Stuck With The Bad Boy

By Itz_Richie

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❤PROLOGUE ❤ Riley Kendall is a beautiful 18 years old girl (12th grader), her father died when she was 16 ye... More

Chapter 1✨He's so annoying 😫
Chapter 2 ✨Babysitting the bad boy 😏😎
Chapter 3💞In love my junior
Chapter 4 ✵our crazy first dates
Chapter 5 👯Ex-girlfriend Problem 👯
Chapter 6 ✨Beauty Pageant ✨
Chapter 7 💥my crazy bad boy 💥
Chapter 8 😤IED Issues 😡
Chapter 9 ♥Framed♥
Chapter 10 ♦The Back Stabber♦

Chapter 11 ❤What a Happy Ending ❤

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By Itz_Richie

My baby bump is totally out and obvious. Still I still completes my school academics. But it wasn't easy. In fact, after my graduation I'll start my college three months after I give birth, so that I'll fully recover.

Being pregnant is really stressful.

  Olivia was taken back to New York City by her patrol officer to complete her 30 years imprisonment.

I would have say that I feel sorry for her but she really deserves it and doesn't deserve any forgiveness.

My mom found out that doctor Luke is my dad, she wasn't even annoyed at all, and later, my mom and doctor Luke... I mean my dad got remarried.

Asher found out that Ken is his elder brother Caleb. Ken apologizes to his little brother for keeping secrets for him. Asher was annoyed for 2 weeks but he recivers and they reunited.

Speaking of Asher, I don't know what got into him, he started doing a lot of petty bad things in school like littering, talking back at the teachers, not doing his home works so it always get him in detentions and summer schools.

I didn't even see him for a while expect schools.

It's my graduation day, I'm about to graduate to my dream university, Stanford University.

I decided to dress beautifully so I wore a red high levels dress and black sandal heels, then I fixed my hair in neat bun and applied some makeup.

But I'm kinda sad about this because I won't be able to see Asher till he graduates. That's 2 more years.

It's really annoying and sad, video chatting and voice calling isn't enough. I just wanna be with my Asher.

We're all in the school hall, Maddy, Wendy, me and other graduants (in our graduation gown and caps) are sitting together at the graduands stage seats facing the audience.

Maddie, Wendy and I are sitting next to each other.

I can see my mom, dad, Ken, Sadie, Asher's parents and Jacob holding Ashley in the audience smiling at me. I can't find Asher anywhere.

He's avoiding me for two weeks. Maybe because I told him that there will no kiss for three weeks and he loves kissing like a lot.

Maybe that's why he's annoyed but I don't think he attend this graduation. That's rude and annoying but I don't blame him. He's probably angry because we're gonna be apart for two years.

But I'm super happy that's it's my graduation day, after 12 years of schooling. It's really frustrating. It's like hundred years of learning and studying. Urrgghh!!! But finally I'm graduating. I'm free.

I know I'm not that free but Stanford is my dream university so...

“Now it's time for the certificate giving program.” the MC said to the audience.

“The first school certificate goes to... Fiona Acosta!” the MC said.

Everyone applauded as Fiona stood up and received her certificate and took pics with her parents then they went back to their seats.

I winced silently as I felt my baby kicking, I smiled as I rubbed my stomach.

“Can't wait to see her.” Maddie whispered and we smiled.

“Yeah, I can't wait to squeeze her adorable cheeks.” Wendy teased.

I nudged her arms playfully. Yeah we found out that my unborn baby is going to be a girl.

“The next certificate goes to... Prolly Hathaway.”

Pete went to receive his certificate and applauded.

“The next certificate goes to... Alaya Potter.”

Everyone applauded as Alaya walks in and received her certificate and take pics with her mom.

“The next certificate goes to... Michael Gabriel.”

Michael went to receive his certificate and people cheered.

“And the next certificate goes to Wendy Petty.”

Wendy went and received her certificate and take pics with her parents and other kids she had babysit, then she went back to her seat.

“And the next certificate goes to... Maddie Lawrence.”

People clapped as she went and received her certificate and take pictures with her parents.

