Mech-X4 One Shots (Mainly OCs...

By AddyKay23

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A lot of the one shots in here are going to be scrapped ideas from my Mech-X4 Story's "Regret" and "Stuck" th... More

Preferences with da boys🤖
Lonely Call - Part 1 (DRC)
Instant Regret - Part 2
Instant Regret - Part 3
Instant Regret - Part 4
Home again (Y/N)
Superman - (Alternate Regret Ending - DRC)
Superman, Part 2 - (DRC)
Superman - Part 3

Instant Regret (Alternative Ending to 'Regret') - Part 1 (DRC)

80 1 0
By AddyKay23

⚠️I really recommend reading Regret before this, but you could probably try and make sense of it if you haven't lol⚠️

Time/episodes: "Let's Destroy some Ooze/Let's End This"

MC(s)- Dakota Rose Cooper

Summary and/or pre rec- basically an alternative ending to 'Regret' so if you haven't read the ending you probably would be okay to read this (considering it's an alternate.)

Dakota left the robot after Ryan abandoned her, they couldn't get her back before Harper got to her first. Now the have to save her and the brothers mom.

(Ryans POV)

Spyder, Harris, Mark and I, somewhat early in the morning, were all sitting on the couch in the X-deck, watching the news broadcast on what happened last night.

"And in act of cowardliness, Mech-X4 fled the scene." Godfrey, the news reporter which all of us hate said. "I always said that things was dangerous, so the lesson is. I'm always right." I shook my head as I flipped the channel to a live press conference with Seth Harper.

"I was one of Mech-X4s biggest supporters, and I was wrong." The lying, deceiving piece of trash said. "For that I am sorry, Now I don't know what the substance under the school is, but I have met with the mayor, and I promise you I will remove it, and I will, rebuild Bay City High. Go Llamas!" I had enough and turned off the Tv.

"Okay so he makes us look like the villains, and then the city, just handed him the ooze." I ranted.

"He played us." Harris said.

"Things couldn't get any-" Spyder began till Mark cut him off.

"Don't!" Mark said. "Your about to say things can't get any worse, and every time someone says that, it gets worse." Then things did when Marks phone rang. Mark showed me his phone, which was being called by our mom. "It's mom." I technopathicly answered the phone for him.

"Honey are you with Ryan?" Mom asked.

"Yes." Mark stuttered.

"Hi mom." I said.

"I've been trying to reach you for hours are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah we're fine." I said. "How's northwest fest?"

"You think I'd stay there with a crazy robot on the loose?" She questioned. "Thankfully Seth sent a helicopter to bring me back."

"Mom," I asked standing up, "where are you?"

"Harper Futuristics." She said sounding relieved. "Seth said it's the safest place in the city. Where are you know he'll send a car." I panicked and almost spilled our secrets until Harper jumped on the phone.

"Mom no, Harper is,"

"Happy to help." Seth said. "Where are you guys, you know what, I'll grab a pen." Harper changed his tone of voice, after clearly walking away from my mom with the phone. "Did you really think you could just walk around inside my head with out me learning your secrets?"

"What?" I asked. "You know?"

"You, your friends, the robot." He said, "you want them back? Come and get them." I looked at Mark who was absolutely terrified.

"He has mom. Wait a minute, why did he say 'them'?" Mark asked.  It was then I realized he had said 'them'.

"No, no, no, no, wait guys," I said with my hand over my mouth. "Dakota. He has Dakota." I watched the fear spread across both Harris and Spyder's face. "And it's all my fault!"


"You want to do what!" Leo asks me over video call once we all met up in the control center.

"Attack Harper Futuristics! I want to go to his office, punch a hole in his building and get mom and Kota back. Nothing else is going to happen to her because of me!" I said as Leo laughed. "What are you scared it's going to ruin our rep. The whole city already hates us!"

"It's still cray. Squared!" Harris said.

"You gotta better idea?" Mark asks.

"Yeah, well most of mine are terrible and that's exactly what I'd suggest." Spyder agrees.

"Listen to your friend! Don't go, Harpers going to be ready for you!" Leo warns. "Harper is going to be ready for you! You can't just waltz in there like you own the place—" I ended the call. 

"What the worst Harper can do? Throw a monster at us!" I said, "We can take it!"

"I'm saying we take a step back and think this through." Harris continues trying to reason with me. 

"Guys, from what Leo told me, I think Harper, drove my birth parents into hiding." I said. "They were scared someone was after them, Harper. Which means he's been messing with me, my entire life. He's pretended to care about us, he turned the city against us. Now he has mom, and Kota. I'm done. Enough is enough. I'm doing this."

