My Brothers Band (A Harry Sty...

By MissyG143

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My Brothers Band (A Harry Styles Fan Fic)
Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9!!!!!!!
Authors Notes
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Authors Note :P
Chapter...13!!! (yay)

Chapter 10

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By MissyG143

I want to start with a huge thanks to everyone! I would love to hear your though

ts on my stoires! I don't care if it's good or bad. Well, i care but yeah. ANYWAYS! I know it's been like forever since i updated but i got my laptop taken away and school and yeah. I'm only 14 so i have a lot going onnnn! lol but yeah. I am updating all my stories between today and tomorrw<3

Oh, and I just got out of a relationship with someone... So, if im going to bag on guys a lot. Let me know if anything I say is to harsh. I'll change it. Or not. Whatever you guys want. :/



Cahpter 10

"Ok. So meet the fans, do whatever it is you do. And then get the yourselfs backstage. I have to set up and the make-up and outfits and shiz. You have 10 minutes. And i know its not alot of time, but we need to get you guys ready. Ok. Bye! See you soon." I walk towards the stage doors and flash my badge. Yeah, i have a badge. I rock.

"Maddie!" I turn and am instantely surrounded by girls.

"Uh.. Hi?" I am so confused.

"You are Maddie Malik. Right?" I girl asks me.

"Maddie Howards. But, yeah Zayn's little sister. Why?" I put my bags down cuz they got heavy.

"We absolutely love you! You are so pretty and you and Harry are the cutest couple EVER!" Haha. Twitter fans.

"Thanks! And me and Styles are just friends. I'm not alowed to date anyone from the band. Zayn's rules. Sorry."

"BUT YOU AND HARRY!" Wow chick got loud fast. "We totally ship Haddie. You guys are perfect for eachother. We read that you two went out to dinner. Just you too." They got me there.

"Well yeah. We were talking about soundtracks for the new CD. And it wasn't a date." I check my phone. "And I'm so sorry. But i have to go. I'm late for my meeting with the guys. They need me!" I pick up my bags and walk down the hall.

*% minutes later*

"Where is she?" Zayn says.

"Where is who?" I ask.

"YOU!" Oh.

"Oh. I was talking to some fans cuz they love me too now." He rolls his eyes and puts his arm around me.

"Maddie has her own fan club!" We all laugh and i set to work making the guys look good for their show.

*After the concert*

"We were awesome!" Liam says walking back stage.

"Yeah. The fans were great too." Louis runs to his mini fridge for some carrots when he says this.

"Where is Maddie?"

"PAUL!  Put that down. It's hair spray. Paul!" I yell. Men theses days!

"Found her." Harry says smiling.

"Found who?" I walk towards them and put my hair spray down.

"You. We heard you yelling at Paul."

"OH! Yeah. He took the hair spray and made me irritated. Like for reals. How was the concert?'

"YOU DIDNT WATCH IT?" Niall and Louis yell. I flinch and shrug.

"Naw dog. I live with you guys. Sing to me then." I shake my head "Anyways, we should probably get going. Tour bus leaves in 20. No hotel tonight. We have to be at the stadium tomorrow morning." I walk away and leave the guys to stand there. Niall and Harry exchange looks like 'The fuck is wrong with her?' Then everyone walks to the tour bus.

Zayn walks over to my bunk and see's me crying. "Maddie. What happened?" He puts his arm around me and I shrug it off. I never do that.

"I hate men. They are good for nothing little suns of bitches who have no respect for women. I am officially never dating again." I get up and walk into the bathroom. After I slam and lock the tour I sit against it and cry. Eventually everyone stops harassing me and gives me my damn personal space. This is not going to go well. Why can't I just have to hide in the bathroom? Why do guys have to cheat and lie and manipulate? I swear to god, I'll kill the next guy I meet that's cheats.

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