Oh, Fuzz Buckets

By Kittycatyellow

22.9K 487 1.2K

You're a wizard. Your names y/n l/n, and you are exactly-wait....multiply five...carry the two...? 918 years... More

How it began
Old days Camelot
True power
Fixing Excalibur
A/n IMPORTANT! If you like this story that is
Camelot under attack
War pt one
War pt 2
Wizard tech
Important for the rule of comedy~
Dragons den
Unwanted magic
Not important, but appreciated if read.
The other side of me
Two y/n's?
It Ends Now
Oh, Fuzz Buckets
Really, really important note! About Rott!
The sequel.
I have a question.
Hisirdoux Casperans zodiac sign.

Magic or pride

1.3K 24 117
By Kittycatyellow

 Heyooo! Nice to see you all here again and thank you soo much for reading! I love you all and enjoy!

I know this was a good Idea at first, but now that i look back on it...

'This is insane!'

I think as we rush past the "slightly" drunk knights.

Galahad:" no way!"

Lancelot:" ah! Oy! Young gentleman of Palchukia, join us in our nocturnal liberations"

Galahad:" we are looking for the Holy Grail! Oh, well, it's not in this one either!"

They both laugh while I stare at them, Steve starts to walk over as the drunk knights laugh their asses off.

Archie seems to have the same opinion.

Archibald:" where do you think your going, buddy boy?"

Steve:"dude, I'm keeping the guards busy...while having a righteous time! Ha!"

He whispers that last part before I roll my eyes and say.

Y/n:" ok, well, just be careful ok? Come on arch, let's go"

But we stay as we hear a 'chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!' From them all and see Steve drink it.

Before he says.

Archibald:" this is going to end badly. Ooh, I can't wait"

I snicker at that as we start walking away. We walk all the way down the stairs towards the dungeon.

Once were inside we hear a.

Calista:" no ones saving anybody in here"

I beg to differ.

Claire:" Jim! We're breaking you out"

I walk next to Douxie as he makes a blue knife that can melt the steel.

He had a smile on his face that I can't help but admire. Lost in thought I don't realize him saying.

Hisirdoux:" your stay in terror tower is over, mate"

He says as he slices through the steel and I smile at Jim while Douxie's doing that.

Y/n:" hey, how are ya Jim?"

He smiles back at as he says.

Jim:" I'm doin' ok, thanks to you I'm only in the dungeon. If it weren't for you, I'd probably be dead"

I wave him off saying.

Y/n:" don't mention it, besides, I'm only returning the favor"

I say winking at him with another smile which he chuckles at. I look at Douxie who had stopped and stared at us...with, anger? Anger on his face?

Before shaking it off and continuing, but his angered face never stopped.

Archibald:" and presto, one liberated troll"

Claire goes to him and gives him a hug. While he walks out of his cell, I nudge his shoulder saying.

Y/n:" you got guts, I will admit that"

He smiles at me again and nods before he takes the knife from Douxie and goes to that troll from earlier.

Calista:" hahahaha! Take that, death! I allude you once again-!"

'Oh, I like her. She's cool'

Jim:" shh!"

He goes to all the other trolls and unlocks their cages as well. Just like Douxie and I do.

While we do that, I can't help but admire the determined look on his face.

'Why do you need to look so attractive when your determined?.....and why am I thinking this!?'

I snap my head away from Douxie as I keep on freeing trolls and think.

'After all these centuries, and I still am totally in love with him'

I think as we all continue going through cages, but my dress slowed me down until I shout.

Y/n:" oh, cut this bull crap!"

I use my magic and create pants and a black tank top. Not caring for Douxie's warning looks.

Were about to escape before hearing a.

~my lord Arthur's in the building~

~ watch out, y'all he's here to do some creep-killing~

~ get out of here~

After that was done all went silent as I slowly say.

Y/n:" now, now, everyone just stay calm"

I say facing the trolls......

Before all hell breaks loose.

The trolls run around panicking, and shouting stuff while running for the exit.

We run out of the castle as well with Calista and Jim still with us as Charlie questions.

Charlie:" is this your plan?"

I think of a spell and summon my magic as I answer.

Y/n:" I'm improvising!"

Calista:" quick, through the alleys! They can't catch all of us!"

We do so and run through the alley ways. All of Camelot was in chaos! Gnomes and trolls running around everywhere.

Claire helps Jim off somewhere while Douxie and I hear Arthur talking.

Arthur:" did you see where they went?"

Hisirdoux:" this way, sir! Don't worry, sire, I'll freeze them on the spot"

Arthur:" then do it! This way, men! CHARGE!"

We use our magic to put them in and endless portal. Where they keep running and just go into the other one ahead.

