Free at last!

Galing kay Pawel_Pozoga

8 1 0

Extremely twisted vision of a young man's world. Higit pa

Free at last!

8 1 0
Galing kay Pawel_Pozoga


Vans speed through my street at night. They drive death. Skin hunters. I wake up often then. I am a light sleeper anyway, because I am still dreaming consciously. I have a very extensive intuition, so I can read the signs revealed to me by dreams in real life. I can see the fear in the eyes of the enslaved people who can suddenly see what their situation is. That nothing good will happen to them, because they are destined to be ground by the System and there is nothing they can do about it. Can the fact that I get out of bed, run to the window and say goodbye for a few seconds with the eyes of a closed and transported wretch somewhere, in general help him in anything? ... I don't think so. Although I would like to ... I would like to believe that good intention matters, that somewhere in the stars can do something ... But is it desirable to wish good to all those blindfolded fools who scoff at people like me? After all, we give them hints and tips about how the world really looks like are available. It is enough to make a little effort, search ... The Internet is full of this. Maybe the unaware ones will suffer a bit, maybe then something will move ...

I'm getting turned on again ... Which time is it? ...I'll try to lie down. Catch a dream. Maybe I can finally rest.In the twilight, objects in my apartment change their faces. A cup with a huge ear on the table seems to be a spy robot. The painting on the wall of a lady with a flower that my mother once gave me looks like a ghost with white teeth grinning. The row of chairs by the window looks like a cage. The interior of the apartment at three in the morning makes my anxiety even worse.If I close my eyes, I can see flashing lights everywhere. The red LED from the monitor goes on and off every 1.5 seconds. The blue one from the refrigerator flashes and goes out gently - 2.2 seconds. Another red LED from the battery charger - steady light. The blue one from the laptop's power supply vibrates very gently every half second or so. This luminous symphony that illuminates even my darkest night never goes out. I can see her when I close my eyes. It gives dreams some disturbing rhythm. I wish I could see it all by chance, but I don't believe in cases anymore. Someone wants me to never really rest. I would always be afraid.

* * *

I woke up with the resolve to be free at last. I wanted to break the chains that bound me. I wanted to repay the scoundrels who had taken my freedom and efficiency. My estate has been sprayed with Illuminati pathogenic sprays again, and I haven't opened my windows since yesterday. I can hear the screams of my neighbors through the walls. They, too, are still poisoned. Since the Great Accumulation of Spraying in 2015, my body has become extremely hypersensitive - to touch, temperature, eyesight, hearing. Anything that can hurt me. The bastards, they managed to neutralize me.I am in constant internet contact with Fighters who can see and know it all. They, too, are constantly attacked by the Enemy. But the fight continues.

* * *

My name is Victor Podhorecki. I'm 27. I have lived in Gdańsk since I was born. 5 years ago I moved from my parents to the apartment of my deceased aunt. 4 years and 11 months ago I connected the internet.I have worked for a long time as a postman in and out of the area. Hard work, but interesting. I got to know most of the people in my neighborhood briefly. And since I have a good memory for my face and after a short look at a person, I can add character, mental state and history, in which he is currently participating. After putting these stories together, I realized what the real picture of the world was. And I was frightened.Everything aims to make us slaves in our own land.I have not yet discovered who personally wants to be our owner.World Bank? Jews? Vatican? Reptilians? We will be the fertilizer for their New World Order.

* * *

I try to eat healthy, because I know what ordinary people are poisoned with. Chemical food causes limitations in thinking. I shop very consciously, preferably locally, in small shops and at the market. But I am also unable to check the entire supply chain. I have to trust, although it is not easy for me. I also do not have enough money to buy everything from there, I would have to eat carrots and cabbage ... A bit poorly. Sometimes I go to the countryside to see the farmers. I take eggs, potatoes, cheese from there.The greatest power comes from the earth. Clean, good soil. We come from it, we will end there. Good is born in it, essence is from it. I would like to live in a dugout, among roots and worms. Maybe I would feel safe there, far from the toxic city. Civilization is killing me. We are permeated by treacherous energy waves, chemical vapors. Lies seep from the official media and poison the mind. I like living close to nature. As a postman, I got to know the rural community that has the greatest contact with the land. These people often seem to be immune to all these pseudo-civilization influences. They have a simple view of the world. They are unaware of all the dangers I know about, but their natural intuition protects them from them as well. Only they will survive the apocalypse. Their hearts are pure and they surround themselves only with people who are like them. They quickly eliminate scoundrels and liars from their circle.

