بواسطة D-Boy127

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Luck hasn't been on your side lately, but everything changes when you meet a very attractive woman at the par... المزيد



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بواسطة D-Boy127

** = Action/Transition
[] = Effects
() = Thoughts
You knock at the door. At first you hesitate and knocks softly keen not to disrupt whatever is happening inside.

YN: (I still can hear the voices from the inside, but no footsteps.)

Your knocks become louder and more urgent.

YN: (How long does it take to open a door?! I'm going mad with worry here!)

Another moment, which feels like forever, and then the door finally opens.

It's Johnny. You let out a relieved breath you didn't know you been holding.

YN: Bro, I'm so sorry! i don't know what to say to make it all right.

Johnny: Saying sorry is a good start haha.

YN: I mean it. I don't know what got in to me the other day. I didn't mean anything of what i said.

Johnny: Okay, okay! Apology accepted man. Stop looking so miserable. That sappy look doesn't suit your ugly mug.

YN: When i think of it, That whole argument was so stupid.

Johnny: Happens to the best of us man. Now, are you coming on or are you planning on stand there and apologize till tomorrow?


Johnny: So, Whats up man? You looked terrified when i opened the door.

YN: (I actually had reasons to believe he's dead.) There is a hearse at your door so.. i assumed the worst.

Johnny: Oh, the hearse is here for repairs.

YN: Repairs? It looks like it is about to be used.

Johnny: Nah. The owner said the mourners complain that the break are squeaking so loudly, that it distracts them from their sorrow.

YN: Damn. That would have made for some noisy funerals.

Johnny: Little work for good money. I don't mind.

YN: I also heard some crying. Who was that?

You realized that the loud sobs have eased.

YN: (Was my imagination playing tricks on me?)

Johnny shakes his head in disbelief.

Johnny: It's my older sis. She always picks jerks as her boyfriends. I warned her but she was in love, now the bastard has broken her heart... again.

YN: Oh.. Well, girls like bad boys.

Johnny: Whatever! She'll find another idiot soon enough to forget this one.

YN: So... has anything strange happened to you lately?

Johnny: I mean.. your outburst was quite unexpected, if you...

YN: No, i mean some accident resulting in injuries. Like a hip fracture, a gouged eye, brain concussion...

Johnny: Man, What are you talking about? You're starting to scare me.

YN: (I guess i own him an explanation.)

Once you've cleared up the misunderstanding, you sit down and tell Johnny everything that has happened to you in the last couple of days.

Johnny: No shit man! Your life has gone from boring to crazy in no time.

YN: I'm glad it sounds entertaining to you. But what am i going to do now?

Johnny: That is a lot of problems. And it doesn't sound like you have a way of solving them all.

YN: *sigh* No! Not if all that shit is set to loose at the same time.

Johnny: You can go to Mexico, lay low for a while.

YN: Mexico? I don't know anyone there.

Johnny: I have some friends there. They can help you man.

YN: Nah. I can't leave Dad in his condition. We have to complete his treatment.

Johnny: And it will kill Mr. LN to find out his son is being accused of such things.

YN: I'm not a criminal! I'm going to fix this mess.

Johnny: Chill out man, i was just joking. haha

Both of you fall silent, trying to contemplate all the possible ways out.

Johnny: Hey, dude, Did you bring the keys?

YN: The keys... (It slipped my mind that Johnny threw his pickup keys at me.) No, ill drive the pickup round tomorrow man.

Johnny: Not the pickup, Mr. LN muscle car. I promised him I'd fix it for him remember?

YN: Ah, yeah! That slipped my mind too.

Johnny: And don't mention the pickup again, you hear me? Sell it. It will help you stay afloat for some time until you solve your financial problems.

YN: Thanks bro.

Johnny: You need to save all the money you can. Now, that leaves us with your main problem. What do we do with that Jihyo girl?

YN: (Johnny should know everything about her... including the supernatural stuff.) There is a lot to tell about her.

Johnny: How about you start from the beginning?

YN: Everything around her is strange or shrouded in mystery. The woman is super rich, but nobody knows exactly how she got her wealth.