Before they realize that the portal is blocking their entrance.

Arthur:" what trickery is this now?"

He fumbles with his bracket while I do gestures as if I was thinking about something and then try my magic but on purpose fail.

Hisirdoux:" Oh Fuzz Buckets. We must have caused an Infinite hallway by accident. You know how frustrating magic is. Uh, let me—let me just find the right spell"

He says while I watch the knights in amusement considering they are dumb enough to not realize that they aren't going anywhere.

Arthur:" Wizard, remove this enchantment or I'll remove your head!"

I scoff at him as I say.

Y/n:"wow, rude much"

He glares at me, which I happily return. Before sighing and facing away from us.

Hisirdoux:" thank you"

He mumbles, I take his hand and give it a squeeze as I say.

Y/n:" your welcome, love"

He stares at me surprised, while his cheeks go red and he smiles. We hear a ahem and look to see Arthur having a raised eyebrow and tried to surprise a smirk.

Hisirdoux:" oh! Right—uh, lets see. Here we go"

He rushes through and we run in after them, soon we see them at the gate. Douxie uses his magic to shut the gate so they don't get to the trolls outside of it.

But I see the sun come in.

'Oh no'

Arthur:" get this gate open at once!"

I help Douxie keep it shut, but we struggle. I see Claire at the top of the gate and she sees the sun as well.

They point their spear through the gate as the trolls are forced to come back into the spears through the sunlight.

Claire sees this and holds out her hands while I grab Douxie by the arm and run to where she is. He stops the speed as shadows set in throughout the castle and Camelot.

I run to her followed by Douxie and stand by her side as I whisper.

Y/n:" you've got this Claire! See it, then do it!"

She lets out a cry in frustration and shadows come all around us. Her eyes turn purple and black as the way out of there is filled with shadows.

Allowing the trolls, to walk into the forest without struggles. They don't waste the opportunity and run for it.

The gates open and the shadows start to fade as Claire grunts in exhaustion. I see the knights run after the troll from below as I keep trying to help Claire.

Douxie came at the entrance and saw us. She groans before letting it go as they were now, in the shadows of the forest.

Hisirdoux:" by the seven rings, how did you manage that?"

He runs towards us, but Claire collapses and falls into his arms. I would feel jealousy if I wasn't concerned.

Hisirdoux:" woah, woah, woah! Easy!"

He lays her down gently as she grunts in exhaustion. I sit down next to her as I whisper.

Y/n:" see, I knew you could do it..."

She tries to chuckle at me before groaning again in exhaustion. Douxie picks her up and I pick myself up.

We start walking back to the castle, before Douxie asks me a question.

Hisirdoux:" how did she do that?"

Y/n:" you didn't know? Claire is a master of the shadows"

He stares at me wide eyed as I said it like it was nothing. She groans again before whispering.

Claire:" I'm not a master.."

Y/n:" well, your close enough"

we sit her down and she insists on walking again so we let her. We hear a creak from a door.

Claire:" I cant believe I'm saying this, but...thank you Morgana"

Morgana:" thank you hand maiden. You inspired me, now keep your head down. I will handle my brother"

She said before leaving, I felt a little hurt that she paid me no attention but I shook it off and she left.

As usual, Steve was laying on the stone bed while Douxie was pacing back and forth saying.

Hisirdoux:" Arthur is furious. He's locked down the entire castle"

Archibald:" luckily, he thinks your so incompetent, you can't be a suspect"

He groans at this, I walk over to him and put my hands on his shoulders saying.

Y/n:" will you stop pacing! We're alive and so is Jim and the others, that's all that matters. I know your worried, but it's ok. Well get through this, we always do"

He lets out a deep breath before smiling at me and saying as he hugs me.

Hisirdoux:" thank you..."

We sperrte from the Hug and i sit down as Claire walks closer to us.

He starts walking away and Charlie asks.

Charlie:" where are you going?"

Hisirdous:" to get that time map! With Arthur on the hunt. I've got a chance to finally snatch that thing"

I get up and say as I walk over to him.

Y/n:" well, I hope you don't think that your doing this alone. Cause I'm coming with you"

He opens his mouth to protest, but I already opened the door and said in a warning tone.

Y/n:" weither you like it or not, deal with it! Your stuck with me"

And walk out of the door hearing laughs from Clair and Steve, soon later he comes out as well and closes the door before glaring at me saying.

Hisirdoux:" you.are.impossible"

I laugh at him a I start walking away saying while laughing.

Y/n:" I know..."

But something I didn't know, was that Douxie was looking at me in admiration and love.

I didn't know it then...

But he loved me back.