* * *

While traveling recently, I noticed a man who clearly did not fit this reality. He looked as if he knew what I also know. But he was on the other side. For the first time, I met someone who looked as if he could create all the hostile actions I describe. He could be theirs. He was older, gray, a little wrinkled in his face, unshaven. Dressed like an ordinary old man, he could give the impression of a bum. But he had an unprecedented ferocity in his face, all muscles tense.He noticed me. He just paralyzed me with his icy pale blue eyes. He looked like he was reading my mind. I got scared, I wanted to run away then, disappear ... But I couldn't even move. After I got off the bus, I almost ran home. But then I still saw him somewhere. The next day I passed him standing by the kiosk. Then he rummaged in the garbage cans of a nearby mall. Every time I saw him, my heart was in my throat. I really wanted to know something about him. Is he the agent who got on my trail? My intuition told me he was more important. Rather, it works alone. It is a social disorder of a higher category. Could be in two places at once. With the spirit to direct the war with humanity on some higher platform of reality, and the body was down there, observing the effects of his actions. The assumed form of a homeless man made him invisible to everyone. He could do anything in such a mask. He could be an ancient entity whose purpose is to harm in a way that is imperceptible to anyone. I did some research on my newsgroups. I described this man. My interlocutors could not think of anything special. The predominant feeling was that I had screwed up my anxieties. Even they against me? ...But I finally found his image somewhere. Some of the features of this man I saw in the old engraving of the fallen angel Asmael. I did not expect that this is the circle to look for, rather I suspected the Alien hiding on Earth in human form. But it all permeates too, one does not exclude the other. After all, I don't know everything yet. The Pleiadians, for example, are inspired by Satan himself, and their secret base city, Huren, on the far side of the moon, is the center of anti-Earth action. They are in agreement with the demons. Many things that are happening in spaces beyond human view and reasoning are still to be discovered.

* * *

And now what - to come out? Make him understand that I know who he is? God, the very thought of having to approach him makes me feel faint.But you have to do something! We must free ourselves from them! I must be free at last. I would like good to prevail, to return to normality. So that you do not have to be afraid of leaving the house for fear of chemical spraying, so that you can finally trust the government, not infiltrated by hostile forces.If I let a hidden Enemy know that I know he exists, it will force him to act. Maybe he'll reveal his cards, we'll find out about his plans? ... That would be within our reach.

* * *

I picked up Asmael somewhere near the park as he was walking slowly, a dirty bag in hand. Dusk was approaching, and the first street lamps had already lit. There were no people in close vicinity. I walked over to him ... and panicked again. My legs got soft. It was not the right time, I should have picked a better one, or somehow better thought it over. Take something of courage so that the cut tongue does its job and the word pierces his dark soul like an arrow. The first sentence should be the most important thing, it should have the Force. That he would feel that we are strong, determined to act. Instead, I mumbled something like ...
- You'll do shit.

It wasn't until then that he noticed me. He raised his trembling head, looked at me for a moment. It was evident that it was not his day. He was weaker, I could have played it better! ... He thought for a moment what to say, finally he took a deep breath and shouted in a hoarse voice "Fuck yourself!" I did not expect this. I had to get away.

* * *

The next day was the worst of my life. The unsuccessful action of chasing the demon had a terrifying effect. The unmasked Asmael must have attempted to take over our world. A strange orange glow obscured the sky, and enormous divine creatures began to fly from its depths. The first was a dark lizard clad in gleaming armor. I could only see it from a distance, but it must have been about a kilometer long ... Before it landed on the ground, it mowed a large stretch of coastal forest with its tail. Then he vanished from my sight, apparently landed at sea. Behind him, a dark gray Boulder fell to the ground. It was a rock-like figure, somewhat humanoid, with a large head and deep-set eyes. Slowly looked around, exploring how to do the greatest damage to the city. His every step shook the ground, making the windows tremble in my apartment. Then some lesser black demonic helpers flew from the clouds.

Asmael's dark army then moved out of my sight, and there was silence. It must have been somewhere twenty minutes when I heard the sound of a thousand trumpets vibrating with varying intensity. Then the heavenly creatures began to fall from the orange glow. At the head was a huge archangel with a silver sword in his hand. He was dressed in a light tunic in a white and blue color. He had very pale, long hair covered with a tiara. With an unfazed expression on his face, he landed between the blocks and started towards the sea. Behind him, a white bird with the dimensions of a nearby shopping center flew out of the abyss. He circled our estate for a long moment, then joined the archangel. Then, as with dark creatures, lesser celestial warriors flew in - angels, winged lions, chariots of fire ...I expected a great battle to break out over the sea in a moment. I had to be there to see it! It didn't matter if it was safe.I was running with my soul on my shoulder. You can be injured by accident during hostilities. I could have been hit by a torn apart building, a flying tree ... It would be a quick death, don't worry about it that much. With this scale of the conflict, nowhere could I feel safe.

