Random Fiction (I've Written...

By HappyEndingsMostly

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A collection of One Shots, Imagines and Fanfiction (mostly SMUT) I've written randomly (over the years), and... More

thomas brodie sangster
Temptation (Embry Call)
Secrets (E.C ❤️)
yes. another smut. (e.c ❤️)
The Wave Pt. 1 (e.c ❤️)
The Drive Home (Paul Lahote 💚)

Newt (The Maze Runner)

48 0 0
By HappyEndingsMostly

In which newt and y/n take a chance (fluff) ....written sometime in the last few years.


I stood up as the sweat poured down my back. I looked around the Glade,watching as the other Gladers did their daily work. I watched as Minho and Thomas got ready for their Maze Run. I looked back over at the tower to see Newt and Alby probably discussing tonight's party. I glanced over at Chuck who was currently pulling branches down off of a tree to help make a new ladder.

Just as I get back to planting, I hear Gally's voice boom for all the Gladers to report to the meeting hall. I groan out loud wondering what dumb speech we had to listen to today. I took my gloves off and threw them on the ground. Using the back of my hand to wipe the dirt that accumulated on my face as I slumped towards the meeting hall. At least there is shade.

Once inside the house Alby & Newt took the stand at the front before asking us all to take a seat and relax. I sat down on the poorly crafted stone chair & someone handed me a mason jar full of water. I took a sip and focused all my attention on the boys ahead of me. At first I was trying to catch Newts attention but he was busy talking to Alby so I gave up, glancing around the meeting hall watching the boys file in. Once everyone was seated Alby started.

"As you know there are only 2 girls here in the Glade," Alby started motioning to me & Teresa; "They all put in much work for us and the other gladers. Without them I fear this little community would have nothing to brighten its fields with." I glance over at Teresa and she's just about ready to give in. I throw her a bright smile that she catches and returns.

"So in honor of the girls, Newt and I have decided to throw a celebration tonight and tomorrow everyone gets the day off;" Alby finishes. The boys erupt into loud hoots and hollers just as Minho and Thomas come into the meeting house. I catch Newt's eye finally and raise an eyebrow. He gives me a don't worry look and smiles. Soon the meeting is over and we all return to work as normal.

I got back to the garden & prepared to pick some flowers for the party decorations when I heard my name being called out in the distance. I turn around to see Newt running after me; "Y/n! Wait up!" I spin around just as Newt and I collided "Ow!" I say with a small giggle;" What's up Newt? " I watched him fumble around his pockets before pulling out a small necklace that was made from thinned out twine with small pieces of rock crystals strung on it. I felt my heart melt. "For you!" He presented the necklace to me proudly.

"Oh Newt! It's beautiful! Thank you!" I exclaimed the necklace in my hands closely; "How did you make it?", I asked puzzled. "Well..It was very difficult & very time consuming but I knew you'd like it." He smiled

I threw my arms around him pulling him into a hug, I felt him wrap his arms around my waist to pull me closer, giving me a reassuring squeeze. I pulled back after a few seconds to look into his eyes. I felt my heart beating faster and faster, as my eyes trailed up from his lips, to his nose & finally to his beautiful deep chocolate eyes. When our gazes locked I felt a zap go through my body. I watched his pupils dilate and I knew he felt it too, our lips were just about to touch but we were interrupted by the sound of the gears closing the entrance to the Maze. Locking us in for the night. Effectively killing the moment, I see Newt look up and his arms dropped to his side.
"I'll see you later tonight, yeah?" he said quietly, noticing the amount of eyes on us. I merely nodded my head looking back down at the necklace, he quickly fastened the necklace around my neck & with that he turned to leave.

I watched him walk away just as Teresa came up behind me. "When are you two gonna tell Alby that you two are a thing?" I jumped a little turning around to face her, my face blushing; "Be quiet Te! Someone might hear! " She playfully nudged my shoulder a bit; " Newt's a keeper" she took the necklace that was hanging on my neck into her fingers. "Don't let him go" she whispered, giving me a small kind smile and walking back towards the homestead.

Newt and I do need to tell Alby that we're together but a rule was set in stone about the female gladers-

No intimate Relationships between Male & Female Gladers.

If that rule was broken, so were they. It kept the boys from growing jealous of one another and us girls safe. However, when it came to Newt I just couldn't help myself. He was the one whose eyes I met when I arrived in the box. He and I became close, so close that we sleep in the same hut on occasions. Alby would be furious to know that we've gone behind his back for so long. 6 months to be exact. My stomach turned at the thought of having to face Alby, but it needed to be done. He needed to know and I believe as humans we have the right to love.