(Time skip)

Now in Merlin's chamber we look inside carefully, making sure no one sees us.

We use our magic to lighten this dark place and walk towards the black locker, where he put his things.

We use our magic to open it, and it does.

Only thing is, we try it and each time we open it after closing it again.

Something other then the time map shows up. We snap our heads around and gasp as we hear.

Merlin:" looking for this?.....or perhaps....this?"

He says bringing our past selves into view that are still sleeping.

We stare at him while mumbling.

Hisirdoux:" Oh Fuzz Buckets"

Y/n:" Oh Fuzz Buckets"

(Time skip)

Camelot's rage goes on in finding the trolls, as now the people got involved as well. While we....well, we were getting our butts whooped.

Hard truth.

Merlin:" have you any idea what you've done? I knew my apprentice was ignoramus, but traveling through time?....time!"

Hisirdoux:" I think we handled ourselves just fine, all things considered. And, technically, it was your idea"

He said pointing at him while I look down.

Merlin faces me and says.

Merlin:" and you! Y/n! Of all people I would have expected this the least of you!"

I keep looking down, I can understand people being angry at me. But...disappointed? That...that Is not good for me.

Hisirdoux:" her?! She tried to talk me out of it! Believe me, she did! So don't go blaming her for something I have done"

I look at him in surprise, but gratitude.

Merlin:" well, then, you must have botched it up! My planning is flawless"

He said pointing at Douxie, advancing closer and getting all up in his face.

Out of the corner, and out of nowhere, past Douxie pops up and says pointing up.

Past-Douxie:" for the record, Master, we had nothing to do with this. They did, which are us, and...ugh! Time travel, so confusing!"

He says as Merlin walks past him. Merlin grabs the time map and it shows us in a blood red.

Merlin:" aah! The timelines are in a complete disarray!"

Hisirdoux:" look, I can fix this, I swear!"

Y/n:" we! We can fix this"

Merlin:" ah-ah, you are meddling has already wreaked enough havoc on history"

We come closer to him and the time map as Archie says.

Archibald:" then surely we can use the time map to change things back, and the it'll all be as it was"

Merlin:" it doesn't work that way. The map, only offers glimpse of possible futures. There are no detailed instructions"

Douxie leans over and says.

Hisirdoux:" oh, come on, it's not that bad"

Merlin slaps his hand and he cringes back.

Merlin:" aah! By my beard! Not that bad, eh?"

He says walking off, exposing to us a dead Arthur on the time map.

We both gasp at the sight and I stumble back a little. Before we all walk forward and we and our past selves say.

Both-Douxie's:" Oh Fuzz Buckets!"

Both-y/n's:" Oh Fuzz Buckets!"

Merlin:" your little dungeon break must have changed fate. Now, unless I stop it, the king will die!"

Our past selves and us stare at the time map in shock.

(Time skip)

After dealing with Merlin, Morgana summoned me to go with her to the throne room. Because Arthur had summoned her.

I walked there with Claire, until we reached it with Lancelot.

Lancelot kneels down as he says.

Lancelot:" your sister as requested, my lord"

 Morgana walks forward as Claire and I stay behind.

Morgana:" why have I been summoned?"

Arthur:" the beasts in the dungeon have escaped, aided by shadow magic. Curious coincidence, hm?"

Arthur comes closer once Steve was done with his armor, and looks at Morgana suspiciously.

Morgana:" i was in my quarters all night, being a good little indentured sorceress"

She says bowing a little while he moves away.

Arthur:" the creatures were seen fleeing into the wild woods. You, will help take them down"

I gasp at this and so does Claire.

Morgana:" what! Why?"

Arthur:" consider it a test of loyalty. Bring m ether heads or yours will be on the chopping block next"

He threatens with his sword, Excalibur, at her.

Claire and I gasp as Morgana looks down.

(Time skip)

Claire an dir an out of there, not even waiting to be excused. On the way, we ran into Douxie and told him everything.

Running to the stables, I feared for Morgana. She would have to chose, magic or pride.

In the stables, we watch as the knights gather. Ready to kill the trolls, and, Jim.

Claire:" their hunting Jim! If they catch him, he'll be killed!"

Hisirdoux:" I know, Andy he's not the only one. Because of us, Arthur's about to eat the big one, too!"

Then Steve comes trotting over looking proud.

Steve:" Eat the what? Oh, no, was I supposed to bring food?"

He asks.

While I face palm and chuckle a little.

Hisirdoux:" he'll be eating a death sandwich, Steve"

Steve:" ugh, who would eat that? Gross"

Douxie and Claire sigh while I laugh a little, the both turn to me to signal it's not funny.