Overwhelming, dark thoughts flooded me. What have I done!? ... All this would not have happened if I had not made a dumb attempt to expose Asmael. I felt like the protagonist of the movie "How I Unleashed World War II", but unlike the movie - this is where it really happened. And this war was even greater than the last world war. The Biggest Ever ... Armageddon, Judgment Day, has arrived. According to the Bible, the forces of Good and Evil will face each other in this conflict, and most of humanity will perish during this time. It remains to put it together with the knowledge we have acquired over the two thousand years since it was described in prophecy. It was quiet in the coastal forest. People walked slowly, making no sense of the danger. As if they would like to spend their last days as they should - making their dreams come true. Not counting the time remaining. I envied them ... I ran to the beach. The sight stunned me ... A fierce battle of giants was taking place in the Gulf of Gdańsk, a bit to the north, a few kilometers from the shore. The archangel slashed Rocky Monster with sword, and the rock fragments fell with a crash into the sea. This one did not owe him - he punched his opponent in the face with a swing. Given the scale of the fighters, everything looked like it was in slow motion. Hordes of demons descended on the slowly flying chariot company and tore their crews to shreds with a doomed wail. The rain of body debris poured down into the sea like hail. The heavenly bird stuck its claws into the lizard's head, and they both plunged slightly under the water. There weren't too many people watching the struggle. And there was no panic. The onlookers probably thought that this did not concern them. How wrong they were ... Some elegant lady was calmly pointing her finger at the place where the lizard struggled to break free from the heavenly bird's grasp. And soon the great waves created in this turmoil broke into the beach like a tsunami and chased away the spectators standing closest to the shore. The lizard finally broke free from the bird's embrace and ran away to the sea. The archangel walked towards the shore. The strength of the battle shifted to the struggles of lesser units. The ever-appearing swarms of flying troops charged each other with enormous force. Plumes of fire appeared in the sky, fired by units of unknown origin. Rocky Monster finally caught up with his opponent and attacked him with great force. The archangel stepped away smoothly and struck from behind. With bated breath I watched as the rocky colossus fell straight to the ground and destroyed Sopot with its body. I must have screamed in terror because people started looking at me. The coolest part of the agglomeration was wiped off the face of the earth ... Jesus ... But this is just the beginning. This. Only. Beginning. The tears of those who survive will flow in countless numbers ...

* * *

I started running towards the house. In the distance, I could hear the sirens of several dozen intervention vehicles going towards the destroyed city. What for? ... In a moment they may be needed elsewhere, if the Archangel decides to trample Gdynia, for example. Why save anything else? Everything will turn to dust, this whole civilization. We'll go back to earth. It remains to pray that she will accept us.

* * *

I remember lying almost motionless for the rest of that day. I couldn't eat anything. All I could hear was lights and muffled sounds from outside the windows. Speeding ambulances and fire trucks. Helicopters. The screams of crowds of people. Some red flares launched into the sky. I think I've even seen fireworks. Who the hell had thought to celebrate Armageddon!? ... My opinion about the disastrous condition of this society had deepened even more.

* * *

In the early morning the next day, I finally left the house. Surprisingly, nothing has been damaged in my immediate vicinity. People looked normal, calm. Could there be hope? ... I once read reports about the reality of the occupation. Even in the worst of hostilities, you had to lead a life. Get something to eat, fuel, medicine ... And when the dust of the battle was falling, a fairly normal life began to take place. A market was opening, a photographer, a hairdresser, a shoemaker ... The reality of the war was sad, gloomy, very heavy. But it was still life. I got on a tram going north. The passengers had pale faces and dark circles under their eyes. Probably no one slept the night out of fear. The new, spooky reality must have come as a shock to everyone. Nobody talked to anyone, everyone was staring at the tips of their shoes. And beyond the window, in the distance, you could still see the armies of giants and their helpers fighting each other.I jumped out of the vehicle near the loop in Oliwa. The tram line didn't go to Sopot, and I really wanted to get there. See the destruction of the city up close. Maybe I could be useful, for example, when removing rubble? I went there on foot. Somewhere after a kilometer, already on the border of both cities, I noticed a piling up traffic jam and flashing blue pulsating lights with a blockade of police cars at its end. It looked like a no-go. I don't think there's anything for me ... Just then, an enormous, muscular arm flashed from the hills of the Tricity Forests and hurled the trident towards the sea. Frightened, I ran home again.

