married to a drug dealer ~

By slippery_wet

15.1K 461 93

violet didn't know what she was getting into at first until she saw who he really was . this 23 year old bbw... More



824 30 10
By slippery_wet

Violet stepped out on the red carpet waiting for Nickolas to join her ( Nickolas aka gates aka Mr Harris   ) . They both walk side and side so the camera don't get any ideas, " ma'am are u and Mr Harris dating " one reporter asked having the mic and camera up in violet's face .

" am just his assistant " she replied trying to get away from them.

" are u having a child for him?" Another said since she looked a little bloated.

" no' am not "

" are u-

" enough! .......that's all we can answer right now thank u " thank God he managed to get me out of there or I would panic like crazy

" am sorry about that , the can get a little with the question u alright tho or sum wrong witchu " I didn't know he speaks hood language I thought he only acts and knows professional language.

" am fine Mr Harris it's fine real-

" call me rosaine or Nickolas enough with the Mr Harris it's getting old and I want u to get used to me " he held unto my hands as we both entered the event . Alot of people were looking it's like royalty in a way , most of them looks dangerous while some look friendly.

Nickolas pov (Mr harris)

Little did her fine ass know,  most of them crazy niggas in here are family by loyalty and by the streets.  I may dress like a regular man am not one of them, she looks towards the crowd and gasp letting go of my hands .

" omg..... omggg Justin!" She shouts jumping into the arms of another man , I felt to grab him by the neck and strangle his shit but she wouldn't like that idea anyway. 

I slowly walked over and snake my arms around her waist " u didn't introduce me " the Justin guy clearly know who is was since he had this shot of fear in his eyes .

" y-yeah Violet am gonna talk to u later " he ran away from us both .

" let's go grab a table and s-

" hey nick " i closed my eyes and open them , the last person I wanted to see talk to me right now

My ex girlfriend Kate,  some blond ass white shy girl I turned turned to a gold digging bitch. 

" hey Kate long time no chat " I gritted my teeth and force a small smile .

" your father told me to come by and see u , since u had applications open for assistant position..and I was wondering -

" am his assistant violet nice to meet u Kate " violet gave a small smile while Kate forced one like usual...I hated that about her u never know her real emotions, no wonder sad likes her.

" oh....I flew from California to New York last week and thought I would get the position guess I can't force her out of it " she chuckled but I gave her a nod .

" am sure dad misunderstood you cause , normally u would be throwing a bitch fit " I chuckled walking away from her.

" who is she " violet asked but I shrug knowing which she was wasn't the problem,  she is back and was gon cause alot of problems at work rn.

I met with some of my friends and have  a good conversation and also a good time with violet we drink and I gave my speech watching everyone clapped.

" ay gates come join us " my heart just skipped 300k beats as I looked around,  I wonder who called me before I could let go of my breath I felt a light tap on my shoulder and saw my brother along with my uncle and am empty seat next to my uncle .

" um....lets go sit down " I grab her hand in mines and slowly approach the table , pulling out the seat she sat down and I pushed her in seating directly beside her .

I looked around shaking my foot under the table , my brother gave me a light smirk before eyeing at violet.  I glare at him hard telling him to don't try anything,  he grins and chug down his glass of champagne.

" so your the lucky mrs Harris " my uncle said clasping his hands together and eyeing at her up and down.

" um...if u call it that but am most of an assistant type , I try to maintain the work of being his wife and also managing the assistant role " she smiled putting her hands over mines .

" wow nick I didn't think u would fall for anybody let alone this pretty girl " I heard behind me grabbing the knife I swiftly turn around and saw my cousins and the man I hated the most with his arm candy Mina

" pfft come on....bruh u know how this shit goes dont act surprised to see them broken up right now  " my brother said getting up from  his seatI got up as well leaning over the table " remember who call the shots don't get hit " I spat drinking down my glass of champagne and leaving the table .

" let me go get him " i heard she said before running after me .

I walk into the hall and hit the wall almost breaking it , I closed my eyes and count to 10 trying to calm down


I open my eyes and violet was there hugging inside my chest, I sighed and wrapped my arms around her " am fine vi let's go back inside " I pull her away watching her swiftly wiping her tears off " u can't scare me like that I thought he didn't or say something to pissed u off " I shook my head no and kissed her forehead.

" let's just leave then since u had enough" I grab her hand and exit the event waiting on the chauffeur to pick us up ,  she was oddly cold since the weather changed over the last few minutes.  I took off my jacket and gave it to her feeling myself get a little cold and warm within a couple minutes our Chauffeur came to pick us up same time dad came out and wanted to talk with me .

" go ahead am gon be right there " she nods and made her way into the back closing the door .

" go inside darling am right behind u" dad said to MinaI watched her walk so elegantly after stealing my mother's life " so what's the important news or sum " he pulls his gun at me making me gritt my teeth and look around.

" the hell u doing- "

" look don't screw this up for the company and the family name and your so call street credit " I rolled my eyes and nod " in that case have a good night,  am in town for a few weeks so I might stop by when I can have a good time with u " he pocket back his gun and walked away.

I sigh and walk towards the car entering and shutting the door.

" go straight to my house please " I said stripping out my jacket and hanging it up .

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