the summer we turned pretty πŸ’ž

By tomhollandfan1345

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this story is based on the television and book series of "the summer I turned pretty" and this has a simular... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6

chapter 3

71 1 0
By tomhollandfan1345

*you guys make cookies and then about 3 weeks go by, all the girls went shopping for the deb ball and you found your favorite outfits and can't wait to show them to jere and everyone else, and now it's the first waltz rehearsal of the deb ball, and you haven't found a time to ask Jeremiah to be your escort, and everyone is FREAKING OUT, time is ticking*

Belly: Y/n, we're leaving in 10 minutes okay?
You: No, not okay belly!
Belly: Why?? What's wrong?
You: I still haven't asked jere!!
Belly: WHAT? Go ask him now!! Go!!!
You: Isn't it too late?
Belly: No, just go! I'll ask conrad about a suit. Go!!
You: Okay.

*you run upstairs to Jere's room knock*

Jere: Come in

*you walk in with your hair all done for the rehearsal but you haven't put on your dress yet*

Jere: Oh hey muffin!! You look hot. What's up?
You: Jere I have a big question to ask you.
Jere: Yes?
You: Will you be my date to the deb ball? I know it's really late, I was gonna ask you but I couldn't find a time and we're leaving in 10 MINUTES to go to the first waltz rehearsal. and everyone is ready and waiting and we have to be there in 40 minutes.
Jere: Um, yes! Of course! I'm gonna change, do my hair I'll meet you downstairs in 5 minutes,
You: Yeah of course!

*you blow him a kiss and walk out*

*10 minutes go by And jere sprints down the stairs, he's all dressed in a navy blue tux like everyone else is supposed to be, he didn't have one so he just borrowed Conrad's old one, he stares at you, he walks next to you and his wet hair drips on your shoulder*

Jere (whispering in your ear): You look so da*n hot. I really want to kiss you.
You: My hottest parts aren't the only ones you should notice
Jere: There not.

*and you get chills, he looks at you with his pretty blue ocean eyes and you can't stop staring at them, you wanna kiss him so bad but everyone is sitting right there, so you play with his hair and grab his hand*
*he looks down at you and blushes*
*you look at Riley and Steven standing next to each other and conrad and belly standing next to eachother*
*you twiddle with your dress and you start walking toward the door while holding Jere's hand*

[your dress]

[your hair]

[riley's dress]

[riley's hair]

[belly's dress]

[belly's Hair]

Susannah: Wait!!
You: What?
Susannah: I need a picture

*you guys all giggle*

Riley: Mom we have to leave.
Susannah: It will be quick, first I want just jere and Y/n.

*you blush and pull him outside, you lay your hands on his chest and look up at him, susannah takes a picture and then all of a sudden he leans down and kisses you for a good 20 seconds*

Steven: Gross

*riley hits Steven*

Susannah: Come I'm ri and Stevie, you guys are next.

*they pose, and then Conrad and belly and then you guys get a group photo*
*then you guys leave and make it to the country club*
*you see all the other girls staring at you and you get kind of nervous, jere notices and grabs your hand*

Jere: You okay muffin?
You: yeah, I just got really nervous.

*he pulls you aside and the others keep walking*

Jere: Your a star, and my world, I don't care what anyone else thinks, it's just me and you and it will be all night. Your my muffin. And we're gonna do amazing.

*he leans down and kisses you slowly on the cheek*

You: Okay suddenly im not nervous.

*you guys both laugh*
*you hold your hand out*

You: Shall we?
Jere: Yes we shall.

*you and jere walk in and suddenly the room goes quiet and all eyes fall to you and jere*
*you squeeze his hand so tight he starts to move it a little*
*you and jere walk to the back of the room*

You: Why did they all stare at us?
Steven: Let's jaut say like almost every girl in cousins has a crush on jere.
Belly: Just ignore them, there just attention getters.
Riley: And there just jealous that your incredible self is with jere.
Jere: Your a star, It's just you and me.

