Oh, Fuzz Buckets

By Kittycatyellow

22.9K 487 1.2K

You're a wizard. Your names y/n l/n, and you are exactly-wait....multiply five...carry the two...? 918 years... More

Old days Camelot
Magic or pride
True power
Fixing Excalibur
A/n IMPORTANT! If you like this story that is
Camelot under attack
War pt one
War pt 2
Wizard tech
Important for the rule of comedy~
Dragons den
Unwanted magic
Not important, but appreciated if read.
The other side of me
Two y/n's?
It Ends Now
Oh, Fuzz Buckets
Really, really important note! About Rott!
The sequel.
I have a question.
Hisirdoux Casperans zodiac sign.

How it began

3.2K 37 285
By Kittycatyellow

 Soooooooo, helloooooo everyone! It's lovely to have you here and I hope you enjoy this book!

Nine centuries ago~

Merlin:" Hisirdoux!"

'oh dear, what did he do now'

I chuckle to myself as I hear Merlin's rambles on his incapability to tidy up.

Hello, I am y/n l/n. I am Morganas hand maiden, who was gifted with the same magic as hers. But only I know that, no one else does. 

Except Merlin, Morgana tells me to also help him from time to time. Which is when I met my best friend. Hisirdoux Casperan.

Otherwise known as Douxie.

Hisirdoux:" yes Master"

I laugh to myself again. Unlike other girls or women in Camelot, I am very different. I am very misbehaved as they say.

But that's only because I am best friends with a boy, and am not a good-little-house-wife as they say I should be.

I never listened to them about things like that. I just stayed the way I was.

Right now Morgana and I were outside Merlin's chambers and were about to head inside which is when we heard them talking.

While I laughed at it Morgana rolled her eyes, everyone beliefs Morgana is just using me as her handmaiden.

Truth is, she is not. She has been teaching me her abilities considering I can do all of hers as well.

Meaning all magic, she refused to tell anyone and ordered me not to.

She was afraid Arthur would banish me if he knew I could do magic just like his sister.

No one knew how I can do the same magic as her, but I know Master Merlin has been conflicted about that.

We enter without permission and I see the room trashed and Douxie sweeping the floor.

I was just in my normal gown but his eyes still gleamed with awe and he sighed a breathless sigh when seeing me. He held his weight on the broom and I can't help but laugh a little.

Merlin:" Hisirdoux! Did I tell you to stop sweeping?!"

He snapped out of his trance and straightened up.

Hisirdoux:" no Master..."

And continued sweeping while Merlin faced Morgana and she faced him.

She walked up to the old wizard, and stood in front of him in fury.

Morgana:" Arthur has yet another troll in his capture, we cannot allow this to continue!"

Merlin:" I don't agree with him either but he is our king! We must protect him at all costs"

Morgana:" he is holding a ball tonight to kill the troll in his honor! How are we supposed to just stand aside and let him do it!?"

I walk over to Douxie while they argue, he keeps sweeping but smiles at me once I come into view.

Hisirdoux:" you look ravishing today y/n"

I blushed a little at his comment, and brushed some hair behind my ear.

I was just wearing a normal dress.

Y/n:" thank you Douxie, what are you doing for the rest of today?"

Hisirdoux:" sweeping apparently"

He sighed.

I walk over to him and nudge him lightly asking.

Y/n:" do you want to see something cool?"(Did the word cool exist back then? I have no clue, for now let's just pretend it does)

He nods and we move away from the arguing adults.

I start messing with my magic and make a golden rose appear in front of us.

He wows at this and tries to touch it but it disappears, and puffs into golden sparks.

I laugh a little that he fell for that trick. He comes back from the panic attack and looks me straight in the eye, clearly not amused by my actions.

Hisirdoux:" really? Again!? Oh come on"

I laugh some more before I hear a stern.

Morgana:" y/n! Did you use magic again for playing?!"

I snap my gaze to her and cringe. Before slowly nodding my head as a yes.

Morgana:" you know our rules!"

I step out and say.

Y/n:" I know! It's just, I was just showing Douxie that's all!" I say trying to convince her that I was sorry.

Morgana:" that is NO Excuse! Our power is sacred, and indestructible. Do not risk it being exposed or you will know what will happen! Is that understood?"