Johnny: Mafia? Underground business?

YN: No, its more like suspiciously precise lottery wins. Just like mine. She always appears out of nowhere, and things just start happening when she's around.

Johnny: You mean that dancer-girl's injury?

YN: That, and Felix accident. Jihyo gave me the straw, and she spilled the wine. She was also in Lisa's hospital room while she was with me at the ATM!

Johnny: That makes no sense man.

YN: It gets even worse! Why would she want me to seduce and dump a girl in exchange for millions of dollars?

Johnny: Sounds like a deal with the devil. But that's not real, is it?

YN: i wouldn't ve so sure about it! Everyone around her is terrified of her. You should've seem Dr. Foreman!

Johnny narrows his eyes as he listens to you intently.

YN: (He is trying to find a logical explanation for everything. I've tried that too. But there isn't one.) Things go really bad if someone breaks the deal. I swear i smelled sulfur when the Doc talked about her at my place!

Johnny: You remember the book you've told me about?

YN: Which one? I harassed you with every book I read!

Johnny: I sometimes pretended I was listening. But that one struck me. It was about some dude from Germany or somewhere that sold his soul? Does it ring any bells?

YN: Faust. That's what you talking about. I'm surprised you remembered the story.

Johnny: Not all of it. But you know I like stories about devilry and such...And I'm sure the woman's name Jihyo... I've heard it somewhere. Maybe in a movie or something.

YN: (Johnny's parallel with Faust makes it all very clear to me now. I'm dealing with something far bigger than owing a favor to a dangerous woman.)

Johnny: You are frowning. What's on your mind?

YN: I just realized how stupid it was to listen to anything Jihyo suggested me to do! I should've never taken her deal.

Johnny: You know, my nana always told such stories. I'm sure she invented herself, but she swore they were true.

YN: More stories?

Johnny: I figured there would be some truth in them.

YN: (Maybe there is something helpful in grandma's stories.) You've listened to all the book stories I've forced on you. I can hear one from you now.

Johnny: Hey, I also know stories! Not from books of course.

YN: So what did your nana tell?

Johnny: There was this guy who needed to get rich.

YN: Yeah. I had a feeling.

Johnny: So the devil made him an offer. He said the guy would get a good job and make tons of money. More than he could spend.

YN: Let me guess.. there was a catch.

Johnny: Bingo. The hob came with a monstrous boss and hell of workload. The guy was being crushed under all that work. And his wife soon got sick.

YN: Why am I not surprised?

Johnny: So the dude spent all his money to save his wife, but it was an unending cycle. The more he worked, the more torment and hardships took away his money. Eventually... he ended his own life.

You feel chills down your spine. This story hits home.

Johnny: Nana always said that the tale teaches thats no one gains from a deal with dark force. There are always greater losses than wins.

YN: Yeah, well, sometimes one can't help but make that damn deal.

Johnny: Nana said, if you absolutely must make a deal, then listen carefully to the terms.

YN: How so?

Johnny: It's like those terms should be followed the exact words not more and not less.

YN: (Exact words...)


Having made amends with Johnny, you get home feeling relieved. You have a feeling that things can finally start getting better.

YN: One small step at a time YN... *Chuckle* I thought i had lost my best friend.

But Karina's surprise visit interrupts your pleasant thoughts.

Karina: I come in peace.

YN: Wow, that's unusual.

Karina: You might not believe me, but I quite like you, YN.

YN: You have a strange way of showing it, that's for sure.

Karina: Who cares. Still, you've got charisma, courage and wit. That's pretty sexy.

YN: (Maybe I can find a way to fix things with Karina too. Maybe luck is on my side today.) Thanks. It's nice of you to come here and say that.

Karina: Of course...

You feel that there is a lot more on her mind that she's not saying yet.

YN: So, why are you here Karina?

Karina: As i said, I'm here to offer you peace. I'm ready to forget our little argument and not use the security camera footage against you. I'll just keep for my personal archive.

YN: And i can hear there's a "But" coming.