*you squeeze his hand and lean your head on his shoulder*
*a tall brunette girl wearing a short velvety green dress walks up to you*

Girl: Y/n?

*you stare at her for a minute and then gasp and run in her arms*

Paige: I can't believe it's you!!!

*you give her a big hug and you look at everyone looking so confused except for Steven and Belly who smile and also Riley who looks so upset*

Steven: Hi Paige!
Belly: Paige!!!!
You: Oh sorry i didnt tell you, this is Paige, she's one of my best friends from home.

*you look at jere*

You: Um this is, Riley, you know um This is conrad, And um this is jere, he's my um, well-
Jere: We're more than freinds. I'm her it's complicated.

*everyone looks at jere shocked and confused*

You: Yeah Um, my It's complicated?
Paige: well I'm Paige! It was so nice to meet you all, I hope to see you around again! And text me Y/n!

*she blows a kiss and walks away*
*the rehearsal is now over, it's now pretty late, around 7:00 and you just woke up from a nap*
*you look at your room and see that it looks a lot different, like a lot more emptier, you look at your jewelry and see that the necklace susannah got you is missing, you start panicking a little and then realize a lot of the stuff susannah gave you was gone*
*you knock on Jere's door*
*you hear no awnser, so you walk in and don't see him in there, you nock on Riley's and don't see her, you knock on Conrad's and don't see him, then you knock on stevens and don't see him, so you go downstairs and walk into the kitchen, no one is there, you start panicking a lot more and walk outside, no one is outside. You call belly and she awnsers*

You: Belly where the hell are you? And where is everyone?!
Belly: What do you mean? We went out to the boardwalk, we thought you didn't feel good so we left without you.
You: I never said I didn't feel good.
Belly: Riley told us you told her that. She also is wearing a lot of the things susannah had gotten you, I thought that was weird.
You: That little B***h!!

*you hang up the phone angrily and grab your shoes, keys, wallet and tell susannah and your mom*

You: I'm heading out for a drive.
Laurel: Honey?? I thought you went with the others, at least that's what Riley told me.
You: Well Riley is a B***h, and no she lied because she didn't want me to go for some dumb reason. And she stole my stuff!
Susannah: Be nice Y/n. I'm sure it was some misunderstanding.
You: I don't know, and don't care, if they ask where I went don't tell them, I'll be back when I get back
*you walk out the house, hop in your car and check your phone*

Your notifications:

Belly: Call me back.
Belly: Are you okay??
Belly: Y/n?!
Belly: Awnser me please.
Belly: I'm worried, and so pissed at Riley.
Belly: She's saying a lot of S**t about you, and I'm so mad rn.
Belly: She just told us you stole her bestfreind and a lot of her stuff and that you alwyas would talk bad abt her.
Belly: pls answer y/n.

Steven: We're heading back.
Steven: Riley called u a B and said you deserved it. What is she talking about?
Steven: Y/n, I know she's lying but she's saying a lot of bad stuff and it's definitely gonan hurt you, I wanna help you, please tell me what's going on lil sis.
Steven: Come on Y/n.

Conrad: What is going on?

Jere: Y/n?
Jere: Muffin?
Jere: What's going on?
Jere: Are you okay?
Jere: This little thing has to be because of something bigger, what is it?
Jere: You can talk to me.
Jere: I'm really worried, are you okay muffin?
Jere: Please Y/n
Jere: I'm so scared rn.
Jere: She's being a real B rn.
Jere: God I'm so upset at her.
Jere: I'm coming home now.
Jere: Don't leave, I really want to talk to you.
Jere: Please.

