The fallen Queen (Jenlisa)


127 31 12

LALISA MANOBAN Queen of Thailand and Korea, not ur typical queen. When u say queen, u imagine a castle, a pre... More

Chapter 2

Chapter one, A fallen queen

80 17 5

Warning mature language ahead

"WHAT!"screamed the princess.

"Lisa I know u are mad but that is no reason to act like a animal,you are a princess act like one ."Said Anne Manoban,Queen of Thailand and Korea.

Lisa stood  there stunned,Her long blonde hair in a ponytail,her usual beautiful face filled with tears ruining her makeup,her emerald eyes filled with pools of sadness.Her normal long slender form,draped.

Suddenly she dropped to the floor.Her sobbing blending out the loud *thud*.

"M-mother please u have to understand i-I am to young plus I am not into boys."whispered the blonde in between her sobs.

"Lisa for the last time,you are not going to marry a woman,If you don't like men get used to it cause I don't care."stated the cruel woman.

Lisa gathered all her courage and growled  in a cold threatening voice,"I don't think you understood me mother I am NOT going to marry a boy~all of them are fucking jerks.So I don't C A R E what you say I am not gonna marry a man atleast not at the age of 18."

Mrs Manobans smile faltered for a second.

"But lisa!You can't be-be such a outcast ur a princess and u are marrying a boy that's final if u don't u will be a embarrassment,a disappointment.If u don't u will be a fallen queen."shrieked the queen,her voice full of anger.

A fallen Queen is a queen that has not followed the rules.For example,if a commoner were to not follow the queens rules they would die,her mother (the queen)has made the rule that the princess shall marry a boy not a girl.Now Lisa wants to marry a girl but if she does she will be breaking the rules,and if she is breaking the rules the previous queen (her mother) will decide if she shall die.Now her mother being the cruel woman she is would agree, and then one of her cousins will become queen,and all of the fame and money would still be going to Lisa's mom and dad,now only if the population objects saying the queen shall not die,then there will be a vote and the population will decide if Lisa shall die.But the population would do what ever her mother would want them to.

The royal family were real sadists.Atleast that was what Lisa thought.Everyone thought that they were the perfect example of what the perfect family was but on the inside it was the complete opposite.The princess has never had a say on what goes on in her life.It's always been about fame and money,the family never cared about her.

Manoban is going to turn 18 in 5 months and when she does she is gonna be crowned queen and with that she must find a suitable husband.But Lisa thinks she's to young for such nonsense plus she doesn't even like boys.Lisa glared at her mother.Taking a deep breath she said in a shaky voice,"may I be excused to my room""Yes,your maid rosé will escort you to your room."replied the queen.

Lalisa manoban later in her room 12:35

"SHE SAID WHAT!"screamed Park Chaeyoung in anger.

Everyone called her rosé,but Lisa liked to call her chae.Chae was Lisas maid but also her one and only best friend.

Lisa had just finished telling her about the chat she had with mother."OH THAT MOTHERFUCKING BITCH IS SO DEAD!"growled the taller girl in anger.

Chaeyoung was normally very calm headed and sweet,but she could be scary when she wanted to.

Chae was tall,even taller then Lisa.She had long silver hair and soft pleasant skin.She has chocolate brown eyes and her long elegant form was jaw dropping.

In Lisas opinion chae was better fitted to be the queen.Chae and lisa were sitting on the princesses bed,the green eyes girl laying in the brown eyed girls arms,Rosé had her arms around lisas waist in a tight embrace."I...I just don't know what to do pasta...Its like my whole life has been planned before my eyes,I turn 18 in 5 fucking months,and I'm supposed to find a suitable husband in that time,someone that I have to spend the rest of my life with.Plus my parents know I'm lesbian.And if I reveal it to the country,my mom is gonna make me a fallen queen and the population will agree,They think mother is perfect and always right." murmers the princess,  her face in rosés shirt.

The poor shirt absorbing Lisas tears."Dont worry lili ill find something,ill find a way just don't cry."mumbled rosé.Theres really nothing u can do chipmunk thought lisa as she rubbed her eyes trying to stop the tears."Give me some time ok ill do my best"said the brown eyed girl as she left.

Lalisa Manoban in her practice room 1: 23

The princess was in her practice room,dancing to her favourite song.

Dancing always puts her to ease.The way the music dragged her along,the way that her swift movements matched the beat.

Everything was just perfect when she danced,she was you could say "lost in her own world".

Suddenly Park Chaeyoung barged in scaring Lisa screaming,"I DID IT,I FUCKING DID IT!",happiness evedent in her voice.

"Shit chae you scared me,whats up."said the future queen while shrugging."WHATS UP? WHATS FUCKING UP,SHOUDNT YOU BE SCREAMING IN HAPPINESS!"scoffed the maid."Well maybe i would if you would tell me what I should be happy about"said Lisa while rolling her eyes.