My head falls and nod.

I look up and meet her stern glare but also see worry in her eyes.

Morgana faces Merlin again and I see he held a small sympathetic look out for me, which I waved off.

Morgana:" we will talk about this after the Ball" she says before walking off and gestures for me to come with a.

Morgana:" come along y/n"

I wave Douxie goodbye and he mouths a 'sorry' before I walk out of the door.

I follow Morgana back into...my chamber? Why my chamber? We walk inside and i am immediately met with the familiar elegance of my room.

Morgana faces me after closing the door and spoke in a surprisingly soft tone.

Morgana:" you don't understand how magic is being treated in these lands. From a girl no less, I am only trying to protect you..."

Y/n:" I know, and-and I'm sorry. I never meant to put myself or you in danger. I would never do that..."

Morganas face expression softens and she comes closer to me. She offers a smile which I return, and again she speaks in a soft voice.

Morgana:" come, I have something I wanted to show you"

She leads me to my dresser pupet and pulls down the cloth hiding what's underneath. After it's revealed, I see the most beautiful gown I had seen in ages.

Morgana:" I thought you might like to wear something special for the ball"

I look at the beautiful gown in front of me and smile, I turn around to Morgana and can't help but leap into her arms and say.

Y/n:" thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Miss Morgana, it's beautiful"

She stumbles back in surprise before resting her hands on my shoulders and slightly hugged me back. I released her and hear her laugh a little.

Morgana:" go ahead and try it on, I'll be outside and see once you are done"

I nod with a smile, she walks out of the door with a smile as well. Once she's out I turn to the beautiful gown and try it on, surprisingly it didn't need alterations it fit me perfectly.

(Yeah, I changed it... again. I hope this supplies to everyone's satisfaction? Requests are otherwise still open. 😊)

I smile brightly and run to swing the door open. As I do Morgana yelps in surprise, the minute I see her I jump into her arms yet again earring a surprised laugh.

Y/n:" its incredible! Thank you so much! Miss Morgana, you are the best"

And I yes didn't see it. But I knew she was tearing up, she hugged me back and swiftly let go to turn around and says.

Morgana:" well I'm glad you like it, go on and meet with that friend of yours while I will get changed"

I smile and say.

Y/n:" ok I'll see you later miss Morgana!"

And I ran off, little did I know that Morgana looked at me longingly and out of the shadows crept out Master Merlin.

He laid a hand on her shoulder and Morgana looked side ways with a sad expression. Master Merlin sighed and whispered.

Merlin:" you do realize you will have to tell her someday, don't you?"

Morgana sighed and whispered.

Morgana:" I will, I just...It's not time yet"

Master Merlin sighed again and said as he started to walk away.

Merlin:" very well, but you do know. That eventually, you will have to tell her....she is your daughter after all"

Morgana sighed as her Masters footsteps started to disappear, in her sole. She cried out for the little girl which was hers.

But she knew that it was dangerous. She loved her, but it pained her to not know who she really was and just how much she meant to her.

Morgana disappeared off into the shadows as she saw her daughter skid off to her friend.

Nine centuries later~

Rocky:" thanks so much for cleaning up girl! I'll see ya tomorrow!"

Y/n:" sure, bye! I'll see ya"

I wave goodbye to her as the door closes from the music store I work in.

I keep sweeping before looking at my hands, Master Merlin's voice popped into my head and I shake mine while mimicking him as I keep sweeping.

Y/n:" 'magic isn't a permissible shortcut to hard work' "

I say as I keep sweeping.

I loved the music store, I usually sing after I'm done cleaning up. It took me a bit to cope with everything going on here in Arcadia for the last parts of the months.

Especially with Morganas demise. I mainly stayed away knowing that what she was doing was wrong, but...but it hurt like hell. Morgana was like a mother figure for me so seeing her go was...hard.

Charlotte:" well, are you gonna sing or should we focus on what's ahead of us?"

I turn around and see my familiar; Charlie laying on the counter. With a rather expecting look, I roll my eyes.

Y/n:" I'm not gonna sing, geez. Come on, let's go and see who's responsible for the lost pets"

She follows me out of the door and I lock the music store, after that we unsuspiciously walk around while I'm whistling.

