Is This What They Call Love...

By J1bril

955 39 0

Jibril, A professor who is also the first spirit. One day when he was about to study about other spirits, the... More

Entry 1 : An interesting Moment
Entry 2: A Fire Disaster
Entry 3: The Blonde Angel
Entry 4: Kerubiel Incident

Entry 5: Darker yet Darker Nightmares.

89 6 0
By J1bril

* Jibril Povs *

I was doing experiment at my lab. Before someone knock my lab door

Mayuri: Darling~ breakfast is ready!

I took off my lab coat and go upstairs to get breakfast

* Time skip breakfast *

Jibril: Thank you for the food!

Mayuri: So? How does it taste?

Jibril: Best food I ever had since thousand years ago!

Mayuri: I see- hold up? Thousand years???

Jibril: Hm?

Mayuri: How old are you???

Jibril: Uhh, 19.000 years old perhaps?

Seems like she shocked by my answer.

Suddenly my phone start ringing. Seems like Ratatoskr problem again

Jibril: Jibril here, any problem?

Kannazuki: Jibril, can you come here now?

Jibril: I see no problem with that.

I close my phone

Jibril: Aight, I gotta go Mayuri

Mayuri: Ratatoskr again?

Jibril: Yezz

Mayuri: Well then good luck!

She give me little peck in the cheek

I blushed a little. After that I summon my Angel and teleport to Fraxinus

Kotori: Ah, finnaly you come Jibril

Jibril: So any problem you guys have?

Then she show Me 14 photo.

Jibril: Shido's Classmate, Spirits, And me? What is it?

Kotori let out a sigh

Kotori: Natsumi give us threat, that she will be transform into one of this. And if we can't guess who she transform she will kidnap them.

Jibril: I see, if in that case I can tell that I'm Real Jibril.

Kotori: How could you proof it?

I wave my hand. Suddenly Fraxinus start losing the control.


I wave my hand once again.

Jibril: that's my proof, Is it clear

She nodded


I shrugged my shoulder.

Jibril: In that case I will spying on Mayuri.

I activate my angel and teleport into my house.

Mayuri welcomed me with a smile

Mayuri: Welcome home Darling~ so how is it?

Jibril: I have a request

Then I pinned her at the wall. She blushing madly.

Mayuri: E-Eh What is it?

I slowly lifted her chin

Jibril: Would you date me tomorrow?

Mayuri: That's it?

Jibril: Yeah? So whats your answer?

She let out a giggle

Mayuri: Sure! I love to!

Jibril: Alright, I will be waiting at tengu station at 13 pm

Mayuri: Alright then!

I smiled, guess it was really Mayuri huh?

* Time skip brought to you by Chibi Jibril have a bad dream *

Where this is? I look everywhere but everything I could look is darkness.

I try to explore wherever this is, before suddenly I saw my own reflection?

Wait, Isn't Shido reflection? I saw my reflection using my angel toward Shido

Meanwhile Shido is smiling like A psychopath

I try to get closer, before I shocked by something.

Jibril: I- is that May-Mayuri dea-dead Bod- body?

My head suddenly feel headache.

Jibril: It's just dream, It's just dream, Jibril it's only a dream.

I keep repeating my own word. Before then I could hear what theyre talking

Jibril (R) : You.. You Killed her..

Shido? : And then what you gonna do?!?

Jibril (R) : You.. Dirty Killer..

Shido? : Heh, Can't do anything I see. Such a Foolishness

Jibril (R) : Heh.

Shido? : What is it?

Suddenly I saw my own reflection, using the forbidden weapon

Jibril (R) : Focalor, With this..

The place once again start becoming darker.

Jibril (R) : Well it's a beautiful out day isn't?

Wait this line-?!

Jibril (R) : Sun are shining, Flowers are blooming

Jibril (R) : In the day like this, Dirty Killer like you.

Both Jibril: better start praying for the worst

The theme start playing.


And suddenly, my own reflection teleported to in front of Shido reflection.

But before I could see anything else. White light is shining through the room.

* Jibril lab *

My phone ringing as crazy as ever. Who in the world calling me at 2 am?!
I quickly pick up the phone

Jibril: You better have a good reason else you will have a bad time.


I quickly go Into Kotori place.

* Shido Mansion *

Jibril: So? What's the good reason to wake me up while I'm sleeping?

Kotori: Yuzuru.. Yuzuru was kidnapped by Natsumi

Jibril: You guys can't guess it?

She slowly nodded. I see everyone else try to keep calm Kaguya.

Tohka: Don't worry Kaguya, We will find Yuzuru soon.

Meanwhile Kaguya still sobbing.

Jibril: *sigh* Guess you guys really hopeless huh?

I summon My Angel.

Jibril: Zachriel, Bring back the memory.

Instantly yellow light is glowing through my angel.

Jibril: I see, I should go somewhere first.