Y/n:" what? I thought it was funny how he not got it"

Steve:" not got what?"

I laugh a little again.

Douxie groans and opens the time map.

Hisirdoux:" If Arthur dies, we lose the Battle of Killahead and the war"

Archibald:" which will probably mess up time so much, you'll never be able to return home"

An image of Toby showed up....and of him disappearing.....

Claire:" oh no, Toby! What's happening to him?"

Hisirdoux:" the future-our future is vanishing!"

He looks through different time lines and another one pops up in blue.

Y/n:" what's that?"

Hisirdoux:" well-well that wasn't there before. It's a new time line, one where Arthur and Jim live"

Claire:" and Morganas the hero? I thought she was meant to be mistress doom"

I frown at the memory of the battle of the bands day. A.K.A the day she died.

That was a terrible day for me, and no on even knew. Not Douxie, not Claire, not Toby, not Steve, no one.

Hisirdoux:" it looks like there's a possibility, if we get Arthur and Morgana to reconcile, then, somehow, nobody dies"

He says closing the time map. Galahad calls for Steve and we all get out of the stall.

Claire:" I'll keep and eye on Morgana. Douxie, you work on Arthur. Steve, make sure they don't kill my boyfriend. And y/n-"

Y/n:" I'll work on Merlin, Morgana and Arthur. Believe it or not I might be able to work some sense into them"

I say while running out of there with Douxie and I say as I mount a white horse.

Y/n:" okay, Arch, Charlie, let's save history- woah!"

We both get knocked of our horses and are floating in the air with a green aura around us. Merlin.

Merlin:" oh, no, you don't, boy, girl"

Hisirdoux:" but master Merlin, we can help-"

Y/n:" were nine hundred years smarter, tougher-"

Merlin:" nine hundred years crazier, clearly. I must focus on protecting the kings life. So I'm taking an apprentice who won't mess up the fabric of time"

He lectures as we are painfully dropped into barrels. Out come our past selves and I gap at him in dismay.

Hisirdoux:" l-let's do this master!"

Y/n:" thank you for letting me come along"

Merlin:" anytime, dear"

Douxie seemed just as disapproving of this as I was

Hisirdoux:" them? But he's just a moppet with a man bun! And she's nothing but a power-people-pleaser freak, with a pigtail!"


'That hurt'

Why did it hurt so much when I know it was true? I am a powerful people pleaser, but that's only because I grew up with nothing. I wanted to help others to not have the same thing like I did.

And freak!? Who are you calling a freak?!

'Wow, is that really all he thinks of me? I'm just a powerful-people-pleaser who's a freak?'

I thought to myself.

'Why does this bother me so much!? He's talking about the old me! Not the now me, but....but I guess it hurts because he thinks of the old me like that. Which is still me'

Hisirdoux:" someone's just jealous they don't get to ride on the horse"

Douxie says while getting on the horse on the wrong way, if I could.

I would face palm.

My old self does face palm and gets on the horse properly. The horse farts in Douxie's face and the fanfare starts going off. Signaling that the hint is about to begin.

Arthur:" its time we root out every last enemy in our lands"

He says galloping past us, Morgana as well before sending me a sorrowful look.

I try to wave it off and she continues galloping. Douxie, falls out of the barrel landing on his face.

He gets up and comes to me and says while chuckling.

Hisirdoux:" need a hand?"

I stare at his hand, my eyebrows were knitted together in anger of what he had called me a si said.

Y/n:" no. I don't."

He looked taken aback by my serious and angry tone, having enough of this stupid barrel. I use my magic and make the thing explode.

I get up and walk past him, only to be stopped by him grabbing my arm gently and turning me to face him.

Hisirdoux:" hey, what's wrong? Why are you angry?"

I scoff in disbelief, how could he not know what's wrong?

Y/n:" oh nothing, why would you care? After all, I'm just a powerful-people-pleaser"

I say yanking my arm away and continued walking. Only to be stopped again by Douxie, who placed himself in front of me.

Hisirdoux:" woah, woah, woah, hold up. (1) You know I didn't mean it like that (2) of course I care! And your not just a powerful-people-pleaser to me (3) that was a stupid thing to say, and I am so so sorry for that.... i know it's a sensitive topic for you. Can you forgive me?"

He looked at me with puppy eyes, I sighed looking down. Before looking up and saying with a smile.

Y/n:" of course. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have reacted like that"

He brings me into a quick hug and mumbles into my hair as I hug back.

Hisirdoux:" you mean so much more..."

I blush at this and pull away.

We run for the gates of Camelot, I signal to Steve's barrel to say its the perfect hiding spot.

All Douxie does is blink cluelessly.

I face palm and drag him to the barrel, we quickly jump on the cart where the barrels on.

