The Idol's Daycare (KDA x Mal...

By BlackTalonCr0w

767K 16.4K 13.4K

An average daycare worker finds himself taking care of four of the world's most famous pop idols kids. Can he... More

Chapter 1- Introductions
Chapter 2- Apartment Pals
Chapter 3- Shattered
Chapter 4- Their First Day
Chapter 5- Confrontation
Chapter 6- Dancing Fever
Chapter 7- Little Trouble Maker
Chapter 8- Drama Queen
Chapter 9- The Saturday
Chapter 10- Sister's calling
Chapter 11- The Outing Part 1
Chapter 12- The Outing Part 2
Chapter 13- Close Call
Chapter 14- House Tour
Chapter 15- Confession or Confusion?
Chapter 16- The Ninja's birthday
Chapter 17- Big Moves
Chapter 18- Cooking with feeling
Chapter 19- A SpOwOoky OwOky Night
Chapter 20- Love Fever
Chapter 21- Unexpected Arrivals
Chapter 22- "Friendly" Competition
A/N: 100k Q and A
Chapter 23- A Family Talk
Chapter 24- A very Merry KDA Christmas
Chapter 25- Strays
Chapter 26- Roll your D20
Chapter 27- (Y/n) "Silverhand" (L/n)
Chapter 28- Bulls and Horns
Chapter 29- The Lake (+18!!! NSFW)
Chapter 30- No S'More Please
Chapter 31- Cake by the Lake
Chapter 32- Lucid
Chapter 33- Lost in the city
Chapter 35- Interview with the Devil
Shorts: Driver's Ed
Shorts: Talent Show

Chapter 34- Enrollment

9.2K 264 94
By BlackTalonCr0w

(Kept you waiting huh? Sorry for the sudden disappearance, BlancoFangP1geon is posting yet again! I have been busy with life. Trying to make ends meet, going out and being social. May have met a lady friend... Went to an anime convention and preping to go to another one at the end of next month. While also trying to balance hobbies like writing! Which was not at the top of my priority list. So I thank you for your patience of all things. I know it must suck rereading previous chapters or trying to finding other books to read. But to be honest I'll have to wrap this book up soon. There's not much else content I could do with this book and I wanted to end it with the girls entering elementary school and going into a epilogue following the years after. So don't expect too many more chapters.  In other news! I might start streaming again! I'll add my twitch link in my bio. It's Monarch_Cr0w at! So check it out! Or don't! I don't care but you probably already know that! Anyways! I hope you enjoy the chapter!)

The day was like any other in the KDA household.

Ahri: "We're going to be late!"

Kai'sa: "I need to get Leah's shoes on!"

Evelynn: "Deanna hasn't had her hair done yet!"

Akali: "I can't find Ina! Oh wait, here she is..."

Ahri: "Why did (Y/n) have to be late today of all days...?"

Okay, it wasn't like any other day in the KDA household...


Once you were back from your vacation it was back to work for you. The daycare was back full of kids and you there to watch over them.

You: "Okay kiddos, time to go home!"

All of the kids: "Okay!"

They stopped what they were doing and you led them out of the lobby where their parents were waiting. After dismissing most of them you went back to your room to gather the girls. They were still playing or reading. You walked up to them and knelt down.

You: "Okay, you girls ready to go home?"

Ina: "I am! Is papa going to make din din?"

You: "No, I'm sure Lydia already made something Ina."

Mai: "Want us to help papa?"

You: "Thank you Mai that would be nice."

Leah: "Come on! Let's help papa!"

The girls helped clean up the toys and books while you put the chair up and swept the room. With the help of the girls, you were done in half the time it usually took you. Once you were changed out of your work apron and locked the door to the butterfly room. You got the girls into the car and you drove them home. You arrived and brought them into the manor, you saw most of them all piled up over some papers while Evelynn was on her laptop.

You: "Hey, we're home!"

They looked up and gave you and the girls a warm smile. The girls ran to them and they each gave them a hug. You walked over and greeted them as well with a hug and a kiss. Looking down at the paperwork you wondered what they were up to.

You: "What's this? Are you guys planning a new album?"