*it was because of something bigger and you knew exactly what it was about, you awnser jere and say "I'm going on a drive, I'll be back when I get back. I'm fine jere, oh and tell Riley to F off and leave me alone. Love u jere 🤍"*
*you realize you just told jere you loved him*
*and then you text belly "I'll be home later, tell her to watch her back. XX 💋"*
*you text steven "I'll explain when I get back Stevie. I promise I'm okay, tell jere and belly I love them so much, and I don't know when I'll be back. Thanks big bro. Love you lots 💛"*
*your so upset so you just start driving all around town and then get out of your car and pull up to a clothing store, you pick out a few things and it's already 9:45, your getting tired so you get ice cream, you drive around for about another 2 hours and then pull up to the house, you don't walk inside though, you walk out onto the beach and sit there for another 3 hours by now it's 2 in the morning, you open your phone and see 100+ notifications from everyone*
*you walk back inside, jere, Steven, Belly and your mom are still awake so you try to sneak in but it doesn't work*

Jere: Oh my god!!!

*he picks u up and almost starts crying, you can see his eyes are red*

Jere: I was worried sick!! Oh I love you so much!

*you mom gasp*

You: I'm fine jere.
Belly: Where did you go?!?!??!!!
You: The beach, Town, nothing special.

*belly gives u the biggest hug*

Belly: I was so scared.
Steven: Okay yeah we were all scared and all but are you gonna tell us what the hell is going on???? And why the freak you just ran away for 6 hours?
You: Because Riley is a B***h! That's why!

*you try to walk upstairs but your mom grabs your arm*

Laurel: that's not how you handle your problems Young lady.

*you start crying and run upstairs*
*jere runs after you*
*you slam your door, and jere opens it softly*
*your crying on the floor and jere comes and lifts you up and sits you his lap so your crying in his lap onto his shoulder*

You: What Is her problem!! I didn't do anything! She can never let me be happy without ruining it all! I don't know why I even became friends with Riley!! I'm so dumb!

*you lay your head in the crook of Jere's neck and start sobbing really hard, he just rubs your back and kisses you on the head*

*about an hour goes by and your still sitting on his lap and slowly belly and Steven walk in, but you quit crying and you look up at jere, he looks at you with his pretty blue eyes*
*you kiss him*

Jere: Okay that was hot. But babe Tell me what is going on.

*you opened your eyes wide and thought "babe"*
*you kisses him soft this time*

Belly: Please Y/n, we're getting really worried.

You: It's Just Riley, she and Paige were best friends way before I was with Paige. And then Paige tried to sleep with Riley's Ex, Riley screamed at me because she said it was my fault, she hit me that day, I still have a scar.

*you show them the scar*

You: And then today when we saw Paige, she must've gotten really hurt or something because then she lied and stole all my stuff that was here this morning, no one else could have token it all. All the things from susannah. That she got me right before she got... diagnosed. And when she first got diagnosed, Riley would scream at me a lot and tell me how bad of a person I am, she then tried to lie to me once by saying that jere hooked up with some girl on Christmas and I had liked jere then and I cried all night. And she knows how insecure I am about a lot, like my weight, and my skin and my hair and she still brings it up every single day. And now she steals all my stuff and who knows where it is? But it's from susannah and it means so much to me and i need to get it back. And she lies to everyone because of some small memory that Paige brought back.

*you start sobbing in Jeremiah's arms agian*

Belly: Oh
Steven: My
Jere: God.
Belly: We're gonna fix this Y/n.
Belly: It's 3 in the morning Jere!! What are we gonna do?
Steven: I don't know but jere is right, we have to do something now.
Belly: we'll I would do whatever for Y/n. And I know you guys would to. So y/n?
Steven: What do you want?
You: I want my stuff back.

*they all look at you and jere kisses you and they walk with you into Riley's room, you walk behind them all, Steven first, belly on the left of Steven and jere on the right. Your behind them*
*she's not asleep, she's awake on her laptop*
*she doesn't see you yet*

Riley: Hey guys!!!!!
Steven: Save the Bull S**t Riley. Where is it?
Riley: What are you talking about?
Belly: Y/n's stuff.

*she sees you then*

Riley: Get out of my room.
Jere: Not until u give it all back.
Riley: I don't have anything.

*everyone could see she was lying, her ears would turn red and her nose would scrunch up. And she was lying*

Belly: Just give it back and we'll leave you alone for good.
Riley: I don't what that.
Jere: Then what do you want??