“The next award goes to Riley Kendall!!!”

People applauded, I grinned happily as I stood up and went to received my certificate.

My parents, Asher's parents, Jacob, Sadie and her mom ran into the stage and we take pics. I feel so happy.

How I wish Asher's here to take pictures with me. I seriously miss him, I haven't seen him for two weeks.

He didn't even call and texted me.

We went back to our various seats.

  The MC called other students to received their certificates and he's about to call the last one.

“And the last but not least LA High school certificate goes to...”

I sighed sadly.

“Asher Harrison!!”

“Huh?” all of us, graduants gasped simultaneously.

WAIT... WHAT? How? Asher is just promoted to 11th grade not high school.

Asher came out of nowhere and went to receive his certificate, his parents and my family came to into the stage to take a photo. They signaled me to join them.

I'm totally speechless, I don't know what to say or do. I guess I should stand up and walk.

Yeah, I know I'm not supposed to graduate right now because I was a 10th grader but I can't wait for two years to see my Riley and my unborn child.

So I decided to start studying hard, I intentionally get in trouble so that they put me in detentions and summer school to earn extra credits.

I also hired me a lesson teacher to tutor me for two weeks. And it totally works.

I didn't even bother to attend 11th and 12th grade lessons, they just allowed me to write the promotional exams and then, Thank God I did it.

And I'm here.

I decided not to tell Riley about it because I want it to be a surprise for her.

She stood up feeling stressed because of the baby but still surprised. She joined us and we started taking pictures.

I put my arm around Riley's shoulder and moved her closer to me and we grinned at the camera.

“How did this happen?” Riley whispered.

“I wanted it to be a surprise for you.” I whispered back.

“So you lied to me?” Riley whispered.

“I'm sorry.” I apologized.

Everyone's outside the hall discussing, laughing and having fun.

We, graduants were taking a lot of photos. We even threw our caps in the air and the cameraman captured that amazing moments then he left.

“Hey Paula, can you take a pic of all graduants?” Maddie asked a 8th grade blonde girl.

“Yeah sure.” Paula agreed as Maddie gave her her iPhone 12 pro max.

All of us graduands gathered together and posed, I sat someone's arm hugging my waist. It's Asher.

“You still didn't tell me how you graduate.” I muttered.

Asher sighed “Fine, I got into detentions and summer schools on purpose to make myself graduate.”


“Because I can't wait for two whole years away from you, I won't be able to stay focus I'm class.” Asher whispered.

“I get it.” I smiled and hugged him tightly.

“You look beautiful.” Asher said and I blushed.


“Thanks you.”

Paula took like 12 pics of us and gave Maddie her phone.

“It's good!” Maddie exclaimed playfully.

“Hey babe, I have to go to the bathroom.” Asher said.

“Why?” I asked.

Asher gave me a weird look “To take cheer leading practice.” He replied sarcastically.

I gave him a glare “Why are you sarcastic?”

“I was just...j..j...just...”  Asher begin to stammer.

“Why are you stammering?” I asked.

  Asher sighed “Riley, stop asking...”

“Are you stop me from talking?” I said angrily.

Asher smiled and held my cheeks and looked into my eyes “Pregnancy hormones makes girls to feel so emotional, this hormones is making you to ask too many questions and feel emotional.”

He walked away before I asked another question. He headed straight to the back of the hall.

Wait that's not the way to the bathroom. Did he want to pee outside?

“Where's Asher going?” Maddie asked.

I shrugged “He went to pee?” I said still feeling confused.

“Whatever, let's take pictures.” Maddie said.

“But I'm hungry.” I pouted wanted to cry.

Maddie panicked “Okay, I'll get you some food.” she said and ran to the back where Asher went.

Wait what's going on?

I sighed as I removed my graduation cap waiting for them. I'm feeling so tired. My back is hurting me. I wanna sit down and I can't find any bench.

The benches outside are filled with people sitting on it. I decided to sit on the floor and was playing with my cap.

Wendy also went to the back, something is suspicious but I'm too lazy to stand up.