I quickly teleported into somewhere else

( ?? )

I'm immediately teleport into the place that zachriel tell.

Kind of circus show place?

I go into the place. I see Yuzuru tied there. I slowly approaching her.

Yuzuru: Shocked, Jibril-san?

Jibril: Yeah, let's get out here quickly.

I cut the rope in her hand.

Jibril: Well guess were done-

Suddenly someone open the door. I quickly pull Yuzuru to behind the box.

?? : Ah, Looks like Shido-kun can't guess who am I again~

The source of the voice is getting closer.

?? : Well looks like- Wait, Where is that girl?!

She instantly get panicked. Damn it, I should summon my angel to teleport us. But it will draw her attention.

Jibril: Alright Yuzuru, I will teleport you into Shido Mansion. Once you teleported, give this Kotori this paper.

I give her the paper that wrote our

Yuzuru: Question, What about you?

Jibril: Well.. Don't know either. I try survive as long as possible. For now, Goodbye.

I summon Zachriel.

Jibril: Zachriel, Teleport Her into Shido mansion.

Yellow light glow through my angel.

Yuzuru: Jibri-

And she got teleported.

Jibril: Aight let me solve this problem.

I quickly use my angel once again.

Jibril: Zachriel, Cover me with dust.

Yellow light start shining on me. And then i become transparent.

?? : Show yourself!

Heh, My mana still on recharge. I try evade her as fast as Possible. Before I accidentally hit a glass.

Jibril: Sh-

The spirit quickly shoot her magic into me. I evade it quickly. Suddenly lot of carrot is dropped from the sky.

Jibril: Holy Sh-!

And one of the carrot hit me and get exploded. The explosion make my camouflage turned off.

Jibril: Ah, Damn it.

?? : Finnaly I found you, Intruder.

Jibril: Well guess you are.

She quickly shoot her magic once again.

I called Gae bolg and destroy those carrot.

Jibril: Heh, Guess you're the one should eat those carrot since all of your projectile is miss!

She bit her own lips.

?? : Very well then, Haniel!

She call her angel.

Jibril: what are you doing?

A green light flash through the room

?? : Haniel! Copy That Angel!

Her Angel try to imitate mine. But it turnout it's failed.

?? : How?!

And luckily my mana is enough to teleport me to Fraxinus.

Jibril: Well then, See ya!

Yellow light Quickly surrounding me.

?? : WAI-

And then I got teleported into Fraxinus

Everyone: Jibril!

Jibril: Yo!

Yuzuru: Grateful, Thank god you come back.

Kotori: *sigh* Tell me first when you about to do something dangerous like that.

Jibril: Ehe.

Kotori: Ehe te nandayo?!

*In another universe*

Paimon: ACHOOO

Aether: Paimon, You good?

Paimon: Yeah, I think someone is talking about Paimon.

* Alright back to our universe *

Jibril: I think she will be more aggressive this time, You guys should be careful.

Everyone nodded.

Jibril: Alright, Time to go home~

I Activate Zachriel and teleport back into home.

* At Jibril House *

I go to our bedroom to see Mayuri still sleeping in the bed. Welp it's 4 am, Can't blame her. I change my clothes and quickly join the bed.

Jibril: Heh, She's cute one aren't she?

I close my eyes and decide to get some sleep.

* Time skip brought to you by Jibril once again had a nightmare *

Urgh, What again this time? I look everywhere to only see burned city. I see my own reflection is laughing

Jibril: Urgh, I should wake up now.

I try punch myself. But nothing happen.

Jibril: Nyeh, Maybe I try get around first?

I decide to take a walk.

Jibril: Burned city, Dead people everywhere. I wonder what happen?

Suddenly I sense something in my back. I quickly do a somersault.

Jibril: What the?!

I saw my own reflection try to slash my head.

Jibril(R) : Heh, interesting.

Jibril: Not for me

I quickly prepare my weapon.

Jibril: Gae, Come here now.

The spear quickly answer my call and came into my hand.

Jibril(R) : It's that Gae Bolg? How you get that spear?

Jibril: Even if I tell you it will be useless, Since you gonna dead anyway.

Jibril(R) : Focalor

The Spear of darkness quickly came into his hand.

Jibril: Heh, You know what?

Both: This will be getting interesting.

I quickly dash into him and slash him with my Spear. He parry it and let a counter attack. I quickly block it

Jibril: Zachriel!

The catalyst quickly block the spear movements.

Jibril(R) : Such a Pain in ass.

He quickly destroy the sands.

Jibril (R) : Well, I don't want to waste my time here.

Jibril: Either I, Why don't we end this with one attack?

He let out a smirk.

Jibril (R) : Such a Good idea.

He quickly do a somersault once more. Not letting him use his last attack, I do a somersault too.

Jibril : Goodbye, Myself

I quickly throw my spear. And suddenly white light start shining and I lose my consciousness.