"We... Are doing this." Mark joins me.

"Not alone you don't." Spyder says. 

"We'll have to be careful. Our shields are down 50%." Harris warns.

"Then we just don't get hit."


"My scans show your mom and Harper are alone in his penthouse office." Harris says as we arrived at Harper Futuristics. 

"What about Kota?" I asked. 

"I don't see her." Harris shook his head.

"Well then, we smash through his window, grab mom, then smash every other window if we have to, to find her."

"Gently grab mom!" Mark adds.

"You realize she's gonna figure out you guys are in the robot?" Spyder asks.

"Well Kota already hate me, what's one more person?" I shrugged. "Besides, I won't mind being grounded if she's safe."

"She's not going to tell my mom is she?" Harris asks. "This whole time I've told her I've been on the wrestling team."

"She already knows you're lying." Mark climbs up his ladder.

"Hey guys you made it!" Harpers had I guess tapped into our video feed, as his face was on our big screen. 

"Harper, let them go.  Unless you want me punching holes in you penthouse." I said stepping back to the control pad.

"What do you mean 'them'?" Harper scoffs. "It's only your mom and I in here."

"Harper don't play with me, I know Dakota's in there too." I said, with a warning. 

"Oh yeah, forgot about that little detail." Harper chuckles. "Well here, I'll make you a deal. You choose one, that I'll let go, and I keep the other one?"

"Uh, no." I shook my head. "I want them both safe."

"Oh they're both safe, for the most part." Harper laughs, "But hey you're loss."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Oh, oh nothing." Harper shrugs. "So if you won't take my deal, whatcha doing here?"

"Well, first I'm busting through that window to get my mom back if you don't let her go," I pulled the harness down over my head, "Then if I have to break your building apart brick by brick to find Dakota, thats what I'm going to do!"

"Which, would be terrifying if my new friends weren't here to protect me." Harper says. We then took to hits from out of no where, then I could see what hit us, as two fighter jets flew back around the robots head. 

"Oh you have got to be kidding me." I said.

"What?" Mark asked.

"Fighter jets. We're fighting the military." I was looking around trying to see where they flew off to.

"Yeah, they didn't even need to be convinced you were an enemy of the state of you know... destroyed the school. Bad move guys." Harper says, "But don't worry, I will keep your mom safe. No promises with Dakota though. Later buddies!"

"They're going to be back in firing range soon." Harris warns. 

"Targeting!" Spyder says, clicking buttons. 

"Wait, don't fire." I said, "We can't hurt them, they're just doing their job." I said that only to get hit again.

"Critical hit!" Mark was putting out a fire that started at the balcony. "We've got multiple system failures."

"Mech-X4! Surrender or be destroyed!"That voice came from some speaker system the military was using. 

"We need to leave now!" Harris said, "We can't attack them, and they're not going to stop attacking us."

"But there is still in there!" I yelled. "We aren't leaving without them!"

"Guys, those fighter jets are circling back around." Spyder added.

"Leo was right we shouldn't have come here." Mark said. "We have to leave."

"What? No way!" I protested.

"If we get killed who saves Kota and Mom?" I said. "If the robot gets destroyed, whose stops Harper?"

"You're right." I said. "I hate it but you're right. We'll come back for them. Harpers going to be sorry he ever messed with them."


We had been running from the military for at least an hour at this point and it was getting tiring very quickly.

"Bro are you alright?" Mark asked.

"No I just can't shake these guys!" I answered

"I believe the let's run away plan, isn't working?" Harris said sarcastically. "We need a new tactic."

"Oh! Oh how about this, I get in an escape pod in a jet?" Spyder suggested

"And?" I asked.

"And what?" He asked back. I regained focus as we were hit from behind my another missle.

"There goes the last of our shields." Harris said.

"Harris?" I asked. "I think it's time to try out our special project."

"It isn't ready I haven't tested it yet!" He protested.

"Do it!" I yelled, having really no other options. I gained some ground on the military and when they flew over head they couldn't see the robot through Harris's new holograms.

"What's up now? Didn't expect the robot to hologram up, did you?" Harris laughed. "So ya best ghost!"

"Since when could we do that?" Spyder asked as Mark put out a small fire.

"I asked Harris to install a hologram generator like the one hiding Mech-x3." I explained.

"Consider this our first field test." Harris said. "Though, Leo deserves most the credit. He invented it."

"Speaking of Leo?" I asked.

"I sent him out gps coordinates." Harris said. "He's on his way from Mech-X3 to help with repairs."

