Return Of The Queen

By Vani_ki_kahani

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"In the process of letting go you will lose many things , but you will find yourself" More

Character Sketch - 1
Character Sketch 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Character Sketch 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Character Sketch 4
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Character Sketch 5
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Character Sketch 6
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Character Sketch 7
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
To My Readers
~ Aesthetics ~
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 17

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By Vani_ki_kahani

At Bhandardara Lakeside Camping Spot , Mumbai

Everyone looked at Rhea with suspicious eyes .

Rhea - Umm .....that ....I was just way too shocked . Prachi fell so suddenly that I couldn't think anything . And Kunal saved her till then .

Arya - Even we were shocked . But atleast we tried to get her on the boat . You just stood there doing nothing . Why is that so ?

Rhea - If I tried to help you both , then boat wouldn't have taken too much weight on the same side , and we all would have ended up falling in the river . So I didn't help you that time .

Pankti - Is that the only reason ?

Rhea - Of course .

Everyone left to see Prachi . Rhea heaved a sigh of relief . But one person didn't budge from her place . Shahana went towards Rhea , and slapped her .

Rhea - Shahana !!

Shahana - Don't shout !! I know that you are lying ! You must have pushed Prachi ! I know you really well , you can go to any length for your benefit ! You tried to kill Prachi didn't you ?!

Rhea - Yes I did !!! So what ?!

One more slap landed on Rhea's face .

Shahana - Aren't you ashamed of yourself ?! She is your twin !

Rhea - She is nothing to me !!

Shahana - I will throw you in jail !!

Rhea - Do you even have proof ?!

Shahana - You are not some big shot murderer Rhea . You have done a crime and every criminal gets caught one day . And I will find proof against you . Just be ready to go to prison .

At Raisinghania Villa , Mumbai

Sadhana was restless . Her sixth sense was telling her that something big is going to happen .

Sadhana - Pragya and Vansh are fine . But are my granddaughters okay ? Should I call them ?

Vansh came towards her and sensed her trouble .

Vansh - Mom is everything alright ?

Sadhana - I don't know Vansh . I just have a feeling that something is going to happen .

Vansh - Nothing is going to happen . And did you forget that tomorrow Kiara and Sid are coming ?

Sadhana - No I haven't . You know what I will go see the preparations .

Sadhana left . "You are thinking right mom , something is going to happen . But I won't let anyone hurt you this time . I won't blindly trust anyone this time ." Vansh thought to himself .

Next Morning ,

At Bhandardara Lakeside Camping Spot , Mumbai

Shahana was keeping an eye on Rhea . She finally had a proof against her all thanks to Priya , who had recorded their boating adventure on her video camera .

Rhea - Can you stop staring at me ?

Shahana - Can you get lost ?

Rhea - Awwww .... Looks like Shahana is angry because she couldn't find any proof against me .

Shahana - Who said I don't have any proof ?

Rhea - What ? What do you mean ?

Shahana - Just watch as your world messes up darling.

Shahana left leaving a worried and tensed Rhea behind .

After sometime all the campers gathered around the tent area . They all were leaving now . Prachi was searching for Kunal , she wanted to thank him for saving her the other day . She found inside his tent packing his stuff .

Prachi - Hey Kunal .

Kunal , turning around - Hi . How are you now ?

Prachi - Much better from yesterday .

Kunal - Good to know that .

Prachi - I wanted to thank you for yesterday . Thanks for saving me .

Kunal - Am I not your friend ?

Prachi - Why are you asking that ? Of course you are my friend !

Kunal - Then why are you thanking me ? Isn't there a rule of being friends , that in friendship there is no sorry and no thank you . Just like Priya you are also my friend , whatever I do for her I will do for you also .

Prachi - You are a really amazing person . I am glad I met you .

Kunal - The feelings are mutual . Anyways I will pack my bags before Priya comes here and rants about how slow I am !

Prachi - Okay .

Prachi left and Kunal returned to his work . They both were unaware of the pair of eyes that watched their interactions with each other . " Aren't you being too close with this Kunal ? Friends ? I will make sure he becomes your bitter enemy . First he stole my chance to save you and now trying to get close with you ." Ranbir thought as he watched Prachi walk away from Kunal with a smile on her face .

All the campers started leaving . They said their goodbyes to each other . The gang was gathered in a small circle .

Arya - I gonna miss Priya di so much !

Priya - I will miss you too Aru .....

Kunal - Will anybody miss me or not ?

Prachi - Well....I will miss you .

Kunal - I will miss you too Prachi .

Rehaan - I am feeling good that the days with monkey girl are over .

Priya - Sometimes I wish that in this world murdering one person was allowed . I exactly know whom I have to kill .

Rehaan looked at her weirdly . The rest of them laughed .

At Agnihotri Niwas , Mumbai

The house was noisy as it could be . There were gift boxes all over the place . Kunal reached his home .

Kunal - What is all this ?

Diksha - Gifts duh !

Kunal - I can see that too my Jaan . But why are there so many gifts ?

Shweta - One of your father's closest friend has invited us on his mother's birthday celebration . And we couldn't decide what to gift , so we thought to gift them everything we thought aunty might like .

Kunal - So , you all won't be at home tonight ?

Naina - Yes you are right . And you are coming with us .

Kunal - Why do I have to come ?

Lekha - We want you to meet the host of tonight's party .

Kunal - Fine with me .

At The Singh Oberoi Hotels , Mumbai

The M&K family was staying at one of the biggest hotels of Mumbai . They didn't know who owned it but we're greatly fascinated by the luxuries .

Ranbir and Rhea had already checked in . They were currently sitting with their family .

Abhi - How was your camp Rhea ? Did you have fun ?

Rhea - It was good dad until someone's presence spoiled it completely .

Alia - Whose presence ?

Rhea - Who else other than Prachi Arora .

Pallavi - That girl came here too !

Rhea - And on top of everything she did a drama of jumping into a river , so that she could gain sympathy !

Abhi - Prachi is becoming a big problem for my princess !

Ranbir - She wasn't doing any drama ! That is your expertise ! She fell in the river and almost died !

Pallavi - It would have been nice if she died !

Ranbir - Mom !!!

Pallavi - You are raising voice against your mother for that girl !! This Prachi has done some sort of black magic on you !!

Ranbir didn't say anything further .

At Raisinghania Villa , Mumbai

Prachi was with Shahana .

Shahana - That cockroach Rhea just spoilt my whole mood !

Prachi - Can we not talk about her ?

Shahana - Yup let's not talk about animals ! What is up with you and Kunal ?

Prachi - Nothing is up !

Shahana - You literally said that you will miss him !

Prachi - That is because he is a friend .

Shahana -  Just a friend ?

Prachi - Yes and don't use your brain in this .

Shahana - Okay ..........


Hi readers ,

Here is the next update . I will update one more chapter today . Next one is a long one .

So , Shahana knows about Rhea's doings . Don't worry she will be exposed .

Kindly vote and comment if you liked the chapter .

Till then ,
Lots of love 💕
Take care of yourself
Your author

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