xoxo | Aaliyah

By filmsfilms13

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" it's a pretty simple decision, you just got to make the choice...." "But how?" "You know how...." More



178 2 0
By filmsfilms13

Los Angeles, California
*excuse any mistakes*

Samirah Williams| early July
   "Aww you look so you cute." Destiny cooed.
I looked up at Destiny in the mirror seeing her play with my hair and gave her an unsure look.

Samirah really wasn't the makeup type and always felt weird whenever She had to dress up for any occasion. Especially with Des, she would always take the chance to dress up Samirah whenever she could.

"Des I don't know, you don't think it's too much?" Destiny stopped playing with my hair and stale faced me putting one hand on her hip, smiling down at me through the mirror.

"Now you know you fine stop it, now let me pick you out an outfit." She smiled brightly, going over into her closet. I turned away from the vanity looking at Destiny. 

"What about a real cute dre-" Destiny said before I cut her off.

"No." I said with the quickness.

" but, you'd look so cute come onnn." Destiny whined.

" Can we just go now, this lil party done probably started like a whole 4 hours ago and you in here playing dress up with Sam." Destiny jumped putting her hand on her chest, almost forgetting Ebony was even in the room because of how quiet she was.

"Uh, you can wait." Destiny rolled her eyes before, continuing to rummage through the rack of clothes. Ebony rolled her eyes, before getting up from the bed.

" I really don't like you. "

  Destiny turned around smiling, giving Ebony the middle finger.

"Yea you too." Ebony laughed before leaving out the room.

"Why can't y'all ever be nice." I  laughed.

"That's her, she always acting like she got a stick up her ass or something like damn smile, be happy, I don't know." Destiny said finally finding the right outfit.

  I just shook my head and laughed to myself pinching at the bridge of my nose.

"This." Destiny turned around showing me the outfit.

It was a two piece denim set that would hug Samirah's frame perfectly.

"Eh, alright I'll wear it if it means we can hurry up and go." I shrugged taking the outfit making Destiny smile.

Soon after, I threw on my outfit, putting on a pair of air Jordan 1 lows that were a velvet sandy brown and white color.  then grabbed my mini black dickies back-bag , catching a quick glance in the mirror deciding to apply some lip gloss.

"Alright, ima be outside!" I yelled out to Destiny who was fixing up her edges in the bathroom down the hall.

" Ight, I'm almost finished!"

I then made my way down the stairs giving Jermaine, Destiny's older brother a quick hey who was sitting on the couch watching tv, receiving a head nod in return.

After waiting a few minutes Destiny came strolling came out.

"Alright y'all let's gooo!" Destiny exclaimed doing a lil dance walking down the porch in between Ebony and me.

"Who car we taking?" Ebony questioned while I  held my hands out for her to help me up.

Me and Destiny looked at her simultaneously.

Ebony kissed her teeth, pulling me  up.

"Man whatever let's just go."

We looked at each other, reciprocating laugher.


"Mm, smell like a whole bunch of musty niggas in here." Ebony scrunched up her nose.

"And do." I agreed covering my nose with her shirt. Meanwhile, Destiny was too busy looking for Khalil.

I peeped but chose not to say anything, they were a....interesting situation.

"I'm...gonna go mingle around." she lied before walking off. 

"Mhm." Ebony said giving a sly smirk at me. Making me look at her and stifle a small laugh.

"Oh, I see y'all decided to come." a voice said from behind. Turning around, seeing Hakeem and Braylen and some other guy they had never seen before.

"Oh wassup y'all." Ebony smiled.

" Yeah.." I trailed off.

"Mm, well you look nice Sam." Braylen complimented.

"Thanks, well uh we gone see what's up with Lulu we'll talk with y'all later, Ebony come on." I intertwined our arms and quickly walked off to nowhere in particular.

( Lulu is the one throwing the party)

" so..." Ebony waited an answer from me.

" So what?" I tried to ignore what she was trying to imply.

I briefly shifted my eyes at her and could see her smirk written across her face, I smacked my teeth.