“Hey.” I noticed stood beside me. It's Jenny.

Yeah she has change, ever since the day Olivia was arrested, Jenny redeemed herself, she stopped bothering me and Asher.

She changed totally but people still don't like her because of her actions and her deep secret of Dana. People gossip and trash talks her so she became totally depressed and guilty.

I pity her and forgave her.

I smiled “Hey Jenny, what's up?”

“Do you mind if I sit with you?” Jenny asked.

“No, I don't mind.” I smiled.

Jenny sat beside me and bent her head sadly “I'm still sorry about...”

“Jenny, you've apologized enough and I forgive you.” I said.

  Jenny sighed “But I still feel bad, you're going through a lot and I still try to take your love away, my best friend played with your feelings and she used me to ruin your life, I'm so...”

“Jenny, I don't think you should put yourself in depression, I get that you're trying to change yourself. Try to start a happy life.” I said.

“By the way, I never knew that you and Asher are an amazing couple. You two are meant to be together.” Jenny smiled.

I grinned and was trying to say something.

“Argh!” I screamed as I heard a really loud gun shot from the where Asher and Maddie went.

“What's going on?” Jenny begin to panic.

“I don't know I just hope nothing happens to my Asher.” I yelled as I stood up and was running.

Not caring that I'm still pregnant.

“Riley wait! Your baby!” Jenny exclaimed.

I ran to the back looking for Asher.

“Surprise!!!!” everyone yelled and I yelped, Jenny was shocked.

I took a deep breath, calm myself down and focus on what's going on.

Wow, this place is amazing. There're flowers decorations like flower aisle, three white tents and light decorations, checkerboard dance floor, beautiful chandeliers in each tents and a flower decorated piano.

The whole place is beautiful and I can't believe everyone is here, my parents, Asher's parents, Wendy, Maddie and other cheerleaders, my teachers, my classmates, Felix, Rex, Vivian, and other people I know are here.

I smiled “What's going on, guys?”

Asher approached with a huge smile on his face.

“All this is for you babe.” Asher said as he held my hands.

U blushed and got surprised “For me? Why?”

  Asher moved his face closer to mine “I'll let you know after we play the piano.”

I smirked “Do you think I can play the piano?”

“Stop asking questions and sit.” Asher made me sat at the piano seat.

“So which song should we sing?” I asked.

Asher shrugged “I want you to start a song.”

I sighed as I started with the keys, I decided to sing 'A New Day Has Come' by Celine Dion. I started singing.

Riley🎵 I was waiting for so long

         🎵 For a miracle to come

         🎵Everyone told me to be strong

Asher/Riley🎵Hold on and don't shed a tear.

I grinned st Asher as he sang along, I can't believe Asher listens to Celine Dion's songs? What a weird boyfriend. We continued to sing.

         🎵Through the darkness and good times I knew I'd make it through

         🎵And the world thought I had it all But I was waiting for you


          🎵Love I see a light in the sky Oh, it's almost blinding me

          🎵I can't believe I've been touched by an angel with love

          🎵Hush, now

          🎵 I see a light in your eyes

          🎵All in the eyes of the boy

          🎵I can't believe

          🎵 I've been touched by an angel with love

          🎵  I can't believe

          🎵I've been touched by an angel with love

          🎵 Hush, now

          🎵 A new day

          🎵Hush, now

Riley🎵 A new day

I smiled at my boyfriend as we finished the song.

Everyone begin to applaud and wooed.

“That's my child” the Kendall and Harrison couples yelled as they're clapping.

Asher and I stood up, holding hands together.

“Riley...” Asher called my name.

“Yes?” I answered.

Asher sighed with a smile “It's amazing how one day someone walks into your life, and then the next day you wonder how you lived without them.”

“What's that supposed to mean?” I asked with a blush.

“That happened to me, remember that day when we first?” Asher asked me.

I nodded “Yeah, that day we doing cheer practice then stunt went wrong so I fell on you.”

“And the moment I set my eyes on you, I can't be able to live without you.” Asher said.

“Awww.” everyone awed and I giggled.