* Time skip *

I get up from my bed. Seems Mayuri already wake up first.

Jibril: Damn, Such a weird dream.

I go to kitchen to see Mayuri is currently cooking.

Mayuri: Oh, Morning!

Jibril: Morning too!

She start preparing a breakfast for us.

Jibril: Let me lend you a ha-

She hold my hand.

Mayuri: Nope, Just sit down. You seems having a bad dream earlier, so just calm down and wait ok?

Jibril: Welp, If you say so?

I sit in the sofa and turn on the TV, before suddenly my cell phone start ringing.

Jibril: Jibril here, Who is it?

?? : Jibril, I need your help now.

This voice? Could it be it's him? The Broke God?

Jibril: Yato, it's you?

Yato: Yez, Smart as usual I see.

Jibril: What do you need this time?

Yato: Well, you see....

* Timeskip brought to you By chibi Yato explaining to Jibril *

Jibril: I see, Welp I come there after having some breakfast.

Yato: Alright, Thanks a lot man!

Jibril: Shouldn't mention it.

I close the phone.

Mayuri: Ratatoskr?

Jibril: Nah, just a friend?

Mayuri: is it a girl?

Jibril: Nope, why ask?

Mayuri: Oh, it's nothing.

I let out a smirk.

Jibril: Oh~ Did our Mayuri is getting jealous~

She blushed and look another way.

Mayuri: I-I say it's nothing!

Jibril: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Mayuri: Anyway, breakfast is ready.

Jibril: I'm coming!

* Timeskip Brought to you by Chibi Mayuri having breakfast with Chibi Jibril *

Jibril: Thanks for the food!

Mayuri: Did you like it?

Jibril: Yez.

Mayuri: Really?

Jibril: Yeah, I love it

Mayuri: Really Really Really?!

Oops, her face got to close to mind. I quickly give her a peck at her lips.

Jibril: Is that kiss answer it?

She blushing badly.

Mayuri: Moo, Jibril stupid.

Jibril: Am I?

She pouting. Which make her look cute.

Jibril: Anyway I gotta go meet a friend, see you on the date!

Mayuri: Alright then! See ya!

I activate Zachriel and teleport to meet Yato.

* At ?? *

Hop, Here I am. A station I see.

Yato: Jibril, Over here!

I quickly come into the source of the voice. He quickly jump and give me bro hug.

Jibril: Long time no see sup.

Yato: Same here!

Looks like there's someone else here.

Jibril: So this is your girlfriend?

Hiyori and Yato: No!

Jibril: Sed, I thought our broke God finnaly got into a relationship.

I saw towards the blonde boy next to Yato.

Jibril: Is he your new weapon?

Yato: Yeah, His name is Yukine.

The blonde boy bowing to me.

Yukine: My name is Yukine, I'm sorry if my Master is troubling you!

Yato: HEY

I let out a chuckle.

Jibril: No need bowing like that Yukine, So I see you need someone to help you in your business?

Yato: Yeah, you must help me advertising my name so I could build a temple and become richest God.

He laughing to himself while explaining.

Yukine: And there he goes daydreaming again.

Jibril: Lmao.

Yato: Anyway why don't we talk about it while grabbing some food at restaurant?

Yukine: Are even we have a money?

Yato: Nope, Jibril treat!

Jibril: -_-

And then we go to restaurant.

Yato and Yukine: Umm! Zo Delicious!

I let out a chuckle while Hiyori let a sigh.

Hiyori: I'm sorry if he troubling you.

Jibril: Nah, i'm used to it.

* Timeskip *

Jibril: Welp gotta go now!

Yato: Goodbye! And thank you for the treat!

I waving at them.

Welp better hurry, else i will be late for the date!


??: Ą̸̨̛̩̣̠̪̭̺͌̉̅͌́̽̈́r̴͙̙̫̞͖̎̾̿͊͗̽̓̕͘͠ȩ̵̣͖͉̪̤̫̒͐̍̐̋̆̈̚͘ ̴̧̘̬̳̪̭͙̑̑͂̂̿̔̓͒͠͝W̷̛̗̝̻̥̠̍͊͋͠͝͠e̸̥̤̬̞͈͙̲͊̈́̓̏͐́͌̌͝ ̶̗̺̠̥̜͐͂͂͋̈C̶̬̖̯̝̈̾͒͑̆͌̔o̶̡͚̤̰̤̾͂͐ň̷̺͓̼̘̺̏̆̋̆͐n̷̢̨̙̘̥̹̲̭͗͗̎̇͊̕͘e̴͚̣̟̅̊͂̕͜͠ç̷̨̲̤̙̫͍̭͖̀̓ͅt̶͚͂͜e̸̟̖͓̞̩̟͉̭̱͈̽͗̌̅̓͆̏̾̏̚d̷͈͂̀̌͛́͗ͅ?̸̛̱͚̈́͌͋̕͘̕͝͝

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