Evelynn: "No darling. The girls are at that age where they need to be enrolled into school."

You: "That's right, they are at that age."

You felt a bit conflicted at the thought. You've spent a good portion of almost a year with these girls at the daycare. It completely slipped your mind that they'd grow up, go to school, and stop being kids.

Ahri: "You okay baby? You seem to be spacing out a bit."

You: "Sorry! I got lost in thought! So where do you plan on sending the girls?"

Evelynn: "This one is the only one that we looked at and seemed capable."

You: "Piltover West Coast academy? A private school?"

Evelynn: "It caters to grades from kindergarten all the way up to highschool. So we wouldn't have to worry about them switching schools every so often."

You: "That makes a lot of sense. Do you need any help?"

Ahri: "We were actually hoping you were free to come with us to tour the school."

You: "Sure, when is the tour?"

Kai'sa: "This Sunday, around noon."

You: "Sure, that sounds good to me."

Akali: "Then it's settled! Also let's eat! I'm starving!"

You: "I could go for some food as well."

Ahri: "I think Lydia left some stew in the fridge! Let's heat it up!"

You: "Sounds good to me! I'll get Sera!"

*Back to present time*

You were well asleep in your bed. A nice Sunday morning after last night you decided to stay up binge watching (Fav. Show) yet again. You were suddenly woken up by a ringing. Thinking it was your alarm you hit it to turn off. You sat up slowly and stretched a bit. Then your phone went off yet again. You picked it up and saw that Ahri was calling you.

You: "Hello?"


You looked at the time on your phone and checked. It was 12:10...

You: "Oh shit! I'm sorry! I stayed up too late last night! I'll be there in like 20 minutes!"


Ahri then hung the phone up and you rushed out of bed to get ready. You took a shower and brushed your teeth as quickly as you could. Then you heard a knock and the door to your apartment opened.

Evelynn: "We're here! You better be dressed!"

You: "One minute! I'm still in the shower!"

Ahri: "I'm going through your clothes then! Can't have you looking underdressed!"

Kai'sa: "I'll make you coffee!"

Akali: "I'll eat your food!"

You then got out of the shower and dried yourself off with a towel. You then wrapped the towel around your waist as you entered back into your room. You saw Ahri and Evelynn go through your clothes to pick you an outfit.

Ahri: "He doesn't have many dress shirts or fancy clothes in general."

Evelynn: "We need to take him shopping then."

Ahri: "How about this?"

Evelynn: "Too chique."

Ahri: "This?"

Evelynn: "Too casual."

Ahri: "Okay this?"

Evelynn: "Too much like my dad."

Ahri: "Your dad is dead."

Evelynn: "I know, mother killed him."

Ahri: "You're joking right?"

Evelynn: "Yes, he died of old age. Couldn't keep up with my mother apparently."

Ahri: "So she did technically killed him..."

Evelynn: "Now's not the time to discuss the details foxy."

You: "Ummmm..."

They both turned to look at you who was freshly wet from the shower.

Ahri: "There you are! Why don't you have any nice clothing!?"

You: "Because I just haven't been anywhere to fancy lately..."

Ahri: "Doesn't matter! Put this on! We're late!"

You: "Okay! Okay! Can you leave so I can change?"

Evelynn: "Why? We've seen you naked before, it's no big deal-"

You: "It's the principle of it okay!"

Evelynn: "Fine, fine. Come on Ahri."

They both leave and you get changed. You then walk out into the living room and see everyone there with the girls waiting for you.

Leah: "Good morning papa!"

You: "Good morning girls."

You give each one a hug. Kai'sa walks up to you with an insulated cup with coffee.

Kai'sa: "Hey there sleepy head."

You: "Hey, thanks for the coffee."

You give her a kiss. You take a sip and you all get into the car. You all arrive sooner than later to the academy for the girls thanks to Evelynn's reckless driving habits. Halfway though you almost spilled your coffee.

Evelynn: "Come now, we must see the headmaster of the school."

You all walked into the school, it was very grand and rich looking. Not too out of the ordinary for a private school. You all walked through the main lobby into the headmaster's office. The plaque reads "Headmaster Braum".

