Sick Little Games (Zack Merri...

By sidewaystiara

49.8K 2.5K 632

Being thrown into a new town is always hard, especially for a teenager. Yet being thrown from a private schoo... More

• Welcome Home •
• Hey Brother •
• Beach Day •
• Chatty Girl •
• Tick, Tock •
• Prime Witness •
• Playing With Fire •
• Not Interested Girl •
• Touché, Merrick •
• ...Cat Fight? •
• Dont Be Frigid •
• Actors And Actresses •
• Invitation •
• Trying New Things •
• The Tape •
• Ten Minutes And I'm Out •
• Laughter Is Contagious •
• Public Nudity And Then Some •
• Bailing Out •
• Whats My Name •
• Eerie Silence •
• It's Not A Secret •
• Brother Issues •
• Late Night Thoughts •
• Some Kind Of Living Nightmare •
• Deals With The Devil •
• Got 99 Problems •
• Burning Deep Within •
• Give Me Truth •
• Finale •

• Introductions •

1.9K 82 61
By sidewaystiara

{ f i v e }

"Mariah!" So that's her name. It's very pretty actually. I heard the loud clicking of heels across the hallway floor and before I could turn around another girl had joined us.

As much as I don't want to judge any of these new people, isn't it a little...unnecessary to wear high heels in school?

"Hey, Lisa! How are you?" Miarah asked the girl, and they both immediately started chatting. I can't tell who's getting more words in, I guess all of the people here have a lot to talk about.

I'm a pretty shy person, so I generally try to steer clear of loud, chatty types.

"This is my new friend, Justice!" Mariah brought me in front of the girl, and spun me round. I felt like a prized possession. "Isn't she going to fit in perfectly with us?"

The brunette looked me up and down with a blank stare. I watched her with an awkward look as she skimmed me from my feet, to my bag, right up to my hair. She didn't look into my eyes at all though, so I took notice of that.

"A shopping trip and some new make-up, and sure...I guess." The girl said with uncertainty and linked her arm with Mariahs, dragging them away. I frowned, following them like a desperate fangirl.

I just want to know where I can eat, and find Jack, Rian and Cassadee. So I followed, the loud heels weren't hard to miss, and I heard Mariah call her Lisa, so I made sure to make a mental note to remember it.

People gave me strange looks, but shrugged it off. We finally got there and they went off as I stood in line to get something to eat. There isn't really much choice, so I just grabbed a ham baguette and stood in the pay line.

A few mere seconds of standing there, and I felt a harsh tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a girl glaring at me.

"You were that new bitch sitting in math with Mariah, right? Your math book hit me in the fucking face!" I felt my eyes go wide, and I stuttered at her.

What do I do? I didn't mean to hit her...oh god, I hit a person by accident and now this happens.

"I- uh, I'm so sorry- I didn't mean to-" she frowned at me, and then her look turned into a glare.

"Come on Justice." I heard Mariah say, and I looked back to see her glaring at the girl. She grabbed my arm, that still held my unpaid for food, and pulled me out of the line. I tried to fight against her, but she ended up noticing the food and put it back.

My mouth popped open as she pulled me away again.

"You don't want to eat food from this school anyway, it's pretty horrible." She told me as she pulled me around people, and tables.

I passed Jack and I grabbed his shoulder quickly. He turned to look at me, and frowned at my facial expression. Some others, including Rian, on his table looked at me with the most confused expression and continued to gawk as Mariah pulled me to her table. They all openly mumbled to each other as she sat me next to her.

There are about 6 other people sat with us, 2 other girls, one I recognised as the girl in the heels, Lisa, and 4 guys.

"Hey Baby." One of the guys said to Mariah, and she looked up at him raising an eyebrow, and then turned to talk to Lisa sat next to her.

"So what's your name?" One guy asked me, he's definitely British. Messy brown hair, and a structured jaw. I can see a tattoo on his arm peeking through his hoody too.

"I'm Justice." I said quietly. They all studied me for a minute, and like everyone else who's seen me so far, with confused faces. The British guy pulled himself together first, giving me a smile showing his nice teeth.

"I'm Oli, that's Alex," he must be who Mariah was talking about earlier, Alex Gaskarth. "This is Vic," Oli continued. I sent Vic a small smile, he looked different to the rest of them, smaller and like he doesn't fit in with them properly.

"And this," Oli said finally, "this is Zack." I felt myself smiling at him as he sent me a small, awkward smile. He looked down again, and began eating.

I wish I was eating.

Oli smiled warmly at me again "well, welcome to the group. Do you know the girls?" I immediately started feeling comfortable around hum, and grateful that he's the only one bothering to try and make me feel welcome.

"Um, I know Mariah." He nodded and then began to introduce them again.

"Next to her is Lisa," he gestured to her and she didn't bat an eyelid as she continued talking with Mariah. "And then this is Jenna."

"Hey." Jenna leant over and said with a wave. I'm not stupid, I'm obviously nothing like these girls. They're all extremely beautiful, and using makeup, but not too over the top, to show that beauty. I'm shy and stay quiet, and they're the complete opposite.

The girls are all very similar, but the guys seem very different. Alex seems like a typical teen guy. Flirty, forward and easy going. Oli seems friendly and easy to talk to despite his appearance making it seem otherwise. I guess Oli is the perfect example of judging a book by it's cover.

Vic is small compared to all of them, look inviting and friendly. He's very different from them, that much I can tell, I just can't figure out exactly why yet.

And Zack, Zack I just can't figure out. He seems quiet, yet friendly. Like he cuts himself off, I guess.

"I'm just gunna go to the toilet." I told them all with a smile. Oli smiled back and went to chatting with Alex. I got up and started heading towards Jack, still trying to figure out what's going on exactly.

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