* * *

In the days that followed, I felt safer. For the foreseeable future, nothing seemed to fall on my head. The struggles of divine and demonic warriors had to move elsewhere. I decided to check what other people think about this situation. Access to my newsgroups was closed. The servers were down. I am not surprised that the enemy has closed them. When free people cannot communicate, they will not be able to defend themselves. Each of us suddenly became a lonely island and had to decide in our conscience what to do. The answers were not obvious. What we used to talk about in our emotions endlessly at night has suddenly become real. None of us, however, developed a specific instruction on what to do in this situation ... And I did not know any of my companions live. I didn't know anything about them except the nicknames: __nico, alder0004, sam_anta, zer %%% ... No e-mails, phone numbers, addresses, nothing. We were deeply camouflaged. Too deep. Let me at least know what exactly is happening with the Internet free media! But nowhere did I come across a clear message. The whole situation looked like the next stage in the implementation of the New World Order. Now it has come to the details. This is how 90% of the population was to die - through the physical extermination of units that the Earth's armies were unable to move. It seemed that the outcome of the present struggle depended on who would accomplish our holocaust - dark forces by their lethal nature, or divine forces as punishment for our sins. It also looked as if the whole process was going to be stretched over a long period of time ...

And so I remained in uncertainty, slowly gathering myself together and gaining conviction for my further actions.

* * *

One Saturday morning, shortly after the recent traumatic events, I was sitting on the balcony and noticed a girl walking down the sidewalk. She immediately charmed me. For a moment I forgot about this whole collapsing world. I have always felt that my future woman must somehow be different from the environment and have something captivating about her. She had black, fairly short and frayed hair, and her lips were painted dark orange lipstick. I couldn't take my eyes off her. As my apartment is on the high ground floor, I had a chance to make some contact. I quickly plucked a few sizable lilac branches from a bush that grew within my arm's reach and tossed her at her feet as she passed by. She seemed scared at first, but paused a moment and looked in my direction. She smiled at me. And after a while she went.I was looking forward to her in the days that followed.

And I lived to see it. She was walking two days later at a similar time in the same direction. She was dressed even more beautifully, as if anticipating that she should make a good impression. I tossed her flowers again and she picked them up, smelled them, and smiled at me. I couldn't speak, but I knew that contact had been made. Later that day in the evening she stopped by my window. I looked out and asked:

- Will you allow yourself to be invited for hot chocolate?

- Gladly - she confirmed and looked me in the eye for a long moment. Two minutes later, the girl from my dreams was hosted in my apartment.

* * *

After just a few meetings, I felt a certain kind of soul kinship in us. She talked a lot about herself. About childhood in the countryside, life on a farm, among nature ... About the life I dreamed of. She had good memories of that time. But she moved to town. She was now living close to me. She worked at a nearby mall as a saleswoman at a branded women's clothing store. She wasn't making much money, she admitted, but she was exposed to top-class clothing, which excited her very much.

A few times she brought me some small items as a gift - good coffee, dried fruit, perfume for my apartment. I enjoyed them as if they were going to be the last in my life. I wonder if the present time of the End Days will destroy her joy in life, which is still blooming ... I was also happy once, until the bastards pulling the strings of this reality took away my freedom and efficiency. I wanted to be free. But it wasn't given to me.

* * *


My last ex was just an eccentric, to say the least. He was very romantic at first, it got me a little bit of it. I guess I was expecting too much from it. But when he started talking about his image of the world, I was stunned. He did not believe in any official message, only conspiracies, behind-the-scenes games, pulling all the strings of Satan, Illuminati, Aliens, Masons, demons ... He believed, for example, that he had triggered Armageddon. Seriously! It seemed to him that Sopot had been destroyed some time ago. As he talked about it, he was getting hard. I guess it caused a lot of emotions in him. I wanted to prove to him that it is not true that Sopot still exists, I was there yesterday, we can go there right away ... He had a nervous tic then, he was getting stuck. Cognitive dissonance - is that what you say? I suspect he was hallucinating in some way. He saw and heard things that were not there. I guess he needed help ... But I didn't want to get involved in it, I withdrew before I got involved in it, it was too big an action for me. He's got a family or other relatives for that, doesn't he?

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