Stuck - a Mech-X4 Season 2 (R...

By AddyKay23

8.2K 120 66

The anonymous hero's of Mech-X4 have been going back to their regular lives since defeating Seth Harper. Dako... More

Versus the New Evil - Part 1
Versus the New Evil - Part 2
Versus the New Evil - Part 3
Versus the Deep - Part 1
Versus the Deep - Part 2
Versus the Outbreak - Part 1
Versus the Outbreak - Part 2
Versus Harper's Ghost - Part 1
Versus Harper's Ghost - Part 2
Versus Harpers Ghost - Part 3
Versus the Mountain - Part 1
Versus the Mountain - Part 2
Versus the Dark Night - Part 1
Versus the Dark Night - Part 2
Versus the Tech Army - Part 1
Versus the Tech Army - Part 2
Versus Traeger - Part 1
Versus Traeger - Part 2
Versus Traeger - Part 3
Versus Velocity and Veracity - Part 1
Versus Velocity and Veracity - Part 2
Versus Velocity and Veracity - Part 3
Versus the Arctic - Part 1
Not an update but it's still important๐Ÿ˜‰โค๏ธ
Versus the Arctic - Part 2
Versus the Wolves at the Door - Part 1
Versus the Wolves at the Door - Part 2
Versus the Wolves at the Door - Part 3
Versus the Thirty - Part 1
Versus the Thirty - Part 2
Versus the Thirty - Part 3
Versus Miami - Part 1
Versus Miami - Part 2
Versus the X-Weapon - Part 1
Versus the X-Weapon - Part 2
Versus Sabotage - Part 1
Versus Sabotage - Part 2
Versus the Monster Within - Part 1
Versus the Monster Within - Part 2
Versus the Betrayal - Part 1
Versus Harris - Part 1
Versus the Monster Inside - Part 1
Versus the Monster Inside - Part 2
Versus the Zero Gravity - Part 1
Versus the Zero Gravity - Part 2
Thank You All!
3 Years Later......
3 Year Later.... (Part 2)
Another 4 Months Later....
ANOTHER 6 months later...
(fake) โœจInstagramsโœจ
(fake) โœจInstagrams Part 2โœจ
(fake) โœจInstagrams -Part 3โœจ
THE Cooper family breakfast playlist
Regret/Stuck FUN FACTSโœจโœจ
One final thank you!
Headcanons because they cute๐Ÿคญ

Versus the Infected - Part 1

102 2 6
By AddyKay23

(Dakotas POV) 


For as far as we could see, infected people were staring at the four of us.

"This is bad, very bad!" Ryans says

"You belong to Traeger Ryan!" A voice yelled from the crowd. I honestly almost laughed whenI saw who it was.

"That's great." I said sarcastically. "Infected ex-girlfriend huh?"

"Yeah, super." Ryan says looking for a way out.

"Someone do something." Veracity says. 

"Get em!" Another person yells. 

"Come on!" Ryan says leading us to a nearby building, when we got inside he shut the doors with his powers and the rest of us barricaded the windows. 

"Okay I technopathically locked all the doors, any luck warning our parents?" Ryan asks

"Can't reach either of my dads." Veracity answers.

"Kendalls working, but she spread the word to everyone working there and they locked their building." I added.

"I don't even have a signal." Spyder sighs, "But I may not have payed my bill." Ryan then answered his own phone.

"Mom, are you okay?" He asked, and after listening to her talk he says, "It's a long story, but I'll tell you when we get you out of there."

"Do these things still have invisibility?" Spyder asks after he hung up the phone. We all activated the invisibility on the mech-links, Ryan opened the door, and we walked right out.


We kept the invisibility on as we ran through the city to get back to the ferry, when we passed my a group of infected military officials, that had no shortage of weapons. 

"Man it looks like he's infected all of bay city." Ryan says as we walk pass them.

"Oh, is pointing out the obvious another one of your powers?" Veracity asks.


"Sorry, I snark when I'm nervous." She says.

"Looks like they've got those new acid-tipped missiles, Thats awesome." Spyder points out. "I mean bad, really bad."


We got to the robot, if you can even call it that, considering how much of it was busted or didn't work at all, and all Ryan to out spots.