Karina: Sure. Everything comes with a price. And you'll have to pay me some pretty good cash in exchange.

YN: Of course. What else should I expect.

Karina: Take it or leave it. I win in any case.

YN: I'm willing to do so, but I'm tight on funds at the moment, I can pay you later, promise.

Karina: I don't do well with waiting. You should know that by now.

YN: *sigh* (Sometimes you gotta improvised. And i know I'm gonna regret doing this.)

The only action plan that comes to your mind is kissing her.

YN: (She still likes me. That might help me convince her.)

You catch Karina by surprise as you pull her in to your arms, and kiss her lips.
She does not pull away, and despite her initial surprise, she gladly accept your kiss. Her mouth is hot, her lips ask for more.

Karina: I like when you act boldly and claim what you want.

You're about to pull away, but Karina answers you with another kiss. She slips her tongue between your lips, tasting and teasing you.

Karina: You're lucky you are a good kisser, YN.

You groan, pleased. Karina doesn't mention the bribe again as she leaves.

Karina: I'll see you at school tomorrow. You should keep up this good behavior of yours.

YN: Bye, Karina!

After Karina leaves, you start thinking about more amends you can try to make today.

YN: (I haven't yet had a chance to apologize to Chae. I can use our literature assignment as an excuse to visit her.)

Determined to fix your relationship, you hurry to her place.


You see the surprise and the blush on her face when she opens the door to you.

Chae: What are you doing her, YN?

YN: Hey, I figured we could work on our assignment. The deadline is close.

Chae: I don't have time for that now. You should've called me first.

YN: I had a feeling you would've not answered.

Chae: Possible. You are not my favorite person these days.

YN: You know what? Crew the project. That's not why I'm here. I came to apologize for all the things I've said and done. My behavior was unforgivable, and I should've not lost my cool with you.

Chae: Do you really mean it?

YN: Of course! I...need you...

You pause in search of the right word. You notice that Chae's expression changes at your words. She leans closer to you, her lips slightly parted.

YN: ...As a friend. I can always rely on your wise counsel. You know trouble even before I get into it.

Chae's face falls. She frowns. That wasn't what she's expecting to hear from you. She takes a step back and folds her arms protectively. Her body becomes tense.

Chae: Right, so you remember I exist only when you need something.

YN: That's not what I've meant, it came out wrong.

Chae: I think that's exactly what you've tried to say. I don't need such friendship, YN.

YN: You're misinterpreting my words!

Chae: I'm not! Go enjoy your new company. Looks like you're into bimbos these days.

YN: (Here we go again... improvise.)

You know more qords might make things worse. You wrap your arms around her and press her chest to yours.

YN: (Hopefully this shows her how much i care for her.)

At first she is tense and careful, then her body eases against you. A moment later, Chae breaks down into uncontrollable sobs.

YN: Hey, hey... shhhh... It's alright. Just calm down, okay?

Chae: Do you know how many times I'd wanted to do this...

YN: I'm here now.

Chae: But that's the thing, I don't want you now. I can't be one of your playthings.

You run your hands down her back, which helps her calm down. She clings to your body a moment longer, the pulls away.

Chae: I need some time to think. You should leave now.

YN: Alright... I'll leave. But, please, give another chance.

Chae shuts the door without giving you any promises. You stand there, staring at the closed door.

YN: (It feels like i needed the comfort of her embrace as much as she did. And i screw things up again.)


Back home, you try to concentrate on your school projects.

YN: (With all this chaos going on, I sometimes forget that I'm in college.)

Putting aside your project with Chae, you check your emails for individual assignments.

YN: (Homework is what I need right now. Bring it on Ms. Young!)

The assignment says that you need to analyze "Life Has No Favorites" by Erich Maria Remarque.

YN: (Oh I'm for sure not among life's favorites right now.)

You research more about the novel.

YN: Let's see... (It was originally published under the title "Borrowed Life".) How not surprising! Is it me reading too much into everything, or are all these books telling me something?

The title makes you think about your father, and panic blooms inside of you. A new email notification distracts you from your thoughts. You frown, as the email is from your dad's hospital.