" I don't like him." Ebony raised an eyebrow at me.

I felt her giving me the look. " I'm serious!"


"No!No, nothing like that." I reassured her.

"Mhm." She gave me a side eye.

" Anyways did you see ole dude that was with them though, he was fineee." Ebony gushed dragging out her words.

"Yea I ain't never seen him with them before." I said before looking over and seeing a crowd start to form in the backyard.

"We ain't been here nothing but five minutes and folks is already fighting." Ebony rolled her eyes shaking her head.

"Let's go see."

I stale faced her. This girl. I thought to myself.

Walking over to where the fight was, it was two girls. One with blue hair and the other with blonde hair. Ole girl in the blue was short but, was still able to hit ole girl dead in her forehead.

I know that low key hurt though, hand prolly ringing.

  Then, both just start going in throwing punches left and right, something like in a cartoon. That was before some dude came rolling in picking the blue haired girl up, who was still trying get one last punch in.

"ima see yo lil funny looking ass, catch me then!" She spat out before trying spit at her. The girl just gave her the middle finger sticking out her tongue.

"Yo chill! Spitting everywhere but at the right person!" the dude who was holding her back growled.

"Man whatever, move." She said getting out of his grip before storming off. He then chased after her.

Looking to my right I  seen Lulu, deciding to walk over to her, with Ebony following behind.

"what happened?"

"I don't even know, I'm just as lost everybody else all I know is they better not have broken nothing." Lulu said frustrated with the whole situation.

"I can help you clean up everything after everyone leave." Ebony looked over at me with a "you know I'm you ride, right?" Kinda look on her face.

"Nah it's cool, you don't gotta do that I got my brothers and em'. She said before hearing a big crash from the living room.

"Man what the hell." She sighed putting a hand over her head.

"I'll talk with y'all later I gotta go see what these fools doing."


"Well I'm bout go get me a drink, I'll be right back." Ebony said walking off.

"Ok, well damn just leave me by myself." Samirah mumbled to herself deciding to sit at one of the foldable chairs at the patio dining set.

She sat there for a good few minutes, just people watching.

"Where is she at? Going to get a drink take all day now?" I said to myself.

  Looking across from me, I caught a glimpse of someone sitting on the other end of the table. It was the girl from earlier.

I noticed she was rubbing over her bruised knuckles.

" You good? You need something for that?" I asked sincerely.

"Nah, I'm cool." She said giving me a small smile finally looking up at me.

"So like what happened?" I hesitantly asked.

"She just had a whole lot of mouth about something that ain't got nothing to do with her." She seethed through her thick accent.

"You ain't from here, huh?" I inquired.

"Nah definitely not, I'm from New York." She revealed.

"Yea I could tell, what's you're name?" I questioned.

" Kiara."

" That's a pretty name, my name's Samirah but, you can call me Sam." I smiled.

"Aw thank you, ma." She beamed.

"But, what you doing out here?"

"Nothing, just came out here for the summer. You know with a couple of friends." She expressed rolling her eyes picking at her nails.

"Uh oh what that mean?" I snickered.

"Ole girl I was fighting with," she went on.

    I nodded for her to continue.

  " Yea, she came here with us, her and my girl Gina go way back, but she know I don't like that girl." She continued, shaking her head drinking from her cup.

"So now, I'm like fuck everybody I'm just ready to go home at this point." She concluded.

"Nah don't let them ruin your lil trip, don't let coming all the way out here be for nothing." I tried empathizing.

" Man, fuck them." She gritted, she definitely wasn't budging.

" Come on now, don't let 'em get to you. It's summer you should be living it up." I gave her small smile. Which she was hesitant to give back in return.

"Yea you right, I'm tripping I spent wayy too much to come out here." She laughed, with me joining her. That's when her pager went off.

"Oh shit, I gotta go but here, Ima give you my number we should hang before I leave." She said pulling out an old receipt from her purse writing down her number.

"Alright, I guess I'll see you round." She said before disappearing back into the house.