Later that night at dinner I caught up with Teresa, Thomas, Minho and Chuck. We sat chatting and laughing while Thomas told us a story of the time he got his shirt stuck in a tree branch in the maze.
"So there I was, the branch literally holding me back and I couldn't get the -" Thomas' eyes looked up and his voice trailed off. I felt a presence behind me and I turned around to see Alby looking unamused & upset.

"y/n, I need you to come with me" every pair of eyes at the table locked on me and I felt my palms begin to sweat. I gulped standing up, my stomach clenching immediately. This is it... I'm going to get banished for breaking the third most absolute rule. I followed Alby out into the woods to his small little cabin. I was surprised to find Newt sitting down at the table, he had a half finished bowl of stew in front of him. He didn't seem to be thrilled about being here. "Sit!" Alby's voice was stern and low. I sat down next to Newt who had a shameful look on his face. "Is there something you & Newt would like to tell me? " Alby asked crossing his arms over his chest. I felt my palms get sweaty again and I couldn't find the courage to look up at either one of them. Mere seconds passed before anyone spoke a word however with the atmosphere heavy it felt like forever.
Alby let out a sigh, it sounded sad "I'm just gonna say this once and that's it or next time you'll both be spending a week in the pit with no food...... it's dangerous if she were to get pregnant Newt! We have no room or means to take care of a baby!" Alby's voice spoke softly; " I get it...I really do guys. It's just too risky. Here, it's not just about you guys it's about all of us. We are a family & all we have is each other."

I watched Newt as he turned his head to the side shaking it as he spat on the ground. Newt jumped abruptly storming out the door, shoving past Alby nudging him ever so slightly.

I, too, stood up looking Alby in the face. "You're right Alby....we only have each other." I felt my lips trembling as I moved pass Alby heading out into the night.

I couldn't understand how Alby could be so cruel. Newt & I had something I guess he couldn't understand. He was so against me and Newt being together. He mentioned a baby. Newt and I have never even seen each other naked. How dare Alby assume we'd be so naive to put everyone in here in harm's way. The audacity made my blood boil. I took off deeper and deeper into the woods.

The sun had just dipped below the horizon and it was dark. I knew I needed to turn around and make my way towards camp. If either one of us was uncounted for during lockdown, we'd be in serious trouble. I had no idea if Newt went back to camp or not & if we both weren't there Alby would have a fit.

I sighed getting ready to turn back when my foot caught on something, my leg twisted forwards but my knee didn't sending a excruciating pang through my entire leg. I looked down to notice a vine wrapped around my foot. As I struggled to untangle my leg from the vine, I felt my foot slip from underneath me and I went tumbling downhill, bringing the vine with me. I felt water and a mind numbing pain rip through my leg. I screamed out in pain as I came to stop my face filled with dirt. I heard a click and something landing against my head, sending my vision to darkness.

"Everything is gonna be okay, Love... Everything is gonna be okay...."

"She's been out for three days!"

"I bloody know that, but what can you fuckin' do about it?"

My eyes opened slowly, trying to adjust to the light pouring in from outside. "Newt-" I tried to call out but my throat was dry, like I had just swallowed a bucket of saw dust. It was raspy and sounded foreign to me. "Newt?" I tried again this time a little louder then before. I heard the voices stop abruptly; "Y/n?! I'm right here love" Newt answered, I could hear him walking over. My eyes had closed again.

"I think I fell; " I said in a scratchy voice. I felt Newt place his hand in my hair stroking it gingerly. My eyes fluttered open gently & Newt chuckled with a small head shake.

"You're in the infirmary & and you did much more than fall love." He said quietly. "When Minho and Thomas found you they reported that your knee was purple and swollen & you we're in a small puddle of blood." Newt had looked as though he was going to smile, but instead I watched his face become serious; "I thought I lost you... I thought one of the Grivers might have gotten you...or... " he couldn't finish his sentence. I didn't want him to, I knew what he was thinking. There was a gloss over his eyes and I reached my hand up weakly to touch his face. His other free hand had grasped mine keeping it against his face. He kissed my palm. "You gave the whole camp a bloody scare. Had us looking for you for hours" he whispered more so to himself then out loud.

"I'm sorry" I moaned weakly. "Al-alby just pissed me off. I tripped.."