"Oh right,just follow me."saying that,Chae grabbed Lisa's arm and dragged Lisa to the throne room.

"Why are we in the throne room,you know mother is here,I am in no mood to talk to her right now,you of all people should know that."stated Lisa with a frown on her face.

"Just trust me ok."whispered the blue eyed girl while opening the throne room doors."."Queen.King,Lisa is here."said the maid while bowing.

"Thank you maid,you may leave now."said Mr Manoban.Park Chaeyoung flashed Lalisa a supportive smile before heading out

."What do you want."asked the princess in a cold ruthless voice.

The queen replied,in a matching cold voice"Do you have no manners,bow before the queen and king,we have thought you better."Lisa just rolled her eyes.

The queen continued,"Your maid here gave us a great Idea,you will be going to public school,to greenfold high,there are some powerfull men there,you will try to find a wealthy boyfriend,whom you will marry."said the queen like it was completely normal.

Now you would think Lisa would scream or cry or atleast try to defy it,but instead Lisa slowly started smiling and that smile turned to a huge grin,she started jumping in happiness.

This was definitely not the reaction the queen and king expected.

"THANK YOU FATHER,THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU."screamed the princess in happiness.

The queen and king just sat their stunned.Lisa headed out and ran to rosé and hugged her tight.Chae hugged her back smirking.It had always been Lisa's dream to go to a normal school,she had been homeschooled her whole life and she hated it.The green eyed princess knew she would be married to a boy she had no choice,but the fact that she could spend the 5 months she had in a normal school in which she had always dreamed of going,in which she had her own freedom.Made her happy."OMG CHAE YOUR THE BEST BESTFRIEND ONE COULD WISH FOR,THANK YOU,THANK YOU,THANK FUCKING YOU!"screamed the princess while smiling.The maid just giggled.Lisa thought, 

maybe life isn't that bad.

Jennie kim in class at greenfold high 3:12

Jennie wasn't really paying attention to class,instead she was scribbling in her notebook,writing a new song.

The girl loved to write songs,it made her feel at peace."Heyyy Nini what are you writing"whispered Jisoo Kim,Jennies best friend.

Jisoo was the most richest and most popular girl.She had raven black hair and brown eyes she was a little bit taller than Jennie (I know she isn't but  I wanted to do it for the story) but still short.Jisoo really was beautiful,and her voice was to die for.She could make anyone fall at their knees."Oh nothing special Unnie"whispered jennie back.Jennie Kim,she was also one of the most popular girl in school,but she wasn't rich.She was acctually really poor,the only way she got into this school was because of jisoo,she had payed for Jennie's school fees and Jennie was eternally grateful for it.Jennie was your typical Korean girl well atleast her brain was.She was all about studying and had the best grades.Some might call that nerdy but others cute(nobody dared to call her nerdy because of jisoo,everyone was scared of the raven haired girl)Jennie was short,she may be 18,but her size was of a ten year old.She was  probably one of the shortest girls in greenfold high.She had  long brown hair and was one of the most gorgeous girls you will ever see,she had bright blue eyes and was a true fashionista.Her family weren't exactly the best parents,they would fight everyday and sometimes abuse her to let out their frustration.That's why Jen got scared easily.The only person that knew about her parents was jisoo,that's why Jennie had her own room in their house,jisoo lived alone her parents were never home.So when Jen's parents were fighting or in the mood to hit her she would sleep at her house.Right now the blue eyed girl was writing a song about donuts,she had one for lunch and it was super yummy she thought.Now a normal person would think it was yummy ,maybe I'll buy it again and then forget about it,but Jennie of course had to write a song about it.Class was almost over it was Tuesday and it was the last class of the day,Maths with mrs lee.Jennie personally loved maths,but everyone else hated it.But it was everyone's favourite class because of the teacher.Mrs lee was one of the best teachers in school and she always made everything fun.It wasn't fun today tho.They had a substitute ,mrs lee was sick and their substitute was awfully boring.It was like watching paint dry.Everyone was glad that school was almost over, only 7 minutes left.School ended at 4oclock,then they were clubs.Tho Jennie didn't have any but jisoo did,she had singing club.Jennie was to shy tho other wise she would have joined with jisoo.She love singing to but thought that her voice sounded like garbage (it didn't).*Ring*The school bell rang.And of course with it all the kids except jisoo and Jennie ran outside.The short girl grabbed her bag while the taller girl waited for her at the door."Finally school is over"groaned the raven hair girl."Hey it wasn't that bad"said Nini while shrugging.Jisoo draped a arm over Jennie's shoulder while walking to their lockers."I can't believe your not going to singing club with me"said jisoo once again while rolling her eyes and opening her locker.Jennie just shrugged and out her books inside her locker."But seriously why don't you just join me"said the unnie while frowning.Now it was Jennie's turn to roll her eyes,"Fine to make it up to u we can get  icecream after your club,I'll met you here at school once at 5 ok?"mumbled the blue eyed girl."YAY"said jisoo with a triumphant smile.Jennie just rolled her eyes again."Stay safe nini,love you see you soon!"shouted the older girl as they parted."Love you to unnie!"