I read the ten digit number before putting it into my purse.

  Out of nowhere Ebony came damn near yelling in my ear. "Girl I been running round everywhere looking for yo lil ass."

"What you mean? I only went inches away from where you last saw me." I frowned.

She just kissed her teeth, mumbling something to herself.

"Uh, what was that?" I raised an eyebrow.


"Oh okay, that's what I thought." I said pushing my hair over my shoulder.

"Gir-" we both joined in a laugh.

"Anyways, where this girl Des at I ain't seen her since we got here."

" I don't know, prolly somewhere "mingling". I muttered digging in my bag to retrieve my lipgloss.


Ebony walked over to the chair next to me, sitting in it drinking from her red solo cup.

"What you over there drinking on?" I grinned, snickering a bit putting on my lipgloss.

"A lil somethin' somethin' you know." Ebony shrugged grinning herself before taking another sip.

"Now you know you don't even drink like that, stop!" I hollered laughing.

Ebony just rolled her eyes laughing, because she knew I was right.

"And I see you ain't bring me nothing back." I raised an eyebrow at her. I popped the cap to my lipgloss in putting it in my purse.

"Cause you ain't ask for nothing." She sassed back.

"Heyyy y'all." We heard.

It was Des with Khalil not too far behind.

"Ohh look who's back." I teased.

"And I see you brought back company." I said giving them a sly smirk.

"you're annoying." Des retorted back in a witty tone. She and Khalil took a sit across from where Ebony and Sam was sitting. So, now all of the them were facing each other.

"So, no hey or nothing, just "I see you brought company." Khalil chimed in doing air-quotes.

"Nah we see you, kinda hard not to with that lopsided head of yours." Ebony joked.

"Haha, real funny." He sarcastically expressed.

"Nah but for real we missed you." Ebony nudged at him.

"Mhm, well I missed y'all too... I guess." He proclaimed trying to brush it off like nothing with a lil shrug.

"Boy quit tryna front and come here!" I said pulling him into a hug.

"But, what you been getting into since we last heard from you?" I asked pulling away from the hug.

"Nothin' for real just been getting things ready for when it's time to go." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"Ohhh yea I forgot you a lil college boy now." Ebony chimed in.

Khalil laughed, wiping at his nose while, shaking his head.

"Yea, UCLA." Destiny chimed in and smiled looking over at him.

  He then, looked at her too, forming a small smile himself.

I looked between the two then, looked over at Ebony to see if she was seeing what I was seeing.

Looking at me she peeped too.

"Mphm , so anyway what else you got planned for the summer?" I inquired.

"Oh, well uh me an-" Khalil begin before Destiny quickly shut that down.

Making me and Ebony raise an eyebrow at her.

I don't know if she think we blind or what but, it's clearrr as day they been messing around— and for a while now.

"Uh, hold on y'all I think I lost my purse, Khalil come help me find it." She tugged at his flannel he was wearing, damn near pulling him out his chair.

"Uh—alright, I'll see y'all in a minute." He said being completely pulled away by Destiny. 

"I don't think I like how she tryna play us like we stupid, it's just not sitting right with me." Ebony expressed with her face scrunched up looking at them walk away.

Or rather Destiny walked away while, Khalil was being manhandled through the crowd of people.

"She'll tell us when she ready." That's when my stomach started to growling.

"When was the last time you ate, sounding like you ain't ate in a minute, gotta get something in that lil stomach." Ebony teased laughing.

  I smacked my lips, standing up from my sit, folding my arms and just stared at her.

"What?" She chuckled a bit.

"Well aren't  we gonna go get some food or what, my stomach ain't growling for no reason, let's go see where Des done ran off to now."

"Bossy much." Ebony stood from her sit.

  "But you driving."

"Sure." I shrugged.

"I wasn't asking, y'all thought that was real funny making me drive." I just looked at her, before cracking a smile.

"Come on."

  After we found Des and said our goodbyes with Khalil we left to go find a place to eat. Ending the night at Ebony's place crashing there for the night.


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