By Prakruti143

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He is man with attitude, ruthless, angry young man for the outsider and never tolerates anything wrong relate... More

CHAPTER 01: In Your Memories
CHAPTER 02: Trying to fill your blank
CHAPTER 03: Meeting arranged by Fate
CHAPTER 04: glimps of sweet memory
CHAPTER 05: Heart Breaking News
CHAPTER 06: Unknown call
CHAPTER 07: Unavoidable feelings
CHAPTER 08: Face off
CHAPTER 09: Vihaan's real identity
CHAPTER 10: Growing bond
CHAPTER 11: Meeting new Friend
CHAPTER 12: Confession
CHAPTER 13: Marriage, A Pious Relation
CHAPTER 15: Birthday
CHAPTER 16: Biggest fear
CHAPTER 17: Marriage Proposal
CHAPTER 18: Bringing them home
CHAPTER 19: Birthday
CHAPTER 20: Unexpected
CHAPTER 22: Big Day
CHAPTER 23: Little Surprise
CHAPTER 23: Surprise or Shock
CHAPTER 24: Searching for the past

CHAPTER 21: Father-Daughter

1.1K 135 46
By Prakruti143

Radhe Krishna

Let's start...

It was evening, Arav came to check Swara as Sanskar asked him to check once again for his assurance because Swara denied to go hospital. Arav entered inside along with Sanskar. Both stopped at the door only by seeing Ruhi who was talking with Swara.

Ruhi got up by seeing both. Arav moved towards Swara still staring Ruhi who turned her face other side to avoid him.

Arav checked her and changed her bandage.

"You will be fine in two days completely" Arav said while getting up.

"Thank you" Swara said with small smile and in return Arav also gave return smile.

"I will be at downstairs" Arav said and went out after glancing Ruhi once.

"Swara, you take rest. I will take care of Naira" Sanskar said and went out in search of Naira.

"He will be very happy if he comes to know that Naira is his daughter" Ruhi said while sitting infront of her.

"Yes, but I am afraid to tell him truth. I don't know how to anticipate with this all" Swara said with sign.

"One side that unknown call and another side Sanskar. I fear what he will do if he comes to know that Sanskar is my husband" Swara let out her worries.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine" Ruhi said with light smile.

"Have you given a thought what I said few days back?" Swara asked her with raised eyebrow.

"About what?" Ruhi asked her confusingly.

"About moving on" Swara said while glaring at her.

"I am not forcing you but just think about yourself" Swara said while holding her hands in her hands.

"Arav likes you. I can say by seeing him, just think about him. If you don't like him then also no problem but give second chance to yourself. Bhai won't be happy by seeing you living with his memories and he surely wants you to move on and see you happy" Swara said while trying to make her understand.

After taking for a while, Ruhi came downstairs where all were present. She talked with elders and got ready to leave for home. Arav was silently watching her but didn't dare to talk with with her.

"Arav, drop Ruhi to her apartment while going home" Dp asked him as Arav told them before that he was going home so Dp asked him.

"Ok uncle" Arav agreed without a word because he also wanted that very eagerly. Ruhi cursed herself in mind by not bringing her car. She has to agree because she couldn't deny elders so she nodded her head without a word. Arav's heart was beating with race by the thought of going with her.

Swara, who got bore in room, came out in search of Sanskar and Naira. She went to study room to search Sanskar. She opened his study room but found no one then she went to check Naira. She stopped infront of playroom by hearing laughing sound. She peeked inside to see what was going inside and smile formed on her lips by seeing trio Sanskar, Naira and Arush who were playing while laughing. She stood there while leaning on door by watching this beautiful scene.

"Mumma" Swara came into sense when Naira called her and even Sanskar also turned by listening Naira calling her. Naira ran towards her and Swara kneeled before her and hugged her who jumped in her arms.
Sanskar also moved towards her with smile.

"Mumma, what happened to you? I was scared by seeing this" Naira said while showing her bandage.

"Nothing baby, it's just some scratch. I am absolutely fine and nothing will happen to me when my baby is with me and also your papa" Swara said while kissing her forehead and  whispered last line while eyeing Sanskar.

"Papa also told the same" Naira said while eyeing Sanskar and then again turned towards Swara.

"Swara, are you feeling better?" Sanskar asked her.

"You should have called us right! Why you came out?" Sanskar asked her with concern.