"Good okay," I said. "I'm outta here. I'm heading to Harpers to save mom and Kota."

"Right now?" Harris asked.

"Because that worked so well the last time." Mark said. "We almost lost the robot."

"I don't need the robot to save them." I said, "okay I have a power, I'll be fine." I walked towards the hatch but Mark stood on top of it. "Out of my way. Dude move or I will move you."

"You aren't going, your the only one that can pilot this robot." Mark said.

"Marks right." Harris added. "If the military finds us, the robot will have to make another run for it. You can't leave."

"I'll be fast. Mark, move." I demanded.

"What happened last time you left the robot, when you shouldn't have?" Mark asked pointing to my wrist with two Mech-links. Ouch, not that I didn't deserve it. "Don't worry, I'll take some tech and get mom."

"No, I need to be the one that does it!" I continued to protest.

"Why?" Mark asks. "Why does it have to be you?"

"Why? Why? Because it has to me! This, all of this, is all my fault!" I answer. "If it wasn't for me, the ooze would have been destroyed, mom would be safe, Kota would be here, she wouldn't hate me. None of this would have ever happened if I had just listened to her when she told me to stay!"

"Ryan, I promise I'll do whatever I can to get them back." Mark says taking the bag of tech from me. "I'll make sure you can tell her how you feel in person."

"You mean apologize?" I corrected. 

"Well, yeah that too." Mark shrugs.

"Wait, what?"

"Anyway, I'm going to get going." Mark started towards the elevator.

"And I'm going to." Harris said. "I know that place like the back of my perfectly moisturized hand."

"I kinda saw this as a solo Mark Walker thing." Mark added. "No offense."

"Some taken." Harris as curiously.

"Dude if your not letting me go, please take him. You need him." I said. "He knows the layout, it will make it easier on you."

"Alright let's go." Mark said walking to the elevator.

"Bring them home Mark, please." I said while Mark nodded at me, closing the door. 

"Come on let's go check the damage report." I said walking to Spyder's desk, to a hazard light flashing in the center of the robot. "Yeah thats not good."


Spyder and I made our ways down to the X-deck and both took a step back at the missile sticking out of the wall.

"Okay, so one of the military's missiles hit, pierced the hull, but didn't explode." I said.

"Aww that's so sad, it never got to fulfill its destiny." Spyder said about to lay a hand on it.

"Hey!" I said to stop him. "Let's keep it that way." The elevator shot up into the room and Leo stepped out.

"Why would I design a elevator that gives me the dizzies?" He laughed. "So what's the Emergency! Wow! Man did I come to the wrong party." He said looking at the missile in the wall.

"Maybe I could defuse it?" I suggested.

"Stop! It looks to damaged." Leo said "you might just set it off. It could detonate and destroy the robot at any second."

"So what do we do?" I asked. Leo thought for a minute.

"Hmm. The hologram was getting real glitchy when I flew in. I need to stabilize it or we,"

"Will be sitting ducks for the military." I finished.

"Yes. You guys need to get it out of the wall. And get it outside." Leo instructed.

"Then I can use my power and detonate it from a distance." I said as Leo nodded.

"Good luck with that." Leo said leaving us.

"Here that buddy? You get to be you after all." Spyder said.

"It's a missile." I laughed.


Spyder and I pulled the missile out of the wall and just as it landed in both of our hand and was fully out of the wall Spyder blurted out,

"Ahhh Tuesday Confession, I cheated on my bar mitzvah, I'm not a real man yet!" He screamed I stared at him in confusion as he continued to say. "We're good. Yeah we're good."

"We are so not good!" I said.

"Okay, hey take it easy." Spyder began. "You know you, kind of, have been um barking orders at everyone? My therapist would call that acting out."

"That's because I'm scared, Spyder, Harper has outmaneuvered is at every turn. The ooze, the military, my mom, Kota, and we could fail, you know? That doesn't even freak you out?" I asked. He shook his head. "Not even a little?"

"No, because I know my best friend has these powers, so I'm totally not scared of some rich old dude." He said.

"That's the point, what if my powers aren't enough to save everyone?" I said.

"Ryan, I know you." Spyder said, "After Dakota won at the Olympics how many bones in your foot did you almost break trying to her tricks?" I thought back to the time I actually did attempt Dakotas 'Bed of Roses' and sprained my ankle.

"All of them." I said.

"That's what I'm saying, that attitude with those powers equals victory!" He yelled putting his hands in the air and off the missile. "Uh-oh." He said as the missile hit the floor.

"It's going to explode, get the door." I said running to the door.

A/N - Part 2 coming soon!

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