I gesture for Charlie to do her alleyway thing. She walks into the alleyway, but shouts before.

Charlotte:" I better get good cat nip for this!"

I roll my eyes but laugh as I shout back.

Y/n:" the best!"

Charlie walks around the alleyway pretending to be a normal cat. I see something slithering from the walls that looked like a shadow.

I get my powers ready and stand at the other side, I see the thing starting to lurch for Charlie and just then! I trap it into my powers.

Y/n:" haha! Caught ya! I thought an umber Imp was the cause for all those missing pets"

Charlie seems to love correcting me though.

Charlotte:" that is not a umber imp, do you notice the three mandibles?"

I stare at the thing as it opens its mouth.

Charlotte:" how it's phasing in and out of existence"

The things tries to snap at me and I lurch back, putting a hand under my chin as I stare at it.

Charlotte:" that's a shadow mephit, and you should know your monsterology if you are going to use me as bait!"

She says as I crouch down, I stand up and blow a rasper.

Y/n:" please, will you lighten up. We caught it that's the most important thing..."

Charlotte:" uh y/n, my good old pal-"

Y/n:" nu uh, were under appreciated Charlie. Let's savor this victory and....it's out of the trap isn't it?"

The things snaps at me and we make a run for it, I try catching it but it runs off to somewhere else.

I groan out in frustration.

We search for it but I can't find it, until it suddenly pops out of the wall. Literally! It pops out of the wall.

We run after it as it tries to get away.

Charlotte:" your capturing technique is still weak, as a matter of a fact. I believe you could use a few more centuries to practice"

We run through a small alleyway as I retort.

Y/n:" I will not be lectured by someone who licks her own butt!"

Charlotte:" its hygienic!"

Y/n:" no it's not!"

I say waving my hands around as I try to catch up to him. We turn another corner before I hear struggling, we stop in the corner and I look to see a boy around my age.

With black raven hair and indigo tips at the end, wearing a black shirt around his torso and has some metal bracelet.

'He looks just like...'

I freeze once I see a cat that was right beside him with a white circle on his chest.

'No, no it couldn't be! No my mind is playing tricks on me! Douxie's...dead'

I stare at the boy, but my doubts are forced to be washed away when I see him trapping the same shadow mephit into the same trap I used.

Y/n:" Douxie...?"

I stare in disbelief as tears summon in my eyes. 'He's alive, he's actually alive! Oh my god, my best friends alive!'

Hisirdoux:" aren't you a nasty little beast? I though an umber imp was the the cause of all those missing pets"

Archibald:" that is not and umber imp, do you notice the three mandibles?"

The thing snaps at Douxie, and Charlottes jaw drops when she sees Archie.

Archibald:" how it's phasing in and out of existence? That's a shadow mephit and you should know your monsterology next time when you are going to use me as bait!"

I laugh as I realize that just a few minutes ago we said the exact literal same thing. But then I see the ting starting to escape its trap!

Hisirdoux:" it's out of the trap isn't it?"

They make a run for it as the thing runs away, I lost Douxie once. I refuse to lose him again.

Never again.

I run after him with Charlie close behind me, I hear Douxie tell Archie he refuses to be lectured by someone who licks their own butt and I am forced to laugh again.

We said the same damn thing! Literally!

We run after him and I wince when I see him hitting all sides of señor Uhls truck, Suzanne I think he named her. God that guy was a weirdo. But a funny weirdo.

I try catching up to him again and see Archie about to fire at the Mephit but I was faster.

I use my powers and shoot at the god given thing, it winces and I jump into the view of Douxie and Archie. Quickly activating a trap again to put it in to, I snap it in there and open a portal where I put all the other things.

It refuses before it drops into it and I close the portal of yellow mist.

Once it's closed I slowly turn to Douxie and Archie, Douxie had gotten out of the truck and stared at me frozen, my eyes prickled with tears as they started to escape mine.

His eyes water and he asks.

Douxie:" y/n? Is-is that really you?"

I nod as another tear goes down. He breaths uneven and a small smile cracks on his face as he starts running to me and I do the same.

