Isuke Uchiha: Tales of an Uch...

By UchihaToxicCry

2.2K 174 20

The world of Naruto had evolved since the Fourth Great Ninja War. Now, a new era had begun, and the village o... More

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Genin Test
Special Chapter: Itachi Uchiha Part 1
Chapter 3: First Mission
Chapter 4: Hot Spring Paradise
Chapter 5: Hidden Rain Village (Part 1)
Chapter 6: Hidden Rain Village (Part 2)
Chapter 7: Cursed Child
Chapter 8: Hanae's Resolve
Chapter 9: A Distant Future

Special Chapter: The New Ino-Shika-Cho Formation

83 11 0
By UchihaToxicCry

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update of the stories I've honestly been hoping and waiting for more readers to read the previous chapters and vote on them but today I decided to treat you guys with a bit more of content!

This chapter will be an introductory chapter to the New Ino-Shika-Cho formation! I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I liked making it!

Updated on October 11th 2023

Amidst the departure of Team 7 on their C-rank mission from the Hidden Leaf Village, Team 6, a recently established trio of young shinobi, was en route to the training grounds where their enigmatic sensei was scheduled to meet them for their preliminary exam. As they ventured through the leafy expanse, a cloud of curiosity seemed to hang in the air.

Chorui, one of the members of Team 6, broke the silence with a query that stirred their collective imagination. "So," he began, casually munching on a bag of sea-salted chips, "what do you guys thinks our sensei looks like?" The prospect of unveiling the mystery that shrouded their sensei's appearance intrigued them all.

Inoue, with a hint of playful sarcasm, offered his own lighthearted theory. "I'm betting on someone along the lines of a perverted idiot, you know, just to fund their monthly magazine subscription," he suggested, prompting a chuckle from the team.

He then playfully bumped into Shikaze, insinuating that she might have already made up her mind in the idea. Shikaze, unruffled by the good-natured banter, gently pushed Inoue away, maintaining a measured distance. "I guess I'm too busy for those trivial mischiefs you guys indulge in," she retorted, her tone betraying a sense of seriousness.

Chorui quickly retorted, a playful glint in his eyes as he teased, "Please... you just spend your time napping everywhere you get the chance to."

Shikaze responded in a soft, good-humored tone, "Well, I'd rather sneak in a few rejuvenating catnaps than dedicate ninety percent of my life to snacking on junk food and risking unwanted weight gain." Their friendly banter added a sense of camaraderie to their journey toward the training grounds.

Shikaze's enigmatic personality made it challenging for anyone to discern whether her statements were serious, sarcastic, or merely in jest. As a result, her companions had learned to take her remarks slide.

"At any rate, we shouldn't even bother about what they might be like." Shikaze added.

"You're probably right." Inoue replies.

As they reached the designated meeting spot, the trio immediately spotted a tall figure awaiting their arrival.

Standing tall with periwinkle-colored hair, their new sensei focused his intense gaze on the trio. A palpable seriousness radiated from him as he addressed them. "You guys must be my students."

Despite their anxiety, all three of the young ninjas nodded in unison, maintaining a respectful silence. The tense atmosphere began to dissipate as their sensei broke into hearty laughter. His reassuring words brought some relief to the group.

"Why are you guys so nervous? It's not like I'm going to kill you or anything!" he chuckled warmly, attempting to ease their anxiety.

The trio exchanged incredulous glances, their thoughts syncing almost telepathically: "This is our sensei?"

Realizing that his laughter was met with bewildered expressions, he swiftly composed himself. "Alright, let's get back to why we're here..."

Their sensei continued to speak, providing more details about the nature of their preliminary exam, all the while the students absorbed the information, some not as eager to prove their abilities.

"My name is Ichigo Sarutobi," A hushed anticipation filled the clearing as Ichigo Sarutobi, with his periwinkle hair and a demeanor that initially seemed easygoing, introduced himself. The three students hung on his words, realizing the gravity of their situation. As he announced the purpose of their meeting - a preliminary exam that would determine your fates as my students - a heavy silence settled upon them, and Ichigo's once-soft expression transformed into a stern visage. The intensity in his eyes was impossible to ignore, making it clear that he wasn't joking; the exam would be a pivotal moment for each of them.

Chorui voiced his confusion with a furrowed brow, "Back to the Academy? But we've already graduated from it."

Inoue chimed in, his concern evident, "Indeed, what's the point of going through the graduation if this preliminary exam might just lead us right back to where we started?"

"Even though you've managed to graduate from the academy," he said with a sly smirk, "I still have the final say on whether your graduation was truly based on your worth or not." His words hung in the air, charged with anticipation. "So, with that said, I will put your skills to the ultimate test – a no-holds-barred spar against me."

In response to their sensei's words, the three of them widened their eyes in sheer disbelief.

Inoue couldn't contain his astonishment, blurting out, "Is this guy serious? How are we supposed to defeat you? You're a jōnin up against three genin!"

