Stuck - a Mech-X4 Season 2 (R...

By AddyKay23

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The anonymous hero's of Mech-X4 have been going back to their regular lives since defeating Seth Harper. Dako... More

Versus the New Evil - Part 1
Versus the New Evil - Part 2
Versus the New Evil - Part 3
Versus the Deep - Part 1
Versus the Deep - Part 2
Versus the Outbreak - Part 1
Versus the Outbreak - Part 2
Versus Harper's Ghost - Part 1
Versus Harper's Ghost - Part 2
Versus Harpers Ghost - Part 3
Versus the Mountain - Part 1
Versus the Mountain - Part 2
Versus the Dark Night - Part 1
Versus the Dark Night - Part 2
Versus the Tech Army - Part 1
Versus the Tech Army - Part 2
Versus Traeger - Part 1
Versus Traeger - Part 2
Versus Traeger - Part 3
Versus Velocity and Veracity - Part 1
Versus Velocity and Veracity - Part 2
Versus Velocity and Veracity - Part 3
Versus the Arctic - Part 1
Not an update but it's still importantπŸ˜‰β€οΈ
Versus the Arctic - Part 2
Versus the Wolves at the Door - Part 1
Versus the Wolves at the Door - Part 2
Versus the Wolves at the Door - Part 3
Versus the Thirty - Part 1
Versus the Thirty - Part 2
Versus the Thirty - Part 3
Versus Miami - Part 1
Versus Miami - Part 2
Versus the X-Weapon - Part 2
Versus Sabotage - Part 1
Versus Sabotage - Part 2
Versus the Monster Within - Part 1
Versus the Monster Within - Part 2
Versus the Betrayal - Part 1
Versus Harris - Part 1
Versus the Infected - Part 1
Versus the Monster Inside - Part 1
Versus the Monster Inside - Part 2
Versus the Zero Gravity - Part 1
Versus the Zero Gravity - Part 2
Thank You All!
3 Years Later......
3 Year Later.... (Part 2)
Another 4 Months Later....
ANOTHER 6 months later...
(fake) ✨Instagrams✨
(fake) ✨Instagrams Part 2✨
(fake) ✨Instagrams -Part 3✨
THE Cooper family breakfast playlist
Regret/Stuck FUN FACTS✨✨
One final thank you!
Headcanons because they cute🀭

Versus the X-Weapon - Part 1

117 2 0
By AddyKay23

(Dakotas POV) 

I watched Ryan walk from his bedroom, heading towards the stairs to meet his mom and brother. I sat in my room  anxiously waiting to see how this conversation was going to go. Ten or so minutes passed when he walked back in his room. 

"How'd that go?" I asked through both of our open windows.

"It was rough." He said walking around his room getting his things together, "Hey do me a favor, get the rest of the team together and meet us at the robot."

"Yeah of course I will." I said. "Wait are you bringing your mom to the robot?"

"Yes, I can't believe we're doing this, but she wants to see it." He answered. We both heard Marks voice call out for him. "Wish me luck."

"Good luck."


I did what he asked and called up the rest of the group, turns out they were still at the robot so I told them to try and stay out of the way for a little bit so Mark and Ryan could try to explain more. I made my way over there and ran up to the control center balcony to check the repair work while Mark and Harris continued checking the panels in the other rooms. When I practically  hearing the elevator door open.

"So you're Mech-4, you control the robot with your mind. And you and your friends are a part of a team that fight the monsters that have been attacking Bay City." I heard Graces voice say from below me. 

"Yeah." Ryan said. "Pretty much it."

"So this whole time, you guys have been lying to me?" Grace asked. Both brothers we;re awkwardly silent until Ryan had an idea. 

"Okay, uh I have an idea. We're trying to come clean right? So lets play a game of truth or truth."

"Truth or Truth is not a game." Grace said. 

"Well we're trying to get all our secrets out at once right? So Mark will tell one, you tell one and I'll tell one." Ryan explained.

"That sounds fun." Mark said trying to be encouraging. 

"Great Mark you start." Ryan says. 

"Um, I'm secretly a toilet tester." Mark says. "Every time I text you from 3:15 and 3:22 I'm on the toilet."

"That's when you always text me." Grace said disgusted.

"Right? Terrible, Okay Mom?" Ryan says to continue the conversation.

I- I wanna know more about this." Grace says looking around.

"And you will, but we're playing again, so truth or truth." He responded.

"Fine Truth. I don't actually make your birthday cakes I buy them. That's the gift I give to me." She says. Both the brothers seemed actually offended more than disgusted by that one.