We jump into each other's arms and bawl our eyes out. We sobbed in each other's shoulders and we slowly drop to the floor.

His arms were wrapped fully around my waist and mine around his torso. He pulled me closer to him before pulling back a bit to look into my eyes.

Hisirdoux:" but how!? I-I thought you were dead!"

I chuckle as a tear runs down my face again.

Y/n:" I thought the same thing with you, until tonight"

He places a hand on my cheek and brushes my tears away before pulling me back into a tight hug.

I return it as more silent tears run down, we stay like that for a bit until I hear purring. We separate ourselves and look back to see our cats snuggling up against each other.

We smile at the sight, before going in for another hug. I inhaled in order to calm myself down.

Until suddenly we hear a voice that sounds all too familiar.

Merlin:" Hisirdoux, Y/n...."

We get up and I see green forming underneath Douxie, I quickly drag him away from the circle and a holograph of Merlin pops out.

Hisirdoux:" Master Merlin...."

He kneels down and I do a knights bow, after pants were invented I only wore pants (funny fact, that's reality with me. I love pants! I don't wear dresses unless it's so hot that I don't have a choice)

I didn't do anything girly! I hate girly stuff! I'm a big tomboy. (Again, that's true with me)

Merlin:" Hisirdoux, y/n my faithful apprentices I need-"

Y/n:" damn right we've been faithful! I've been sweeping the music store for ages! Why didn't you send a raven or a text!?-"

Douxie:" there's texting now you know!"

We look at each other when we realize we finished each other's sentances.

Merlin:" I've been busy, as you know"

Hisirdoux:" yeah, I've been busy too. Protecting the material plane while you weren't around!"

Merlin:" Hisirdoux, I need you-"

Y/n:" about time! I've been practicing my incantations and my spells-"

Merlin:" enough! Matters are most dire!"

We shrink down again and listen.

Merlin:" I need you to bring me the Guardians of Arcadia, with haste!"

He disappears from view and I groan. Douxie looks displeased as me it as well.

Archie:" oh it's our time alright, as errand boys"

(Time skip)

We see the Guardians of Arcadia coming up and Archie and Charlie come ready to go to them.

They both drop down on a repair table and start licking themselves while we get closer.

The troll, which I know of the name is AAARRRGGHH. Says.

AAARRRGGHH:" cats, yum"

Toby:" ooh, hey, little guys! You lost?"

They stop licking themselves and Archie looks at them before pointing. In my opinion he looks really funny!

Archibald:" beware. You, you are in grave danger"

He made a danger sign and Steve, the village idiot, says as he points at him.

Steve:" woah, a cat with glasses!"

He says pointing at him while he leans on Toby, I laugh a little.

Toby pushes him off and says.

Toby:" dude, the cat just talked and your focused on its eyewear?

Steve:" I've seen aliens, creeps and trolls Domzalski. So, yeah, I'd like to know why the talking cats wearing glasses"

He says pointing to his eyes, I started to laugh a little. Douxie rolled his eyes playfully at me.

Charlotte:" he has bad eye sight"

Steve yelped when Charlie talked too.

AAARRRGGHH:" not cats. Familiars"

Steve:" 'familiar?' *chuckles* no way. I'd remember if I met a cat with glasses"

He says gesturing to Archie while Charlie snickers and he rolls his eyes. But AAARRRGGHH is apparently smarter then all of them.

AAARRRGGHH:" no. Wizards assistants"

Charlotte:" 'assistant?' That's very offensive. We are wizards associates, thank you very much"

They both jump down and land on their back feet.

Archibald:" now, come with me or the worst will come to pass"

They say walking back to the book store. 

Steve:" hey! Are you threatening me, pussy cat?"

Archibald:" no, Im warning you. Put simply, the world as you know it is about to end. Meow"

They say before running off back to us and we hear Steve start to scream in dismay about another world ending fiasco.

(Time skip)

Toby:" sorry, this is a lot to process. Pets can talk? The world is ending? Again?"

We walk out while Douxie is one his phone and says.

Douxie:" not the best timing, I know, but we need your help all the same"

Toby:" Douxie? Wai-hold up!"

Steve:" I thought you worked at the cafe or were, like, a model or something"

Toby:" yeah! And y/n!? I thought you were working at the music store? Or we're like, a singer?"