Jennie Kim at home 4:15

Jennie stood in front of her house.She couldn't hear any screaming like she normally did,so she hoped that her parents weren't home,She slowly opened the door and peaked in,Jennie sighed in relief.There was no one home.She took of her shoes,heated up some left over pasta and put on some music.She took out her set of harrypotter and started reading while eating.While singing along the blue eyed girl read the second book of Harry Potter "Chamber of secrets"Jen was at her favourite part,where Hermione had just punched Draco in the face.It could really show how Someone that loved studying and following the rules could also be someone feisty and savage.She loved the character Hermione,she liked how calmheaded and smart she was but also how brave and strong she was.The girl spent the next half and hour reading.Than she got up and got ready to meet jisoo.

Jennie Kim at school entrance 5:02

Jennie was standing outside school,leaning against the lockers while scrolling through her phone,she was waiting for jisoo.The singing club ends at 5 so she should be here soon.Humming along to a familiar song of which  she couldn't right remember the name(we all have those moments)she checked her Instagram 

One new notification from lalisa Manoban :

Whats up bitches,it's your future queen lalisa Manoban here <3,I'm here to inform to you that since tomorrow I will be joining greendold high!So boys prepare urself maybe,just maybe you'll get a chance to be the future king ;) ~Lalisa Manoban 

Jennie raised a eyebrow while reading the post.The girl scoffed while rolling her eyes.She thought the royal family were sadists.They we're just too good to be true,she was sure that on the inside they were the complete opposite.Plus then there's Lisa,she may be hot and everything but Jennie was sure she was just another spoiled brat that thinks she owns the world.

Jennie Kim infront of her house 9:45

Kim could hear her parents shouting from outside.Sighing too scared she walked towards the door.Jisoo had asked her to stay over but she ignored her.Now she was starting to reget her decision.She and jisoo has gotten icecream and than hanged out at jisoos place.She had a lot of fun,but now she was sure something bad was about to happen.

Just hearing her mom and dads voice gave her the chills.She slowly opened the door.The creak stopping her mom and dad from shouting and turning to look at her.They were both standing in the kitchen,dad looked like he was just about to hit mom but they stopped arguing when Jennie entered.Kim offered them a weak smile ."Hey mom,dad."she whispered terrified when her dad walked up to her and her mom went to her own room.She could smell the alcohol her dad had had when he suddenly grabbed Jennie.Jennie just stood their scared,eyes widened.

"Well look who decided to show up"

Her dad grabbed her harshly and raised his hand.Jennie flinched hard,when his hand reached her face.She could feel tears to her eyes.She struggled in his gasp,but his grasp just turned tighter.He threw her to the ground.Jennie cried out at the pain,but was used to it.She tried to get up as fast as she could.Her dad walked up to her.She tried to run but her dad was faster.

He tugged on her hair and she could sense that he was mad,madder than normal.Today he was angry enough that he could kill.Jennie feared for her life.She fell on her knees and begged him to let her go.But he ignored her,instead he pinned her to the wall.1,2,3 she counted in her head as her dad punched her stomach.This was his warm up routine,15 punches in the stomach,but today he did more,today it was 30 punches.Jennie was in so much pain,she could barely even breathe.Her dad just continued hitting her.Jennie was crying,but slowly as her dad moved his punches from her stomach to her right leg and then her left leg,she slowly didn't have any tears left to cry.She just lay their lifelessly while her dad continued to take out his frustration on her.30 hits on her stomach,50 on her right leg and 50 on her left leg.To many slaps on her face for her to count for and than slowly 1hour of him groping her.Than he left like he always did.Leaving Jennie laying their on the cold floor,hoping that she would wake up tomorrow,she was in to much pain to move,and slowly her breathing was becoming light.And as her dad left the only thing she felt before drifting of with her numb body that was blue and pink filled with bruises.

The only thing she felt was a single tear .A single fucking tear before she drifted of to sleep hoping she was strong enough to wake up tomorrow.

Hope you like my first chapter ^^ it would mean a lot to me if u could vote or follow me,if u don't like something or have any feedback you can gladly comment!there are no hate comments only comments that help you to improve :) this is my first story bitches so it may be cringe XD.Love you readers,hope you liked it <3

OH AND FUCK PUTIN #prayforukraine #savetheukraine

Oh and the person that motivated me to write this story ,

Oh und für die Deutschen ich werde eine deutsche Version auch hochladen 

To many Ohs lmao oh and cover credits go to me ^^

Lysm bitches,hope to see you in my next chapter ^^

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