“I can't even stand a day without you, I wanna see you everyday because you're a part of me, and without you, I'm incomplete.” Asher said.

I bent my head because my face is totally red.

“so Riley, I know that we're too young for this but since we love each other so much, we're having our first child and I can't wait any more so...” Asher said as he wrapped his hands around my waist.

Everyone gasped and I was frozen in shock, What's Asher up to?

“Riley? Will you complete the remaining part of me?” Asher asked.


Asher went on his knees and brought out a red small box.

Everyone gasped again and louder. What the...?

He smiled as he opened the box which revealed a extremely beautiful and expensive big diamond ring shining like a star.

“Will you marry me?” Asher popped the question.

I covered my mouth with my palm with tears of joy sliding down my cheeks as everyone wooed.

I don't know what to say... Should I say Yes? No? I don't know? I think so? I seriously don't know what to say.

“Say yes Riley!” Maddie yelled.

“Yes baby, say yes!” Wendy added.

“Say yes! Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!” Everyone kept chanting and persuading me to say 'Yes' and I hate it when people tell me what to do like a robot.

“Say yes!!!”

“No! I won't say Yes!!” I yelled angrily at everyone and they gasped.

Oh no! Riley didn't want to say yes? That means she didn't want to marry me.

I'm such a jerk. Who am I kidding ? Asking someone to marry me at a young age. I'm so stupid.

Riley glared at me and she grinned happily “BUT I WILL MARRY YOU!!!” she squealed.

I grinned happily “Really?!!”

She nodded “Yes!!"

I stood up and carried Riley then spin her once then drop her. Everyone begin to applaud happily.

I took a deep breath and gently wore the ring on Riley's fourth finger next to the pinky.

Everyone cheered and wooed, I stood up and hugged my new fiancee tightly.

“I love you Riley.”

“I love you too, Asher.”

We disengaged, I lay my hand on my fiancee's big stomach and was about to kiss her but Riley stopped me with her index finger.

“Don't you remember? No kissing till next week.” Riley said and everyone laughed.

I groaned in frustration “What? Why?”

“Just for exercise.” Riley shrugged.
I made that decision on purpose to make Asher angrily and annoyed. Asher is very cute when he's angry.

Jacob approached us looking too innocent “I just want to inform you guys that there's a mistletoe between you two.” he said and went to Felix.

Everyone wooed.

Asher and I looked up and laughed as we saw the beautiful mistletoe.

Asher smirked at me “Even nature doesn't want us to wait till next week.”

I laughed as I wrapped my arms around Asher's neck and we connected our lips together and kissed passionately and everyone cheered happily.

Wow, I was so evil that I didn't even see that this couple looks so beautiful together.

I was such a monster, Asher and Riley are the best couples I've ever seen in my life.

Despite all the difficulties they've went through, they still ended up together.

Riley's right, I too have to start a happy life but not in this country.

People are still bullying and cyberbullying me for what I've done in the past.

I'll start a new life with a good behaviour with my daughter maybe in Philippines and I'll make sure I give my daughter the best time and attention.

I carried Dana and kissed her nose.


I'm jealous people having life, I mean... I really love the way they're enjoying their lives but I'm always bullied at school because of the past and my daughter.

I went to my bedroom, pack my things and Dana's things inside two luggage.

“Come on Dana, let's go.” I said as Dana followed me to the living room.

My parents were sad and disappointed that I'm leaving but I don't care. I greeted them goodbye with a 'Fuck You' sign and we left the house.

Dana and I entered the Range Rover and the driver drove off to the airport.

We entered the airplane and I wept and kissed Los Angeles goodbye for life. Dana hugged me tightly and the flight took off.

*𝙼𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝙰𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚁𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚢'𝚜 𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎*
Everything is going great, I'll soon give birth maybe today,tomorrow or next tomorrow. Asher gained admission to Stanford University, so we're in the same University. Asher also bought us a penthouse for our baby.

Asher's in the other bedroom talking to his dad on the phone. I'm on my bed, watching a movie called 'Changeling' on TV, I'm watching this movie so that I can be a good mother.