YN: The next payment is due. Damn it! How am I going to cover this bill?

You check your previous transfer. It will cover you dad's treatment until tomorrow. You can almost feel a clock ticking in your mind.

YN: (They will discharge dad tomorrow if I can't keep up with any payment schedule. I must go and talk to Dr. Foreman. He what I've been through. Maybe he can d o something.)


In your mind, you replay your last meeting with Dr. Foreman. Things were so different back then, even though it was less than a week ago.

Dr. F: Good afternoon, YN. How can i help you?

YN: Thanks for seeing me in such a short notice, doctor.

Dr. F: Of course! Your father is doing much better already. But that's not what brings you here, is it?

The words form a dark pit in your stomach. You're failing your dad at this very moment.

YN: I wanted to ask about the next payment. I... I have some issues with my account. And I was wondering if the hospital could accept my dad's muscle car as a pledge before I can make the payment.

Dr. F: You want to use a car as a collateral?

YN: Yeah, i won't be able to sell it in one day. And the payment is due tomorrow.

Dr. F: I see. But I'm afraid that will not be possible. The hospital policy is very strict when it comes to financial matters.

YN: But what if I can't get the money untill tomorrow?

Dr. F: I believe that means your father will not be able to continue his treatment here.

With every moment, desperation is sinking onto you.

Dr. F: I wish i could help you. i would've been happy to lend you some money for the time being. But that might lead to an even worse outcome.

YN: What do you mean?

For a moment, hope sparkles inside you, but it is immediately extinguished with the doctor's next words.

Dr. F: Our mutual acquaintance will not be happy to hear that I've helped you.

YN: Jihyo... Right...

Even as yiu mention her name, you know you can't ask the doctor to take such a risk.

YN: Doc, I get it, you are afraid to help me, but why are you so terrified of Jihyo? How do think she will know of your help?

Dr. F: I've been through enough to be sure of that. Once i saved a young girl's life from a brain tumor.

YN: How Is that connected to Jihyo?

Dr. F: I did that against her wishes. The day after, Jihyo visited me. While talking, she casually moved a sterilization container on a rickety closet.

It does not surprise you that Jihyo's casual actions have a grim outcome.

Dr .F: The next thing I knew, the container fell and hit me on the head. I suffered a severe concussion.

YN: Oh my.. but you recovered, right?

Dr. F: I did. But for months I had temors and I was unable to operate. So I was unable to save lives of dozens of my patients. I can't risk so many lives ever again.


Your legs feel heavy as you walk through the hospital reception hall. You are not ready to give up on your father's treatment.

YN: (He is getting better. The doc said it himself. I can't let them interrupt his treatment.

This time, when you see Jihyo walking towards you, somehow you are not surprised.
She walks on her elegance, long legs, like a royal who owns the place. For the first time, you notice that subconsciously most passers-by keep their distace from her.

Jihyo: YN, sweetheart! What a pleasant encounter!

YN: (Can't see nothing pleasant about it.)

You stare at her helplessly. You're just sick and tired of the whole situation.

Jihyo: I can see that brooding frown has become a constant companion on your face.

YN: Don't toy with me Jihyo, you do know I'm in big trouble.

Jihyo: That is very sad indeed, sweetheart. And you know I'm willing to help you solve your problems. That is what friends do, remember?

Your frown deepens at the abuse of the term 'Friends.' It sounds foul coming from Jihyo.

YN: I can't see how you are going to help me.

Despite yiur better judgment, you are too desperate to reject her offer immediately.

YN: (I can't deny that tiny spark of hope.)

Jihyo: I shall be glad to discuss new terms for our deal.

YN: New terms?

A part of you knows you are walking into another trap, but the desire to save your father is greater than any reason.

Jihyo: I would consider a small alteration.

YN: And that would be?

Jihyo: This is not a proper place for such discussion. Let us take a walk at the park. That will be most suitable, don't you think?

YN: Yeah... whatever.

You notice a sly smile on Jihyo's otherwise impassive face as she graciously waves you towards the door.

Jihyo: Shall we?

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