Newt handed me a jar full of water, with a makeshift bamboo straw. "Drink." Newt demanded. I nodded eagerly in agreement.
Once the jar was half way empty Newt took a seat watching me slowly sip the water until it was gone. I handed the cup back to Newt. "You must be hungry, Love. I'll be right back" he said. Moments later Newt was back with a few biscuits and a bowl of soup. My stomach grumbled on cue and I tried to sit up. That itself was nearly impossible to do on my own. Newt had to help me sit up. I had to keep my leg straight. Winston, the keeper of the slicers, was working on some sort of cast for me.

I clenched my eyes and cursed a bit; "Ow, it hurts so bad..." I felt my voice crack and I turned my head away so he didn't have to see me cry. I heard Newt sigh once more before he wrapped his arms around my neck pulling me into his chest. He laid his cheek against my head, mumbling "I'm sorry" a few times. I watched as one of my tears rolled down his arm. "Let me help you." he said softly, letting go of me & reaching for the bowl. I had an idea that he was going to try to feed me. I smiled a bit, " My hands still work you know." I joked with him. Earning just the slightest little lip twitch.
"Yeah, Yeah. I know, Love." Newt handed me the bowl, taking a seat back on the chair that was perched right next to the cot I was laying on.

After a few minutes of eating, I was able to get a better look at the med hut. There was another cot with a blanket on it it seemed as though someone had been sleeping in it. I tilted my head towards the bed, "Have you been staying with me?" I asked, taking another bite. Newt nodded,"Someone had to watch over you. Winston said he'd do it, but I believed he needed the sleep more than myself." Newt gave me a biscuit. It had a sweet, nutty flavor and I could tell these were the sweet breads, my favorite. Newt watched me intensely as the look of satisfaction hit my face. "How long was I out?" I asked, finishing the biscuit in a few large bites.
"Three days," Newt responded, taking a bite out of what sounded to be an apple; "And how about you try tasting this one?" he smiled, handing me another biscuit. I rolled my eyes reaching out playfully slapping him on the arm, looking out the small window at the lavender colored sky.

"I thought you were dead" he whispered, all signs of playfulness leaving his voice, "by the 4th hour I was bloody freaking out. Almost went after Ably... ". Newt shook his head in disgust; "How dare he? He went about the whole ordeal so...fuckin' casually as if he could remotely understand what I was going through!" Newt looked like he was about to rant & I was quick to intervene, knowing that he would let his temper get the best of him. "I'm okay though Newt. I just had a terrible fall. Where are the others?" I asked, trying to distract him. "Eating dinner, they said they'd stop by before bed," he answered before tossing the apple core into the trash pail. I nodded my head or tried too, I moved my hand up the back of my head feeling the lump that had grown there, " My head hurts so bad." I winched.

"I know and that's what this is for" Newt said, pulling out a small syringe. "Ably....he just doesn't know I feel about you. None of those pricks do!" Newt expressed standing up. I was gonna ask what was in the syringe but I was cut off.

"Hey there Sunshine" Teresa beamed coming to the bedside, "You gave us all a scare!"

I smiled weakly; " I know"

"What happened?" Chuck asked sitting down on a stool, "You look ter-i-ble!" Chuck said syllable by syllable,making me giggle. Chuck was always able to brighten anyone's mood with his young silliness.

"Yeah what happened?" Frypan backed Chuck up. The others looked my way. "Well...,"I started but Newt cut me off, "I'd rather she not get into it right at this very moment, mates....she's here and safe now." Newt answered dismissively. Chuck looked disappointed he was probably looking forward for some heroic story, like Y/n Vs the Grivers. I was a bit upset that Newt wouldn't let me talk about it. But I was in no mood to argue with him. Thomas walked around to the edge of the bed bracing it; "Alby is just trying to protect us. He'll come around one day." Thomas gave Newt a small squeeze on the shoulder. Newt whipped his head around to look at Thomas. "How did you know?"

"It was pretty obvious..." Thomas said with a small chuckle and the others laughed too. "You don't think you could have kept it a secret that long, do you? " Minho added.

"Well I certainly wasn't planning on parading it around!" Newt said his lips twitching to one side; "I suppose it was that obvious... " he mentioned quietly looking at me. Teresa piped in; "Just about everyone seen you too almost kiss in the glade the other day when you gave her the necklace. Which is beautiful I might add." She gave Newt a pat on the back.

"Oh..." Newt and I gasped in unison. I never actually took the time out to notice if people were paying attention to us. I was always so lost in the moment with Newt that the rest of the world didn't matter to me. He made it easier to forget about our reality.

