Maya and Carina: Alternate Un...

By KayLeigh1935

237K 4.4K 341

Maya got her promotion as captain but her team hasn't been to pleased about that. Three months of hell she ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Not an Update
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Not an update
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 5

7.5K 144 8
By KayLeigh1935

"Home really Maya home. This ain't your home because no one be would willing to and destroy a home. Their home. Their family. But I guess that's just the way you are built huh eyes forward, embrace the pain. Just like your daddy says right!!! Always make sure your the one on top. This is not your home this is my home. I. AM. MEANT. TO. BE. CAPTAIN. Not you. Me. Maya you will never have a family or be happy because all you know what to do is take something that is good and break it. You don't know when things are good enough to leave the way they are. No you have to push to get what YOU want even at the cost of others. You'll ruin it just like you ruined this firehouse. This family. A family that my father built. I am done I am done staying quiet. I.." Andy screamed out in front of the team towards Maya.

Maya however stopped her with a hand in the air and softly spoke "okay" taking a deep breath Maya closed her eyes and felt her heart start to race. Trying to stop a panic attack coming on, going through the steps she and Carina talked about and practiced multiple times. It took her a few minutes but she did it feeling proud of herself she opened her eyes and saw the team looking at her with a range of emotions she couldn't quite figure out.

Feeling the confidence come back to her she began to speak " okay a couple of things, I am not the same Maya as you all knew three months ago. I have changed and I am happy. First things first you don't think I haven't heard what you all say about me, how I'm not fit for the job. How I stole it from Andy. How that I might be struggling with the pressure of the paper work. The reason I had so much paperwork is because I had to fend off the chief because the 4 alarm we had last month brought some attention to our station. Yes I say our because it is still as much as mine as it is yours. It wasn't to good kind attention guys. A captain, I won't say what station, had heard from his men about the talk you guys were saying about me how you didn't trust my calls which if you didn't know weren't my calls we weren't the first on the scene they happened to be another captain calls which you questioned which cost us valuable time. All of this got back to the chief the cost he had after that was to see if any of the members from 19 needed transferred to a different station. I convinced the chief that we were still all adjusting and with help from Captain Herrera and Battalion Chief Sullivan you all stayed. The second thing is and this is something you will all listen to very very carefully" Maya was rilled up but still somewhat calm which scared them bar jack who looked like he didn't care. He still thought he would have been better and no one could tell him otherwise.

With each step she took toward her team her face got cold and so did her voice.

"There is a rule I am going to place and you will all do your best to abide by it. Do not mention 'eyes forward' or 'embrace the pain' around me ever. That man is no longer in my life and he will never be back in my life. Understood??"


"YESS CAPTAIN" they all shouted agreeing back scared of what would happen to them if they didn't.

"Good now go and get some sleep, I'm sure you are just as tired as I am" and with that Maya walked away.

"I don't know about any of you guys but I am not sleeping after that. She actually scared me. Like literally terrified me" Vic said shaking looking around seeing the same expression on everyone's face.

"Yeah uhh I'm gonna head to the beanery I need a glass of water. Or something stronger" Andy mentioned slowly making the first move as everyone watched her taking a step. They quietly made their way past the Captains office and up the stairs to the beanery.

With hot chocolates all around as it was either too late or too early to have coffee they sat in silence.

"This is a joke right. Come on do you really think that Olympic Gold Medalist Maya Bishop really cut her dad off from her life. Come on. And who is she to say what we can and can't say around her. This is bullshit. I'm heading to bed. See you in the morning" Jack scoffed and sauntered away to his bunk.

Andy was the next to speak up. "Guys Maya has never said one bad thing about her dad ever. If you said something about him that was even remotely bad she would have shut you down. I believe her when she says Lane isn't in her life."

"Agreed" Vic pipes up

"However they stuff about how she has changed pfff I don't know about that"

"What about the stuff with the chief. Guys I'm not getting transferred. Station 19 is my second home. First being being Pru" Dean clearly spoke.

"I think she has, she's definitely not the same. She is different. She's happy" Travis mentioned finding his hot chocolate a little too interesting as he spoke.

"Well, Warren. What you say." Questioned a still slightly scared but now confused Vic.

Ben for the first time said his opinion, not letting this opportunity go where no one was getting much judgment on the views of their newly appointed Captain.

"She's changed. I know she has. I've seen her outside of the station. She's happy, she's free even. You were wrong about your remark towards her Herrera, about never having a family. Or if she does she'll destroy it. You were wrong and I know that it has hurt her. As for the stuff about transferring it's all true, Maya was freaking out about losing everyone. She's not stupid she knows this is everyone's home, just like it's her home."

They took his in is words and sat for a few more minutes before together silently agreeing to head to bed to try to sleep even thought they knew no one was sleeping tonight.

Travis stopped Ben by the arm and when the others were no longer in sight or hearing distance he asked "You know don't you"

"Know what" Ben said a little curious about what the brunette had to say.

"About Maya"

"About Maya what? About the reason she put Jack on bathroom duties? About how happy she is now? About her little family that he has gained? Yes Travis I know. Of course I know Miranda is the chief of Surgery they have charity events, fundraisers and get togethers with the staff and their partners all the time. I have seen Maya and Doctor Deluca together on multiple occasions, even with little Matteo. They are perfect for each other. I promised Maya I wouldn't say anything but my question is... how do you know?"

Travis was stunned he thought he was the only one who knew. He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck and started to explain what happened at the park and the conversation in Mayas office. Ben told Travis off and said to stay clear of Carina for a bit but if dropping off patients be as professional as possible. You never know what that Italian temper can do.

They both agreed to keep Mayas secret but as they were walking away Travis stopped and laughed he just realised Doctor DeLuca, Mayas girlfriend was also the one that Jack was going on about. Ben laughed along with him but reminding Travis to keep quiet about it.

The night continued on no one sleeping. No one speaking. Everyone thinking about what had just happened. It continued on throughout the morning. No one spoke while getting breakfast no one spoke. Still. Deep. In. Thought.

Ben caught Maya as she was walking out of her office to head home. " Hey about what Herrera said, the family stuff, ignore it. You and Carina and little Matteo are good. Perfect even. Don't let it get to your head." Maya have a slight smile and a little nod but didn't make eye contact. "I know Carina knows about what goes on here" at this Maya looked up at him. " Carina might have mentioned something in passing to another doctor, I don't know the details but Miranda found out. Let's just say I was on the couch that night."

Maya laughed a little she knows herself not to cross or mess with Chief Miranda Bailey.

"I also know you have been open with Carina about your thoughts and feelings. Don't hide what happened last night from her. We both know how much you've grown"

"I am meeting her for coffee actually, to you know tell her. She called this morning and picked up something that was wrong and didn't give me a chance to say no. But thank you Warren. Or should I say dad." Maya joked not wanting the conversation to be too emotional.

Ben shook his head said he see her next shift and left. Maya lent back on her locked office door. Closed her eyes and took a deep breath, although it was a somewhat quiet shift not many calls. It was a long one. Her moments of silence got interrupted by Dean.

"Hey Cap, Maya you okay?"

Maya straightened up cleared her throat " Yeah I'm good Miller, thank you though." To which he replied with a nod and headed home too.


Carina🥰: I'm here Bambina. You on your way? X

Maya: Just heading out now, see you soon beautiful x

Uhh yeah so another chapter. Let me know if you guys are liking this story. Like I said it's my first one.

Also I haven't proof read so if you see an mistakes let me know 😊

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