Our past selves come riding past us soon enough.

Past-Douxie:" what a beautiful day for a ride"

Past-Y/n:" it is, but your still gonna fall of like that"

Past Douxie scoffs and says looking at my past self.

Past-Douxie:" what would you know?"

Past-y/n:" a lot more then you"

I snicker behind the barrel, while Douxie rolls his eyes.

We use our magic and our old selves fall asleep.

And fall off the horses.

I face palm again and glare at Douxie while I look down at our old selves and hear past Douxie say.

Past-Douxie:" yes, mummy, it tickles"

I start laughing once hearing that, Douxie looks embarrassed.

Y/n:" I knew you were a mamas boy!"

I say pointing at him.

He rolls his eyes while I wiggle my eyebrows, his face, still beet red as Arch and Charlie say.

Archibald:" you do know that repeated sleeping spells can cause memory loss permanently"

Charlie:" the more you do it, the more memories you lose"

Hisirdoux:" huh, don't remember that-"

Y/n:" but we'll be fine!"

We jump onto our horses and see a stunned Steve so I whisper.

Y/n:" we'll explain later"

He nods and we're off.

Off to the others that is, not off the horse like the others.

 We ran into the forest. I was immediately haunted by the memories of what happened to me here.

Not even Douxie, Merlin or Morgana knew about what happened here. No one did, and I prefer to keep it that way.

Suddenly! Jim just gets shoved for all to see.

I face palm and roll my eyes, really!? Now! Was a time to trip or fall!

Jim:" aah! Oh, he-hello!"


You have got to be joking.

Arthur growls and shouts as we all march forward.

Arthur:" get them!"

We all rush forward, and I see Jim complaining to the same green troll who I thought was cool.

We followed the knights as they run after them. I share a concerned look with Morgana and we nod to each other.

We understood, I knew. She wasn't planning on killing anyone. She was gonna try and help them get away.

Douxie was talking to Merlin while I was focused on everything else.

I didn't want to, but the dark memories of what happened suddenly shot into my brain.

The horrible flashes filled my thoughts.

(Scrap Flash back)

Gunmar:"you impure are not worthy of these woods!"

Y/n:" Gwen! Your highness! Wait, these woods are dangerous!"

Gwen:" ah! Come child. These woods aren't bad nor evil"

Y/n:" AAAH!"

Y/n:" Please, don't hurt me!"

Gunmar:" leave! Or I will kill you as well!"

Y/n:" b-b-b-but-"

Gunmar:" your choice"

Y/n:" AAAAhhhh!"

(End of flashback)

That day, I came home half dead...

Gunmar had faced me before and almost took my life had I not played dead.

I healed myself in the woods with the help of it. A magical creature came to me and helped me heal, so when I came back.

I looked normal.

But the scar is still there. Etched on my lower back, and...etched in my heart.

Ever since then, I had no strength to return to these woods. Anytime I went or came close.

I had a panic attack, how I hadn't one now. Is a mystery.

Two tears escaped my eyes at the painful memory, not even Douxie knew I faced of with Gunmar.

I quickly swiped them off and controlled my rapid heart beat, along with me gasping for air. Quietly.

I looked around the woods, knowing that we weren't far from where it happened. It pained me.

Until we suddenly came to a stop.

King Arthur told us to abandon the horses and we would continue on foot. My breathing quickened, my panic rose.

I calmed myself down, or at least tried to.

Got off the horse, gave it a pat for being a good..wait a sec....girl and walked off into the Wild Woods with the others.

I got close to Douxie as my fear rose the further we tread.

Douxie could read me like a book, so he knew something was wrong with me. He took my hand and gave it a squeeze, making me look up at him.

Hisirdoux:" are you alright? you seem tense"

I look at him, wondering what to say or do. I just fumble with my words.

Y/n:" yeah, um, Well-I- the thing is...I'm just worried"

Is all I could come up with, and I wasn't even lying. I was worried.

He hummed in understanding, before letting go of my hand and wrapping it around my shoulders.

Pulling me into his familiar warmth. I wrapped an arm around him too and he said.

Hisirdoux:" I understand, but don't worry. We'll be fine, I'm here and nothings gonna happen"

'I wouldn't be so sure about that'

Claire comes down as well and Douxie says.

Hisirdoux:" Stick to the plan. I'll take the king"

Claire:" I'll cover Morgana"

Y/n:" and I'll make sure Merlin or anyone else won't stop us"

I say walk away from Douxie and the side hug.

Archibald:" an duets just focus on getting these royal siblings to hug and make up"

Claire:" and not die"

Archibald:" uh, yes, that, too"

We venture into the wild wood, and my anxiety starts to take over as memories of what Gunmar did to me flooded in ruthlessly.