"Well guys I think we all need to get some rest, it's been a long day.", Thomas said clasping his hands together and walking around Teresa going to the door. "And I'm sure Newt and Kota would love some alone time" he said stifling back a laugh giving a wink towards Newt. The others laughed as well as telling me goodnight before walking out the hut door shutting it firmly. "Wait I don't get it....?" Chuck said confused following behind the possy. Newt was left with another blank expression on his face, as he turned back to me; "Have we always been that obvious? "

I shrugged, laughing a little "Maybe." My eyes fell on the syringe still in Newt's hand, "What's that?" I questioned motioning to syringe. "Oh it's some sort of painkiller, the box sent it up today." Newt replied, standing up coming to the bedside again.

"How do you know?" I asked. Newt smiled; "Do you trust me?" he asked lightly, his hand gripping the syringe.

"Of course." I said giving my arm out to Newt.

"I know it's pain killer because it's on the vial" Newt stated confidently. "It looks exactly like the one I had back when I....well you know..." His voice trailed off while he motioned to his leg. He said nothing as he took the cap of the needle motioning to my arm before helping me lie back down. I watched his eyes in the soft glow of the torch. He was worried, tired & very angry. I could see that written into his face.

He quickly pressed the needle in my arm, pressing the plunger down. He bent down and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Are you gonna stay with me tonight?" I asked looking up. I watched has he peeked up, locking eyes with mine. "Of course, my love. I just need to go talk with Ably sort things, man to man. Rest now. I'lll be back soon." He whispered. It took a few minutes but soon I felt my body start to float and my body got all tingly. I smiled over at Newt he was standing over me & I felt my eyes grow heavy and as I tried to keep them open I watched as Newt whisked out the door into the night.


As Newt stepped out into the night he was convinced that Alby was wrong, Newt didn't know why he felt the way he did about Y/n but he knew that he had to protect her from everything, the Grivers, the maze and most important the people who put them in the maze. He veered left walking to Alby's hut. He didn't know what he was going to say, he didn't really plan that. He just needed to make Alby see.

Newt heard his name being called from a distance he turned his head back to see Thomas running towards him. "Hey, Newt wait up!" Thomas said approaching him. Newt abruptly stopped whipping around to face Thomas with a look of annoyance lacing his face making Thomas stop dead in his tracks. "Whoa, Newt. You okay? What's Wrong?"

Newt shook his head with an annoyed smirk looking at the ground then to Thomas; " No, greenie. I'm not okay.." Newt turned back around starting to walk away when he felt Thomas's hand grip his shoulder. Newt didn't turn around he just shook Thomas off he knew he wouldn't get it. He took a long breath in and exhaled loudly; "You wouldn't understand mate" he felt his teeth grit, he was anticipating a further question from his male counterpart. Instead he heard Thomas sigh; "Of course I wouldn't understand. I don't know what's wrong. Is it about Y/n? " Newt took a deep breath and started talking.

"So you're trying to convince Alby that you and Y/n should be able to be together... Wouldn't that make the other's a little jealous and upset? I mean maybe Alby himself is jealous;" Thomas said.

"Jealous? Of me?" Newt asked, jealousy was something that never really crossed the minds of those in Glade everyone was equal here. And Newt never thought of Alby to be Jealous of him. "Yes," Thomas replied; "have you seen the way he looks at you and Y/n, especially when you two are close and laughing?"

"No not really, I'm more so paying attention to Y/n, I've never thought of anyone to be jealous of little ol' me" Newt said slightly dumb-founded. He tried to recall a time where he thought of Alby to be jealous or show any traits of jealousy and he pulled a blank.

"Well I've seen it," Thomas confirmed; "he rolls his eyes sometimes or he'll stomp off the moment you and Y/n come around, together. If watched him look at her & you so intensely that he seems most in some sort of trance."

Newt stood there bewildered. Planning his next action very carefully.


I awoke the next morning to birds chirping and the sunlight pouring through the cracks in the walls of the infirmary.Newt was sleeping peacefully on a cot that he had pulled up next to mine. His hand laced in mine. I watched him for a few moments, his face held a peaceful expression, his breathing was evenly matched with his rising and falling back. I smiled a bit right before his grip on my hand grew tighter. His breathing increased dramatically and the expression changed

"No... No... Alby please... Don't banish her... Me... banish..." Newt went on in his sleep before jolting awake with a small scream. His eyes darted around the room before he squeezed them shut, his hand crossing his chest landing on his heart. The grip on my hand slowly lessened and his eyes met mine.