"No, I am fine. I was getting bore so thought to talk with Maa and Mom" Swara lied but it was half truth and half lie because she wanted to see Sanskar and Naira so came out in search of them.

"Arush" all turned by hearing Pari voice.

"Ohh! you all are here. Maa was calling you all for dinner" Pari told them.

"Swara, you should take rest and why you came out?" Pari said with concern.

"No Didi, I was getting bore in room and thought to talk with you all so came out and was going down but you only came here" Swara said with light smile.

"If you feel fine then only come down otherwise I will send dinner to room" Pari asked her.

"No Didi, I will feel good with you all" Swara said with smile and Pari also smiled back by hearing her.

"Aru, come" Pari took Arush with her leaving three of them alone.

"Princess, come" Sanskar picked her up in his arms and moved forward ignoring Swara making Swara open her mouth.

"I think he is still angry" Swara murmured under her breathe and followed both of them.

Arav was driving car and Ruhi was sitting beside him in passanger seat.
Arav was driving silently because he didn't want to make her angry like last time but he was very desperate to talk with her.

"Sorry for last time" Ruhi said out of nowhere.

"Hmm" Arav looked at her being confused not understanding for which thing she was asking sorry.

"I was rude last time so sorry" Ruhi said with calm tone by seeing his confused face.

"No problem. I was just trying to cheer you up but I was not aware of you that you were distribuurbed" Arav said with light smile.

"Thank you" Ruhi said with light smile.

Arav gave small smile and again turned front to concentrate on road. Silence prevailed again and both were feeling awkward to talk but silence was making more awkward for them so Ruhi thought to initiate the conversation.

"Hmmm...Aa..rav" Ruhi called him for the first time by his name with difficult.

Arav turned by hearing her with surprised but didn't show it out.

"Can we be friends?" Ruhi asked him with little bit hesitate tone as she was not sure, would he like it or not because of previous behaviour of her.

Both startled with sudden halt of car.

"What happened?" Ruhi asked confusingly by seeing car was stopped. Arav turned towards her by surprisingly. He was shocked to hear her so he stopped the car with halt. It was big thing for him that she was asking his friendship means it's a beginning of their first step towards love.

"Arav" Ruhi snapped her fingers infront of him by seeing him lost.

"Aravvvvv" Ruhi called him little bit loudly for this time.

"Hmmm" Arav came into sense by hearing her but loud voice.

"Where you lost?" Ruhi asked him confusingly who was being lost in shock.

"No where.... ofcourse I will be" Arav forwarded his hand quickly without wasting time while grinning and jumping in happiness. Ruhi shook hand with him and felt some kind of happiness by seeing his smiling face.

"Shall we?" Ruhi asked him while signing.

"Where?" Arav asked her confusingly not understanding anything.

"Then do you want to stay in here on this road only?" Ruhi asked him with chuckle.

"Oh sorry!" Arav smiled sheepishly after realising that they were on the mid road. He started the car and drove towards the Ruhi'

Silence prevailed until they reached Ruhi's apartment as they were battling themselves how to start and what to talk. Finally Arav stopped the car making Ruhi come into sense. Ruhi looked at Arav before opening the car door.

"Thank you" Ruhi gave small smile which made Arav's heart flutter.

"Most welcome" Arav gave his charming smile in return.

Ruhi got down from the car and left to her flat before giving last glance to Arav. Arav was just staring at her retreating figure untill she disappeared from his sight with grinning smile on his face and then left to his home.

Maheswari Mansion

Sanskar made sure that Swara takes her medicine and he was playing with Naira by making her sit on his lap on sofa and Swara was half lying on bed.

Naira was saying something to Sanskar and both were laughing. Swara was just watching them with pleasant smile on her lips.

"I pray God that this smile on their face never fades away and keep them safe always" Swara prayed in her mind.

"Swala" Naira jumped from Sanskar's lap and ran towards Swara who was watching both.

"What happened Baby?" Swara asked her with smile. Naira climbed on bed and sit infront of her.

"Papa told that he takes us to eat ice cream by tomorrow" Naira said in excitement with her twinkling eyes.
Swara eyed Sanskar who smiled back at them and Swara also smiled back.

"Sure baby, we will go tomorrow" Swara said while caressing her cheeks lovingly.

"Ok, now it's getting late. Let's sleep and tomorrow you have school right?" Swara said taking her in her arms and made her lied on bed properly beside her.

"Papa!!" Naira called him while lifting her head towards Sanskar which made him turned towards Naira and even Swara also looked at him then at her.