Knowing there was only one person who could help my anxiety, I walk over to Douxie and entwine our fingers as we walk into the woods.

He notices this and blushes, but gave me a concerned look once he sees my falling and rising chest.

That was falling and rising way to quickly.

He squeezes my hand, which comfort me more and more. I walk close to him as we continue farther.

Douxie separates from me with a questioningly look, I nod as a gesture that I'm ok.

He lets go and walks to Arthur while I walk to Merlin and hear him say.

Hisirdoux:" uh, enjoying the hunt, milord?"

Arthur sighs and turns around looking irritated.

Arthur:" you again, boy? No. I'll feel better after dealing with my sister"

Hisirdoux:" wouldn't you say life's to short to hold grudges?"

Arthur turns around again to face him with anger now visible.

Hisirdoux:" I mean...family's so important, isn't it? Your lucky that I've got one. Closest I ever got was him"

He says pointing to Archie coughing up a hair ball.

Arthur walks off and Douxie follows him saying.

Hisirdoux:" please, sire. Morgana was only looking out for those poor creatures. Is all this really worth hurting her?"

Arthur shoves him away by the head while saying.

Arthur:" I will speak of this no more!"

I shake my head and turn to Merlin. I walk over to him looking down as I whisper.

Y/n:" I'm sorry...."

He turns his attention slightly towards me saying.

Merlin:" you should be, you have disobeyed me for a second time now"

I look down again saying.

Y/n:" I don't mean that....I mean, *sigh* that I wasn't a good enough second apprentice for you"

He turns to me still looking down and I hear him sigh. He lays a hand on my shoulder as he whispers.

Merlin:" you have caused me a lot of trouble, yes....but, I am glad that you have found your way to me and to Hisirdoux"

He smiles at me, I look up at him and place my hand on his shoulder.

Before he let go and we presumed walking.

Y/n:" Master, if-if someone...if someone would have come across Gunmar, what would have happened to them?"

He looked at me as if I was stupid.

Merlin:" why if human, killed of course"

I look down again and even though I wasn't looking I could feel his burning gaze on me.

Y/n:" he-he...never mind"

I say shaking my head, he puts a hand on my shoulder and makes me look up at him.

I do so and see his stern look.

Merlin:" why would you ask such a thing?"

I open my mouth to speak before saying.

Y/n:" no reason"

Merlin sighs and makes me face him again. His face was serious, he looked deep inside of me and sighed again before saying.

Merlin:" there is something you must know of"

I nod.

Merlin looks a little uneasy.

Merlin:" it has to do with your parents-"

Hisirdoux:" y/n!"

I look to Merlin and he nods for me to go, I go and run after the familiar voice of my best friend.

As I get there I see Morgana looking off into space as Archie says.

Archibald:" hm, not ,ich love left between them"

I side next to Douxie who smiles once he sees me.

He pushes some shrub away, revealing a engraved heart with Arthur + Gwen, and Morgana at the bottom.

Archibald:" if only you could make him remember the good old days"

My eyes shoot wide open as I finish the sentence Douxie was about to say.

Y/n:"Maybe we can"

We us sour magic on the tree and smirk at each other once done.

Douxie turns to Arthur and says.

Hisirdoux:" say, my liege, didn't you used to spend time in this wood?"

Instead of his eyes going irritated and annoyed. His eyes went soft and sad.

Arthur:" yes, as a boy"

He said advancing toward the tree

Arthur:" much time was lost in this accursed forest. I often fled to these woods to escape from my growing responsibilities"

He says touching the heart, it started glowing blue and yellow/gold.

The king gasped as glowing beautiful golden and shining mystical blue lights float all around the knights.

Children laughter and giggles could be heard, while the two colors harmoniously floated around the knights and nature.

We see Merlin look confused before facing us, Douxie does a horn-rock sign while sticking his tongue out and closing an eye.

I smirk at him with crossed arms.

Merlin rolls his eyes shouting.

Merlin:" stand down. We're not in danger. Uh, my lord-"

He was interrupted by a dazu looking Arthur pointing his sword out as a sign to stop talking.

He looks out at the younger version on of Gwen, Arthur and Morgana come out from the tree playing.

Arthur:" Gwen. My betrothed. My beloved. She was the heart of me"

He says looking at the children as they run around him in circles and over the tree root.

The blue and yellow/gold glowing figures run into a kneeled down Morgana.

Morgana:"mm, we Love these woods. The freedom they offered, the wood showed us kindness for our courage"

You see and image of Gwen and Morgana running alone and see a small tree elf (I have no idea what that creature is so I'm just gonna go with elf)

Morgana:" Gwen and I were never scared. Arthur however..."