Hisirdoux put his phone away, and held out his bracelet, and his runes started glowing blue.

'god, dramatic much'

Douxie:" there's a lot about us that you don't know"

He gestures to his magic in his hand I scoff at their amazement.

Toby:" wooooaaaaah!"

Steve:" what?!"

Y/n:" *scoffs* show off"

He chuckles at me and faces me looking smug.

Hisirdoux:" oh you think you can do better?"

Y/n:" *scoff* I know I can, watch this"

I spread my arms wide and form a circle together. Golden magic coming from it into a yellow glowing ball. It grows more and more until I start doing fight stances.

And poses before doing the circle again and sending it up at the sky.

It erupts into fireworks and spark that go onto the ground.

Steve:" what the-!?"

Toby:" oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!"

I face Douxie with crossed arms and a smug smirk, I wiggle my eyebrows at him while he huffs and rolls his eyes.

He uses his magic and puts it on the bookstore. The bookstore glows blue and erupts into life, he open the door and says with a silly bow.

Douxie:" please, ladies first"

I laugh at him, I walk ahead and inside with a.

Y/n:" what a gentleman"

The others walk inside after me and are soon followed by Douxie himself.

Everything is floating in a green aura and a glowing radiant. They stop mid sentence, we walk farther inside as they exclaim in fascination.

Toby:" ooh, what's that!?"

Merlin:" PUT THAT DOWN! Thank you ether your here. We haven't a moment to waste"

Toby:" woah! Crusty, creepy dude!"

I face palm at the name and Douxie laughs.

Merlin:" though, I had hoped for more, Hisirdoux and y/n"

Hisirdoux:" we tried, we couldn't find the Changlings or the aliens-"

Y/n:"I'm pretty sure most left the planet"

Toby starts talking while gesturing to himself.

Toby:" Merlin, it's me— Toby Domzalski! You know, war Hammer, Guardian of Arcadia, geology club present"

Merlin:" no one could forget you chatty"

He said while walking down the stairs of the dark library and putting things into his glowing green chest that was floating around him.

Steve:" and Steve Palchuk! Creepslayer!"

Merlin:" I have no idea who you are"

He yelps when the chest was slapped over his head and Merlin soon continued.

Merlin:" but we're desperate. Thankfully, we have the brute"

We look at AAARRRGGHH as he sniffles Archie and Charlie.


Archie slapped him along with Charlie and I wince seeing it happen.

Archibald:" I'm not anybody's lunch. Got it?"

AAARRRGGHH nods but Charlie continues.

Charlotte:" don't make me call the police for woman's abuse!"

AAARRRGGHH started at her and asks.

AAARRRGGHH:" what is, police?"

Charlie facepalms and says.

Charlotte: never mind"

They all laugh at Charlie even Merlin laughs a little. Charlie walks over to me and high fives me.

Everyone stares at me and I play innocent.

Y/n:" whaaaaat?"

They all laugh again especially Douxie before Toby asks.

Toby:" wait, where's Jimbo and Claire? I thought they were with you"

Merlin:" answers forthcoming. Make preparations. We've a journey ahead and don't-"

Hisirdoux:" but, master-"

Y/n:" but, master-"

Merlin:" 'but, master' me"

We walk forwards and Douxie argues.

Hisirdoux:"but...are you sure you want to count on these children? Their clearly not ready"

I scoff ' does he have any idea what these 'children' have done these past months, no? Well then I'll remind him'

Just when Toby and the others were about to say something I say.

Y/n:" excuse you mister cool guy, but I don't believe you know exactly what these "children" have done these past months, have you?..."

He stares at me in surprise, so I continue.

Y/n:" these said "children" have defeated Gunmar, and all his gum-gums, have taken down the...the *sigh* the Morgana. And just a few hours ago have defeated a 50 foot alien god by nothing but one cannon, their friend the troll hunter has killed bular, slain Gunmar and protected Arcadia countless times! So don't you call them children when it is so immature of you that one could assume you are the child here. So please go ahead and call them children again"

They all stare at me everyone trying to hold a laugh or a come back at my retort to Douxie.

We may be best friends but we did have one thing, passion and chemistry.