*they all gasp and slowly back up so your a clear shot through the hallway, belly whispered "you need to get out of here" so you ran downstairs*

Steven: What do you mean?
Riley: My whole life she'd been the perfect little princess everyone always wanted around. Mom would always favor Y/n, and so would everyone else. And I was the one always left out. I don't to be by myself, I want to be better than her for once to prove I'm good enough for you all!!!
Jere: Just give us the stuff back. And leave her alone.

*she starts crying and she hands over a bag full of your stuff to jere*

Riley: Tell her Im not sorry. And that I don't care about her anymore. And that I don't want to talk to her agian. Now leave please.

*they all run out of her room and sprint down the stairs, they see you crying at the kitchen counter*
*steven holds you up and gives you a big hug*
*steven let's go and jere hands you your stuff and then kisses you on your forehead and gives you a bear hug*

Jere: Come on we need to go to bed? My mom said we have to be ready by 11:00 am tomorrow morning for some special thing. And we'll all just need sleep and time to think.
You: Belly? And steven?
Belly and steven: Yea?
You: Do you think you guys and mom would mind if I slept with jere tonight? Nothing will happen. I promise.
Steven: That's up to you
Belly: I say go for it
*you hug them*
You: I love you guys so much.

*you go up to your room and grab some of your stuff and then head to Jere's room*

Jere: Hey.
You: Hey.
Jere: How are you doing?
You: Could be better
Jere: I'm so sorry this is all happening Y/n.
You: Don't be. it's not your fault.
Jere: I know but I just feel bad that you have to go through this
You: It's okay
Jere: It's not though!
You: Can we listen to music?
Jere: I don't care, but we should probably be going to bed soon
You: Well I listen to music to fall asleep
Jere: Oh then yeah of course
You: Thanks

*you grab your records and put Taylor swift into Jere's player*

*false god by Taylor swift starts playing*
*you lay down on Jere's chest and wrap your arms around him*

[kind of like that]

*you guys fall asleep and it's now 10:00am and you wake up and then wake up jere*

You: Goodmorning handsome.
Jere: Goodmorning princess

*he kisses you*

You: We have to be downstairs and ready by 11:00
Jere: What time is it?
You: 10:00
Jere: 5 more minutes?
You: Noooo. You have to get up now

*you giggle and try to move out of his arms but he just pulls you closer*

You: Jere!!
Jere: Fine.
You: You can help me pick an outfit!
Jere: Yes!!

*he jumps right out of his room and walks into yours and sees belly putting on her jewelry*

You: Bells!!!!!!

*you run and jump into her arms*

You: I'm so happy to see you

*she hugs you really tight*

Bells: Okay hey ready!
Jere: I get to pick out her outfit
Belly: Oh boy
Jere: Hey!
Belly: Okay sorry sorry.

*he picks out a outfit and you approve*

You: Okay I'll see you downstairs.

*you kiss him*

Jere: By muffin!!!

*you giggle and out in your outfit*

*you realize it's 10:55*

Belly: You ready?
You: Physically Yes. Mentally No. i dont wnat to see her at all bells.

*she grabs your hand*

Belly: We're gonna do it together.

*you smile and walk downstairs*

[your outfit]

[your hair]

*you walk downstairs and see everyone sitting in the kitchen, except for Riley who is sitting by herself in the living room*

Jere: Dammmmmmmnnnnnn!!!!! you look hot.
Steven: Stop flirting with my sister
Steven: You look good though
Susannah: You look so pretty Y/n
Laurel: Are we ready?
You: Wait where are we going?
Susannah: That's right! So I figured we needed to bond as a family this summer. So I got us tickets to a big festival that's happening in cousins today.
Belly: Sounds fun!!

*you guys all get in 2 cars*
*you, belly, Steven and jere in one and the rest in the other*
*you guys make it to the festival and get out and walk around*
*you see a ring toss game and want to play*

You: I'm gonna go play ring toss!
Jere: I'll come with! I'll win you something
You: The bear!
Jere: I got you babe.