"You didn't invent Choco the Whale?" Ryan asked. 

"I- I cook for a living Ryan, I- Stop that!" She said after seeing the smallest grin on Ryans face. "Your turn truth or truth." He walked down to the control pad as if he was thinking about what to say before turning back around. 

"Okay, I was given this robot to fight monsters, found out our principal as part of a conspiracy to destroy the world, almost killed her, and then we accidentally blew up our first high school, defeated your ex-boyfriend, found out the principal was still alive, went to search for my birth parents, found them, cured them of a disease, and last week we got stranded in the arctic and I went a bit crazy." He took a breath. "Whew I am so glad I got that of my chest." He said fist-bumping his brother. He then turned back to his mom but noticed me awkwardly sitting on top of the balcony. "Oh one more thing, Dakotas here too." Neither Mark or Grace noticed I was here so when he mentioned my name they both turned around.

"Hey." I said wavering. 

"She's apart of the robot to?" Grace asked.

"To be fair," I jumped in. "I joined the robot before we we're even friends."

"That's true she did." Ryan said when his mom looked from me to him. "Anyway, do you want to see the robot fly?"

"No I- wait the robot flys?" Grace said.

"D would you tell the other for me." Ryan said pulling the harness down over his head.

"On it." I said coming down from the balcony.

"Others?" Grace asked. "How many?"


(Dakotas POV)

We we're flying through the air just a few moments later, Grace I still don't think was really taking everything in.

"So the robot has wings or?" We hit for turbulence for a second and when Grace stumbled back in to Harris chair Harris and Spyder were up on the monitor from the jet. 

"We have a jet that attaches to the robot." Harris answered her question. 

"Hi Ms.Walker. New scarf huh?" Spyder asked.

"You have a jet?" Grace asked.

"Yeah and first time we tried to use it we almost crashed into the city." Veracity says walking from the elevator. 

"Oh I'm new." She says.

"Veracity Campbell, smartest kid in Bay City." I said, mainly to piss off Harris.

"Second smartest?" He asked while Veracity smugly smiled at him and said.

"B.T.W the X-weapon New energy sig is on point and is ready to be tested." 

"Admit it mom, its kinda cool." Mark said passing his mom on the way to the balcony.

"Okay its kinda cool." Grace says standing from Harris's chair. "But who would be crazy enough to give this thing to a bunch of kids?"

"Hi there!" Leo yelled after coming up the hatch that was behind her. Graces immediate reaction was to turn and punch the person that just scared her in the stomach. Spyder, Veracity and I found that to be absolutely hilarious as we were dying with laughter as Ryan said, 

"Wow, anybody else surprised that hasn't happened before."

"Welcome to Mech-X4" Leo said still on the floor of the robot holding his stomach.


The next day we we're ready to test the new X-Weapon, we all met in the control center, the brothers brought they're mom again so she could see how we do what we do. 

"Alright we've added the Anti-ooze tech from our arm cannons to the X-Weapon." Harris explains. Grace asked,

"And you're saying this weapon can take down—"

"Traeger." Ryan finished for her.

"Well, this is way bigger and more powerful than ever before, its a- little scary." Leo continues to explain. "Don't worry." He said seeing the worried look on Graces face. "Don't worry everything's gonna be fine."

"Wait, this could be dangerous?" Grace asked.

"No!" Harris jumped in. "Between Veracity's calculations and—"

"H- Hey Hey we, we should get going, right Ry?" I said to stop Harris from saying something he'd regret.

"That's a great Idea!" Ryan said quickly taking off.

"Don't worry, this beam should blast him back from the ooze her came from." Harris continues.

"And then no more monsters." Ryan says to his mom. "No more danger."

We flew for just a little bit until we were in this huge clearing, Ryan landed in the middle and let Veracity out one of the legs. She walked away from the robot with her Mech-link up to measure the frequency of the new weapon.

"The Mech-Link is gonna measure both the power and the frequency of the new weapon." She said into the Mech-Links while putting on her X-Goggles. "Yeah I rock these."

"That you do V." I said back at her.

"Ready?" Ryan asked all of us.

"Ready." We all answered.


"Wait you've been doing this long enough to have catchphrases?" Grace asked behind him. Harris and I nodded as the three boys each hit their buttons to fire the weapon.

"Yeah its getting there but, I'm the frequency's off by about 1.21 gigahertz." Veracity's voice said through the mech-links.

"What do I do?" Ryan asked.

"Think of it like driving a car." Harris answered. "You need to step on the gas." 