He stares at me surprised before I say.

Y/n:" good"

And walk off for preparations. As I do I hear one final.

Steve:" dang, your girlfriends fierce"

Hisirdoux:" she is NOT my girlfriend!"

Toby:" sure looked like it"

Hisirdoux:" agh!"

Merlin:" I am forced to agree, you looked like an old couple"

Hsirdoux:" not you too!"

I would snort but I was too annoyed. Suddenly the place starts shaking and I stop dead in my tracks and we look outside.

Merlin:" something wicked this way comes"

I look outside and suddenly! A shadow mephit jumped up at the window and scared me half to death.

I stumble back and fall into someone.

I turn around and see Douxie. We both blush and quickly stand, ignoring the knowing smirks from everyone else.

It starts to shake more as we see more Shadow Mephits pop up.

We start getting into battle stance.

Merlin:" Shadow Mephits!? Hisirdoux, y/n have you led them to us?!"

Hisirdoux:" no, no I mean, I don't think so?"

Archibald:" yes, we did"

I growl at Archie who then gets it. They start to attack the shop tenfold, slamming against the doors and windows until the magic barrier breaks and they can enter.

Merlin:" he found us. The barrier won't hold for long. We must make egress! Tobias, take my things!"

He slams them out and on top of the roof as the shadow mephits keep on trying to break into our place.

He uses a fire of a candle and shouts.

Merlin:" all of you, to the roof!"

They all do as told except for me and Douxie, who looks at me concerned. The last time we were in a battle we never saw each other again.

Until now.

Merlin:" Hisirdoux, y/n I said get to safety"

Hisirdoux:" I've got this. I can help"

Merlin:" ugh, still trying to earn that staff, are you?"

Hisirdoux:" yeah. I've learned a thing or two since we last met"

Merlin:" use the sub screw second, it's stronger"

Hisirdoux:" all right! I knew that!"

Y/n:" we can help because I'm not leaving your side, not again..."

He looks at me concerned before I turn to Merlin and whisper.

Y/n:" neither of you"

Getting the message that he won't get rid of us he nods.

We run up the stairs and I grab Charlie away from the shadow mephits and Douxie grabs Archie. We run up the stairs while we shoot shadow mephits.

Suddenly Douxie and had the same idea of the candles from the fire. We took the fire and with a confirming nod we shoot it at the Shadow mephits.

We start laughing at the Burning shadow mephits.

Merlin:" fire?"

Hisirdoux:" yeah, magic fire"

Merlin:" in a bookstore?"

Y/n:" but mephits are vulnerable to fire-"

Merlin:" move it!"

Was all he said before shoving us out of the door and up the roof. Where the others were also fighting mephits.

We shoot them off and Merlin destroys the ship glass thingy. And out comes the ship, we walk on it. 

When everyone's on i start to run for it too but before I can get on it, I feel a unbearable pain suddenly sting my leg.

I hear Douxie's voice shout for me, I fall to the floor and look to see blood trickling down.

I keep shooting mephits away from me and off, I try to get too my feet but immediately stumble back down.

Until I feel someone pick me up and shoot more Mephits away, I look and see Double had picked me up like it was nothing. He rushed to the ship and and laid me down gently.

I look over the edge after I stumbled to my feet, Douxie still supporting me and holding me gently, I look and see something horrifying.

A knight chastened in green, he gave me a familiar feeling like I knew him. The mephits jumped into him and his eyes linger on me.

Douxie looks scared but I feel terrified when he whispers.

Green knight:"  Girl....."

Douxie stares at me and sees my terrified expression before he turns serious and angry.

The knight starts shooting things at us and  he lurches us back onto the ground. I cling to him, as we fall back and look to see Merlin shout.

Merlin:" look out!"

Before my vision deserted me and I see black in front of my eyes. All I hear before I see black is.

Douxie:" hang on love, please. I can't lose you again...please.."

Before I saw black.

Here ya go! Hope you liked it! Also one thing, for those people who read this. I got a lot of inspiration from Awkward___tortilla she wrote the book off  Douxie x fem! Reader.

It's really good! I recommend it! Hope you liked it and see ya around. Love y'all and stay safe and healthy!

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