"Yes, princess" Sanskar replied with smile.

"Tomorrow, will you come to drop us to school?" Naira asked him with her puppy eyes which made Swara wondered because she never demanded to drop her school for anyone even if it's Swara also.

"Baby, Papa has office tomorrow. I will come to drop instead of Papa" Swara said immediately by thinking that Sanskar might busy because of office but to surprise her he agreed and Swara looked him confusingly.

"Sanskar, you told that you have important meeting tomorrow morning" Swara said while turning towards him.

"Nothing is important than my daughter, hey ha princess?" Sanskar said with genuine smile making Swara smile contently.

"Yes papa" Naira gave bright smile while agreeing with him.

Sanskar lied on bed at another side and Naira was lying in-between them.

"Papa" Naira tilted her head towards Sanskar.

"Yes princess" Sanskar said while turning towards her.

"Tell me about you" Naira demanded him making Sanskar look at her surprise, astonish and wonder.

"About me?" Sanskar asked her with surprised tone and even Swara also looked at her daughter with surprise.

"Yes, I don't know anything about you except your name" Naira said making Sanskar, Swara chuckle.

Sanskar pulled her in his embrace and kissed her forehead lovingly.

"So my princess wants to know about me and princess momma also" Sanskar said with mischievous smile while eyeing Swara with corner of his eyes. Swara turned her face being caught by him. Sanskar chuckled inside by seeing her shy face.

"Ok, I will tell you about me and before that tell me about you because Papa wants to know more about you" Sanskar said inorder to get any useful information from her.

"I am Naira, I was born on xxxx in Bangalore..........." Naira kept saying all her favorite things and all but she didn't mention about Vihaan anywhere which made him somewhere disappointment but he was very happy by seeing her happiness. Swara was just listening her with smile.

"Now tell me" Naira turned towards Sanskar after finishing her talk.

"I don't have anything much like you. I am Sanskar Maheswari, MD of Karma Textile and Fashion House. I have one beautiful daughter who is very beautiful and naughty also" Sanskar said while pinching her nose making Naira giggle.

"Then tell me about girlfriends and love story" Naira asked him making Sanskar shocked with sudden question even Swara also looked at her abruptly by listening her.

"Baby, where you heard all these things?" Swara asked her immediately with surprised tone.

"I have seen in tv when Lucky Chachu was watching" Naira said innocently making Swara and Sanskar looked at each other.

"Baby, it's not a kids thing to watch and listen so don't watch them" Swara said while trying to make her understand.

"Lucky, you are dead!!" Sanskar murmured under his breath with gritted teeth.

"Ok, I won't watch but Papa now tell me about your love story" Naira demanded him again making Sanskar look at Swara who was looking at them already.

"Princess, I don't have any girlfriends and love story to tell" Sanskar said with small smile.

"Then how did you meet Mumma?" Naira planted a bomb on Sanskar which made both of them shock. Sanskar stuck in dilemma to how to answer. Swara also kept silent because she also not getting how to respond for her daughter's question. Sanskar took a short breath and going to tell something...

"Princess I...." He was cut off by call on his mobile. Sanskar looked at the time as it was showing 10:30 pm and thought who could it be at this time so he took his mobile and it was flashing Karl name.

"Princess, can I come in minute after taking call, it's important?" Sanskar asked her in requesting tone.

"Ok papa, no problem" Naira said with smile making Sanskar smile.

Sanskar got down from the bed and went to balcony leaving little worried Swara because as per she knew in these days he wouldn't receive any calls from office after 10 pm but now by seeing his serious face she thought it was something serious but she feared to ask him what if he is unwilling to tell her so she got silent and turned towards Naira who was saying something about her school. Sanskar came out after closing door.

"Yes, Karl" Sanskar said in his serious tone by understanding him because Karl wouldn't have have called at this time if isn't important.

"Sir, we traced that unknown called Id and it's from......." Karl said

"What!!" Sanskar said shocked tone.

"How it is possible?" Sanskar said in impossible tone not able to believe what he heard just now.

"Are you sure?" Sanskar asked him again not able to believe.

"Yes sir, it's 100% sure" Karl said making Sanskar drown in thoughts.

"Ok keep investigating on it and also keep eye on Sahil Sengupta" Sanskar said and cut the call. He stood there while thinking deeply and he didn't notice that someone stood beside him.

To be continued...

Love ❤️

Prakruti ❤️

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