She said as Gwen and Morgana were fascinated by the creatures magic as it showed them berries to eat, behind them. Little Arthur was shown pulling out a knife and running towards the creature.

Arthur:" I knew what danger lurked in the darkness"

Past Arthur shows the elf his knife and threatened it to stay away from Gwen.

Past-Arthur:" Gwen! Away from her, demon!"

The elf ran away from Arthur in fear.

Arthur:" as we grew older and duty kept me inside, Morgana encouraged Gwen, brought her out when she should have stayed safe within Camelot"

Morgana:" Arthur always blamed me for our moonlight trips. But that night, it was Gwen pulling me out of the door"

And image of Older Morgana and Gwen came running in the forest, along with our beloved future queen stumbling and falling into...

Morgana:" we'd stumbled into a stalkling nest"

And image of Morgana trying to find Gwen pops up, as well with her running to the edge seeing a stalkling coming closer to her.

Morgana:" it was afraid"

Gwen points a stick at the stalkling, making it even more angry. And an image of Morgana screaming in horror is the last of that scene.

Arthur:" that night, Gwen went into the woods and never returned. You, sister, should have known better"

Morgana didn't look at him, she turned away saying as tears escaped her eyes.

Morgan's:" you never forgave me, and when my own gifts blossomed, you saw yet another abomination. Ordered Merlin to teach me to control that part of me..."

Morgana walks over to Gwen who was in front of the tree and replaces the old self with her, showing the exact same flower from her magic.

Morgana:" though Gwen loved magic as I did"

Arthur comes up from behind his sister and sighs as he says.

Arthur:" yes. Yes she did"

They look at Gwen longingly. Arthur reached out for her but she vanished.

Arthur:" I miss her terribly"

Morgana:" as do I..."

Morgana looks up at him while saying.

Morgana:" Brother"

They both smile at each other a bit, Merlin looks surprised and we smirk.

We face each other and smile while checking the time map.

Hisirdoux:" it's working!"

Lancelot:" troll! We found one!"

'Lancelot. I hate you'

The moment that Arthur and Morgana had was ruined by an angry.

Arthur:" I will lose no one else to those creatures. To arms!"

The time map goes back to dead Arthur.

Hisirdoux:" no, no, no, no, not now!"

Claire:" oh, no! Jim!"

Lancelot:" steady, men! Remember your training. Kill the beasts!"

And Steve shows up.

I totally forgot he was there.

Steve:"wait, kill? I thought this was catch-and-release!"

We run after the knights.

Merlin snatches Douxie but I don't listen I keep running. Before they come soon after us.

We see a gum-gum. God I hate those things!

They shoot at it and it stumbles forward. They try to catch it and after a bit Steve was given the option of killing it.

He tries to do it but the thing fights back. Arthur saves his butt and the gum-gum gets barbecued.

Arthur:" careful young squire! You mustn't show these beasts mercy!"

Morgana objected but it was too late. Steve was still trying to come back from his heart attack.

When I noticed something was moving behind him...



Y/n:" Steve! Get out of there!"

He stares at me confused before hearing Bular growl at him, Bular grabs him and throws him away.

Y/n:" Steve!?"

Steve:" I'm ok!"

Lancelot:" Bular the butcher!"

Galahad:" the gum-gum prince himself!"

Bular looked really pissed off. So was I, When Gunmar had almost killed me, I had a small introduction with Bular.

He was a horrid devil, and I hate him.

Everyone tries to attack him, but he simply doges doing flips and what not.

He fights the knights of with his blade and Galahad manages a hit on him. Butthe next one he tries to do doesn't work, Bular Grabs his mace and throws him away.

Bular and Arthur face of while I hear the dreadful words say.

Bular:" I'll drink your blood out of a goblet made of your skull!"

(I hated writing that part, made me want to throw up 🤢)

He has Arthur trapped against a tree and Bular was about to strike weren't it for us.

Bular:" I'll carve you open, let your guts spill out!"

Douxie and I use our magic and his sword can't penetrate Arthur's body with our magic ropes.

Hisirdoux:" there's no spilling anything today!"

Merlin uses his magic to create a green glowing net on top of him.

He falls down onto the ground and struggles against the net.

Bular:" finish it, then, fleshbag!"

Arthur:" the spawn of Gunmar. I won't dull Excalibur's edge with you. Drag this monster back to Camelot! I have plans for him"

Steve, Claire, Douxie, me and Morgana gather up lastly at the group as she says.

Morgana:" who's the monster here?"