Braum: "Hello! Welcome to Piltover academy! I see these are the new students! And you must be the lovely parents?"

Evelynn: "Yes I am Evelynn Richmond and my daughter Deanna."

Ahri: "I'm Ahri Yun and my daughter Mai."

Akali: "I'm Akali Tethi and my daughter Ina."

Kai'sa: "I'm Kai'sa Morton and my daughter Leah."

Braum: "Nice to meet all of you! And you good sir?"

Braum turned to you in his chair. He was a big guy, maybe almost 7ft tall and pretty buff. No wonder he was headmaster of the school.

You: "Oh! I'm (Y/n) (L/n), their... I'm their... Fatherly figure."

Braum: "Oh! I see the polyamory customs are still in practice! Well nonetheless a pleasure to meet you too sir! Now shall we get on with the tour?"

Evelynn: "Certainly, sorry for the delay."

Braum: "No problem at all! It isn't a school day after all. Come follow me!"

You followed headmaster Braum around the campus of the academy. Showed you around the elementary section of the school which was on the far left. The academy is split up where the elementary school is on the left, middle school in the middle of course, and high school is on the far right. He showed you around the classrooms, central cafeteria where all the students eat in their sections. Then the sports area for the whole school, they had a full gym, pool, and fields for sports.

Kai'sa: "This is all very amazing for one school!"

Akali: "Yeah! There are so many programs and activities here for the kids!"

Braum: "Yes! We take pride here at Piltover Academy! But sadly we are a bit understaffed here. Not many teachers left to take up positions. I know you are all pop idols and it would be a bit rude of me to ask. But do you happen to know anyone who is in the teaching field and would like a teaching job? We need elementary school teachers."

Evelynn: "Actually we do. Our lovely fatherly figure here happens to have a degree in such."

Braum: "Really?!"

You: "Ah yeah, I have my degree in early childhood education but my license isn't up to date. I'm afraid."

Braum: "Nonsense! Just get renewed and we'll call for an interview. Only if you're interested of course!"

This was it, the break you'd been waiting for. A chance at actually teaching kids in a classroom setting. And this way, if the girls were going to be enrolled here. You wouldn't have to leave them.

You: "Thank you for the offer, I'll think about it and get back to you."

Braum: "Of course! My contact information is on the website if you need to reach me. But on another note. This is the end of the tour! So will you be enrolling here for us this coming school year?"

Evelynn: "After some consideration and talking it through with everyone. I believe that we have agreed to enroll them here."

Braum: "Splendid! Thank you for choosing Piltover Academy! The necessary paperwork will be mailed to your address and you can fill it out and send it back to us!"

Evelynn: "Thank you for everything, headmaster Braum."

Braum: "Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day now!"

You all thanked Braum and walked back to the car. You all decided to have lunch just delivered to the manor. You were all chilling while the girls played outside. You watched them from one of the deck chairs by the pool. You were then joined by Akali.

Akali: "Hey there, you seem lost in thought."

You: "Kinda am if I'm being honest."

Akali: "What's on your mind babe?"

You: "The offer from earlier, it's finally my chance to actually become a teacher. But yet, the daycare and this has been so nice already."

Akali: "Why not give it a shot? This is what you've wanted right?"

You: "That is true, and I guess it wouldn't be the same without the girls there."

Akali: "You really grown attached to them have you."

You turned to Akali and gave her a small smile.

You: "They're my kids too, my whole world revolves around them now. I want to be there with them for everything."

Akali: "Then take the offer! I know it might be scary at first. I was scared too when Ahri and Eve asked me to be a part of KDA. From street rapping to pop star in so little time. I didn't have time to process it at all. I just had to go with it. But you're so strong (Y/n). I know you got this. I believe in you, so do the rest of us. I'm sure Eve wouldn't have said anything if she didn't."

You: "Thank you Kail. That means a lot to me."

Akali: "I love you (Y/n). We all do."

You: "I love you too."

You two hug and give each other a kiss and continue to watch the kids play with their pups in the backyard. You were taking a whole new step into another new adventure. But of course adventures always have their ups and downs.

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