But I can't concentrate on the movie because I'm hungry and uncomfortable because of my stomach. My mom and Janet, Asher's mom aren't here yet.

Sometimes like every afternoon, my mom and Asher's mom always cook for me since I can't cook because of my condition and Asher doesn't really knows how to cook expect soups and stews.

He can't cook what I love eating ever since I got pregnant. Crème brûlée and apple pie.

But they're not here yet and I can't wait any longer, I managed to stand up and winced silently.

I went straight to the kitchen to cook for myself. I'm still kinda strong enough to cook.

I opened the cupboard and carried a frying pan and two eggs.

I put the frying pan on the electric stove and wanted to turn on the stove.

All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, painful than baby kicks. I tried to ignore it put I felt it again.

“Ow!” I cried “Baby please don't hurt your mom, please, Argh!” I screamed, held my stomach and mistakenly dropped the frying pan on the floor loudly.

What's going on with me? Suddenly I noticed some liquid coming out of my v*ginal. Oh No!

I think the baby's coming. But why now? No one's at home expect Asher.

“Argh!!! Asher!!!!” I screamed as I bent rubbing my stomach.


“Riley!! Are you okay?!!” Asher yelled as he ran as fast as he could.

He held my hand feeling worried “What's wrong?”

I gave him a glare “What's wrong?!!! The baby's coming... Argh!!!”

Asher pouted “Awww, Our baby's coming.... Wait... The baby's coming...!!!”

“Yes!! The baby's coming!! You bastard!!!” I gave him a hot slap.

“Ouch! What should I do?” Asher asked a stupid question.

“Call the ambulance or take me to the hospital!!” I cried.

Asher nodded “Okay... Wait. Where are my car keys.”

“Nooo!!! Argh!!” I cried as I wanted to fall.

Asher caught me “I'm sorry, I'll look for it.” he said and ran inside.

“Asher you can't just leave me here...” I sobbed.

Where are the stupid car keys? My girlfriend want to give birth, I don't know what to do.

Where are my car...

“Asher!!!” Riley screamed.

“I'm coming!!”

I checked my drawers, found it! I took the car keys and went to Riley, I held her gently as we are coming out of the penthouse.

“Oh!!!” Riley kept crying.

I rubbed her stomach gently “Shhh, it's okay... Ow!” Riley slapped my head.

“How is it okay?!! You blood sucking fool!! I'm giving birth!!! Do you know how had is it to give birth?” Riley yelled.

  I shrugged “I don't kn...”

“Then shut up and take me to the hospital!!” Riley yelled again.

We finally got out of the building and I made Riley sit at the passenger seat in my Mercedes Benz then I sat at the driver seat.

“Hurry up!! Uppity b*tch!!” Riley pushed me.

I nodded as I inserted my key quickly then try to start the car but it didn't start, I start it again, it didn't work, I did it again still no response. Oh no!

I'm doomed!!!

“What's wrong?!!”

I begin to stammer “I can't st..start...”

“What?!!! You can't start it!! Nooo!!” Riley cried as she carried a brick from no where, feeling like hitting me with the brick.

I frowned “Where did you...?”

Someone knocked Riley's window side, it's Maddie and Wendy.

I pressed a button which made the window glass slide down.

“Hey babe...”

“No time for 'Hey babe', help us!!” I yelled.

Riley gave me a death glare “US??!!!” She said with a very scary voice.

I grinned sheepishly and shook my head negatively “No! I mean help her, she's in labour. Let's go with your car”

Wendy and Maddie became scared “Oh no, we didn't bring any car.”

“We came by taxi.”

“So how are we supposed to do? Who's gonna help us deliver the baby?” I asked in frustration.

Wendy sighed angrily “I'll do it, bring the angry mama back to the penthouse.”

“Angry mama?” Riley gave Wendy an offensive look, I wanted to collect the brick without Riley knowing be right now she can do the unpredictable. She slapped me and hide her brick.

“We have to go to the hospital.” Maddie said.

“There's no time, jerks, let's go.” Wendy said I quickly opened the door for Riley brought her out the car and we went back to the penthouse.