"Repairs, half done. X-Weapon, yeah still toast." Veracity says, "And most of our systems, offline."

"We don't have a choice." Ryan adds while the robot begins to rise from the hanger. "We gotta get out of here. 

"Mark and your mom are here!" Veracity yells once we're out of the hanger. 

"The car can survive a missile strike right?" Spyder asks.

"No!" Ryan and I said at the same time.

"Then we have a problem." Spyder says looking back out the window. The now mind-controlled military team was shooting missiles at not only us, but Marks car that was flying towards us. 

"I can't activate shields." Veracity warns smacking her hand on the button. 

"I can stop the missiles just get the landing bay ready." He says. 

"Working on it." Veracity responds typing away on her computer while one by one the missiles exploded in the distance. Mark was able to safely land the car in the loading dock, then shot up through the elevator.

"Mark!" Ryan says leaving his spot. "Where's mom?"

"She's safe, down in the X-deck." Mark answers hesitantly.

"Well, I'm uh, glad your okay." Ryan forces himself to say. 

"Hey awkward brothers!" Veracity yells. "They're not out of missiles!" We all looked back out the window, there were at least 15 missiles flying right us. 

"I can't stop them all." Ryan says before running back down the two stairs. "We have to get out of here. Everybody, hang on. The repair cycle didn't finish so this might be a bumpy ride." He jumped the robot of the way just in time, before the missiles instead of crashing into us, blew up the ferry hanger. 

"They destroyed the ferry." Spyder says quietly.

"Dude, dude, they're lining up for another attack we can't just stay here!" Veracity says reading her scanners. 

"The whole city is after us!" Mark points out. "What do we do? Where do we go?"

"The one place I know we'll be safe." Ryan answered his brother.


"So, from a destroyed ferry to a creepy farm in the middle of no where." Spyder questions while he, Mark and I walked towards the thirty's farm, Ryan and Grace walking and talking a few paces behind us, and Veracity stayed up in the robot to keep and eye on things. "Worst road trip ever am I right?" Mark was clearly not in the mood, I mean who would but he seemed really ticked off about something. "Ah, right. Still ticked about the whole, your off the team thing." Spyder continues, though I'm still not sure thats what is bothering Mark. 

"all right everybody, tech stays in the well away from the Thirty." Ryan says as we got closer to the well.

"I will miss you connection to the outside world." Spyder sighed putting his phone in the bucket. 

"You mean the world that at the moment is a literal dumpster fire?" I asked.

"Yes, yes I do." Spyder answers. As he and Mark walked away, and Ryans birth mother Violet and a few other came up over the hill, Ryan said to Grace,

"So, you wanna meet my birth mother?"


(Ryans POV)

"Ryan!" Mark says coming up to me from behind. "Traeger is winning. He bloomed Georgia, and I had to leaver he behind. Do you know how that felt?" I glanced past him at Dakota who was helping a mother take care of her two little kids. 

"I don't." I answered honestly. "But I can imagine it."

"We can't just hide on this farm, while everyone we care about, is infected." Mark says.

"What should we do?" I ask. "We lost the X-Weapon. We don't know how to save Harris or anybody else."

"So we just sit here while the world is falling apart?" Mark asks.

No, I'm gonna do something useful, I can cure the thirty." I answered gesturing to a group of them. 

"But that will hurt you!" Mark protests.

"So did loosing Harris." I replied. "Thanks for that." 

"You know what, let me know, when you decide to cowboy up and do something about Traeger."

(Ryans POV)

"Are you sure this is safe for Ryan?" Mom asked while Violet shut curtains around the room. 

"He was okay after he cured me, he just needs to rest first." She says while Mom looks between me and the person I was going to cure.

"Mom I'll be fine. Promise." She nodded and before I could do anything, Dakota stood in the doorway, said nothing but nodded her head the other way and walked out. "I will be right back." I said following her out of the room. "What?" I asked after she closed the door behind me, and again said nothing but look at me with her arms crossed. "Don't look at me like that."

"Okay, well what are you doing then?" She asks.

"Trying to be useful." I answered. 

"We can do that by stopping the world from being taken over by Traeger." 

"But how do we do that?" I asked. "I honestly don't know what else to do."

"Thats why you have us, your whole team, to figure out what to do."