*he said it again "babe"*
*jere wins you the stuffed bear*
*you hug him*

You: Thanks jere bear!!
Jere: Anything for you!

*you guys stay at the festival for a couple of hours until around 6*

Susannah: You guys ready to go home?
Belly: Yeah I'm ready
Conrad: Yeah
Jere: Yeah me too
You: Let's go

*you guys all start walking back until you trip and fall, you roll your ankle*

You: F**kk!!!!!!
Jere: Oh my god are you okay???
You: I think I sprained it.

*you start crying in pain*

Susannah: Come on let's go to the hospital

*steven and jere carry you back to Jere's car and you guys drive to the hospital*

Laurel: My daughter sprained her ankle!
Nurse: Okay let's take a look, it'll be okay.

*the nurse grabs you and puts you on a rolling bed and brings u into a room*
*jere sprints in and holds your hand*
*you scream in pain*

Belly:It's okay, you'll be okay I promise.

*about 3 hours go by and they tape up your ankle and put on a boot*

Nurse: It's nothing to bad, it's now just a waiting game. Your free to go home. Your gonna want crutches and No swimming, running and try not to walk on it at all. And Also no sports
You: What?????
Nurse: I know it will be hard, but it will heal in about 6 weeks.
Laurel: And How long does she have to keep on the boot? And no swimming or all that?
Nurse: The boot if for 4 weeks, and the athletic stuff is until it's fully healed.
Laurel: Thank you
Nurse: No problem

*she smiles*

*jere wheels you out to his car and you and him drive home together with Laurel, Belly and susannah since the others went home already*

*you get home and jere Carry's you upstairs into your bedroom and lays you on the bed, first he sets you down and sets the pillows and blankets up so you can rest your foot*

You: I feel so Dumb jere. I don't want to do any of this. What am I gonna do for 6 weeks?
Jere: I know it's hard, but we'll get through it. And your not dumb
You: I just don't like that I'm getting treated like I can't walk
Jere: We'll I mean you kind of can't
You: Haha yeah okay so funny jeremiah.
Jere: I'm sorry, I know your not in the mood right now. And I feel so bad that you have to go through this.
You: I know you do.
Jere: What do you say you come crash in my room tonight?
You: I don't want to move though
Jere: Well can I sleep in yours then?
You: What about belly?
Jere: Well..
You: We can go to your room, will you carry me please?

*he giggles and picks you up, he brings your blankets and your bear and two of your pillows*

You: Okay I'm in a better mood now
Jere: wanna watch something?
You: On what?
Jere: On my laptop
You: Oh yeah sure.
Jere: Well what do you want to watch then?
You: I say stranger things, or Spider man. With Tom holland of course
Jere: Your so adorable

*you blush*

You: Awww!!
Jere: I'm being serious
You: Thank you jere

*he smiles*

Jere: Okay well I personally say Spider man Far from home.
You: Sounds good!

*you smile and yawn because it's already really late, you lay your head on his chest and can hear his heart beating pretty fast, you touch his heart and kiss him*

You: Thank you for everything Jere. Truly thank you so much for taking care of me and making me smile again.
Jere: I would do anything for you and you know that.
You: Goodnight handsome.
Jere: Goodnight princess

*you kiss him*
*you slowly fall asleep cuddling in Jere's arms and it's now the next morning*
*susannah walks in and she takes a picture of you and jere cuddling and slowly and softly wakes you and jere up*

Susannah: Hi Darlings! It's 12:00 and I made breakfast for you both downstairs. Jere would you be a dear and carry Y/n downstairs?
Jere: Of course mom.
Susannah: See you downstairs in 5?
You: In 5.

*you give her a hug and smile at her*

You: I gotta go in my room, will you?

*you hold your arms out*

Jere: Always!