Ichigo assumed a battle stance with confidence and excitement. "Precisely!" he declared. "Consider this a handicap, giving you the upper hand in numbers. Now, let us begin!"

Shikaze, on the other hand, sighed in a rather nonchalant manner. "This is gonna be a drag," she muttered as she leaped backward, putting more distance between herself and Ichigo.

Chorui and Inoue swiftly adopted battle stances, their unwavering focus fixed on Ichigo.

Ichigo couldn't help but reflect on the differences he perceived in his young students. As they squared off, he thought to himself, "I can already tell, just from this interaction alone, that one lacks motivation to become a shinobi, one lacks common sense, and one doesn't seem to be confident in their skills to succeed. This alone might be their downfall today; hopefully, it won't be their downfall in the future."

Shikaze nonchalantly plopped down on the ground and let out a loud yawn. "You guys can take care of him. I'm gonna take a nap," she announced, closing her eyes and letting her head hang, arms crossed.

Inoue, visibly frustrated, turned his back on Ichigo, his green eyes darkening with anger. He confronted Shikaze with a mix of exasperation and concern, "Are you an idiot, Shikaze?! We're already at a disadvantage with you. What makes you think we'll stand a chance without you!?"

Shikaze responded with another nonchalant yawn, "All the more reason for me to step down from this fight. What's the point in trying when... it's already a losing game?"

Chorui, undeterred by Shikaze's lack of enthusiasm, maintained his battle-ready stance and chimed in, "Pay no mind to her, Inoue. Let's focus on the real problem at hand," his concentration fixed on Ichigo.

"Too late!" Ichigo exclaimed as he charged toward Inoue, who had his back turned. His first punch was aimed at Inoue's ribs, but Chorui swiftly intercepted, blocking the attack with his muscular arms.

The impact of Chorui's defense against Ichigo's punch resonated with a loud thud, causing a wave of relief to wash over Inoue, who realized he had a teammate looking out for him.

"Thanks, Chorui! I wouldn't have been able to block it in time," Inoue expressed his gratitude before performing a nimble front flip toward Ichigo, his leg targeting Ichigo's shoulder.

Ichigo deftly blocked Inoue's move and seized Inoue's extended leg, executing a swift turn and slamming Inoue forcefully against the ground, showcasing his experience and skill as their assigned sensei.

Upon Inoue's impact with the ground, blood spewed from his mouth as he groaned in agonizing pain.

Chorui, fueled with determination, swiftly advanced toward Ichigo at remarkable speed, weaving hand signs, and infusing his right fist with crackling lightning chakra.

Lightning Style: Lightning Punch

His electrified fist connecting with Ichigo's palm. However, to Chorui's astonishment, the lightning dissipated without inflicting any harm, leaving him staring at Ichigo with a mix of shock and uncertainty.

"Is that the best you've got, Chorui?" Ichigo taunted as they locked into a heated hand-to-hand combat. He swung his left leg toward Chorui, but Chorui swiftly blocked it with his massive forearm.

Chorui, undeterred by Ichigo's taunts, countered with a left punch that had been enlarged through his partial expansion jutsu, aiming squarely for the center of Ichigo's face. "Don't you dare to look down on me!"

Ichigo, quick on his feet, managed to block Chorui's punch just in the nick of time, their clash intensifying with each passing moment.

Inoue's determination drove him to dash towards Ichigo, launching a calculated series of kicks in a simultaneous combo, each one infused with every ounce of his strength, aimed to strike the Jōnin from behind.

As Inoue's rapid kicks descended upon Ichigo, a shadow seemed to fall over his eyes, his focus razor-sharp as he seamlessly deflected every single one of Inoue's powerful strikes. It was evident that Ichigo found genuine pleasure in this clash, whether it was with his students or any adversary.

With the battle intensifying, Ichigo couldn't help but comment, "Seems like this little preliminary exam has truly begun to heat up boys!" his observation coinciding with the arrival of Chorui, who joined the tumultuous brawl between the three shinobi.

Ichigo leaped into the air, evading the oncoming attacks from Inoue and Chorui, and swiftly wove hand signs.

Wind Style: Gale Wave!

A powerful gust of wind erupted from Ichigo's technique, forcefully propelling Inoue and Chorui away from him. However, they were not backing down from the fight. The two dashed back toward Ichigo.

Upon landing on his feet, Ichigo demonstrated his prowess with a swift and powerful kick, driving it into Inoue's stomach with enough force to send him hurtling five meters away from him.

Chorui surged forward, channeling lightning nature chakra into his right hook for another attempt at striking his sensei.

Lightning Style: Lightning Punch!

Chorui unleashed the electrified blow, but Ichigo exhibited his agility, gracefully twisting his upper body clockwise to evade Chorui's punch with ease.

In a swift counter-move, Ichigo struck Chorui in the stomach with his right knee, demonstrating his mastery of combat techniques.

"Let me show you what a real lightning punch looks like." As the intensity of the battle grew, Ichigo's left fist began to crackle and radiate with lightning, creating a dazzling and ominous display of power. With precision, he directed the electrified punch toward Chorui's face, a menacing storm brewing in his clenched fist.