"Newt; " I started but before I could finish he said nothing, just leaned in and kissed me. I was shocked, but kissed him back. I felt his body weight shift as if he was coming closer and I sat up all the way, his hand left mine and travelled up my arm the back of my head, softly pulling me closer. My arm crawled up his back, pulling him closer as the kiss deepened. I felt the passion explode as our lips mashed together. I could feel my heart rate rise and slow down and behind my closed eyes every moment, every smile, every laugh I've had with Newt raced through my mind. I wanted to pull him closer to me but it wasn't physically possible. If I was feeling this way I could only imagine how Newt was feeling, as his grip in my hair tightened. I heard him moan just a little into the kiss as I tugged on his hair.

Newt and I rarely made physical contact other than a quick embrace or a swift peck on the cheek in fact that was the first time Newt and I had ever actually kissed & it was perfect. So this was very new to me. All I knew was I enjoyed it. I was beginning to feel light headed and a little dizzy as the kiss came to a bittersweet end, Newt rested his forehead against mine; with his eyes closed he sighed; " I had a dream that Alby banished you to the maze because he was...jealous..."

I watched as he sat back on his cot, he put his elbows on either one of his thighs, his head hung and his head braced between his hand; "I can't imagine living without you, Y/n. I don't want to live without you...I know I'll just be living in vain." His eyes peered up at me; "I can't describe how much you mean to me, my words can't describe it. My brain can't even think about it. But I know my heart feels it... all I know is..." his voice trailed off as if he was afraid to speak.

I sat there listening to him, my heart racing, beating faster and faster with every breath he took. I struggled but managed to swing my leg around to face him completely. I lifted his face to look at him, his hands falling limply to his legs, I seen the tears rolling down his face. I took his limp hands into mine, interlocking our fingers he sniffled; "Newt... I understand. You don't have to say it, you feel it and so do I. I'll admit it's terrifying. Hell it's crazy to be in this situation and having such costly affections." I seen him smile a bit; "but Newt you've always been a bit of a rebel haven't ya?"

This earned a small laugh from him, the corners of his mouth lifting in the slightest; "You are the only thing that keeps me sane in this hell hole. The only reason I'm still alive, please don't ever leave me Y/n.... I love you."

Those words caused a stir that started deep in the pit of my stomach that ignited a fire that spread to my chest; "I love you, Newt. I couldn't leave you even if I was forced too" it was so natural how those words flowed out of my mouth & how good they sounded. Newt smiled the biggest I've ever seen him since I've entered the Glade 2 years ago.

"Wow... " Alby's voice rang through the room, both Newt and I looked up. "How long have you been standing there?" Newt asked, very much pissed off.
"Long enough... " Alby answered. Newt looked at him quizzically watching Alby like a hawk. Alby stepped into the room a small basket of bread laced his arm along with some Mason jars filled with what looked to be orange liquid.

"I've been so selfish. These last few days I've been rethinking my decisions about letting you two be together. I'll admit, I was jealous. I was jealous of my own best friend, my second in command, my day one. Since Y/n and you have grown closer I've watched your whole demeanor change, Newt. You've been less serious, you walk around with a spring in your step. Eager to start the next day. And I was jealous of that...I wanted to be able to find away to escape this reality for so long" Alby said his voice cracking just a bit his head hanging slightly; "and what I've just witnessed & overheard made me realize that when the others started arriving I made a vow that I would find a way to get them out. Home to a safe haven. I always try to give them hope, strength to make it to the next day. But my pushing and hoping for them can only go so far, the rest they have to do on their own. And Newt you've found Y/n. You have found your own hope, You've found each other. And who am I to take that away from either of you?"

Newt looked up at me then back to Alby; " So what your saying is-"

"Yes, under one condition... " Ably finished; "Don't ever let your judgment be clouded by your love for each other. Crazy shit happens here... I just need to know that if anything ever was to happen that you two could both make rash decisions & think clearly for not only you, but your fellow Gladers..."

"Thank You Alby" Newt said standing up to pull his best friend into a tight brotherly hug. "You're welcome" Alby said pulling away and handing the basket to Newt; "I'll send one of the Med-Jacks to look at her, I want her Walking as soon as possible!" Alby said with a smile before exiting the hut.

Newt stood at the doorway of the hut for a while longer and when he turned around he had the biggest smile on his face, he staggered over to the cot that I was sitting up on, my face twisted with happiness too. Newt set the basket down and pulled the love of his life into his arms. I rested my head against Newt's chest listening to his erratic heart beats. I knew that my own heart matched his.


Yeah I know it's trash....😭

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