"Fine, okay." I said knowing she was probably right. "This guys is really sick, just let me cure him and we can try and figure something else."

"Thank you." She smiled. "Now if you will excuse me, I don't really want to watch what your about to do again. Be safe though."


I went back to helping around the farm when I heard Veracity call my name. I turned and she and Ryan were walking towards me.

"What happened now?" I asked running up to them.

"Spyder took the kids to Hocus Pocus Pizza." Veracity explains.

"Aww thats really sweet." I said. 

"And really stupid." Ryan adds.

"Exactly what I said."

"Okay let's get to the robot,"

"Ahhhh, I sorta, maybe dismantled the control pad." Veracity says slowly.


"Look, I needed to understand the technology that connects your power to the robot. Because when you cured that guy,"

"Okay no time." Ryan says. "Try to put it back together fast. I can take my hoverboard,"

"Spyder used it to take the kids there." Veracity adds.

"Wait I think mine is still in the robot, take mine." I suggested before I saw the look on Veracity's face. "Oh, god don't tell me Spyder took mine to." Veracity nods. "Spyder I'm going to kill you"

"Great, how am I supposed to get there?" Ryan asks. 

"More mad news for you."  Veracity answered. Ryan didn't know what she meant, but I did. "Kota want to give me a hand with the robot."

"Yes of course." I said turning to Ryan trying to not laugh. "You two have fun with that."  We walked towards the robot while Mark came up to us with his car keys. "You to are going to have a blast!" I laughed punching him in the arm."


After saving Spyder and the two kids, and Spyder making me and Mark make up, we walked back on to the farm. 

"That was son fun!" One of the kids said. "Can we do it again?"

"Next apocalypse." Spyder answers. 

"Spyder!" Veracity says while she and Dakota came up to us. "Your okay!" She smiles hugging him while Dakota smirks looking between me and the two of them. "I owe Dakota five bucks."

"What's that?" Mark asked.

"Nothing!" Dakota and her said at the same time.

"How's the robot?" I asked.

"Fully repaired." Dakota answers. 

"And I think I may have found something to help us win the fight." Veracity says holding up a small piece of technology on a arm band. "This is why I needed a look in side the control pad."

"What is it?" I asked. 

"The key to defeating Traeger."


"Now I know its no adorable little pink tiger suit." Veracity explains tightening the band on my arm. 

"Has everybody seen those pictures?"

"But, it can convert the technopathic energy that you absorb into a charge that your body can store for later. So it turns you into a giant battery."

"This will let the cure all of them at the same time?" I asked pointing to the thirty. "And super charge me to fight Traeger?"

"Thats the plan." Veracity says. 

"And what if it doesn't?" Mom asks. 

"He'll be burnt to a crisp." She says without thinking. "That is something I maybe should not have said to his mother."

"Are you sure about this Ryan?" Mark asks.

"Traegers about to take over the world." I said. "We have to do something." The rest of the uncured thirty gathered around while the rest of the group of us took steps back and left me in the middle. When I started to try and cure them, you could practically see the electricity in the air. I closed my eyes for what felt like a second, when I opened them back up, I was looking down on everyone from multiple feet above their heads. I had no idea how that happened but when I touched back down the team came back up to me. 

"Ryan are you okay? You were just floating!" Mom asks me.

"Ah geez." Veracity says after touching my arm. "You're hot."

"You really think now is the best time to flirt for the first time in your life?" Spyder asks.

"I meant his body temp slapstick." Veracity responds. 

"Yeah also um, standing right here?" Dakota adds.

"Exactly, even if, I would like to keep my life." Veracity explains turning back to me to look at the arm band. "The techno-booster is working! Your being super saturated by the Thirty's power without it hurting you. So your more than twice as powerful now. How do you feel?"

"Really strong. It's weird, I can reach out to any tech, and read data all around the world." I explained. "Wait somethings happening in London. Grey's there in her monster form, and she's spreading the bloom all over the city."

"One problem, we can't get over seas without the flight mode jet, and thats back in Bay City." Mark points out. 

"Nah, Man. Wait for it." I said. And almost on cue, the jet flew right over head and attached it self to the robot.

"Dude how powerful are you?"

A/N - You guys! I only have TWO. MORE. EPISODES. to write. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

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