We headed straight to the bedroom and lay the crying Riley on the bed with her brick.

  Wendy sat in front of Riley as she opened her legs wide for her, Maddie bent at the left side of the bed while I bent at the right side of the bed and held Riley's hand.

“Asher, I don't wanna die.” Riley cried while panting heavily “I don't want to die, please.”

“Shh” I kissed her hand “It's okay, you won't die, you're totally fine baby, it's okay.” I whispered and kissed her forehead.

Wendy sighed nervously because this is the first time she'll ever deliver a baby “Okay Riley, Push!”

“ARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!” Riley screamed as she pushed hard.

“Ow!!!” I started crying as Riley squeezed my hand tightly.

“AGGGHHH!!!!” she kept screaming as her dropped her on the edge of the bed which is about to fall. I didn't even care about the brick.

Riley stopped and was breathing heavily “I can't do this.”

“It's okay, Riley, just try a little harder.” Wendy said.

Wendy set her position “Push in 3... 2... 1!!”

“ARRGGHH!!!” Riley cried louder.

“It's okay Riley.” Maddie consoled Riley.

“Argh!! Oh my God!!!” I yelled as the heavy giant brick fell on my foot. I must not move a inch because Riley will kill me.

I don't know who's in labour, me or Riley.

Wendy squealed “Oh my God!! Look at that cute little head! Come on Riley, you're doing it, push again in 3... 2... 1!!!!”

“Argh!!!” Riley and I screamed at the same time because of the painful brick on my leg.


“ARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” Riley and I screamed like there's no tomorrow. “ARRGGHH!!!”

“Wahhh!!!” We heard the most beautiful voice. The baby finally came out.

I smiled happily as I saw Wendy bringing out my beautiful bloody baby.

“It's a girl!!” Wendy squealed.

“Oh my God!! A girl!” Maddie squealed again.

I'm so happy to have my first child but damnn!!! I'm sweaty.

I was sweating, breathing heavily and started shedding sweet tears of joy I saw my baby. My first beautiful daughter.

I wanna feel her, I stretched my hand “Bring my baby.” I said feeling weak.

Wendy was bringing the baby to me but the two morons stretched their hands to collect the baby. I slapped their hands angrily and collected my baby and she remain calm.

“Thank you, Wendy, thank you very much.” I said still weak.

Wendy smiled and nodded.

Look at her sweet pinkish lips, her sweet soft cheeks and her adorable closed eyes.

“So what are you gonna name her, Riley?” Maddie asked.

“Guys, meet...” I stopped as Asher and my eyes met and we smiled.

“Ariel Kendall Harrison.” we said simultaneously.

“Awwww.” Wendy and Maddie pouted.

We picked the name last week when we were planning names together.

  We celebrated the Sip and See (naming ceremony) of Ariel.

Asher's foot got healed after one week.

  All our family came and my mom helped me bath and cleaned the Ariel and took care of us for one week, after that everyone went to their various homes.

Asher's was taking his bath while I was at the roof of the building holding my adorable baby, enjoying the sunset.

Ariel used her whole tiny hand to held my index finger. Sweetest feeling ever.

She tried to open her eyes and I saw her adorable blue eyes inherited by her father.

“She looks just like you.” Asher said as he hugged me from behind.

I smiled looking at my baby “She actually looks like you, I mean she inherited your cute blue eyes and your nose.”

“Ow!” Asher winced as I squeezed his nose.

“Well, she inherited your mouth because every time she cries and make noise just like her mother.”

I whacked Asher's stomach “Ow, What? It's true.”

Asher stood in front of me and collected Ariel and carried her, then smirked at me and ran his hand through my hair and held my waist.

“I just love my life, especially you and Ariel, the best gift God has ever given me.” he said and I blushed.

“I love you Riley.”

“I love you too Asher.” I said.

“Arr.” Baby Ariel made a cute sound and we laughed then connected our lips together.

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙚𝙣𝙙!!!!

Awww (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡ (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡ (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡ (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡ (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡ (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡ (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡ (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡ (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡ (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡ (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡ (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡ (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡ (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡

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