The Next Door Boy

By Finley_marie

43 0 0

Rylan Helton is in high school with someone he loves so much but when this Harvey Porter guy moves next door... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 5

2 0 0
By Finley_marie

Rylan Pov

I woke up and checked my phone and I saw that there was a message from Harvey.

Harvey: Good morning

Rylan: Good morning

Harvey: Your up

Rylan: Yeah

Harvey: I have to go I will see you at school

Rylan: Ok

I turned off my phone and got up and went to my bathroom and got ready for school. I am wearing cargo pants and a loose t-shirt with my white converses. I went downstairs and got some breakfast and went out to my car. I look over at Harvey's house and his car is not there I assume he is at school.

I drove to school and saw his car and there was a parking spot next to his so I parked there and I saw Harvey in his car and then I got out and went into school. I looked behind me and I saw Harvey following me. I went to my locker and got the stuff out that I needed for first period.

While I was getting the stuff that I need from my locker Harvey was next to me after he got his stuff. "Hi". Harvey said. "Hi". I said and looked at him. "So are we going to tell people or not". Harvey. "Not today sorry". I said. "That's fine. You don't want to come out yet I get that". Harvey said in a whisper so no one will hear us. "Thanks". I said. "So what do you want to do after school today". Harvey said. "Um, I don't know". I said. "Ok, see you later". Harvey said and walked into class.

I got to the class I'm in and it's the first one that I have with Rosa. I asked the teacher if I can change sits and she let me change sits.

After school, I went to my car and drove to the skate park. After I got to the skate park I texted Harvey to meet me there.

Rylan: Come to the skate park

Harvey: Ok see you there xx

Rylan: Ok xx

I went out of my messages and went to Instagram and strolled through that before I can hear someone call my name. "Rylan". Someone said and I looked up and I saw Harvey running to me. I stand up and ran to him I jumped into his arms and kissed him on the lips. "Hi". I said and Harvey let me down and we started walking to a bench and we sit down. "Hi". Harvey said and kissed my cheek.

"So when I was in class I was thinking and I want to come out". I said with a smile. "Yeah, you don't have to if you are not ready baby". Harvey said. "I know but I am ready to come out but I have to come out to my parents first". I said. "Ok". Harvey said. "Can we cuddle"? I said. "Yeah we can but do you want to go home first". Harvey said. "Yeah". I said and we got up and went to our cars and followed each other home.

We get home and I go into my house and Harvey got into his house and I went to my room and opened my window and climbed out of it and into Harvey's bedroom window. "Hi". I said and kissed him and we just sat there staring at each other. "So what do you want to do". Harvey asked. "You can come over to my house because you have never been in my room". I said. "Ok, But you can go through the window and I will knock on your front door". Harvey said and I nodded and kissed him and went through the window and into my room.

I went downstairs and open the front door and I see Harvey there and he came into the house and we went to my bedroom. We sat on my bed and just cuddled and talked. "So I don't know how I am going to come out to my family". I said. "Um, I don't know I kind of didn't come out to my family it was just said". Harvey said. "Oh". I said and kissed him then my bedroom door opened. It was my twin sister Liv.

"Hey, can I borrow the car"? Liv said. "Sure". I said. I didn't move away from Harvey because I was comfy. "Also are you guys dating". Liv said and I nodded. "Oh cool". Liv said.

I gave Liv the car keys and she went out. "You came out to your sister. That's one step". Harvey said and cuddled me. "Yeah, just now I have to come out to my parents". I said. "Yeah". Harvey said.

I heard the front door open and close and I know they are home. "I don't want to go downstairs alone can you come downstairs with me". I said. "Yeah of course babe". Harvey said and I blushed at the name. We kissed before we went downstairs.

We went into the kitchen and my mom was there making dinner. "Hey mom, I have something to tell you". I said. "What is it, honey". My mom said. "Um, I'm gay and I am dating Harvey". I said. "That's great honey I will love you no matter what". My mom said and came over to me and Harvey and she hugged both of us.

We went to the living room and my dad was on the couch watching tv. "Hey Dad, I have something to tell you". I said. "What is it, son". My dad said. "Um, I'm gay and dating Harvey". I said. "WHAT. I DID NOT RAISE MY SON GAY". My dad yelled and I just hugged Harvey then my mom walks into the living room and sees what was going on. "Honey what's wrong". My mom said to me. "Dad yelled at me". I said and I know she knows that I told him that I was gay.

"What did you say to our son". My mom said to my dad. "I said I did not raise my son gay". My dad said. "GET OUT. IF YOU DON'T SUPPORT OUR SON THEN GET THE FUCK OUT". My mom yelled and then my dad came over to me and Harvey and pushed us to the ground then walks to his and my mom's room and came back a few mins later and went out the front door.

Me and Harvey just sat there and I just hugged him more and started crying. "Honey are you ok". My mom said and I just nodded my head. Me and Harvey went back up to my room and just cuddled on my bed. "Are you ok Baby". Harvey said. "I'm ok". I said and just kept cuddling him.

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