*he picks you up and walks two steps and opens your door to your room and you see belly sitting on the floor*

You: Bells?
Belly: Oh hey guys!!
You: Are you okay?
Belly: Yeah, honestly I was just waiting for you Haha
You: Oh

*you guys both laugh*

You: Okay jere, you can set me down I'm gonan throw on something simple bc I won't be going anywhere anyway so

*they both look at you*
*he sets you down on the bed*

Jere: Okay belly, will you come get me when you guys are done so I can bring her downstairs?
Belly:Yeah sure
Jere: Thanks

*he looks at you and blows you a kiss*
*he walks out and closes the door*

Belly: okay here you can wear my clothes, because I don't know how to work your boot thing.

*you laugh*

You: Thanks bells, can you go and steal Jere's flannel for me?
Belly: Girl
You: Pleaseeeee
Belly: Fine

*she sprints into Jere's room while he's in the bathroom and grabs his flannel for you to wear*
*you change and jere carry's you downstairs*

Jere: Even Injured you still look so hot, Is that my flannel?
You: Maybe. I had belly sneak in and steal it
Jere: That's so Adorable haha.

*you giggle and kiss him on the cheek*

[your outfit]

[your hair]

*he carry's you downstairs*

Laurel: Hey honey how are you feeling?
You: Fine, I mean I hate how miserable the next 6 weeks are going to be
Susannah: Well we will all do our best to keep you company. And I'm sure Jeremiah wouldn't mind Carrying you around places?
Jere: I would do anything for her, of course I wouldn't mind mom.
You: Thanks jere Bear

*you smile at him*
*riley walks downstairs*

Riley: I'm going to hang out with Nicole and Gigi, I'll be back at 11:00pm
Susannah: No. you can't just pick when your going to leave
Riley: Well that's to bad because I'm leaving mom, goodbye
Susannah: Your not leaving
Riley: Yes I am
Susannah: Then give me your phone
Riley: What no that's not fair!
Susannah: You leave and give me your phone or stay and don't give me your phone. Choose Now.
Riley: This is so unfair!

*she runs upstairs and slams the door*

Laurel: Leave her, she's being over dramatic and needs a break, she'll come when she's ready

*you sit down at the counter and jere sits next to you*

You: I can't be in here
Jere: Just 6 weeks

*6 WEEKS go by, your boot is off, you and Riley still haven't talked, you and jere are getting so much closer, and now your excited to finally play Volleyball And swim again*

Jere: Hey!! You wanna go swim?
You: Yeah sure! Why not! I'm down, give me 10 minutes and I'll be down
Jere: Yeah of course! Just take it kind of easy still
You: Yeah I know

*he kisses you*
*he walks in and you change into your swimsuit*
*you grab your towel and run downstairs, you bump into Riley on the way down*

You: Oh I'm sorry
Riley: No your good
You: Hey can we talk?
Riley: When?
You: Whenever, but I can right now if you can?
Riley: Yeah sure
You: I just wanna say I hate fighting with you, and I'm sorry for everything.
Riley: It's not your fault Y/n. And I hate fighting with u too. What do you say? Are we good?
You: Yeah I'd say we're good.

*you guys hug*

Riley: Wanna hang?
You: I promised jere I would swim with him. After though of course!
Riley: Okay, we'll have fun!

*you walk outside to jere*

Jere: Hey muffin!
You: Hey jere!
Jere: Everything okay?
You: I made up with Riley
Jere: Hey, that's good!!
You: Yeah it is
Jere: We'll I'm glad you guys made up.

*you hug him*
*you and jere swim for about 2 hours and then you get out of the pool and go upstairs and change*
*you change and after you change jere walks in*

Jere: Hey, um I was wondering if you wanna go walk on the beach with me?
You: Uhm, Yeah yeah sure why not. Give me 5 minutes and I'll meet you downstairs
Jere: Sounds good

*he kisses you and you walk downstairs*
*you guys walk on the beach and as your wlaking on the beach holding hands and taking he stops*

You: Is everything okay jere?
Jere: Can I ask you something?
You: Yeah of course, you can ask me whatever whenever!
Jere: Y/n. I really do really Like, No love you. I love you. And I can't stand us being in the talking phase anymore. Will you be my girlfriend?

To be continued.....

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