squad and the Canine-Squad."

"Yeah, that'd be nice." Sky said, with a smile.


Me and the Canine-Squad went into the Command Room, after we get cleaned up, only to see Jack handing his S.P.D. Morpher to Father.

"Knew this was gonna happen." Seth whispered to us. While Rogue and Fury silently agrees.

Suddenly the alarm went off, as a giant drill was attacking the city.

"Go, Rangers!" Father said.

Me and the other B-Squad went into our positions.

"S.P.D. Emergency!" We shouted, as we got out our Morphers and Morphed. "Space Patrol Delta!"

The gates to our Zords appeared, and we went into it. My Zord has the appearance of a jet.

"Morphers Ignition Mode!" I said, as I placed my Morpher in place.

"Nice!" Z said.

"Let's roll out!" Syd said.

"Hit it!" Sky shouted. And all of us drove our Zords out of HQ.

"He's headed for the Northern District, you've got to stop it!" Father said.

"Yes, sir!" We replied.

Syd in her Zord, went towards the drill, and demands it to halt, which it didn't. "Okay, we'll do this the hard way!" She said.

"I'll get him!" Bridge said, as he shot a cable at it, but it didn't stop it.

"You are going down!" Z said, as she charged towards it. But she got kicked off.

"I'm going in!" Sky said.

"Me too!" I said.

The both of us fired at the drill, but it didn't do anything.

"It's not working! We don't have a plan!" Bridge said.

"But I do!" Jack said, as he appears. And two claws came out of his Zord.

"What is he doing?" Syd questioned.

"Leading!" Jack said, and he grabs both Z and Syd.

"Go Jack!" Z said.

"Let's get in there, Sky, Hunter!" Bridge said.

"I'm all over it!" Sky said.

"Right on!" I said.

"Rangers, you must work as a team! Combine the Delta Runners to form the Delta Squad Megazord!" Father said.

"Ready team?" Jack asked.

"Yes, sir!" We replied, and we begin forming the Megazord.

"Are we sure this will work?" Syd asked.

"Knowing Jack, it'll work!" Z said.

Z and Syd's Delta Runners became the arms.

"Let's show them how it's done!" Sky said.

"Ready Jack?" Bridge asked.

Sky and Bridge's Delta Runners became the legs.

"Oh yeah! Here goes!" Jack said, and they formed the Megazord.

"Don't forget about me!" I said, as my Delta Runner became the back.

"Delta Squad Megazord!" We shouted.

"Well done, Rangers!" Father said, while I heard the Canine-Squad whooping and cheering in the background.

"Come on!" Jack said.

The drill begin firing at us.

"Hang on!" Sky shouted, as we dodged the attack, while firing at it.

It continues, as we were able to do damage to the drill. We hid behind a building, and got behind the drill, but we got attack and lost our blaster on it.

"Okay! Let's try the sword!" Bridge said, and we summoned the Sword.

"Go for it!" Z said.

"Let's fly!" I said.

We flew over the drill, while we grab our blaster and landed behind the drill.

"Let's get him!" Jack said.

"Right!" We said, and we prepare our finisher.

"Together!" I shouted.

"Five!" Syd shouted.

"Four!" Z shouted.

"Three!" Bridge shouted.

"Two!" Sky shouted.

"One!" Jack shouted.

"Fire!" We shouted, as we fired at the drill, and destroyed it. "Shut down!"

We got out of our Megazord as we got in front of Praxis.

"Think again!" Jack said.

"Who's gonna stop me?" Praxis questioned.

"One! S.P.D. Red Ranger!"

"Two! S.P.D. Blue Ranger!"

"Three! S.P.D. Green Ranger!"

"Four! S.P.D. Yellow Ranger!"

"Five! S.P.D. Pink Ranger!"

"Seven! S.P.D. Black Ranger!"

"Rangers, Ready!" Jack shouted.

"Space Patrol Delta!" We shouted.

"Defenders of Earth!" Jack shouted.

"You don't scare me!" Praxis said.

"Let me do this guys! I owe you!" Jack said, and he went towards Praxis.

"Let's give him a hand!" Syd said.

"Yeah!" Bridge said.

"Let's go!" I said.

"I think he's learned his lesson!" Z said.

"I hope so!" Sky said.

All of us attack Praxis one by one.

"All right! Listen up! If Grumm wants this planet, he's gonna have to go through us!" Jack said. "S.P.D. Morpher Judgement Mode!" He shouted, as he got out his Morpher and judged Praxis. "Guilty!" He said, as his Morpher shows a Red X.

"Ready!" All of us shouted.

"Fire!" Jack shouted, as he fired at Praxis. "We are taking you in! Containment Mode!" He shouted, and he was captured.


The B-Squad were now in the Command Room, as they told Father, that Jack is a great leader.

I already told Father my opinion, so I didn't need to be there. Plus, I have other places to be.

A/N: The Canine-Squad's Backstory will be revealed, in the future.

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