But amidst this electrifying spectacle, Inoue, who had managed to rise from the ground despite his previous injuries, let out a resounding shout, his voice resonating with determination. His outstretched hands were aimed like a conductor's baton, not at Chorui, but at Ichigo.

In an abrupt and mystifying move, Inoue invoked.

Mind Transfer Jutsu

As the technique took hold, Inoue's physical form crumpled, falling to its side, leaving behind an empty vessel. His consciousness now linked with Ichigo's, the outcome of this unusual fusion hung in the balance, promising an unforeseeable twist in the battle.

The lightning that had surrounded Ichigo's hand gradually dissipated as he confirmed, "Mind Transfer Jutsu complete."

Inoue's triumphant smirk was cut short as he attempted to give further orders. However, his words faltered, and Ichigo's body abruptly froze in place.

Within the recesses of Ichigo's mind, Inoue was greeted by a disorienting void of pure darkness, a chilling sensation enveloping him. Perplexed by the situation, Inoue began to cautiously survey his surroundings, searching for any semblance of clarity or direction in this enigmatic mental landscape.

Inoue found himself trapped in the eerie void of Ichigo's mind, but before he could make sense of his surroundings, "You think that you can get inside my head so freely and have 0 consequences for doing so?" Ichigo's voice reverberated ominously. As he spoke, obsidian hands erupted from the ground, clutching Inoue firmly by the ankles, while an immense, grotesque figure began to surface from the darkness—an enormous kappa.

The kappa's deafening screeches echoed through the mental abyss, causing Inoue's very soul to quiver in fear. The black hands continued their relentless grip on his ankles, pulling him inexorably downward into the unknown depths of Ichigo's mind.

Inoue's panic surged as he was confronted by the terrifying presence within Ichigo's mind. Fearing the unknown, he hastily released his jutsu, returning to his own body.

As Ichigo regained consciousness, he found himself ensnared by Chorui's immense hand through the Partial Expansion Jutsu.

Ichigo attempted to initiate a countermeasure with a hand sign but was bewildered to discover that he couldn't move. He cast his gaze downward, noticing a long, thin shadow extending from his own to Shikaze's shadow, both now connected in an eerie and unsettling manner. The situation had taken an unexpected turn.

Ichigo found himself ensnared by Shikaze's Shadow Possession Jutsu, unable to move or act.

"I thought you wasn't going to take part on this." Ichigo says.

As Shikaze explained her cunning plan, her smirk remained. "It was all a part of my plan," she revealed. "You see, being the daughter of the Hokage's assistant, I knew for a fact that it's mandatory for each sensei to test their students before working with them on missions. It's the most effective method to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each individual and helps the sensei to assess how each member benefits or hinders the team. I pretended not to care about this, causing disharmony between the three of us, making you believe that we lacked the foundations of being a three-man squad."

Ichigo, now comprehending the scheme that had been played out, could only marvel at Shikaze's strategic brilliance.

Shikaze, still firmly in control of the situation, maintained her calculated demeanor. "Starting the test right away, you didn't give yourself the chance to see how we interact with each other... and that was your downfall," she asserted.

Ichigo, somewhat taken aback, asked, "So you were indeed interested in passing this test?"

Shikaze shook her head, dispelling any doubt, "Not at all, that part was the truth." However, her tone turned ominous, and a dark aura enveloped her as she sported a mischievous grin. "But I wasn't about to lose to someone who clearly didn't have a strategy." Her cunning was undeniable.

Ichigo found himself genuinely impressed, recognizing that he had underestimated the determination and resourcefulness of his young students.

— I've underestimated their will of fire, — he reflected inwardly, acknowledging the fiery spirit that had driven Inoue, Chorui, and Shikaze throughout their test.

Standing side by side with Shikaze, Inoue and Chorui wore smiles that stretched from ear to ear, their expressions radiating a newfound confidence. They looked at their sensei, having proven that they were more than ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

Ichigo reciprocated their smiles with his own, a hint of nervousness creeping in. He scratched the back of his head before speaking, "I see... I guess I was so excited to have students that I wanted to show off." He then clapped his hands together, suggesting, "How about lunch to celebrate this moment? My treat, of course."

Chorui, feeling his hunger pangs, enthusiastically chimed in, "Alright!" The idea of a celebratory lunch was met with unanimous agreement from the three students, marking the end of their intense but enlightening test and the beginning of a new chapter as a united team.

As Ichigo took the lead, he began walking away from the training ground, accompanied by his new team members, Inoue, Chorui, and Shikaze.

They arrived at the restaurant and paused outside its entrance. Ichigo looked at the three young shinobi, contemplating the future. He thought to himself, "The new Ino-Shika-Cho formation does seem promising." With a sense of optimism and anticipation, they entered the restaurant, ready to enjoy their celebratory meal and embark on their journey as a formidable team.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think about it. I will continue to edit it in the future because I feel like I did the battle scene too fast. But let me know guys!

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