The Next Door Boy

By Finley_marie

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Rylan Helton is in high school with someone he loves so much but when this Harvey Porter guy moves next door... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 4

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By Finley_marie

Harvey Pov

After I went into my house I went up to my room and closed my curtains and I smiled the whole night because my crush liked me back and we might be boyfriends but I don't know yet but if he wants us to keep it a secret then we will because I know he is not out yet but probably he is going to get outed by his going to be ex-girlfriend when he tells her.

Rylan Pov

I wake up and I smile and yes I am thinking of Harvey and then I get up and get ready for today. It's Sunday and I am going to tell Rosa that I want to break up with her because I'm gay. She is not going to take it well. I texted her.

Rylan: U up

Rosa: Yeah I am

Rylan: Can we meet up at the park

Rosa: Yeah we can

Rylan: Ok see you

Rosa: Ok Love you

Rylan: Love you to

I turned off my phone and I sighed because I had to say love you to her so she won't ask over text. I get in my car and drove to the park and I already see her car in the parking lot of the park so I parked my car away from hers then turned off my car and walked up to Rosa.

"Hi Baby". Rosa said. "Hi, Can we talk"? I said and she nodded so we went over to a bench and sat down. "Ok, what's up". Rosa asks. "Um I was thinking about myself for a while and I think we should break up". I said. "Why". Rosa said in a broke voice. "Because I figured out that I'm gay". I said. "Ok, I have to go Bye". Rosa said and walked off. "Rosa wait". I said but she was already gone.

I went back to my car and got in and drove home and I saw that Harvey was home so I went inside my house and went up to my room and I opened my curtains and saw that he are opened as well and he spots me.

"Hey". I said. "Hey". Harvey said. "Can I come over"? I said. "Yeah". Harvey said. I climbed out of my window and into his window. "So I broke up with her". I said. "Cool". Harvey said and walked over to me. "So". I said and we leaned in and kissed and then we came apart and said. "So Will you be my boyfriend". Harvey asks. "Yes". I said and I kissed him and he kissed back and then he lifted me and I wrapped my legs around his waist and we the slit apart.

"What do you want to do today". Harvey asks. "I don't know, just hang out with you". I said. "Yeah". Harvey said and kissed me on the lips and I kissed him back and this got heated fast. He walks over to his bed and lays me down on his bed and then gets on top of me and kisses my lips again and then his lips move down to my neck and I moaned when he moved to a certain spot on my neck and then put his hand under my shirt and rubbed my sides. We pull apart and Harvey said. "We should not rush it". Harvey said. "Yeah". I said and we just cuddled on his bed and watch a movie. In the middle of the movie I fell asleep

Harvey Pov

So Rylan broke up with Rosa and now we are boyfriends. No one knows yet but I am going to ask him when we are going to tell people. We are watching a movie while cuddling on my bed but in the middle of the movie he fell asleep.

Rylan Pov

I woke up and I hear. "How was your nap". Harvey said. "Good". I said and cuddled into Harvey more. "So what do you want to eat". Harvey asks. "Um, I don't know". I said. "What about pizza". Harvey said. "Yeah". I said and Harvey gets his phone and ordered pizza. "The pizza will be here in 15 mins or so". Harvey said. "Ok". I said and got on his lap. "What are you doing". Harvey asks and I kissed him and it turned into a makeout. We slit apart and just cuddled until the pizza was here.

When the pizza got here Harvey went downstairs and paid for the pizza and came back to his room with the pizza. "I got the pizza". Harvey said while walking into his room then put the pizza on his bed and closed the door. I sat up and grab a piece of pizza and take a bit out of it.

After we ate the pizza I looked at the time and it was 7 pm and I needed to go back to my house. "Hey, It's 7 pm and I need to go home". I said. "Ok, but can I ask you something first". Havey said. "Yeah, you can". I said. "So tomorrow at school are we going to tell people or not". Harvey asked. "Um yeah, we can". I said and we kissed then said our goodbyes. "Bye see you tomorrow". Harvey said. "Ok Bye". I said and pecked his lips and climbed out the window and into mine.

When I got inside my room I waved bye to Harvey and he waved back. I closed my window and curtains and then went to my bathroom and toke a shower and got ready for bed. After I got ready for bed I texted Harvey.

Rylan: Goodnight

Harvey: Goodnight

Ryland: I will see you tomorrow

Harvey: You too. I have to get some sleep now xx

Ryland: Ok xx

I turned off my phone and plugged it in and went to sleep.

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