We keep walking while Lancelot finds more tracks, we were now very close of where it happened with me and Gunmar. Shivers ran down my spine as Arthur faces Morgana.

Arthur:" and, you, time to pick a side. You would do well not to return with a clean sword"

He warns, Morgana just turns around and keeps walking.

We follow the trail of footsteps, and it leads to some sort of river.

Lancelot:" this area is dangerous, but there's no way around"

Steve:"  fear not, for Steve will scout the enemy base"

Lancelot:" hold, squire. Watch out for the-"

And a weird sharp stick gets shot into Steve. I flinch and so does everyone else. Everyone except Arthur starts laughing, I don't laugh. I face palm.

We just keep on going through the path as I fear the place where it happened is not far.

When we reach it, I know I will receive a panic attack. I can't go there, I just couldn't.

We see the green troll from earlier and Jim! Oh crap!

Steve! Do something!

Steve sacks the Ambrose with his hand shouting, "Mosquito!"

And I start laughing a little, it hits the green troll into the leg. But not her, y'know....heart or head.

They start to make a run for it, and we run after them. They all shout huzzah and run after those two.

Hisirdoux:" wait!"

Merlin:" my king, it's not safe!"

Claire:" oh, no"

Morgana:" come Hand Maiden. Not a moment to lose"

Claire:" what are you going to do when you catch them?"

Morgana:" whatever I must"

She says taking out her shadow staff, where was I? I was contemplating on what to do.

Morgan's is my mother, while Arthur is my uncle.

We run after them Morgana jumps in front of Jim saying.

Morgana:" there you are"

Jim:" Morgana?"

Claire:" Jim! Jim!!

Morgana helps him up. I knew it, she never planned on hurting them.

Morgana:" don't be afraid. I won't hurt you"

Claire:" Jim! Don't kill him! You said-"

I look at Claire and give her a hand on my shoulder, as a sign that she never planned to.

She runs to Jim and hugs him, which he is more then happy to return.

Morgana:" im sorry you were ever in a cage"

The others come along while I, just stand there.

Morgana:" Go, i will draw away the others. Go!"

Jim:" I'll find you"

He whispers to Claire and gives her a kiss before running off. But Arthur comes in the way off that and walks him away.

Arthur:" so, sister, your true loyalty has been revealed at last. I warned you not to return with a clean sword"

No realizing where we were, my panic rose higher then imaginable.

'This...this is the Place...where he- oh god, I can't do this, I can't do this!'

Morgana steps up front and stops Arthur form killing him.

Arthur:" what? What are you doing!?"

Morgana:" what i should have done a Long Time ago"

Arthur:" you dare raise arms against your king?"

She jumps back and I help Jim to his feet, Douxie comes by my side saying.

Hisirdoux:"  oh, no!"

They start fighting while Claire shoots magic at lance lots arrow, to make him forget he saw tat. Steve Whacks him over the head with a stone.

The two siblings fight endlessly.

Merlin:" Morgana? She takes Arthur's life"

Douxie comes from behind disagreeing with what's going on he gets shot against the tree.

I run after him.

Y/n:" are you ok?"

He looks at me a little dazy before nodding, I help him up nad we run back towards the battle.

Merlin:" protect the king! At all costs!"

He says shooting magic at Morgana.

Morgana:" traitors! You throw us in chains, barring what you cannot control, but we of magic are not lesser creatures, we are more!"

She shoots her magic into the air creating a yellow/gold rope and slam sit down on us.

We get knocked back through the force.

Claire:" stop! We found another way!"

Hisirdoux:" we can do this peacefully!"

Y/n:" please Morgana!"

She looks at me and sees my pleading eyes before going serious saying.

Morgana:" the Tim for peace ended long ago"

Claire:" Morgana, he is not the enemy."

Morgana:" i trusted you! Now you side with my brother over your own kind? Your just one of them, your all against me but I am more powerful then you know"

She starts doing something, once I realize what it is i run over to her. Of course her being in the air helped very little in doing so.

'I am the only on who can stop this'

Y/n:" Morgana! Please, stop! We can settle this!"

Morgana looks at me and puts her shadow staff down from the air.

Morgana:" you May all stand against me! But there is one, who will stand with me"

They all look around curiously, my eyes widen once I realize she means me.

Morgana sticks her hand out for me saying.

Morgana:" join me, and we can be stronger together! We do not need them! We are more powerful together"

Arthur comes closer saying.

Arthur:"  unlike someone, she knows where her loyalties lay! And it is with Camelot! Stay with us, and fight for Camelot!"

I look in between both of them.

'How was I supposed to chose!? Mother or uncle, family or friends'

Y/n:" magic or pride"

So so so sorry that it took so long! Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day/night!

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