"You okay?" Grace asked. I almost immediately turned around trying to wave her off so he didn't get distracted.

"Yeah, I can handle it." He said.

"Ryan?" She asked again, I again tried to keep her quiet so he wouldn't get distracted but I don't think she cared no matter how much I tried. He was trying to hide the fact that he was struggling, but I could see through it.  We all could when he practically lost control of the beam coming out of the robot that it sent Veracity running to stay out of the way

"I can't stop it!" Ryan yelled sending Grace into basically full on panic mode that was written all over her face.

"How do we shut down the X-Weapon?" Mark asked probably hoping for an answer from Leo or Harris.  No one said anything while Veracity kept running.

"Emergency Power shut down! Victor, Crawford, Breath Mint!" Leo yelled hitting a button on the wall just in time to keep Veracity from getting fried by the rays of the weapon. We all knew Ryan was out before he hit the ground, and most time when something like this happens I'm first to be by his side, but this time before I even left my chair Grace had blown by me catching her son mid air lowering him to the ground. All of us we're frozen in fear at the literal burn mark in the shape of an X on his chest, that had burned through his shirt and was now really showing on his skin.

Veracity met us down in med bay, Veracity, Spyder, Mark and I stood next to the bed, Harris and Leo ran the scans, While Grace anxiously paced the other side of the room. 

"That burn is serious." Grace said coming back over to us while I felt Ryan grab my hand. I'm not sure if it was to comfort me or him but I surely didn't mind. "Ryan needs a hospital."

"Ha, doctors." Leo scoffed. "Ask a whole bunch of questions we can't answer, like what's your name and how did you get that burning X on your chest. But don't worry, My med-tech is so super user friendly, that even this tiny boy can run the scan." He explains motioning to Harris. Harris turned to his computer before 'confirming'

"And bam, Ryan has scurvy. And needs an orange." That really confused everyone in the entire room. 

"I should probably update that software eventually sorry." Leo said.

"Okay, No, no this is insane. We're not staying here for another second." Grace tried pulling Ryan off the bed only to be held down by the four of us standing beside him. "Mark help your brother." Mark stood there silent. Ryan tried to convince his mom he was fine,

"Yeah, Harris does this thing all—" But Grace cut him off.

"Ryan Peanut Walker!" That shook up the room. Ryans face was annoyed his mom said that, Mark cringed at it, the rest of us practically had our jaws hit the floor in surprise because none of us actually knew his middle name. "Get up off your butt. Move it!"

"Okay guys good news." The last voice we wanted to hear right now said entering the room. Harper. "It'll take some time but I think we can adjust the X-Weapon so it won't make Ryan so crispy. Grace slowly turned around. "Grace face! I am so sorry I haven't called, things have been crazy—" He stopped talking when he fell to the floor after Grace punched him in the stomach. Everyone else reacted with "ohh." While I thought it was kinda funny and Leo cheered.

"How is he still alive?" Grace asked. "And what is he doing here?"

"Mom we need him to stop Traeger." Mark explains. "He's helping upgrade the robot."

"So you're harboring the guy who kidnapped me and tried to kill you? The worlds most wanted man?" Grace asked again.

"Ooh, is that true?" Harper asked after standing up holding his rib cage. "Did I finally get ahead of those pirates?"

"Dude not helping!" Ryan said from the bed.

"That's it!" Grace said firmly "Get all of your stuff, both of you. We're never coming back here and we're leaving Bay City." Grace came over, both hands on Ryans arm and wouldn't let go while she drug him out of the room, Mark had no choice but to follow, leaving the rest of us in a silent room.

"Middle names Peanut, huh?" Veracity said.

"Yeah, My middle name is Belinda and even I'm embarrassed for Ryan." Leo said while I rested my forearms on the now empty table in front of me while Veracity giggled at Leos name. "Stop it."

"Kota you okay?" Spyder asked me.

"No. No not really." I answered. "Ryan and Mark are going to leave. Ryan just got seriously injured and I just found out my boyfriends middle name is Peanut. So lets just say I've been better."

"Hey you gotta admit its kinda funny." Spyder stifled a laugh. I smiled a little,

"Yeah I guess."

A/N - you all should expect a pretty good amount of updates coming soon, A I'm still on break, B I got a bluetooth keyboard for my IPad (Which is the only thing I can write my stories on. Either this or my phone) Y'all I'm telling you this keyboard is changing my life not gonna lie. So expect a bunch of new parts on more than just this book while I break in this top tier Christmas gift

Love yall<3


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